Fall 2009
Stuart Allen
462 Economics Department
Office hours: By appointment, after class
Prerequisite: MBA 603 (1.5 hours)
Economic theory analyzes short-run and long-run effects of domestic fiscal, monetary and exchange rate
policies and the international consequences of global policy changes on the domestic economy.
The major objective of this course is to develop your economic understanding and analytical ability to assess
the current macroeconomic environment and government policies in the United States and other countries
(e.g. fiscal, monetary, and exchange rate policy). The course will utilize aggregated markets such as the
output, labor, credit/financial, reserve, money and foreign exchange markets to analyze the effect of changes
in monetary, fiscal and exchange policy in the context of the global economy. The lectures, discussions,
readings and assignments will help to develop your ability to analyze the current economic environment,
evaluate current government policies, and assess the risk facing businesses and households. Historical case
studies will be employed as an important teaching tool to explain the current global economic environment. .
Allen, Manuscript, available at the UNCG Bookstore only.
Dolan, Introduction to Macroeconomics, 3rd edition, available at the bookstores.
Extra Readings on-line
Check out government agencies such as,, and for additional information. The
Federal Reserve Corner is at
Political economic analysis of Paul Krugman and Brad DeLong and tax analysis of the Tax Foundation may
be of interest. (Google)
Test 1 – 20% – Class 3 – November 3
Test 2 – 30% - Class 5 – November 17
Final Exam – 50% – Class 7 – December 9
Incompletes are not an option. No extra credit.
A: 90 - 100
B: 80 - 89
C: 65 - 79
F: Less than 65
Can be found at
Attendance is necessary to absorb the course content. Missing class may be hazardous to your course
performance. If the unexpected happens and you have to miss class, you are responsible for the night’s
material. If you miss Test 1 the final exam will count a maximum of 100%. You may tape record the classes.
Most students will have little background or retention of macroeconomics and financial markets. There will
be a minority of students who will have working knowledge of the course from their undergraduate course
work. This course is meant to challenge all students regardless of one’s background, with the goal of every
student gaining significant insight into the workings of the macroeconomic system.
Lectures and class discussions will integrate economic theory, economic history, and graphical analysis with
your questions of clarification and inquiry. A mixture of questions and inquiry makes for an interesting class
environment for both the students and the instructor. You are encouraged to tape record the class (if this is
useful for you) and to rewrite your class notes. Reading the assigned readings is extremely important prior to
each class. The class meets from 2 – 4:45 pm on Wednesday.
If we miss a class due to weather early in the semester, we will have extended classes to make up the lost
class time. Tests will automatically be pushed back a week if the class is cancelled.
CHAPTERS 1-2: The domestic and global economic system is analyzed through a circular flow model that
includes an output, labor, credit, money and foreign exchange market. This macroeconomic model provides
the framework for interpreting economic data, analyzing short-run economic fluctuations, and predicting
outcomes from monetary and fiscal policy changes.
CHAPTERS 3-5: These chapters introduce and develop the output and labor markets that allows for the
analysis of short-run economic fluctuations and the possible trade-off between inflation and unemployment.
CHAPTERS 9-10: The effect of the Federal Reserve's monetary policy on economic activity and the rate of
inflation are considered. The Fed's role in fighting inflation in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the resulting
disinflationary environment and low inflation decades of the 1980s and 1990s are examined. The Federal
Reserve use of interest rate targeting is analyzed.
CHAPTER 11: The effect of fiscal policy defined as government expenditure and tax policy on short-run
fluctuations and long-run economic growth are considered. The debate over appropriate fiscal policy and the
effect from federal budget deficits are discussed.
CHAPTER 13: The evolution of the international financial system from the gold standard and its collapse
during the 1930s to the Bretton Woods system and its collapse in the early 1970s is discussed. The
adjustment process for the deficit-prone and surplus-prone countries in the Bretton Woods system is a major
topic as it will provide a framework for understanding China’s policies.
Students should be able:
To understand the current economic news and to analyze current public policy.
To understand the measurement of macroeconomic data such as real GDP, economic growth, price
indexes, inflation, unemployment, employment, the federal budget deficit, and the national debt.
