Course Syllabus IB French 1/2 2012-2013 Morgan Park High School 1744 West Pryor Avenue Chicago, IL 60643 Instructor: Ms. Watson, MEd 773-535-2550 Phone: E-mail: / Website: **COURSE SYLLABUS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AS TEACHER DEEMS NECESSARY** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TEXT: Le Tour du Monde en Quatre-Vingts Jours by Jules Verne (to be supplied by student) French/English dictionary (to be supplied by student) Allons au-delà (textbook) French B Course Companion COURSE DESCRIPTION: The IB French program prepares students for the rigors of the IB examination process through both oral and written tasks. The IB French curriculum this year will have a focus on themes of Global Issues, Social Relationships, Communication and Media, Leisure and Customs and Traditions as they are linked to the French speaking world. The Standard-based curriculum incorporates focusing on reading, writing, listening and speaking French and understanding the culture. Students are encouraged, and expected, to interact in French as much as possible. There will be opportunities for additional practice outside of regular class time. COURSE OBJECTIVE: The communication-driven curriculum helps to build upon the foundation for verbal, listening and writing skills laid in previous French courses. It is designed to help students understand more complex connections between other cultures and the world in which they live. The aim of the course is to: 1. develop students’ intercultural understanding 2. enable students to understand and use the language they have studied in a range of contexts and for a variety of purposes 3. encourage, through the study of texts and through social interaction, an awareness and appreciation of the different perspectives of people from other cultures 4. develop students’ awareness of the role of language in relation to other areas of knowledge 5. develop students’ awareness of the relationship between the languages and cultures with which they are familiar 6. provide students with a basis for further study, work and leisure through the use of an additional language 7. provide the opportunity for enjoyment, creativity and intellectual stimulation through knowledge of an additional language. SCOPE AND SEQUENCE: IB French I/II Quarter 1 Week 1 Present reg present irreg futur proche 2 Immediate past Immediate Past quiz/Reading 3 Imperfect Imperfect Imperfect 4 Passe compose w/avoir passe compose w/etre Reading 5 PE Review Passe compose w/objects Reading 6 conditional conditional conditional 7 Past of Conditional Past of Conditional Reading Plus que parfait Plus que parfait Reading futur proche pres/FP quiz/Reading Futur simple reg Futur simple irreg IP/ FS Imp quiz/listening Reading passe compose w/negation IB Practice Exam passe compose mix Passe compose quiz/ listening conditional quiz Reading Past of Conditional quiz Reading Plus que parfait PQP quiz/ IB Practice Exam Fall Intersession 8 9 PE Review Futur Anterieur Futur Anterieur Futur Anterieur Futur Anterieur quiz/ Reading 10 Listening Qtr 1 review Qtr 1 review Qtr 1 Exam Reading IB French I/II Quarter 2 11 Subjunctive triggers Subjunctive triggers Subjunctive triggers Reading trigger quiz/ Reading 12 Subjunctive conj Subjunctive conj Subjunctive conj Subjunctive quiz/ IB Practice Exam 13 PE Review Subjunc conj irreg Subjunc conj irreg Reading 14 colonization colonization Reading Thanksgiving Holiday 15 Dir. Obj pro Ind obj pro ind obj pro - y ind obj pro - en/reading obj pro quiz/ reading 16 listening/ Etre a/ 's etre a/ 's etre a / 's etre a / 's quiz IB Practice Exam PE Review possessive adj possessive adj possessive pro possessive pro Reading Winter Intersession 17 18 possessive pro pssessve pro/adj pssessve pro/adj poss adj/pro quiz Semester 1 Review Semester 1 Review 19 Semester 1 Review Semester Finals (Even) Semester Finals (Odd) Semester Finals Make-Up 20 Reading Reading Reading IB Practice Exam IB French I/II Quarter 3 21 PE Review Superlatives Comparatives Superlatives comparatives quiz/ reading 22 Demonstrative adj Demonstrative adj Demonstrative pro Demonstrative pro Demonstrative quiz/ reading 23 listening reading reading reading 24 reading reading IB Practice Exam PE Review 25 Interrogative adj Interrogative adj interrogative pro interrogative pro interrogative quiz/reading 26 Pulaski's Day reading reading reading reading 27 past of subjunct. past of subjunct. past of subjunct. past of subjunct. Quiz/ reading Reading 28 Reading Reading Reading IB Practice Exam PE Review 29 Spring Intersession 30 listening qtr 3 exam review qtr 3 exam review qtr 3 exam IB French I/II Quarter 4 31 passe simple passe simple passe simple passe simple quiz/reading 32 Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading 33 French cinema French cinema French cinema IB Practice Exam PE Review 34 French cinema French cinema French cinema French cinema French cinema 35 French music French music French music French music French music 36 French music French music French music French music French music 37 presentations presentations presentations presentations 38 Semester 2 Final Review Semester 2 Review REQUIREMENTS: 1. French/English Dictionary 2. Notebook (as outlined below) 3. Writing utensil (Black/blue ink or pencil only. However, final versions of projects/papers must be typed or written in ink unless cleared with teacher ahead of time.) 4. All work should be completed on time for credit. 