CWP Lesson Plans Wednesday September 4: Introductions and

CWP Lesson Plans
Wednesday September 4:
Introductions and description of class
Describe the expectations of a 3-ring binder and how it will be used
Hand out Up Front #1 and discuss the articles
Complete Board questions and discuss answers
Thursday September 5:
Hand out Up front questions and magazines
Discuss what is required
Discuss Syria situation
Spend rest of the period working on assignment
Friday September 6:
 Ask questions about recent events on Syria
 Discuss some of the complicated questions from the worksheets
 Work on the packet- Due September 10
Monday September 9:
Complete Up Front #1
Ask for student questions about the answers
Go over some of the tougher and discuss the answers
Review the pressing current events information from the weekend
Tuesday September 10:
 Discuss the political cartoons from the Up Front magazine and how the
artist uses symbolism to convey information
 Hand out a one-page political cartoon sheet with questions- don’t do the
essay question.
 On the projector display the assignment description and have students
begin their own political cartoons
 Roam the class offering help and ideas to those that need it.
 Hand in the cartoon and Up Front questions
Wednesday September 11:
Hand out Current Events assignment
Discuss the hand out and grading
Provide examples to support the handout
Remove computers from the COW and research current events
Have students write a rough draft and make comments on them
Thursday September 12:- one day too late
 Put 9/11 questions on the board
 Introduce the importance of 9/11 to the current world situation
 Begin the video
Friday September 13:
Finish 9/11 Movie
Discuss answers as a class
Hand in the student responses
Rest of the period work on any back work and/or current events
Monday September 16:
 Hand out Assignment Grid sheet and enter Board Questions and put in
their binder
 Hand out Selected Amendments packet
 Discuss the creation of the Constitution and the reason that the BORts
was added to the Constitution
 Have the students take notes over a discussion of Amendments 1,2,4,5
 Provide examples and scenarios to support the discussion of each
Tuesday September 17:
Presentation by Art Institute
Wednesday September 18:
 Hand out Key Constitutional Amendments Handouts
 Have students get out notes
 Review and expand on vocabulary, ideas and concepts of Amendments
1,2,4,5 –Living Constitution, Sep of Church and State, Probable Cause, Self
Incrimination, Double Jeopardy- etc
 Go over how Roman Numerals work
 Discuss the key components of Amendments 6,7,8,9,10
Thursday September 19:
Hand out Key Constitutional Amendments Handouts
Review Amendments 6-10
Go over key parts of Amendments 13,14,15 and 24
Provide examples and current applications of Amendments 14 and 24
Explain the concept of Incorporation, Title IX, Idea Act Public Law 94-142,
Handicap Acceptability, Age discrimination
 Study for the test on Friday over the Amendments in the packet
Friday September 20:
Review key concepts, answer questions from students
10-15 minutes for the students to prep for test
Take the Key Amendments Test
Grade and discuss in class
Monday September 23:
 Hand back work
 Have students put returned work in their assignment grid
 Double check by roaming around looking at notebooks stand answering
 Hand out and discuss the Supreme Court Research Project
 Students sign up for cases individually or in groups of two
 Begin research
Tuesday/Wednesday September 24/25:
Re-Explain the assignment and how to look up court cases
Have students bring up computers when encountering legalize
Research and prepare power points to put into my drop box
Title the power points 2013 CWP period names
Thursday September 26- Wednesday October 2:
 Supreme Court Presentations
 Observing Students are to take notes that include the group members,
Supreme Court Case, the Supreme Court Decision and how this impacts
our society
 Students may write up news reports on shutting down the government
for extra credit
Thursday October 3:
Hand back graded work
Students Update their assignment grid
Hand out Upfront #2
Explain the expectations and begin
Friday October 4: Guest Presenters
 Discussion of the Affordable Health Care Act- focused on Senior citizens
 Discussion of jobs and expectations for being hired in the senior health
care industry
Monday October 7:
 Review Current Events Expectations
 Review potential CE events over the weekend
 Students use the “COW” to research Current Events
Tuesday/Wednesday October 8/9:
Hand out Up Front #2 magazines and questions
Review the expectations for the assignment
Go over the “In Depth” questions the last part of the class
Assignment due 10/14
Thursday October 10: (sub)
Short discussion off the overhead of Political Spectrum (Right vs Left)
Hand out political party platform questions
Students take the test and record their political party preference
Hand out the research questions and have the students work on this
through the end of the period
Friday October 11:
Discuss the political spectrum assignment and results
Review the current political climate and the Big 3 (SS, Medicare, ACA)
Put up the editorial page assignment and discuss the expectations
Students get into groups and decide what to do
Discuss Dr. Opstad’s “suggestion” and what it entails- related to 2nd bullet
Monday October 14:
 Students use COW to write and print their editorial pieces
 Begin assembling their editorial page
Tuesday October 15:
 Finish Editorial Page Assignment
 Review Current Events in preparation for Letter to a Congress Person
Wednesday October 16:
 Review the Congressional Website and assignment on the projector and
begin contacting state elected officials- run a copy and turn in.