To be able to convert (deflate) nominal variables to real variables.
To understand the measurement of a country’s balance of payments, the current and capital accounts
and the status of a country as a debtor or creditor nation.
To discuss the sources of economic growth for developed and developing countries.
To analyze the effect of each of the three macroeconomic policies (fiscal, monetary, and exchange
rate) with regard to real GDP growth, the unemployment rate, and the rate of inflation.
To understand the role of exchange rates in equilibrating trade and financial flows.
To analyze the effect of shifts in aggregate demand and aggregate supply in the output market in
terms of short-run fluctuations in economic activity.
To analyze the effect of implementing expansionary and contractionary policy when the economy is
suffering from recession or inflationary pressure.
To analyze the short- and long-term effects on real GDP growth and the inflation rate from the
expansionary monetary policy of the late 1970s and Volcker’s fight against inflation from 1979-82.
To analyze the conduct of monetary policy (e.g. federal funds interest rate targeting) with specific
reference to the interest rate targeting of the 1970s, the 1990s and the 2000s.
To analyze monetary policy according to Taylor’s rule.
To analyze the effects on economy activity and economic growth from fiscal policy and deficit
spending with specific reference to the Reagan budget deficits.
To analyze the effect of the 1980s budget deficits and monetary policy on real interest rates, the
current account deficit, the value of the dollar and the status of the US as a creditor or debtor nation.
To understand the Bretton Woods international financial system and the adjustment process.
To analyze the Asian currency crisis in 1997/98 and the role of fixed exchange rates in the boom
and bust cycle.
To analyze the current exchange rate policy of China.
To analyze the reasons for the housing boom and bubble and the contributions by government.
MBA 613
I. The Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy- Part I
D7-9, M9
A. Basics
B. Open Market Operations
1. Balance Sheet (FED, Commercial Banks)
2. Multiplication of Reserves of Money - The Money Multiplier
3. The Federal Funds Rate and the Reserve Market Diagram
C. Discount Policy
D. Reserve Requirements
E. The Fed as an Institution
Optional web site entitled U.S. Monetary Policy: An Introduction at
II. The Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy: Part II
A. Monetary Transmission Mechanics
B. Brief Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy History
C. Pro-cyclical Targeting and the 1970s Inflation
1. The Reason for Monetary Overexpansion
2. Inflationary Expectations and the Credit Market
3. Three Interest Rate Effects
4. The Cost to the Savings and Loan Industry
D. 1979-1982 Volcker (1979-1987) Fights Inflation
1. The Cost to the Domestic Economy
2. The Third World Debt Crisis
E. Inflation Targeting
F. Greenspan (1987-2006) Legacy and Taylor’s Rule
1. The 1992-1995 Episode
2. The 2002-2006 Episode
G. Bernanke and the Fed: 2006-
M2 (pp10-13)
Go to and move through News and Events, Testimonies and Speeches and to Speeches
November 21, 2002
Remarks by Governor Ben S. Bernanke, “Deflation: Making Sure “It” Doesn’t Happen Here,”
August 22, 2008
Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, “Reducing Systematic Risk”, page 1 – first six paragraphs
December 1, 2008
Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, “Federal Reserve Policies in the Financial Crisis”
III. The Macro Economy
A. Measuring Economic Activity
B. The CPI vs. GDP Deflator: Two Measures of Price Indexes
C. The Foreign Sector (Foreign Trade)
1. Current Account
2. Capital Account
D Ch 6, M Ch3
D Ch 6, pp. 145-149
3. Case 1: Trade Deficit Causing a Declining Currency
4. Case 2: Trade Deficit as a Result of a Rising Currency
The Foreign Sector (International Trade and Exchange)
1. Define the current and capital accounts by the type of transactions recorded in each.
2. Why is a current account deficit (surplus) offset by a capital account surplus (deficit)?
3. What does it mean in terms of wealth when a country has a capital account deficit?
4. Under what conditions would a country have a current account deficit and a weaker
currency? Why would the current account deficit be eliminated by the weaker
5. Under what conditions would a country have a current account deficit and a rising
currency? What conditions are necessary for a country to continue to have a current
account deficit and a rising currency?
