[Part 1]
Christ & His Church
• DATE WRITTEN: A.D. 59-62
• AUTHOR: Apostle Paul
The writer identifies himself as Paul in the letter (Eph. 1:1; 3:1)
“Blessings in Christ”
• RECIPIENTS: The church in Ephesus (Mother church of Asia)
& other believers in Asia. (Eph. 1:1)
• PURPOSE: To strengthen the Ephesians in the faith of Christ,
and to give exalted views of the love of God, and of the
dignity and excellence of Christ, fortifying their minds against
the scandal of the cross.
Paul shows the believers that they were saved by grace, and
that however wretched they once were, they now had equal
privileges with the Jews. He encourages them to persevere in
their Christian calling, and urges them to walk in a manner
becoming of their profession.
• SETTINGS: Ephesus was the chief city of that part of Asia,
which was a Roman province. Here St. Paul preached for
three years (Acts 20:31) and from then the gospel was
spread throughout the whole province. At his departure
from the Ephesian church he forewarned them both of great
persecutions from without, and of divers heresies and
divisions which would arise among themselves.
• SETTINGS: Paul founded the church & spent 3 years teaching
its members. Then 5-6 years later Paul became a prisoner in
Rome awaiting a trial before Caesar. While he waits, Paul
writes the letter to Ephesus. And accordingly he writes this
epistle, nearly resembling that of Colossians, written about
the same time, to establish them in the doctrine he had
• EMPHASIS: Ephesians is a letter of encouragement. In it Paul
describes the nature of the Church, which is not an
organization but a living organism, the body of Christ. He
then challenges the believers to function as the living body
of Christ on earth.
Paul writes the epistle to the Ephesian Church to make
members more aware of their spiritual resources. The first 3
chapters describe where these resources come from: their
relationship with Christ and their position in Him. The last 3
chapters encourages the believers to draw upon those
resources so they can live their Christian life in a victorious
The first half of the book of
Ephesians describes a believer’s
wealth in Christ and the last half
challenges a believers walk in Christ.
“The Powerful Blessings in Christ”
• CHAPTERS 4:1-5:20 
“The Power to Live”
• CHAPTERS 5:21-6:9 
“The Power to Love & Work”
• CHAPTERS 6:10-24 
“The Power to fight”
• It is only in Christ that you can grow & mature spiritually
• God has given you weapons you need to fight against the
• You must use God’s resources to obtain spiritual victory
• All your work is to be done as unto the Lord
• God has created an order that you are to follow for success
in your family life
Greetings to the church at Ephesus
It was a usual custom to place the name of the writer at the beginning
rather than at the end
“…by the will of God": Paul was called to the apostleship by God.
Emphasis is placed in most of Paul's epistles upon the fact that he was
not an apostle by the appointment of man, but by the will of God.
CHAPTER 1:3-14
Blessings of salvation: The believer’s position in Christ
(Vs. 3): Believers are blessed with every possible blessing for time and
eternity, which God bestows upon us. All came from God, and he has
withheld none from those in Christ.
A Christian has been given all manner of spiritual blessings, which are
heavenly (divine) in nature…this is far different from the external
privileges & the earthly blessings that we may expect or receive.
CHAPTER 1:3-14
Blessings of salvation: The believer’s position in Christ
(Vs. 4):  ELECTION – God chose us before the world was even made.
(2 Thess. 2:13; 2 Tim. 1:9; John 15:16, 19; John 6:37-40)
This does not affirm that God chose some individuals and rejected
others, but that before the world was, before there was Jew or Gentile,
God chose to have a people for himself, the whole church of Christ, a
covenant people.
CHAPTER 1:3-14
Blessings of salvation: The believer’s position in Christ
(Vs. 4): “…that we should be holy and without blame before him in
God chose us that we might be holy. He has not chosen us on the
grounds that we, of ourselves, make ourselves holy, but purposed that
we should be made holy by the power of his Spirit.
