
Library Hacks: Getting the most out
of YOUR Music Library!
Presenter Notes
Hacks: The Better Way
Life hacks show people the more efficient, smarter way to handle everyday tasks
Library Hacks will show you several ways to enhance your library experience and make
you a savvier user of everything the library has to offer
**The presentation includes a few examples of life hacks from the internet--feel free to
add your own and personal favorites!
Library Materials: How Do I Find Them?
Physical Resources
o Catalog Searching
 Basic
 Allows the user to specify keywords or strings of keywords and a
descriptor for that search (title, author, etc.) in a single field
 Advanced
 Provides the user three fields for keyword/descriptor searches
linked with Boolean search terms (and, or, not)
 Summon
 This discovery tool allows users to search not only physical
holdings, but also within all databases to which FSU subscribes
o Which one do I choose and why?
 Basic and advanced only search physical holdings or e-book resources
within the catalog
 Summon pulls from a MUCH larger pool of resources linked through the
electronic subscription databases
o Does it make a difference which is used?
 Each search function operates a different way and offers a variety of
results--smart searching will make research far more efficient!
 Single word vs. keyword strings in Basic Search
 Keyword string broken into Advanced Search
 Keyword string entered into Summon
o Hack # 1- Limit, limit, limit!
 Whichever search you use, start broad and use facets (located on the left
hand side) to quickly find exactly what you’re looking for!
 Narrow down by author, format, collection, etc.
Warren D. Allen Music Library 2014
Created by: Patrick Fulton & Sara Nodine
o Hack #2- Subject Headings & Uniform Titles
 Within the catalog, individual item records feature subject headings and
uniform titles as hyperlinks which provide results with the same title or
general subject area
 Clicking on this link provides a wealth of resources similar to the result
you already found!
Electronic Resources
o Allen Music Library provides a wide range of online resources accessible to all
FSU students through the Music Library website
o What are the major music resources?
 Grove Music Online (2 slides)
 Encyclopedic entries on subjects pertaining to music and musicians
 Biographical information, complete works lists, bibliographies
 Oxford Bibliographies (2 slides)
 Massive bibliography database on a wide range of subjects beyond
even just music
 Constantly expanding repertoire of subjects.
 JSTOR (2 slides)
 Retrospective collection of periodicals on a wide variety of topics.
 “Moving wall”- Not all journals have the most current issues;
check the journal listings to see how far the dates extend.
 Note: Some articles may cut out charts and illustrations that existed
in the original.
 IPA Source (2 slides)
 International Phonetic Alphabet (I.P.A.) Source
 Search for phonetic and English translations of a vast array of
vocal music
 Many different searching options; files available for download.
 ProQuest (1 slide)
 Scholarly database of printed writing on music and other topics
 Excellent for finding dissertations and theses; also searches
articles, conference papers/proceedings, etc.
 May or may not provide full text
 Streaming Sources (2 slides)
 Naxos (Classical, Jazz, and Video)
 Alexander Street Press Resources
 Many others as well!
o Hack #3- Proxy Access: Use Web resources anywhere at any time!
 Through the Music Library page, click Off-Campus Proxy Login under
Quick Links on the right hand side. Use BlackBoard login to gain access
to web resources 24/7 from home, work, or anywhere!
 Some databases are now going mobile as well--take them on the go!
Warren D. Allen Music Library 2014
Created by: Patrick Fulton & Sara Nodine
Accessing Library Collections (2 slides)
Physical collections in Allen Music Library
o General (Books, scores, etc.--2nd floor of AML)
o Media (CDs, DVDs, etc.--Ask at Circulation)
o Special Collections (Various collections housed in locked storage at Circulation)
o Reference (Dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.--1st floor of AML)
o Research (Collected works, critical editions, etc.--1st floor of AML)
o Old media (Reel-to-reels, DATS, cassettes, laserdiscs, etc.--Ask at Circulation)
Accessing other collections at FSU
o Visit the other campus libraries: Strozier, Dirac, Goldstein, Medical, Law, etc.!
o Visit the main University Libraries webpage for even more resources (
Hack #4- There’s a whole world beyond the catalog!
o Some items/collections don’t fit nicely into the catalog and won’t pull up with
your regular search results
o Special Collections- visit the special collections portion of our website to explore
a number of significant individual items, personal faculty collections, and various
other major collections
o Students, faculty and staff are welcome to access these items! Some restrictions
apply depending on the condition of the items
o Older media may no longer loan out, but we are happy to take digitization
requests--ask at Circulation!
Hack #5- Library Express Delivery Service (LEDS)
o Faculty and Teaching Assistants have access to a campus-wide delivery service
known as L.E.D.S.
o Requests are placed online (Faculty Quick Links on
o Items are delivered to faculty office, library, or other designated pickup location
within 24 hours
Library Services
Troubleshooting access problems:
o FSU item that is already checked out? Place a Hold!
o -When an item is checked out, use our recall process to be alerted when the item
is returned.
 Placing a hold shortens the current patron’s loan period and asks that the
item be returned early via e-mail.
 Once the item has arrived, the requesting patron will be notified
automatically via e-mail to come pick up the item at Circulation
 Items can be routed to other libraries for pickup as well!
o Not on the shelf? Ask our staff for help and place a Search Request
o “We really should have this!”—Place an Order Request Form
Warren D. Allen Music Library 2014
Created by: Patrick Fulton & Sara Nodine
Not owned by FSU?
o Hack #6a- State Library Loan Service: UBorrow (2 slides)
 Gain 3-5 business day access to any items own by all the colleges and
universities in Florida delivered right to FSU
 Place requests through the UBorrow catalog (link appears in each catalog
search at the top of the page)
o Hack #6b- Interlibrary Loan Service: ILL (2 slides)
 Gain access to materials at colleges, universities, and public libraries
across the U.S. and internationally within 2 weeks
 Place requests through Illiad (located under the Quick Links at the Music
Library webpage)
 Login with your Blackboard ID (must setup profile this first time)
 Fill out all pertinent information on the request form for books,
articles, or just chapters of books
o Hack #7- WorldCat & OCLC Numbers (3 slides)
 Using the WorldCat database on the Music Library page (Quick Links),
users can view a catalog of items held by libraries around the world
 Each entry provides detailed information about each item,
including which libraries hold the item
 This is very useful for knowing what items exist in the world; it is
particularly helpful when searching on obscure topics!
 Use OCLC numbers to specify EXACTLY which item you would like to
request in ILLiad
 This number, located in the WorldCat record, points to exactly one
score (publisher, publication year, edition, etc.)
 Added specificity in ILL requests ensures you will get exactly
what you’re looking for
Additional Library Services (i.e. The Good Stuff)
Reference Sessions: Citations, Copyright, Resumes, Research, etc.
Special Events: Banned Books Week, Study Breaks, Coffee Thursdays, etc.
Individual consultations available upon request!
Hack #8- Your library staff!
-Laura Gayle Green:
-Sara Nodine:
-Patrick Fulton:
 Consider asking your audience if they have used any of these tips, or do they have any
tricks we did not include?
 If you have extra time, consider doing live searching within the catalog/discovery tools to
demonstrate the differences in search result returns.
Warren D. Allen Music Library 2014
Created by: Patrick Fulton & Sara Nodine