SCENE 1 SCENE FADES IN WITH THE SOUND OF POURING RAIN AND SCURRYING FOOTSTEPS ON GRAVEL CARISE: Where did you say the cave was? My hair’s going to get ruined in this rain! MARK: Oh stop complaining Carise, it’s only rain. Who’s going to see us out here anyway? CARISE: That’s not the point, Mark! JAMAL: Oh c’mon you two, I’m sure it’s over here somewhere! MARK: JAMAL: What did you say it was called again Jamal? Peak Cavern. Cracking hideout I’ve heard. SOUND OF THUNDER AND THE RAIN BECOMES HEAVIER CARISE: For god’s sake! Let’s just get out this rain. Where is it? THEIR FOOTSTEPS BECOME HEAVIER AND FASTER JAMAL: Just a little further… around this corner. Here it is! Get in! SOUND OF POURING RAIN STOPS, DRIPPING SOUND STARTS, FOOTSTEPS SLOW DOWN AND THE CHARACTER’S VOICES IMMEDIATELY ECHO MARK: WOAH! Looks sick! Let’s see how big this place is. CARISE: Can’t we just sit down for a minute first? My feet are killing me. JAMAL: I wouldn’t sit down just here, let’s go further in and explore. MARK: No wait! Let her sit down. Tell us what you know about this place, Jamal. FOOTSTEPS STOP JAMAL: Well… put it this way, from what I’ve heard, people who come inside, don’t tend to come back out again. CARISE: WHAT!? WHY DID YOU DRAG US HERE THEN IF YOU KNEW THAT!? JAMAL: (SNIGGERS) I wanted to see if the urban legend was real! CARISE: YOU’RE CRAZY! MARK: (LAUGHS) I’m with Jamal on this one, I think we should go in and explore. JAMAL: Yeah come on, I’m not hanging around. See you Carise! CARISE: Awhh. Don’t leave me. SOUND OF RUNNING FOOTSTEPS. FADE SCENE 2 WALKING PACE FOOTSTEPS CONTINUE. SOUND OF SCURRYING RATS AND BATS OVERHEAD PLAYS CARISE: DID YOU HEAR THAT?! JAMAL: Damn, what was that? MARK: Aww, you scared as well now Jamal? It was probably water dripping or something. JAMAL: Haha. Funny Mark! When whatever it is comes for you I’ll be long gone! CARISE: Stop arguing, something’s flying above my head and it’s creeping me out. MARK: JAMAL: MARK: Jamal, did you not bring a torch or anything? My batteries died on my phone, but it’s all part of the experience! Ah, nice one man… CARISE: JAMAL: This was a bad idea, I’m not sure I want to be part of thisexperience anymore. Come on Carise! CARISE: JAMAL! IT’S PITCH BLACK DOWN THERE! JAMAL: MARK: GET YOUR PHONE OUT THEN USE YOUR BATTERY! Easy Jamal! JAMAL: NO I’M NOT GONNA TAKE IT EASY! SHE’S BEEN DOING MY HEAD IN CONSTANTLY! CARISE, GET YOUR PHONE LIGHT ON AND… SOUND OF LOUD THUNDER PLAYS AND A CRUMBLING SOUND PLAYS FROM ABOVE OH CRAP! CRASHING OF ROCKS FALLING MARK: GET DOWN! ROCKS CARRY ON FALLING BEFORE STOPPING PAUSE OF SILENCE COUGHING AND GASPING MARK: (GASPS) EVERYONE ALRIGHT? CARISE: YEAH! (HEAVY BREATHING) Just about… But my leg doesn’t look so good. MARK: CRAP!.. Jamal… (PAUSE) JAMAL?! JAMAL: (COUGHS) Yeah I hear you. What… what happened? MARK: The cave collapsed. (PAUSE) AH NO! The entrance is closed off. SEE YOU TWO! THIS IS WHAT YOUR STUPID BICKERING HAS DONE! STRANGE NOISE PLAYS CARISE WHIMPERS SHH! (WHISPERS) CARISE BE QUIET! STRANGE EERIE NOISE CONTINUES SOUND OF JAMAL GETTING TO HIS FEET JAMAL: (WHIMPERS) EFF THIS MAN! I-I’M GONNA CARRY ON, I heard there’s more than one way out. CARISE GIMME YOUR PHONE I NEED A LIGHT! SOUND OF FOOTSTEPS THEN A TUG AS CARISE MOANS MARK: (SIGHS) Be quick yeah, Carise is in a bad way. AND COME BACK JAMAL! I swear if you don’t… JAMAL: yeah? Y-Yeah yeah, I got this! Don’t worry. Be back in a few minutes. You look after her CLICK AS PHONE LIGHT IS TURNED ON MARK: (WITH SUSPICION) Yeah I will. Alright, don’t be long! FOOTSTEPS INTO THE DISTANCE FADE SCENE 3. FOOTSTEPS CARRY ON JAMAL: (SIGHS) What was I thinking coming here man? Stupid! I’ve been walking for ages as well, must be like half an hour since I left them! FOOTSTEPS STOP Aw man! What is this fork in the road? How am I supposed to know which way to go?! (PAUSE) Left looks dark and long, right looks… SOUND OF BATS OVERHEAD (YELPS) AHH! RIGHT! I’M GOING RIGHT! (Sound effects of Jamal getting scared – turning around quickly, noises getting closer, shuffling,) JAMAL BEGINS TO RUN BACK TO FIND HIS FRIENDS (SOUND EFFECTS OF RUNNING FOOTSTEPS, BREATHING HEATHILY) JAMAL: Mark, Mark, Carise, Where are you…guys stop playing around I’m not messing….guys come on there’s something in here with us!!….guys……. (SOUND EFFECTS OF VOICES MUMBLING WORDS) JAMAL: Hello…..Mark if that’s you! (FOOTSTEPS GETTING LOUDER) MARK: Jamal come on we’ve found a way…out come on JAMAL: Where’s Carise (MARK DOESN’T RESPOND)…Mark where’s Carise!! (VOICES RE APPEAR)…Can you hear that Mark? MARK: It’s your choice now Jamal you can either get out now or go back in to find Carise…. JAMAL: What?….What do you mean its MY choice? MARK: JAMAL: If I was you I would just leave…leave this place or you will end up dead I can’t believe your saying this, we have to go back MARK: JAMAL: You can go on your own then because I’m not going back in there Fine.. (JAMAL’S FOOTSTEPS RUNNING BACK INTO THE CAVE) JAMAL: Carise is that you? (VOICES GETTING LOUDER SPEAKING TO JAMAL) JAMAL: WHO ARE YOU?….I DON’T WANT TO DO IT….STOP TALKING TO ME…JUST STOPP!!!!!! (FADE OUT OF JAMAL SPEAKING, LOUDNESS DECREASES GRADUALLY) (FADES IN) DOCTOR: Jamal….Jamal can you hear me? JAMAL: Whe….where am I DOCTOR: You’re in the hospital Jamal, Don’t worry your safe now. JAMAL: Why am I in the hospital….Where’s Carise and Mark My friends where are they!!.. DOCTOR: Jamal there’s something you need to know. I’m sorry to say but Unfortunately you have early stages of schizophrenia JAMAL: What? DOCTOR: This explains your emotional breakdowns and your hallucinations you’ve been having JAMAL: Hallucinations what hallucinations I need to find my friends where are they!! DOCTOR: Jamal..Mark and Carise never existed they were all part of your imagination, you created these people so you had someone there on your side and there for you….It’s very popular for people with this condition to develop it at this stage of your life, we’ve already set up a process in order to get you back on track. (FADE OUT WITH MUSIC)