CHAPTER 1:3-14
Blessings of salvation: The believer’s position in Christ
(Vs. 4): “…that we should be holy and without blame before him in
Holiness is here declared not to be the cause, but the effect of our
election: God chose persons from eternity past to be his people, not
because they were holy, but designing that those who were graciously
chosen should be holy; initially, progressively in this life, and perfectly
holy in the next life to come. (Romans 8:28-30; 2 Timothy 1:9)
CHAPTER 1:3-14
Blessings of salvation: The believer’s position in Christ
(Vs. 5):  ADOPTION – “The placing of a Son”
This is the act of God whereby He places a person into the family of God at
the very moment of conversion. It is the “placing of a son,” wherein that
child is granted the same rights and privileges as an adult child.
“PREDESTINATED” – Determined or ordained before hand. The effective
exercise of the will of God by which He determined things before hand that
should come to pass.
CHAPTER 1:3-14
Blessings of salvation: The believer’s position in Christ
(Vs. 6):  ACCEPTANCE – translated "graciously accepted"; endow with
special honor: to be highly favoured.
"made us subjects of His grace"; "embraced us in the arms of His grace"
God has regarded us as the objects of favour in the Lord Jesus Christ, the
well-beloved Son of God
CHAPTER 1:3-14
Blessings of salvation: The believer’s position in Christ
(Vs. 7):  REDEMPTION – God setting man free from the bondage of
sin through the blood of Jesus. He releases the believer from the
penalty of sin and brings him to Himself.
 FORGIVENESS - God pardoning the sins of a repentant person. God
releases or frees the person of his debts thereby cleansing him of sin so
that he can receive salvation.
CHAPTER 1:3-14
Blessings of salvation: The believer’s position in Christ
(Vs. 8-9): …grace which He, the possessor of all wisdom and
understanding, lavished upon us. God gave us grace in full measure in
all wisdom and care….when He made known to us the secret of His will.
And this is in harmony with God's merciful purpose.
God has made known to us in all wisdom and insight the mystery of his
will, according to his purpose which he set forth in Christ
CHAPTER 1:3-14
Blessings of salvation: The believer’s position in Christ
(Vs. 10): In the ordering of the times when they are complete, all things
in Christ in heaven and on the earth will be united…God has a plan, to
be completed over time, to unite all things in heaven and earth, that is;
people who are in him (saved persons, believers, Christians).
CHAPTER 1:3-14
Blessings of salvation: The believer’s position in Christ
(Vs. 11):  INHERITANCE – The heritage that believers are granted
when they become apart of the body of Christ. We are heirs with Christ
to the blessedness of heaven. “Heaven comes with the package of
In Christ we have a heritage, being marked out from the first in his
purpose, who does all things in agreement with his designs & plans
CHAPTER 1:3-14
Blessings of salvation: The believer’s position in Christ
(Vs. 12): We who placed our faith in Christ have been destined and
appointed to live for the praise of his glory…. So that his glory might
have praise through us who first trusted in Christ
CHAPTER 1:3-14
Blessings of salvation: The believer’s position in Christ
(Vs. 13-14):  SEALING – “To stamp with a signet or private mark for
security or preservation.” The act of God the Holy Spirit whereby He
places a spiritual mark upon the believer. The Holy Spirit seals
Christians, impressing his image upon them as a token that they are his.
“Earnest”: A pledge or guarantee; down payment of money or property
given in advance as security for the rest to be claimed when full
payment is given.
CHAPTER 1:3-14
Blessings of salvation: The believer’s position in Christ
(Vs. 13-14): All those who believe in Christ Jesus are considered as his
special people and property, and to them eternal glory is promised.