D. The Output Market: Aggregate Demand
D10, pp. 231-243
1. Business Cycle Stages
2. Unemployment Cycle
3. Inflation and Cycles
4. Okun’s Law
M Ch 5 pp 3-7
5. The Phillips Curve
M Ch5 pp 8-13
E. Potential Real GDP: AS and Economic Growth
1. The Role of Savings and Investment
M Ch 2 pp 14-17
2. The PPF Illustration
F. The State of the Macroeconomy: Output Market, AD and AS D10, M5
1. Long-run AS vs. Short-run AS
2 Long-run vs. Short-run Equilibrium
3. Recession: Need for Expansionary Policy
4. Inflation: Need for Contractionary Policy
5. Assumption of Wage Flexibility: Outcomes
6. Assumption of Wage Rigidity: Outcome
IV. Fiscal Policy
D11-12, M11
A. A Brief History of National Policy Towards Deficit Spending
1. The Classical Fiscal Principle
2. First Shift in Fiscal Policy: 1946 - 1960
B. Second Shift in Fiscal Policy - Keynesian Economics: 1961 - 1980
1. Discretionary Fiscal Policy: Short-run Stabilization Policy
2. Deficit Spending, Crowding Out and Crowding In
3. An Analysis of the Kennedy Tax Cuts
C. Third Shift in Fiscal Policy - Reaganomics (Supply-side Economics)
1. 1981 Tax Cut - Spur Savings and Investment
2. The Twin Deficits and the Crowding Out of the Trade Sector
D p. 119, p. 287
Optional Reading: Supply-side:
D. Fourth Shift in Fiscal Policy?
1. 1986 Tax Bill and the 1990 Tax Increase and Budget Surplus
2. Clintonomics: 1993 Tax Increase and Budget Surplus
E Fifth Shift in Fiscal Policy (Bush 2001-2008)
F. The Sixth Shift in Fiscal Policy: the Bail-out
V. The Role of the Central Bank in Maintaining Fixed Exchange Rates
The Gold Standard
Fixed Exchange Rates
The Bretton Woods System
Pegging to the Dollar: The Asian Currency Crisis: 1997-1998
Questions: Section V
Explain how current account deficits and surpluses are eliminated in a gold standard.
Diagram and explain the dilemma faced by current account deficit (surplus) prone countries
under Bretton Woods.
3. Explain the term “imported inflation.”
4. Explain the Asian currency crisis in terms of the boom cycle when the currency is
undervalued and the bust cycle when the currency is overvalued.
To be handed out: “Who’s Really Pounding Asian Economies,” Business Week, Sept 22, 1997.
Questions from the reading
What role did the decision of the East Asian tigers to peg their exchange rate with the dollar
have on the boom period of 1993-95/I and their current account surpluses?
Explain (and diagram) why there was excess money created in those countries pegged to the dollar.
After China devalued in 1994 and the yen depreciated after 1995/I, what began to happen to
the tiger’s current account balance?
Why could the tigers not maintain a fixed exchange rate with the dollar in 1997?
E. The Chinese Exchange Rate Policy
VI. The Global Environment
Will the U.S. Bail-out Increase in Size and Scope?
Will China’s Bubble Burst?
Will the Dollar Weaken?
What Else Could Go Wrong?
Fiscal Policy and Treasury Borrowing: Limits?
The Fed’s Options: Are There Any Options Left?
Examples of Mid-term Questions
Show a time series diagram of potential and actual real GDP to discuss the business cycle of the 1990s and
2000s. What changes have occurred with regard to the rate of real potential GDP growth? What are the
distinguishing characteristics of this economic expansion?
Demonstrate the importance of a country’s consumption versus savings decision with regard to its future rate
of economic growth. Use a PPF diagram and show a comparison. According to the “Leapfrog” article and the
textbook, discuss the major reasons that some of the Asian countries have been able to sustain a high rate of
economic growth for several decades. Is growth likely to continue at the same high rate? Why or why not?
Explain the role of the Treasury and the central bank in the United States with regard to the financing the
government budget and changing the money supply? How does the Treasury and the Fed interact with the
bond market in each case?
