English Homeworks De 09-13 de Febrero 2015 The value of the month is: Friendship “A friend is the best treasure’’ Primero de primaria Teacher: Miguel Ángel Cedillos. MONDAY Make a picture of a little boy and a little girl. (hair, mouth, nose, eyebrow, eyes, etc.) Hacer un dibujo de una niña y un niño que contenga las siguientes categorías. Cabello, boca, nariz, etc. TUESDAY Draw and label the parts of your body. Dibuja tu cuerpo y nombra las partes WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Translate the following words: Traduzca las siguientes palabras: Food Wáter Exercise Home Sleep Family Friend Love Translate the following words: Traduce las siguientes palabras: Jacket Socks Shoes Pants Shirt Skirt Sweater Dress Shorts Translate the following vocabulary: Trudazca el siguiente vocabulario: Jacket Socks Shoes Pants Shirt Food Wáter Exercise Home Sleep Segundo ‘A’ Y ‘B’ de primaria Maestra: Yazmin Carrera MONDAY TUESDAY What clothes to use for each season? -Summer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Spring 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fall 1. 2. 3. 4., 5. Winter 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Read the story ‘’The seasons’’ To your mom or dad #1 Answer the worksheet #2 English Log WEDNESDAY Seasonl Activities -Complete the sentences In the spring In the summer In the fall In the winter 1. I build a snowman______ 2. I eat icecream _____________ 3. I fly a kite___________ 4. I wear boots_________ 5. I wear sunglasses______ 6. I go to the pool__________ 7.I ride my bike__________ 8.I go sledding________ 9.I wear shorts_________ 10.I wear jacket_________ 11.I drink lemoade_______12.Irake the leaves_________ THURSDAY FRIDAY #1 On cardboard draw your favorite season of the year and write the different activities you can do #2 English Log Read the story to your mom and/or dad and paint a draw to represent it Tercero de primaria Teacher: Pablo Adrián Ángeles Guaderrama MONDAY Research: how to say “Hello” in other language. Write it down and draw a picture of a person saying hello in that language. Remember to paint your draw. TUESDAY Fill the chart: Riverville 1610 Riverville 1940 Riverville 1610 There _____ canoes. There _____ any pollution. There _____ clean water. Riverville 1940 There _____ any bears. There _____ cars. There _____ any canoes. There _____ canoes. There _____ any bears. There _____ any pollution. There _____ cars. There _____ clean water. There _____ any canoes. WEDNESDAY Make three statements comparing how your house used to be and how it is now using “There was/were” and “There is/are”. Example: There were a lot of toys,. Now, there are a lot of books. THURSDAY FRIDAY Draw, paint and explain the water cycle. Study the vocabulary. **Vocabulary quiz on Monday** Cuarto de primaria Teacher: Pablo Adrián Ángeles Guaderrama MONDAY Study vocabulary for vocabulary quiz on Tuesday. TUESDAY Write a prediction for the year 2100 using “will”. Draw and paint a picture to illustrate your prediction. WEDNESDAY Write a sentence using “will” making a prediction of how vacations will be in the future. Draw and paint a picture to illustrate your sentence. THURSDAY Ask to one member of your family: What will you do tomorrow? Write the answer. Draw and paint a picture to illustrate it. FRIDAY Study vocabulary Quinto de primaria Teacher: Miguel Ángel Cedillos. LUNES MARTES MIÈRCOLES Make a Bring a list of Make 30 proposal to 30 sentences improve your comparative using school. 1 full and 30 superlative pg. No superlative and words with comparatives. printing. their translation. JUEVES VIERNES Study vocabulary Sexto de primaria Teacher: Miguel Ángel Cedillos MONDAY Bring the following objects: Plastic jar Food coloring Drinking straw Clay TUESDAY Write 20 sentences using past passive. Example: Larry was saved by his dog! WEDNESDAY Look for 25 professions and what services they give. Example: Places Services Mechanic´ s Have oil change Optician´s Have eyes checked THURSDAY Bring 15 words that end with – tion and 15 words that end with sion. FRIDAY Study vocabulary