Goal Seven: The Progressive Movement in the United States (1890-1914) - The learner will analyze the economic, political, and social reforms of the Progressive Period. Objectives 7.01 Explain the conditions that led to the rise of Progressivism. 7.02 Analyze how different groups of Americans made economic and political gains in the Progressive Period. 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Chapter 17: Progressive Movement Progressivism Put the next 3 on the progressive organizer chart Religious Groups Radicals Press (ok, now you can write in your notes) Robert Lafollette Direct Primary Utilities Suffrage Theodore Roosevelt (1901-09) Square Deal 1902 Anthracite Coal strike Curb Trusts Northern Securities Company, 1902 Northern Securities v. US, 1904 1903 Elkins Act 2006 Pure Food and Drug Act, 1906 Conservation TR’s contributions William H. Taft (1909-1913) Payne-Aldrich Tariff, 1909 Mann-Elkins Act, 1910 16th Amendment 17th Amendment Initiative Referendum Recall American Tobacco v. US, 1911 Progressive Party 1912 Election Woodrow Wilson New Freedom Underwood Tariff 18th Amendment 19th Amendment Federal Reserve System, 1913 Clayton Act, 1914 Civil rights Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Progressivism Greatest reform movement since abolition Wanted govt. to correct the social and economic problems Middle class movement 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School The ROOTS 2006 Progressive roots are in the Populists and Grangers Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Religious Groups 2006 Social Gospel Movement YMCA Salvation Army Religious groups respond to needs of society The Temperance Movement gained momentum Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School 2006 Carrie A. Nation Leader in the Temperance Movement 6 feet tall and weighing 180 pounds When she pleaded her case to the court she said, "Kansas has a prohibition law making saloons illegal. Therefore my acts were not illegal." Husband died from drinking Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Radicals Socialists Eugene V. Debs Ran for President 5 times as a socialist 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School The Press and Muckrakers Investigative journalists Showing the problems with society 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Upton Sinclair Wrote The Jungle (1906) Showed problems with meat packing industry 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Ida M. Tarbell History of Standard Oil (1902) Problems with monopolies 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Lincoln Steffens 2006 Wrote The Shame of Cities (1904) Describes the corrupt deals of big city politics Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Jacob Riis 2006 Photojournalist muckraker Showed problems of the poor in cities; urban slums Wrote How the Other Half Lives (1890) Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School State Reformers Robert M. LaFollette Progressive Governor of Wisconsin; reformer Nickname was Fightin’ Bob Used many Populist ideas in government Direct primary 2006 more power to voters Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Utilities 2006 Progressives called for government ownership of utilities Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Suffrage 2006 Women’s movement to get the right to vote Susan B. Anthony among the leaders Elizabeth Cady Stanton, etc. They petitioned at the local, state and federal level Went to court eventually Minor v. Happersett, 1875 Women were citizens That didn’t give them the right to vote If you can keep the right to vote from the mentally insane then you can keep it from women Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) Republican who became President after McKinley was assassinated McKinley was killed by Leon Czolgoz (anarchist) Inspired by the killing of the King of Italy Doctors flushed McKinley’s system McKinley died 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Square Deal TR’s platform Protect the little people from big business 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School 1902 Anthracite Coal Strike 2006 One of TR’s first acts was to end a coal strike in Pennsylvania, 1902 President can end strikes to protect the American people Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Curb Trusts TR didn’t think all trusts were bad He wanted to keep the good ones and get rid of the bad ones He also gave more power to the Sherman Anti-trust Act 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Northern Securities Company, 1902 TR’s first big victory against trusts It was a holding company owned by JP Morgan Tried to gain a monopoly in the northwest railroads TR attacked it and it was upheld by the courts Other trusts were declared unconstitutional 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Northern Securities v. US, 1904 Upheld Roosevelt’s actions in breaking up the railroad monopoly Led to more attacks against trusts 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Also broke up Standard Oil Standard Oil Esso Eastern States Standard Oil (Exxon) Mobil Amoco-American Oil Company (BP) Chevron Sunoco Conoco 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Trustbuster: TR’s Nickname 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School TR gave more power to the Interstate Commerce Act and attacked the Railroads 1903- Elkins Act: illegal to give rebates or change rates