ECE 477 DESIGN REVIEW TEAM 08 SPRING 2010 Greg Ananya Seraj Beau Outline Project overview Project-specific success criteria Block diagram Component selection rationale Packaging design Schematic and theory of operation PCB layout Software design/development status Project completion timeline Questions / discussion Project Overview Autonomous robot Simulates behavior of dog fetching Tracks a thrown object, picks it up, and returns it to thrower Able to avoid obstacles Computer vision Able to recognize an object using a camera Follows object using computer vision algorithms (SIFT) Project-Specific Success Criteria An ability to identify a target object within a captured image An ability to control vehicle direction and speed An ability to recognize nearby objects in anticipation of avoiding said objects An ability to pick up an object autonomously An ability to record a GPS location in order to verify that DOG has returned to this location Block Diagram Component Selection Rationale Microcontroller Freescale MC9S12A 8-channel PWM Dual SCI Familiar architecture Chassis Self-designed and built Cheapest Greatest flexibility for designing neck/arm Component Selection Rationale Vision processor Intel Atom board Available for free Ability to use high- level languages H-bridges VNH3SP30 30A capable PWM drive Component Selection Rationale Motors Planetary gear motor High torque Stall torque 152 oz-in (x4) Ample speed No load 1023 RPM GPS PMB-248 Accuracy of ±2m 1 second refresh rate Component Selection Rationale Sonar Sensors LV-MaxSonar-EZ3 6” to 254” range with 1” resolution 3 ¼” diameter dowel Packaging Design Chassis House electrical components Neck Extends to reach out and grab object Head Top mounted camera for maximum field of view Tail Aesthetics (possible GPS mounting position) Packaging Design Packaging Design Head Neck Body Camera GPS (tail?) Servos (TBA) Ultrasonic Sensors Motors Batteries Atom Schematic/Theory of Operation Schematic/Theory of Operation LM2675 Input: 14.4V Output: 5.0V Drives: Micro, Servos, Sensors, GPS, Level Translator AP1509 Input: 14.4V Output: 12.0V (2.0A) Drives: Atom board Schematic- H-Bridge VNH3SP30 Power Input: 8.4V @ 30 A Logic Input: PWM, Direction and Enabling I/O @ 5.0V Drives: Motor(x2) 8.4V @ 30A GND Battery Test Points µC PWM Pin Enable and direction pins Schematic-Level Translators MAX3232 Input: TTL Rx/Tx Output: RS-232 Rx/Tx Allows for serial communication Schematic - Microcontroller MC9S12A 8-Ch PWM Motor Drivers (x2) Servos (x6) 8-Ch ATD Sonar Sensors (x3) 24-Ch I/O Motor Drivers (x8) LEDs (x4) Push Buttons (x3) 2-Ch Serial Atom Board (x1) GPS (x1) H-Bridges Schematic-Oscillator and BDM 6 MHz quartz crystal Pierce oscillator BDM connector Used for debugging Reset BKGND (signal) Power / Ground PCB Layout PCB Layout – H Bridge Wide traces/ multiple traces for power rails Drill holes for soldering Heat sink drill holes Output headers connected through thick traces to the motor PCB Layout – Oscillator Very close to microcontroller No traces allowed underneath PCB Considerations-1 High power circuitry, High current part Digital Part digital and analog subsystems are separated and placed in different sections Bypass capacitors placed close to the microcontroller Peripherals and connectors are oriented on the edges for easy accessibility Bypass Capacitors PCB Considerations-2 One main Power and Ground system Bulk capacitors between the power terminals Ground and power traces run parallel 8.4v power supply runs on 150 mils power and ground traces 14.4v power supply runs on 22 mils power and ground traces Bulk Capacitors Power Ground Software Design/Development Status Complete Tested functionality of GPS, Servos, Sonar, Atom, Motors, Micro Tested Vision tracking and the use of SIFT Prototype interfaces with Servos, Sonar, Micro Layout of all chassis parts Incomplete Machining of all chassis parts Chassis assembly Software development Integration Project Completion Timeline Task Final PCB Assemble chassis Mount components Write vision software Write drive software Write sonar software Write GPS software Write Servo control software Integration Algorithm expansion System testing Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 QUESTIONS/DISCUSSION Appendix A: System Flow Chart Appendix B: Software Gantt Chart Buy SmartDraw!- purchased copies print this document without a watermark . Visit or call 1-800-768-3729.