2 late assignments per quarter will be accepted for full credit if turned in within 1 week of being assigned. All other late assignments will receive no more than ½ credit, depending upon quality of work, IF TURNED IN WITHIN 1 WEEK OF BEING ASSIGNED. No work will be accepted later than 1 week from being assigned. (Subject to teacher’s discretion.) 5. In most cases, in the event that you are absent from school, any work/quiz/test that was given will have as many days to make up missed work as the number of days you were absence NOT to exceed two weeks. However, if the absence is unexcused the quiz/test may not be made up and NO credit will be given. Make up work is to be scheduled outside of regular class time by signing up in the classroom. It is YOUR responsibility to see your instructor and to make arrangements. GRADING SCALE: 90-100 = A 80-89 = B 70-79 = C 60-69 = D 59 and below = F TEACHER’S SCHEDULE: Ms. Watson RM 330 Period 1 RM 330 Period 2 RM 330 Period 4 RM 330 Period 5 RM 330 Period 8 The following are the cornerstone of a positive learning environment 1. Respect. You are accountable for your behavior. THINK before you ACT. Respect yourself, each other and keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself. 2. Punctuality. Be prompt! Be on time to class, in your assigned seat and ready to work when the bell rings. Being prompt to class also means being prepared, bringing all classroom materials needed to learn. 3. Attitude. Come into class with a good, positive attitude. 4. Effort. TRY!!! Effort in this class can go a long way. Trying also means taking responsibility for your own academic progress in this class. GRADE EVALUATION: 1. The grade for each quarter will be determined in the following way: Grade weighting Classwork Quiz Test Mid-Term/Semester Finals Projects/Special Assignments Homework Binder/Notebooks 25% 15% 15% 15% 15% 10% 5% 2. All assignments/tests/quizzes for the week are announced and posted in the classroom on the first day of the school week. Assignments/announcements are also posted on under the corresponding course. Homework assignments are given three to four times a week and vary in point values and focus. Some assignments require writing, while others involve and/or include speaking practice and study. To receive full credit, homework must be ready to turn in when students enter. Some assignments will be counted as a test or quiz grade. Please remember that a lack of points for homework will bring down your grade. Grades are updated weekly on IMPACT. Parents and students are encouraged to access the IMPACT portal often to monitor student grades. Your goal in class should be to receive 100% for each assignment, which is assigned to help you study as well as to prepare you for a success in the acquisition of your new language. ***Students will be given weekly assessments on the grammar topics covered that week. If a student has not mastered the concept (receiving a score or 85% or better), he or she will be given additional practice assignments over the weekend. All other students will be excused from the weekend assignments. 3. Students will be required to keep notebooks/binders. The notebook/binder should have 4, completely separate and clearly marked sections. The following are the requirements for each section: 1. Homework and Objectives- students must have the date, daily objectives and homework listed for each day. Students may list more than one day per page. 2. Grammar- students must record grammar lessons/points for the day/week in the grammar section. 3. Vocabulary- students must record vocabulary for the day/week in the vocabulary section. 4. Returned work/handouts- students must keep all returned work/handouts to ensure accurate recordkeeping. ASSIGNMENT POLICY: It is important for you to keep up with ALL classroom assignments and homework as it gives practice of the new material being learned in class. To receive full credit for any assignment, it must: 1. Be turned in on time at the beginning of the period for homework and at the end of the period for class work. 2. Be complete. 3. Be legible. 4. Be the student’s own work. RECOVERY PLAN: If a student is failing, or in danger of failing, at, or before, the time of progress reports/report cards, he or she is entitled to ask for the World Language Recovery Plan. The plan is as follows: 1. The recovery plan must be initiated AT LEAST 4 WEEKS BEFORE THE FINAL REPORT CARD GRADE IS DUE. 2. Students must make up missed homework/class work for ½ credit. 3. Students must attend weekly tutoring sessions. 4. Students may make up 1 test or quiz The recovery plan is also posted along with other class documents on the school website: ADDITIONAL LEARNING RESOURCES/SUGGESTIONS: 1. Students, when in class, SPEAK FRENCH! Even if you make mistakes, your French will improve. 