Mere Christianity Chapter Questions

Steven Agnew
Mere Christianity Chapter Note Questions
(All answers to these questions are according to the book, it does not mean they are the right or wrong answers)
Right and Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe
Chapter 1
The Law of Human Nature
How does morality change among civilizations across the world?
Why is it that humans feel that they need to behave a certain way and cannot get rid of that feeling?
Chapter 2
Some Objections
How is Moral Law different than human instinct?
Why should you not implement any one instinct as a rule of thumb to follow at all costs?
Chapter 3
The Reality of the Law
Does what a person think is incorrect merely mean that it is not convenient for their purpose?
What created the guidelines for decent conduct?
Chapter 4
What Lies Behind the Law
What is the materialist view?
What is the religious view?
What job/role does science play in our existence?
Chapter 5
We Have Cause to Be Uneasy
What is progress?
What two pieces of evidence show that there is something beyond us?
What Christians Believe
Chapter 1
The Rival Conceptions of God
What is one thing that Christians do not believe?
What is the first big division of humanity?
Steven Agnew
Chapter 2
The Invasion
Why is Atheism too simple?
How are all real things complex?
Chapter 3
The Shocking Alternative
What is Dualism? (Hint: Think about Binaries)
Why would God give us freewill if he wants us to do what is right?
Chapter 4
The Perfect Penitent
What does God share with humans?
What is perfect submission?
Chapter 5
The Practical Conclusion
How does an individual get to become a perfect happy creature?
What three things spread Christ-life to people?
Christian Behavior
Chapter 1
The Three Parts of Morality
What is a common stereotype of morality?
What are the two ways the human machine goes wrong?
Chapter 2
The ‘Cardinal Virtues’
What are the four Cardinal Virtues? And who recognizes them?
What are the three Theological Virtues? And who knows about them?
Chapter 3
Social Morality
What Golden Rule has always been known to be right?
What ancient advice has been completely disobeyed by the modern economic system?
Steven Agnew
Chapter 4
Morality and Psychoanalysis
How does psychoanalysis overlap with Christian morality?
What two things are involved when making a moral decision?
Chapter 5
Sexual Morality
What is the difference among the Christian Rule of Chastity and the social rule of modesty?
What is the biological reason for sex?
How is the impulse of sex a warped nature?
Chapter 6
Christian Marriage
What is the ideology behind Christian marriage?
What constrained promise occurs during a Christian marriage?
Chapter 7
Who does “thy neighbor” include in the bible?
Why must we forgive our enemies?
Chapter 8
The Great Sin
What is the Central vice of Christianity?
How is pride competitive by its own nature?
Chapter 9
What does charity/alms mean?
How does Christian charity lead to affection?
Chapter 10
What is “The Fools Way”?
What is “The Way of the Disillusioned Sensible Man”?
Chapter 11
Faith (1st Sense)
What is faith?
Who was the only man to ever yield temptation?
Steven Agnew
Chapter 12
Faith (2nd Sense)
Why are the words “leave it to God” misunderstood?
Is charity and moral effort truly enough?
Beyond Personality or First Steps in the Doctrine of the Trinity
Chapter 1
Making and Begetting
What does Theology mean?
How is Theology relatable to a map?
Chapter 2
The Three-Personal God
What do people mean when they say a “personal god”?
What is different among the Divine level of being?
Chapter 3
Time and Beyond Time
How can God exist outside of the timeline of life?
How can God be in the past, present, and future all at once?
Chapter 4
Good Infection
How many persons is God?
How can “God be love” if god isn’t two people?
Chapter 5
The Obstinate Toy Soldiers
What difference has Christ made in the human mass?
How can a person catch the good infection of Christ?
Chapter 6
Two Notes
Why did God not beget multiple sons?
How is the father’s relationship with the son different from the son’s relationship with the father?
Steven Agnew
Chapter 7
Let’s Pretend
What does “Our Father” mean in prayer?
When praying, how are you “pretending” to be Christ?
Who/What is the real Giver?
Chapter 8
Is Christianity Hard or Easy?
What is the Christian “way”?
What is the purpose of Christ for humans?
Chapter 9
Counting the Cost
How is the Lord like a dentist?
How is God easy to please, but hard to satisfy?
Chapter 10
Nice People or New Men
Why are Christians not noticeably nicer than non-Christians?
What kind of people did Christ attract on Earth?
Chapter 11
The New Men
How is evolution related to Christianity?
How is Christ the “first instance” of the new man?
How do you find your real self?