Mercredi le 23 octobre Oct. 21-25th 2013 (3rd week of 2nd 6 weeks) Mon 10/21 Tues 10/22 Wed 10/23 Thurs 10/24 Fri 10/25 F1 Speaking pkt due –check for completion Review packet H/W: # page F1 Spk pkt for 50% H/W check Do Notes-Time pg. 5657,58 Over oral grade H/W- APT F1 H/Ws check Do Notes-61,62 Over oral grade H/W: Practice for Oral grade-speaking packet F1 Oral grade Self check APT Do: Notes: 63,65 Work on: flashcards or Canada. Both are due Monday! F1 Oral grade-finish up Work on: Canada project due Monday If time: DVD unit 1, 2 Next: days H/O, APT, W/B, test F 2 4th-quizzes National anthem oral grade. Show notes 44,56,58. Do APT HO Rest: Notes-66,68 Amsco verb list F2 Check APT, notes, Finish national anthem orals Rest: Notes-66 inversion H/W 1.1 APT F2 Self grade APT, Review: Etre /idioms etc. Notes: Adjectives 46-47 F2 Notes: more adjectives pg. 48 Review Etre & idioms etc. F 2 R-Quiz: Verbs & expressions Notes: C’est vs Il est & depuis pg. 50, 70 Work on 5 faces due Mon. F 2 PreAP Finish Sam 3, National anthem oral grade Rest: Notes adjective 4648 and do H/O , new BW **PP, BPP, quiz, amsco F2 Finish oral grade Notes: 50 (c’est vs Il est) Check H/O Book-oral practice APT 1.1 F2 Review idioms & adjectives, text practice, o W/B audio page 1.1 APT 1..2 F2 Self check APT More review, oral practice, games H/W: Study 5 verbs & their idioms F 2 PreAP Quiz-Les 5 verbes/expressions Check H/W Work on 5 faces due Mon. F 3 Quizzes Check reflex. Pages Review Reflex Powerpoints Notes R5, Flashcards reflexives-next slide •PP, Quiz, PP/IMP pgs. F3 All projects due before 7:30 a.m. for the 100 Grade reflex & past pgs. Workbk/APT/more reflexive practice H/W: Reflexive flashcards F3 Projects in for 90 Powerpoint review More text practice/audio/APT & W/B F3 F3 Flashcards PP due for 100. 50 on Monday. Self-check work, Quiz 3-Unit 1 See DVD unit 1 Projects in for 70 Projects in for 80 More chp. 1 practice, APT & W/B-self check H/W: Study Oct. 14th-17th 2013 week (2nd week) Mon. 10/14 Tues 10/15 Wed. 10/16 Thurs. 10/17 Fri. 10/18 OFF F 11. Review new words, , & borrowed words 2. Skit practice 3. Zaz & lDVD unit 1 if time No H/W PSAT & PLAN F 11. Double quiz-SKIT 2. Rest: work on oral pkt. 3. H/W: Study borrowed words! F 11. Quiz on bor. Words & Finish double skit 2. Work on oral pkt 3. DVD unit 1 Next week: Quiz & Speaking pkt! Canada due 10/28 F 2 7th-finish game/notes 1. Late/absent notes pg. 38 due 2. Study/Quiz 3. Song practice 4. #’s math game, Sam film, or 36-37 oral practice Tests in A.M. F2 1. Grammar: Etre & Avoir 2. Song practice & oral practice in text 45, 57 3. Notes: Pg. 44 ALL & 56 ALL F2 1. Check notes 44,56 2. Song practice 3. Grammar review Or Sam: OFF F 2 PreAP 1. Les devoirs/la grammaire/la chanson/prac. orale P.M.