The Spirit of promise, which is given to them, is a pledge that they shall
have a resurrection from the dead, and eternal blessedness. The Holy
Spirit promises redemption, and is now in their hearts as a pledge of
this complete restoration at the great day. (Eph. 4:30; 2 Cor. 1:20-22; 2
Cor. 5:5; 2 Tim. 2:19)
CHAPTER 1:15-19
Prayer for knowledge & power
(Vs. 17): Paul’s prayer is that God would grant them wisdom, and to
reveal his will to them…make them wise to understand the doctrines of
salvation; revealing to them more and more of the character of the
Redeemer, and of the nature and results of his work…in order that they
may fully acknowledge him, or know him more intimately and
CHAPTER 1:15-19
Prayer for knowledge & power
(Vs. 18): That your minds may be so enlightened that you may realize
the hope given by God's Call, the wealth of the glory of his heritage
among Christ's People.
That ye may have a fuller comprehension of the hope of eternal life to
which God has called you, and appreciate the heavenly inheritance
given to you, which is rich beyond our imagination.
CHAPTER 1:15-19
Prayer for knowledge & power
(Vs. 19): And how unlimited is his power to us who have faith, as is
seen in the working of the strength of his power…
CHAPTER 1:20-23
The object of the last four verses is to describe Christ's
glories. These are: (1) His resurrection;
His Exaltation to God's Right Hand; (3) His Supreme
(4) His Headship to the Church.
CHAPTER 1:20-23
Power & authority of Christ
(Vs. 20-22):
• Christ rose from the dead (vs. 20)
• Christ is at the right hand of His Father (vs. 20)
• Christ has authority & power over every spiritual force that exists (vs.
• Christ is supreme ruler over all things (vs. 22)
CHAPTER 1:20-23
Power & authority of Christ
(Vs. 22): God the Father has put all things under Christ’s feet, and has
appointed Him universal and supreme Head of the Church....
With reference to the church… Christ as the head of the Church is a
benefit or advantage to the church because we have the all-powerful
ruler as our leader. The universe is under Christ’s control and direction
for the welfare of his people (the church).
CHAPTER 1:20-23
Power & authority of Christ
(Vs. 23): The fullness; Christ's body the church is called his fullness, as being
throughout filled with his gifts and graces. That filleth all in all; or who fills
all things with all things. For Christ is the creator of all things, and he fills
them with whatever powers and privileges they possess.
Christ as the Creator, Preserver, and Governor of the world, (Col 1:16-19),
fills all the universe of things with all things. "Fills all creation with whatever
it possesses"
CHAPTER 1:20-23
Power & authority of Christ
(Vs. 23): For the Church is Christ's Body, and is filled by him who fills all
things everywhere with his presence.
As Christ is the head over all things, He is head to the Church; though
He fills all the world with his presence, yet he fills all the members of
his body with wisdom, goodness, truth, and holiness, etc. in an special
CHAPTER 2:1-22
• What we were before Christ
• Where Christ has brought us from
• What Christ has made us into
• Where Christ has brought us to
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 1): Quickened: made alive. (Eph. 2:5, Col. 2:13) Dead in trespasses
and sins: A living corpse - without the gracious presence of God's Spirit
in the soul, and so unable to think, will, or do that which is holy.
It is a living death which the apostle describes…absolutely void of all
spiritual life. They were dead to God and holiness, and alive to this
world and fleshly lust. They lived in trespasses and sins, and this is
spiritual death.
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 2): According to the course of this world: In conformity with the
customs and manners of the world at large. The word here rendered
world--means properly age, but is often used to denote the present
world, with its cares, temptations, and desires; and here denotes
particularly the people of this world. The meaning is, that they had
lived formerly as other people lived; and the idea is strongly conveyed
that the course of the people of this world is to walk in trespasses and
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 2): According to the prince of the power of the air: There can be
no doubt that Satan is here intended, and that Paul means to say that
they were under his control as their leader and prince. The phrase, "the
prince of the power," may mean either "the powerful prince," or it may
mean that this prince had power over the air, and lived and reigned
there particularly…Satan is termed prince of the power of the air,
because the air is supposed to be a region in which malicious spirits
dwell, all of whom are under the direction and influence of Satan, their
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 2): The spirit that now worketh... The operations of the prince of
the aerial powers are not confined to the air; he has another sphere of
action, the wicked heart of man, and in this he works with energy. The
subjects in whom he works are either opposers of true religion, or they
are systematic and energetic transgressors of God's laws.