Thursday October 17:
 Finish the congressional letter and turn in a copy for grading and makeup
day for any late work: editorial page, Up Front #2, Political Party
Spectrum assignment and the related essay.
No School for students October 18:
Monday/Tuesday October 21/22: (½ days all week)
 Introduce the topic of Climate Change and hand out work sheets and
begin “An Inconvenient Truth”- show about 40 minutes
Wednesday October 23: (20 minute periods)
 Review answers from day one of the video
 Hand back work and record on the students assignment grid
Thursday/Friday October 24/25:
 Near finish of “An Inconvenient Truth”
 Discussion about key parts
Monday October 28:
 Finish “An Inconvenient Truth”
 Go over answers- especially question 29- and discuss the overall issues
 Give an alternative to question 29 or as extra credit (What criticisms do
people have about the documentary?
Tuesday October 29: RT Rollout- only 6th and 7th periods
 Discuss impact of people on the world
 Show part of “The World Without People”
 Discuss
Wednesday October 30:
 Hand out for and against pamphlets on Initiatives 517 and 522
 Have students in groups of two construct T-Charts with at least 3 for and
against for each initiative
 Discuss- Vote on-line tomorrow
Thursday October 31: Halloween
 Review the initiatives
 Go on-line and vote
 Begin the PBS video “Heat”
Friday November 1:
 Look up the online results and compare our votes- Discuss discrepancies
 Continue to show “Heat”
Friday November1:
 Students look for a current event centered around climate change. It can
be about problems or potential solutions
 Turn in at the end of the class
Monday November 4:
 Work on Current Event #2
 Introduce technological advances that are greener
Tuesday November 5:
 Explain the board example of how students are to classify information
from the video “Heat”
 Begin Video
 5 Minutes before the end of the class debrief on what we have seen and
how it fits into their recordings
Wednesday November 6:
 Finish “Heat” video
 Discuss major points
 Hand in responses
Thursday November 7:
Introduce Saved by the Sun
Hand out video questions
Begin Video
Debrief major points
Friday November 8:
 Finish Solar video
 Discuss main points
 Hand in worksheet
Monday November 11- No School Veterans Day
Tuesday November 12:
 Introduce Hydrogen Hopes video
 Hand out movie questions
 Watch the video and debrief
 Hand in the questions
Wednesday November 13:
 Watch ½ the video Future Cars
 Answer questions from the worksheet
Thursday November 14:
 Finish the Future Cars Video
 Answer the rest of the questions
 Turn in
Friday November 15:
Watch a Youtube on a compressed air car
Hand back work and update students assignment grid
Discuss possible topics for current events #3 assignment
Work the remainder of the period on Current Events #3
Monday November 18:
 Describe current storms in the US and the world
 Discuss the International Climate Committee meeting and the position of
impacted third world nations
 Introduce the Alternative Energy Project
 Hand out assignment description and review with the class.
 Pick topics and form groups
 Begin research
Tuesday and Wednesday November 19th and 20th:
 Research on Alternative Energy Project
 Teacher go around class and assist
Thursday and Friday November 21st and 22nd:
 Begin presenting Alternative Energy Projects- Thursday’s groups get 5
Extra Credit points