5th Grade Science & Social Studies Mrs. Hatcher & Mr. Fletcher

5th Grade Science & Social Studies
Mrs. Hatcher & Mr. Fletcher
Date 11/28/11
Focused Standard: ESS 10.5.1 Compare the physical characteristics of the sun to other stars:
size, color, brightness
Materials and Equipment: Brain Pop video, orange bulletin board paper, scissors, paper clips,
meter tape, Houghton Mifflin 5th grade handout D 74-D77
Instructional Strategies Watch the Brain Pop video on the Sun and take the review quiz. Also
read and discuss the Houghton Mifflin handout D74-D77 on the sun compared to other stars. Do
the How Far is the Sun Lab from the Aims book.
Vocabulary Words:
Word 1 magnitude
Word 2 stars
Yes { }
No {x}
Social Studies:
Focus H6.5.23 Examine the impact of early exploration and settlements of the Spanish, British,
and French in North America
5th Grade Science & Social Studies
Mrs. Hatcher & Mr. Fletcher
Date 11/29/11
Focused Standard: ESS 10.5.3 Compare the properties of planets in our solar system: size,
shape, density, atmosphere, distance from the sun, orbital path, moons, surface, composition
Materials and Equipment: Buckle Down handout, science text book
Instructional Strategies Student will read and answer the questions in the Buckle Down Review
Lesson 13 on Outer Space. Also read Chapter 13 Lessons 2 and 3 on the solar system. Students
will answer the compare and contrast questions and the main idea and detail questions in the
lesson. Students will also answer the questions in the lesson reviews.
Vocabulary Words:
Word 1 planets
Word 2 satellites
Yes { }
No {X}
Social Studies
Focus H6.5.23 Examine the impact of early exploration and settlements of the Spanish, British,
and French in North America
5th Grade Science & Social Studies
Mrs. Hatcher & Mr. Fletcher
Date 11/30/11
Focused Standard: ESS 10.5.3 Compare the properties of planets in our solar system: size,
shape, density, atmosphere, distance from the sun, orbital path, moons, surface, composition
ESS 10.5.5 Compare the human’s body mass to weight on Earth, the moon, and other planets in
our solar system
Materials and Equipment: Brain Pop video, construction paper, scissors, index cards, colored
pencils, solar system handouts
Instructional Strategies Watch Brain Pop on Mercury and take the review quiz. Using the
information from the video and the solar system handouts students will make a scale size model
of Mercury. Students will also make a Solar System Trading Card of Mercury drawing the
planet on one side of the card and listing facts about the planet on the other. Students will also
calculate weight of a 100 pound person on Mercury.
Vocabulary Words:
Word 1 atmosphere
Word 2 composition
Yes { }
No {X}
Social Studies
Focus H6.5.23 Examine the impact of early exploration and settlements of the Spanish, British,
and French in North America
5th Grade Science & Social Studies
Mrs. Hatcher & Mr. Fletcher
Date 12/1/11
Focused Standard: ESS 10.5.3 Compare the properties of planets in our solar system: size,
shape, density, atmosphere, distance from the sun, orbital path, moons, surface, composition
ESS 10.5.5 Compare the human’s body mass to weight on Earth, the moon, and other planets in
our solar system
Materials and Equipment: Brain Pop video, construction paper, scissors, index cards, colored
pencils, solar system handouts.
Instructional Strategies Watch the Brain Pop video on Venus and take the review quiz. . Using
the information from the video and the handouts students will make a scale size model of Venus.
Students will also make a Solar System Trading Card of Venus drawing the planet on one side
and listing facts about the planet on the other. Students will calculate the weight of a 100 pound
person on Venus.
Vocabulary Words:
Word 1 astronomical distance
Word 2 orbital path
Yes { }
No {X}
Social Studies:
Focus H6.5.23 Examine the impact of early exploration and settlements of the Spanish, British,
and French in North America
5th Grade Science & Social Studies
Mrs. Hatcher & Mr. Fletcher
Date 12/2/11
Focused Standard: ESS 10.5.3 Compare the properties of planets in our solar system: size,
shape, density, atmosphere, distance from the sun, orbital path, moons, surface, composition
ESS 10.5.5 Compare the human’s body mass to weight on Earth, the moon, and other planets in
our solar system
Materials and Equipment: Brain Pop video, construction paper, scissors, index cards, colored
pencils, solar system handouts
Instructional Strategies Watch the Brain Pop video on Earth and take the review quiz. . Using
the information from the video and the handouts students will make a scale size model of Earth.
Students will also make a Solar System Trading Card of Earth drawing the planet on one side
and listing facts about the planet on the other.
Vocabulary Words:
Word 1 atmosphere
Word 2 composition
Yes { }
No {X}
Social Studies:
Focus H6.5.23 Examine the impact of early exploration and settlements of the Spanish, British,
and French in North America