HIPAA Strategy Methodologies and Tools Presentation Agenda Review of HIPAA Objectives Overview and Update on the Status of HIPAA Components/Objectives of a HIPAA Strategic Plan Detailed Review of Each Planning Component Questions Resources 1 Review of HIPAA Objectives Objectives of HIPAA To reduce the administrative costs associated with the provision of health care services To make the administration of health care services more efficient by: Requiring some transactions to be supported electronically Standardizing those transactions To protect individually identifiable health information from: Physical damage/destruction Unauthorized access Misuse or inappropriate disclosure This is the first step toward a broader application of e- commerce in health care 3 HIPAA Overview HIPAA Title I Health insurance access, portability and renewal Title II Fraud and Abuse Medical Liability Reform Administrative Simplification Title III Title IV Title V Medical Savings Group health Revenue Accounts Tax deduction provisions Electronic Transaction Standards (EDI) Security Standards Privacy Standards 4 plan provisions For 9 key payor transactions Includes clinical code sets Includes key identifiers For protecting electronic health information To spell out permissible uses of patient identifiable healthcare information offset provisions HIPAA Overview Each component of HIPAA has proceeded independently through a development, review and approval process Review of Existing Regulations & Standards Pu blic Inp ut Proposed Rule Released Public Com ment Perio d Red raft of Rule Final Rule Publis hed Still Awaiting Action for Some Elements Regulatio ns Enacted And Enforced 26 Months from Date of Publication The lack of forward movement on any one element does not necessarily impede the implementation of others 5 Applicability From the Act: “Sec 1172(a) Applicability. Any standard under this part shall apply, in whole or in part, to the following persons: A health plan A health care clearinghouse A health care provider who transmits any health information in electronic form in connection with a transaction referred to in Section 1173(a)91.” 6 Provider Responsibilities Providers governed under HIPAA must: Comply with the regulations that impact them no later than the published implementation dates for those rules Ensure that vendors are prepared to deliver applications that support EDI and security requirements Hold those business partners (vendors and others) with whom patient-identifiable information is shared accountable for complying with the privacy and security regulations that apply to the covered entity Develop EDI, Privacy and Security policies and procedures Train staff on the Privacy policies and procedures Document compliance with applicable regulations 7 Status of HIPAA Rules Status of HIPAA Rules The anticipated dates for HHS issuing new proposed or revised final HIPAA rules The final Security Rule is expected to be released in August of this year The Employer Identifier final rule has been drafted and sent to HHS for final review with release expected in June The Provider and Payer Identifier final rules are expected around August The Patient Information (Claims Attachment) NPRM is expected in August of this year 9 Updates The anticipated dates for HHS issuing new proposed or revised final HIPAA rules (con’t) A draft regulation for electronic medical records is being developed, which should be available for public review by the end of 2002 The Doctors First Report of Injury NPRM is also expected sometime in 2002 An Enforcement NPRM is expected to be released some time in 2002 Two proposed revisions to the Transaction and Code Set standards are expected any time now • Changes in the Designated Standard Maintenance Organizations or DSMOs and • Removal of NDC codes as the standard for medications 10 Update Summary Proposed Rule Electronic Transaction Standards (EDI) Security Standards Privacy Standards* Transactions & Code Sets Provider ID Employer ID Payer ID Patient ID Final Rule Released 5/98 Published 8/2000 Released 5/98 Released 6/98 Expected 2001 ON HOLD Expected 8/2002 Expected 6/2002 Expected 8/2002 ON HOLD Released 8/98 Expected August 2002 No action by Congress; draft regulation released 11/99 Published 12/2000 Reconfirmed 4/2001 Compliance Date 10/16/2002/03 26 months from date final rule is published 4/14/2003 • 7/6/01 received First Guidance (not changes) on the final privacy rule • First proposed changes to the Privacy Rule published on 3/27/02 11 Components of a HIPAA Strategic Plan Steps to Compliance The key to achieving HIPAA compliance is to take it one manageable stage at a time… Stage 1: Organization and Planning Stage 2: Assessment and Design • Organizational Structure • Detailed Assessment • Programming/ System Upgrades • Education • Prioritization • Policies and Procedures • Project