THE “TWIN PLANET” OF EARTH PER. 2 Mrs.Ducharme BY DANIEL BARRAZA AND MICHAEL TAYLOR In Our Galaxy Venus is the second planet from the Sun, making it hotter than our planet. It is part of the milky way galaxy, between two “arms” of the spirals. Not this one The temperature on Venus is about 860 degrees Fahrenheit, Because it is close to the sun. Venus got its name from the Roman goddess of love. In Greek, the goddess of love is Aphrodite. In Babylonian, her name is Ishtar. Venus’ orbit is elliptical and counter-clockwise. Venus takes approximately 243 days to orbit the Sun. Venus' atmosphere is nearly 100 times as massive as Earth's, and its thick cloud layers block the surface from view. It exerts a pressure of approximately 92 bars at the surface. Its composition is nearly all CO2. The density at the surface is 65,000 g/m3. Wind speeds range from 1-4 km/sec at the surface. The scale height of the atmosphere is about 15.9 km. Life cannot be supported on Venus, unless it was very tough and could withstand high gravity, could use CO2 like we use oxygen, and have a slow metabolism. Sorry but Venus has no moons. Venus has no water on its surface, and very little water vapor in its atmosphere. Scientists think that the runaway greenhouse effect that makes Venus so hot today boiled away its oceans long ago. Since Venus lacks a planetary magnetic field, the Sun’s solar wind was able to blast the hydrogen atoms out of Venus’ atmosphere and into space. Venus can never be cool again. Most of the surface of Venus is covered by smooth volcanic plains, and its dotted with extinct volcanic peaks and impact craters. Venus has much fewer impact craters than other planets in the Solar System, and scientists have estimated that some event resurfaced Venus between 300-500 million years ago, wiping out all of the old impact craters and volcanoes. A LONG, LONG TIME AGO, IN A CLASSROOM JUST DOWN THE HALLWAY, WE STARTED THIS POWERPOINT. NOW IT IS OVER. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION, AND WE HOPE YOU LEARNED SOMETHING FROM US.