Arkansas History

Departmental Syllabus
Arkansas History – HI 23023
Communications and Humanities
Course Catalog Description: A study of the historical figures, places, major events, and social and economic factors
which have influenced the historical growth and development of the state. This course is recommended for
education majors.
Course Overview: Study of Arkansas history from the pre-historic era to the present.
Course Rationale: To instill in the student an integrated view of historic events, and an appreciation for the cultural
differences of the people of Arkansas.
Course Objectives: To provide students with a body of historical information that will enable them to understand the
pervasive effect of changes that occurred in Arkansas history. To make students aware and knowledgeable about
contemporary historical issues and how they relate to the present. To develop analytical abilities by having them
apply critical thinking and communication skills in order to gain historical perspective.
Course Prerequisites
Course Credits
Required Texts and Materials
Wayne, Deblack, Sabo III, Arnold. Arkansas a Narrative History. University of Arkansas Press, 2002.
Supplementary (Optional) Texts and Materials
Basis for Final Grade
Discussions: Students will answer a group discussion question/topic once a week. The discussion topic will be
posted on the discussion board. Discussions should be at least two paragraphs in length. Discussion responses are
due by 5:00 p.m. Each response will be worth 10 points. You will not be able to make-up discussions points. No
Essays/Assignments: An essay question will be posted under the assignment’s link each week. A new question will
appear on Monday at 5:00 p.m. You will type your essay as a separate document and upload it to the course
website. If possible, save your document as a word file. You may also save it as a rich text file (rtf) if you do not have
access to Microsoft Word. Each response will be worth 20 points. You must also write your responses using proper
essay format. You will not be able to make-up essay points. No exceptions!
Guide for weekly essays: Please write your essays using standard essay format. For example, the essay should be
divided into paragraphs and should contain the following elements:
(1) An introduction with a thesis statement (main idea).
(2) A body of evidence that contains specific references (evidence) to the question.
(3) A conclusion that sums up the essay.
Exams: There will be a mid-term and a final exam. Exams will be worth fifty points each. To comply with state
guidelines, students will take the mid-term on March 7 on the main campus. Students not able to take the exam on
this day at this time will need to make other arrangements to take it at another time. The final exam will be online.
Exams will consist of a variety of true/false and multiple-choice questions. Students will have the entire test day to
login and take the final exam. Students must finish the exam after it begins. No one who stops taking an exam and
leaves the testing window will be able to finish it. The exam window will open at 12:00 a.m. on the date it is
scheduled and close at 11:55 p.m. on the final test date. Students will only have forty-five minutes from the time it
starts to complete the exam. I highly suggest you start the exam by no later than 11:00 p.m. There will not be a
study guide provided for the exams.
Papers: Students will be expected to write a 5-10 page paper on a subject related to Arkansas. I must approve
topics. Students will need to use at least six resources, not including encyclopedias (encyclopedias are not academic
sources!) At least three of the resources must come from the library (books, magazines, journal articles, etc.) Be
cautious when using resources available online. While this is not forbidden, they must be legitimate. Students are
expected to use in-text citations (MLA or Chicago format). Papers must be submitted with a works cited page. It is
not necessary to include a title page or a bibliography. The works cited page will not count toward the total length of
the paper. Papers will be due by April 18th. Papers may be submitted by email, fax, or by hand. Late papers will not
be accepted. The paper is worth 100 points.
Grading Scale (%)
80 – 89
70 – 79
60 – 69
0 – 59
Grade Dissemination
All coursework will be graded within a week of submission and/or completion. Students may access mid-term and
final grades using Campus Connect on myANC. Please note that scores returned mid-term are unofficial grades. If
you need help accessing myANC contact the ANC Helpdesk by email:
Unit and Instructional Objectives with Schedule*
Unit 1 – Pre-Historic Arkansas through Sectionalism
1. Study early Native American cultures prior to European contact.
2. Study the affect of European contact on Native Americans and the environment.
3. Study the colonial period and how Arkansas became a part of the United States.
4. Study the Arkansas as a territory and the path to statehood.
5. Study early political factions in the state.
6. Study the institution of slavery in the state.
Unit 2 – From the Civil War to Civil Rights
1. Study the strategic value of Arkansas during the Civil War.
2. Study the Reconstruction period and the development of industry in post-war Arkansas.
3. Study the political, social, and economic changes in Arkansas as it emerged with the New South.
4. Study Arkansas during the Progressive Era and how Arkansans participated and reacted to the movement.
5. Study Arkansas during the Great Depression and the state’s contributions to the Second World War.
6. Study Arkansas during the Civil Rights Era, focusing on social conflict and resistance.
Disclaimer: This First Day Handout was prepared under certain limited assumptions. Therefore, if the students in
the class seem to "fit" the design for the course and if events occur as planned, the schedule, assignments, and
assessments will be followed. The instructor has the option, however, to eliminate or add assignments and/or
assessments if he/she feels it is in the best interest of the students.