-work on F 2 PreAP La grammaire/(verbes) la chanson/pract.orale/les notes: 44, 56, 58 ALL F 2 PreAP Les devoirs/la chanson/la grammaire/finissez Sam OFF F3-Late/absent P/C pages due, Review Passe composePP (on paper) 1. Poem practice 2. Finish Les Choristes 3. H/W: Notes-48,52,54 Projects/skits F3 1. H/W check notes 2. Poem prac. & Project reminders 3. Re-teach: Imperfect 4. Over all reflexives-PP 5. H/W: Study F 3 Quix: relfexive meanings OFF Practice skits H/W: work on Oral pkt and prac. skit P.M. projects, skits, etc. PLAN/PSAT tests today 6SDDlc60g&list=PLSAln3Cc1iNKN4HG1kAMtRpvJgBuwhlu 1. Review poem 2. H/W: Ma journee project due Tuesday for 100. MUST BE IN Before 7:30 Major/DD grade dates: F1 F2 F3 Thur/Fri. 10/17-18-Skit Mon. 10/21-Anthem Tues. 10/22-Ma journée Mon. 10/21 Speaking Pkt. due Mon. 10/28-5 faces Prezi Mon. 10/28-Poem oral Thur/Fri. 10/24- SP oral Fri. 11/8-Test unit 1 Mon. 11/4-Virtual voyage Mon. 10/28-Canada due Mon. 11/11-Fashion show Fri. 11/8-Test unit 1 Mon. 11/4-Menu Fri. 11/8-Test unit 2 Mon. 11/11- Postcard Wed/Thur 11/13- Café skit *Tues 11/19 O Canada * TBA: first short essay Next 6 weeks: first week*11/18-ART project F3 • Dû: APT pg. 17 & 18 • Ma journée quotidienne - 90% • Corrigez les pages du passé F 2 past tense grammar pkt.pdf et les verbes réfléchis • Texte-practiquez • Ce soir-les devoirs: APT & les “cartes”verbes réfléchis sur PP! F 3 Example: Reflexive verbs flashcards Powerpoint (do 41) 1. Se lever To get up Je me lève ce matin à 6h. F 3 answers • • • • • • • 2. Tu t’amuses 3. Nous nous promenons 4. se lèvent 5. se baigne 6. vous ennuyez 7. se brosse 8. me lave F 2 PreAP 1. Due: APT 1.1 (21,22,23 A-C) & Borrowed words “H”-100%-5 min. or so to finish up! 2. Finish oral grade-Anthem 3. Notes: pg. 50 done? 4. SEE: Idioms with 5 verbs 5. Text practice for oral points pg. 45+ REMEMBER: 5 faces Prezi/photo story/any other ? Than powerpoint due Monday! Verbal idioms PP due next Wednesday! F 2 ALL-30 verbal Idioms powerpoint due Wed 10/20 LMS Ex. Être d’accord Être d’accord To agree Je suis d’accord avec toi! F2R 1. DUE: APT: pg. 21, 22 2. MAKE sure you have: NOTES pgs. 44,56,58, 66-68, 60 & 70--KEEP for now! 3. Do new NOTES: 46-47 4. Finish oral grade-Anthem 5. SEE: Idioms with 5 verbs f_2 unit 1 verbal idioms.ppt 6. Text practice for points if time pg. 45 REMEMBER: 5 faces Prezi/photo story/any other ? Than powerpoint due Monday! Verbal idioms PP due Wednesday! F 2 Examples- pg. 45 ex. 1 oral practice • Tu es dans la maison. • Tu es en train de manger. F1 1. DUE: APT pg. 17-18-turn in page with heading & # or a blank paper saying it’s not done. 2. Speaking packet check for 50%-I’ll check 3. Number pages-due for 50%-on my desk. 4. Yesterday’s notes: 56,57,58 (telling the timeKEEP in notebook!) 5. DO: NOTES pg. 61-62 in notebook & KEEP 6. Review of speaking packet #7-12-Oral grade is Thursday! H/W: Finish notes & Practice for Oral gradespeaking packet. Oral grade is tomorrow & Friday! Canada report is due Monday!