2. Ask your child to go over the day’s or week’s notes with you and explain what they have learned. You can have them explain what they didn’t understand so that they can articulate a question they want to ask in class the next day. 3. Help your child make and study flashcards for the chapter’s vocabulary. 4. After a quiz or test, go back over the notes or book to find the correct answers to the questions they missed. 5. Rent French films. (You can get them at many larger libraries for free.) 6. Using the language selection option on most DVDs, watch a familiar movie with French subtitles or language track. 7. Contact the Alliance Francaise to find a language exchange group that will allow your child to practice French with a native speaker. 8. Stay away from online translators!!!! 9. Visit websites such as to help read and listen to authentic French media. 10. Review notes 10-15 minutes on a daily basis, even when there is no formal homework due. 11. Check school website for current and upcoming assignments/tests/projects. CLASSROOM/LEARNING ENVIRONMENT EXPECTATIONS: 1. Students are expected to be in the classroom and in their seats when the bell rings. Students will lose the points for the daily bell-ringers every time they are tardy. If they are late on a quiz day, they will NOT receive additional time to take the quiz. If they miss it entirely, they have one day to make it up during their lunch period. 2. Students are expected to come to class fully prepared with book, notebook, assignments and writing utensils. Students who come unprepared will receive a zero for the day’s work. 3. Students are expected to use class time wisely, no personal grooming or completing work for other subjects. 4. Students are expected to raise their hand to get out of their seat or speak during instruction time. Students will be reminded of classroom protocol, but will face disciplinary actions if it is a continual problem. 5. Students are expected to use appropriate school language. Cursing is not acceptable. Major occurrences of obscenities will result in a phone call home and possible office referral. 6. Students are expected to respect each other and the teacher. There will be no name calling or insulting of anyone. Penalties include, but are not limited to: verbal warning, writing assignment, phone call home and parent conference. 7. Students are expected to turn in all assignments on time. (Classwork cannot be turned in late. 2 late homework assignments without penalty, every late homework assignment thereafter worth no more than ½ credit per quarter. Major assignments turned in after the due date for any reason is worth no more than half credit.) 8. Students are expected to complete their own work. There is to be no use of ANY type of translator, copying or allowing someone else to do the assignment. Any work not the student’s own will receive a zero without possibility for a make –up. 9. Students are expected to check the homework board, or school website, if they are absent on the first day of the week to get the homework/vocabulary for the week. 10. Students will be allowed to re-take one test or quiz per quarter. It is up to the student to arrange for a time to complete the make-up test within one week of the original test. 11. Students are expected to respect the property of others. This includes school property. Do not take or touch what does not belong to you without permission from the owner or teacher. 12. Students are expected to consume any food, drink, gum or candy during lunch. Such items are not allowed in the classroom and will be placed directly in the garbage. 13. Students are expected to follow the school rules concerning all electronic devices. Items will be confiscated. 14. Students are expected and encouraged to ask the teacher for additional work and/or assistance when needed. 15. The students can expect the teacher to treat them with respect. 16. The students can expect the teacher to consider different points of view and circumstances when making decisions. 17. The students can expect the teacher to follow the discipline guidelines and rules set forth by the school, CPS, or both. Parents can expect grades on the IMPACT parent portal and homework on the school website to be updated weekly. I have read carefully and I agree to: a. Complete all of the assignments to the best of my ability. b. Attend all classes unless I am ill or in an excused school activity. c. Abide by all guidelines as specified in the course syllabus. d. Work with my student to achieve the course’s academic/language acquisition goals. Please provide contact information:___________________________________________________________ STUDENT: (print)_____________________________________ (signature)__________________________ WITNESSED BY PARENT/GUARDIAN: (print name and relationship)______________________________________________________ (signature)____________________________________________ (date)________________________________________________