Definition • Policy/Process Development • Establish Linkages • Budget Development • High-level Risk Analysis • Quick Hit Identification We will be discussing these… 13 Stage 3: Implementation and Testing • Contract implementation • End User Education • System/Process Testing Stage 4: Compliance Monitoring • Compliance Audits • Quality Assurance • Post Implementation Support • Regulatory Updates/Changes Elements of a HIPAA Strategic Plan Develop an organizational structure for implementing HIPAA Review corporate initiatives in light of HIPAA Educate organizational decision makers on the importance of HIPAA and its impact across the organization Develop policies and procedures for Privacy and Security regulations Determine links between HIPAA initiatives and organizational strategic initiatives 14 Elements of a HIPAA Strategic Plan Determine which EDI standards to use electronically Conduct a high level risk analysis Conduct a detailed risk assessment Prioritize and schedule tasks to accomplish Develop a budget for implementing HIPAA 15 Stage 1 – Organizational Structure Appointment of HIPAA coordinator Appointment of Privacy Officer Appointment of individual(s) to be responsible for implementing Security regulations Provide staff time to prepare for HIPAA Establish reporting mechanisms to Administration and the governing body 16 Sample HIPAA Governance Structure HIPAA Coordinator (oversight for assessment, implementation and ongoing monitoring) 17 Legal (Policy Development, “source of truth”) Privacy Officer (Policy Development Oversight, Training ) Security Responsibility (Policy Development Oversight, Training ) HIM (Regulation Impact Analysis) HR (Policy Development Oversight, Enforcement) Information Systems (Policy and Procedure Web Based Distribution) Compliance (Compliance Monitoring and Coordination) External Stakeholders (Trading Partners & Business Associates) Others (Other Departments or Functions) Stage 2 – Corporate Initiatives Identify strategic initiatives that HIPAA will impact These initiatives should be divided into two primary categories; information technology (IT) and business initiatives The HIPAA regulations will touch most major clinical, financial and administrative areas within the health system. As such, most of the strategic initiatives will require modification or consideration of the new HIPAA regulations Develop a plan for transaction implementation Initiate cost/benefit analysis to determine which standards will yield most positive results Determine resources required for implementation Submit request for EDI extension 18 Stage 3 – Education HIPAA 101 - Overview of HIPAA HIPAA 201 - Advanced Topics on EDI, Codes Sets and Identifiers HIPAA 202 - Advanced Privacy Course HIPAA 203 - Advanced Security Course 19 Stage 4 – Policies and Procedures Develop policies and procedures for: Privacy • Material from Michael Best and Friedrich to customize EDI • Dependent upon standard transactions to be used Security • Health Future IT task force to develop sample policies Address HIPAA compliance in organizational HR policies • Background checks • Sanctions for non-compliance • General policies on confidentiality 20 Stage 5 – Linking Initiatives Identify trading partners/business associates Develop contractual assurances of HIPAA compliance Evaluate vendor preparedness to support HIPAA 21 Stage 6 – Selection of EDI Standards to Implement Develop a plan for transaction implementation Initiate cost/benefit analysis to determine which standards will yield most positive results Develop a schedule for implementation Determine resources required for implementation Submit request for EDI extension Prior to October 16, 2002 22 Stage 7 – Risk Assessment Conduct a high level risk analysis and initiate “quick hit” remediation Assign responsibility for EDI, Privacy and Security assessments Conduct detailed assessment tool training Perform assessments Define the boundaries of “acceptable risk” 23 High-level Risk Analysis A high-level analysis of the current environment from an EDI, Privacy, and Security perspective to see where the largest gaps are would include questions like those below: What electronic systems are in place for billing/clinical/medical records? How many clearinghouses (if any) are used? Are business associates/trading partners HIPAA compliant? Which of the 7 approved standard transactions are being done? What is the make-up of the IT infrastructure? Are security policies in place that meet the categories outlined in the proposed rule? How much data sharing is currently allowable in the system? Are there system access controls and audit functions? What is the level of complexity of systems across the network? Do users have unique ID’s and passwords and do they share? 