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 3): Eph 2:3 among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in
the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind,
and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others.
After he has separately condemned the Gentiles, he confesses that the
Jews (among whom he numbers himself) are not the least bit better.
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 3): Eph 2:3 among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in
the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind,
and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others.
After he has separately condemned the Gentiles, he confesses that the
Jews (among whom he numbers himself) are not the least bit better.
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 4-5): Yet God, in his abundant compassion, and because of the
great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead through
our sins, gave us life together with Christ (by grace you have salvation)
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 6): …And, through our union with Christ Jesus, God raised us with him,
and caused us to sit with him on high
That is, we are raised from the death of sin to the life of Christianity…That is,
we share his honours. So close is our connection with him, that we shall
partake of his glory, and in some measure do now…Christ has gone to the
heavenly world as our Head and Representative; His entrance there is a
pledge that we shall also enter there.
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 7): …that in the time to come he might make clear the full wealth of his
grace in his mercy to us in Christ Jesus
The sense is, that the riches of Divine grace would be shown in the
conversion of Christians and their salvation to all future times…. So that what
God has done for the sinners at Ephesus will serve as an encouragement to
all ages of the world; and on this evidence every preacher of the Gospel may
boldly proclaim that Christ saves unto the uttermost all that come unto God
through him. And thus the exceeding riches of his grace will appear in the
provision he has made for the salvation of both Jews and Gentiles.
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 10): For we are God's own handiwork (product), created in Christ
Jesus for good works which He has pre-destined us to practice.
God is the author & foreman shaping our lives.
It was ever the
purpose and will of God, that those to whom he gives spiritual life
should be holy and abound in good works
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 11):Gentiles in the flesh. You were Gentiles in the flesh, i.e., under
the dominion of the flesh, subject to the control of carnal appetites and
Who are called uncircumcision. They enjoyed none of the ordinances
and privileges of the Jewish religion; and was commonly a term of
By that which is called the Circumcision. By those who are
circumcised…by the Jews.
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 11): In the flesh made by hands. They had externally adopted the
rites of the true religion, though it did not follow that they had the
circumcision of the heart, or that they were the true children of God.
Remember, therefore, that you were once Gentiles yourselves, as your
bodies showed; you were called 'The Uncircumcised' by those who were
called 'The Circumcised'--circumcised only by the hand of man!
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 12): Aliens from the commonwealth of Israel: You were by your
birth alienated from the commonwealth of Israel-from the civil and
religious privileges of the Jewish people…This means more than that
they were not Jews.
Strangers from the covenants of promise: Having no part in the
promise of the covenant made with Abraham, whether considered as
relating to his natural or spiritual seed;
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 13):The phrase far off means that they were formerly far off from God
and his people.
Are made nigh. Are admitted to the favour of God, and permitted to
approach him as his worshippers.
Now we are permitted to approach him with the blood of the atonement.
The shedding of that blood has prepared the way by which Gentiles as well
as Jews may approach God, and it is by that offering that we are led to seek
CHAPTER 2:1-22
Jews & Gentiles are one body in Christ (vs. 14-18)
(Vs. 14): Jesus is our Peace. He made the two divisions of mankind one,
broke down the barrier that separated them.
For He has made Jews and Gentiles one, and in His own human nature
has broken down the hostile dividing wall. (John 10:16; Gal. 3:28; Col.
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 14): By abolishing the law of Jewish ordinances,
Christ has removed that which kept the two parties,
not only in a state of separation, but also at
variance…This expression, the middle wall, refers to
that marked distinction which the Jewish laws and
customs made between them and all other nations.