without notification; railroads 1906-Hepburn Act: set maximum rates for railroads 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School MEAT After Sinclair’s book……what was is called? Pure Food and Drug Act, 1906: list ingredients and change food processing techniques Meat Inspection Act Many times coal was used to change color and formaldehyde used for preservation 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Mary had a little lamb, And when she saw it sicken She shipped it off to Packingtown, And now it is labeled chicken 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Conservation TR considered conservation the most important problem in the US Set up wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, etc. 148 million acres; same size of Germany 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School No Third Term 2006 TR made a promise not to run for a third term This made him a lame duck president Lost some of his power “The power of a king wains if they know he will be dead in 4 years” Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School 1906: TR pushed for the introduction of the forward pass 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School TR’s Contributions 2006 Expanded power of the executive branch Shaped the Progressive movement Precursor to New Deal Power of the US Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School TR Boxer Hunter Went to Africa to big game hunt Fighter 2006 Injured eye (partially blind) Fought in the war with Spain Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School William H. Taft (1909-1913) TR promised not to run for a third term (handpicked Taft) Taft was Republican Defeated William J. Bryan Attacked all trusts Sold some of the land set aside by TR 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Payne-Aldrich Tariff, 1909 Taft had promised to lower tariffs, but he raised tariffs Angered Progressives 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Mann-Elkins Act, 1910 More control over railroads and telegraph companies (trusts) under the Interstate Commerce Commission 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School 16th Amendment National income tax 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School 17th Amendment Direct election of Senators 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Types of Bills Initiative-bill written by citizens presented to their elected member who introduces the bill into the General Assembly Referendum-”Refer” to the people to vote Elected officials do not want to vote because possibility of negative public response Recall- Voters will be able to vote to remove public officials American Tobacco v. US, 1911 Founded by JB Duke Broke the tobacco trust into several companies Taft was President Broken into other companies American Tobacco Company R. J. Reynolds Liggett & Meyers Tobacco Company 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School TR Returns TR didn’t like what Taft was doing and decided to run for President Progressive Party Bull Moose Party Third Party of TR’s 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School "It Takes More Than That to Kill a Bull Moose" TR was shot in an assassination attempt by John Schrank, who had been having disturbing dreams about TR's predecessor, William McKinley and also thought that no president should serve more than two terms. Schrank spent the rest of his life in a mental institution. I saw President McKinley sit up in his coffin pointing at a man in monk's attire in whom I recognized Theodore Roosevelt. The dead president said, "This is my murderer, avenge my death." 2006 Schrank had stalked TR for thousands of miles before getting a clear shot at him in Milwaukee. Schrank was caught on the spot Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School 1912 Election In the 1912 election, the Republican party split their votes between Taft and TR, allowing Wilson (Dem) to win TR got more votes than Taft, but the Democrats won 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Woodrow Wilson (1913-1920) 2006 Democrat Progressive First Democrat since Cleveland and Johnson Wilson also believed in a strong executive branch like TR TR, Taft and Wilson were all Progressive Presidents Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School New Freedom Wilson’s platform Attacks the Triple Wall of Privilege The Three T’s Tariffs Trusts Banking 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Tariffs Underwood Tariff Lowers tariffs Lowest since the Civil War Where would the money lost from the high tariffs be made up? 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Wilson would pass other Amendments 18th Amendment Prohibition 19th Amendment Woman’s suffrage 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School 2006 Federal Reserve Bank System, 1913 divided the nation into 12 districts with federal reserve banks More control of the money supply Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Attacking trusts Federal Trade Commission, 1914 investigate unfair business practices Clayton Act, 1914 unions have a right to exist and strikes were legal 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Civil Rights Progressives did little to aid Civil Rights 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School Who were the three Progressive Presidents? Teddy Roosevelt William H. Taft Woodrow Wilson 2006 Hill Pearsall-Topsail High School