24 Stage 8 – Preliminary Budget Summarize compliance gaps identified through the risk assessment Develop operating budget for incremental labor costs and savings Develop capital budget for HIPAA compliance 25 Stage 9 – Project Definition Review results of compliance assessment Prioritize tasks to achieve compliance Assign responsibility for compliance projects 26 Stage 1 - Project Timeline May June July August Sept Oct Nov Dec Education Corporate Initiatives Policies and Procedures Establish Linkages Transaction Selection Risk Assessment Budget Project Definition 27 Initiate Prioritization How to Prioritize HIPAA Initiatives HIPAA activities need to be prioritized using several factors, for example: 29 Compliance deadlines Potential for enforcement Budget constraints (cost/benefit) Resource constraints/requirement for external resources Organizational readiness Organizational impact Integration with other projects Enterprise-wide importance Sample Immediate Initiatives HIPAA Governance Model Solidify organizational responsibility for the development of regulatory policies and procedures, approval processes, enforcement and oversight of all organizational HIPAA initiatives Policy and Procedure Documentation Initiate the development of, and update policies and procedures to meet HIPAA requirements and establish the organization’s “defensible position” Business Associates Inventory contracts and identify organizations that are business associates and trading partners with whom protected health information is shared 30 Sample High Priority Initiatives Implement/Update Standard Transaction Sets Transition to HIPAA-compliant versions of those transactions being performed electronically today Implement/Update Standard Code Sets Clean-up proprietary Clinical Codes to align with HIPAA code sets Purchase additional code sets if needed Remediate Applications Remediate applications to HIPAA compliant versions 31 Sample Medium Priority Initiatives Staff Education Conduct general and detailed HIPAA education Privacy Documentation Requirements Develop documents required to comply with Privacy regulations Utilize documents developed by the WSHA and other business partners that are recommended for use statewide Focused Strategy & Assessment Determine strategic approach to HIPAA and complete focused HIPAA assessments to determine compliance gaps and scope implementation efforts Communication Plan Establish communication methods and begin to distribute HIPAA education and strategic documentation 32 Ranking Definitions 33 Initiatives Prioritization Matrix 34 Questions and Discussion ? ?? ?? ? ? ? 35 Resources Resources 37 Association for Electronic Health Care Transactions (AFEHCT): Impacts of HIPAA (particularly EDI) Security Self-Evaluation Checklist http://www.afehct.org American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA): Benchmark information and case studies Interim Steps for Getting Started http://www.ahima.org/hipaa.html American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): Standards guides for security http://www.astm.org Center for Healthcare Information Management (CHIM): Up-to-date industry perspective on proposed rules and their status http://www.chim.org Computer-Based Patient Record Institute (CPRI): CPRI Security Toolkit http://www.cpri-host.org Department of Health and Human Services HIPAA Administrative Simplification: Latest News on Regulations Current proposed and final rules http://aspe.hhs.gov/admnsimp/index.htm Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission (EHNAC): Certification Program for HIPAA Compliance (under development) http://www.ehnac.org Resources (cont.) For the Record: Protecting Electronic Health Information (National Academy Press, 1997) 800- http://www.nap.edu 624-6242 Full Report Health Privacy Forum http://www.healthprivacy.org Comparison of Privacy proposed and final rules Comparison of state privacy laws HIMSS: Protecting the Security and Confidentiality of Healthcare Information (Volume 12, Number 1, Spring 1998) http://www.himss.org Articles HIPAA Home Page http://www.hcfa.gov/hipaa/hippahm.htm HIPAA Transaction Implementation Guides from the Washington Publishing Company http://www.wpc-edi.com Joint Healthcare Information Technology Alliance (JHITA) http://www.jhita.org Summary of Privacy rules Upcoming HIPAA conferences 38 Links to other HIPAA sites http://www.hcfa.gov/medicare/edi/hipaaedi.htm Medicare EDI http://www.hcfa.gov/medicare/edi/edi.htm Resources (cont.) National Uniform Billing Committee http://www.nubc.org National Uniform Claims Committee http://www.nucc.org Washington Publishing Company http://www.wpc-edi.com/hipaa ANSI ASC X12N HIPAA Implementation Guides Subscribe to email release of HIPAA documents (such as notice of proposed rule making) http://www.hcfa.gov/medicare/edi/a dmnlist.htm Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI): http://www.wedi.org Details of SNIP effort (Strategic National Implementation Pilot) 39