As by the ceremonies and worship appointed by the
Law, the Jews were divided from the Gentiles, so now
Christ, having broken down the partition wall, joins
them both together, both in himself, and between
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 15): Having in his flesh put an end to that which
made the division between us, even the law with its
rules and orders, so that he might make in himself, of
the two, one new man, so making peace.
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 15): The enmity…Between the Jew and the
The idea is, that the ceremonial law of the Jews, on
which they so much prided themselves, was the cause
of the hostility existing between them. That made them
different people, and laid the foundation for the
alienation which existed between them. They had
different laws; different institutions; a different, religion
- The law of commandments concerning
ordinances…the laws commanding sacrifices, festivals,
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 15): The Jews looked upon themselves as the
favourites of Heaven, and as in possession of the
knowledge of the only way of salvation; the Gentiles
regarded their laws with contempt, and looked upon
the peculiar institutions with scorn. When Christ came,
and abolished by his death their peculiar ceremonial
laws, of course the cause of this alienation ceased.
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 15): Christ’s incarnation and death not only made
an atonement for sin, but he reconciled Jews and
Gentiles into one new spiritual person; that they might
be united. The idea is, that two groups who had been
enemies became one in aim and pursuit, this was the
effect of the work of Christ on the Jews and Gentiles.
When they were converted they would be united and
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 16): And that the two might come into agreement
with God in one body through the cross, so putting an
end to that division…. And when, upon the cross, Christ
had destroyed their mutual enmity, he sought by means
of his cross to reconcile them both to God, united in one
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 17): So Christ came preaching "Peace" to you
[Gentiles] who were afar off, and "Peace" to us [Jews]
who were near
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 18): …because it is through Christ that Jews and
Gentiles alike have access through one Spirit to the
This text is a plain proof of the holy Trinity. Jews and
Gentiles are to be presented unto God the FATHER; the
SPIRIT of God works in their hearts, and prepares them
for this presentation; and JESUS CHRIST himself
introduces them.
CHAPTER 2:1-22
The Church body is the dwelling place of God (vs. 19-22)
(Vs. 19): You are therefore no longer mere foreigners or
persons excluded from civil rights. On the contrary you
share citizenship with God's people and are members of
His family…So then you are no longer as those who
have no part or place in the kingdom of God, but you
are numbered among the saints, and of the family of
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 19): Now therefore ye are no more strangers and
foreigners - The Gentiles, having believed in Christ, are
all incorporated with the believing Jews in this holy and
are not to be regarded as outcasts and aliens.
Fellow citizens with the saints - Called to the
enjoyment of equal privileges with the Jews
Of the household of God - The house of God is the
temple; the temple was a type of the Christian Church;
this is now become God's house; all genuine believers
are considered as being part of this house
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 20): You have been built up upon the foundation
laid by the Apostles and Prophets, Christ Jesus himself
being the corner- stone.
The Lord committed the doctrine of salvation, first to
the prophets, and then to the apostles, the end of
which and substance, is Christ.
Christ being the chief corner-stone. The corner-stone
was a stone of double size at the corner, which became
a part of both walls and joined them together. So he
had joined the Jews and Gentiles in the building. He is
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 21): United in Christ, every part of the building,
closely joined together, will grow into a Temple,
consecrated by its union with the Lord.
The whole church of Christ becomes united, and forms
an harmonious society. They believe the same
doctrines; worship the same God; practice the same
holiness, and look forward to the same heaven. It is
not finished building (growing) yet, but will continue to
increase, and be more and more perfect, till the day
Jesus comes.
CHAPTER 2:1-22
(Vs. 22): And, through union in him, you also are being
built up together, to be a dwelling-place for God
through the Spirit.
Ye also: you Gentiles, as well as the Jews.
For a habitation of God through the Spirit: God dwells
in the hearts of his people who are united to him
through faith and love, and thus each believer is his
temple. In like manner he dwells in his church, which is
made up of believers united to him and to each other,
and thus the church is his temple.