Explain why the Russian economy suffered from a major inflation during the attempted transition from a
command to a market economy in 1992-1993. What role did the Russian Treasury and the fiscal
policymakers play relative to the role of the Russian central bank and its chair? Please discuss the role of
reform or the lack thereof in your answer.
Under what conditions can a country have a strong (rising) exchange rate and a current account deficit or
a weak (falling) exchange rate and a current account deficit? Provide full explanations of the internal
policies (reasons) that will drive the exchange rate higher or lower in each case. What is the role of
investors in each case?
Analyze the current state of the U.S. economy with regard to economic growth, employment,
unemployment, wages, inflation, interest rates, and exchange rates. What is your prediction for
inflation and economic growth next year? Is the U.S. in a "new economy" paradigm?
Explain the economic situation that could cause a country to have a current account deficit and a
falling or rising exchange rate. What historical episodes can you provide for each case?
Why did the U.S. become a debtor nation in the 1980s? Why is this statement debatable?
Why should the Treasury and the Central Bank of a country be separate institutions? Relate to the
case of Russia in the 1990s or other countries as may be appropriate?
Discuss Okun’s Law with regard to the full employment rate of real GDP growth in the U.S.
economy. Is the economy at full employment? Can the unemployment rate fall further? Why or
why not?
Discuss the Phillips curve relationship and inflationary pressure in the 1990s. Is there a New
Economy that has ushered in a new relationship between inflation and the business cycle?
When and why would you finance a home with a fixed or variable interest rate at this time?
Is the large current account deficit an indication of possible future currency devaluation? What
risks does this create for international investors? What risks are there for bond investors?
Examine the role of the Federal Reserve System in affecting economic activity, interest rates,
inflation rates, and short-run economic growth.
Compare and contrast interest rate targeting conducted by the Federal Reserve in the 1970s versus
the 1990s and the 2000s. Contrast the pro-cyclical versus counter cyclical interest rate targeting
procedures and explain when the Fed used each targeting process.
Analyze the policies of the Federal Reserve when Volcker was fighting double-digit inflation.
Include in your discussion the three-interest rate effects from major changes in Fed policy.
Explain who wins and who loses when inflationary expectations are greater than (less than) actual
rates of inflation.
How would your estimate of inflationary expectations affect your investment philosophy?
What effect did Volcker's anti-inflationary policies have on Third World countries in the early
Analyze the policies of the Federal Reserve according to Taylor’s Rule and the effect of these
policies on the underlying rate of inflation. Analyze monetary policy in 1991-93 versus 1994-95
and use the appropriate output market diagram to show the initial and final position of the economy.
Analyze the monetary policy changes in 2000-2006 with respect to Taylor’s Rule. What is the
prospect for future changes in interest rates given the current state of the U.S. and global
Analyze the effect of government fiscal policy and large budget deficits on long-term economic
growth and the competitive position of the U.S. Examine the movement of real interest rates during
the 1970s and 1980s. What happened to the value of the dollar in the first half of the 1980s and
what was the impact on U.S. manufacturing?
Explain the boom and bust cycle that caused the Asian Currency Crisis in 1997 and the role that
exchange rate policy had in this boom and bust scenario.
Problem 1: Computing Real GDP and the Average Price Level
Three Output Economy
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Price Quantity
$5.25 40,000
$6.00 40,000
$5.60 50,000
Consulting Services
Price Quantity Revenue
$25 1000 $25,000
$30 1200 $36,000
$32 1200 ________
Price Quantity Revenue
$5000 10
$6000 10
________ ________
Compute the total revenue for each of the three outputs in year 3 and find nominal GDP in year 3.
Round off each percentage change to the nearest tenth of a percent.
Round off the average price level to the nearest thousandth.
a. Compute real GDP for each year given that year 2 is the base year.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
b. What is the growth rate (percentage change) of real GDP in year 2 and year 3?
Year 2
Year 3
c. Compute the average price level for each year given that year 2 is the base year.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
d. What is the rate of change (percentage change) of the average price level in year 2 and 3?
Year 2
Year 3