THE POWER OF DESCRIPTION: Unique Subject Headings and the Evolving Catalog Bill Schultz, Jr. Eastern Illinois University DO YOU EVER WONDER… 01/29/15 (School of Visual Arts, NY) Q: I'm trying to catalog a book with no copy in OCLC - it's about applying Alcoholics Anonymous teachings and principles to "the disease of racism". I usually don't deal with books on this subject matter and am having a hard time. Does anyone have any suggestions for this? A: Twelve-step programs 4/15/15: (Poplar Creek Public Library, IL) So, I was just putting together a record for a Mental Health Board's resource guide and was assigning subject headings. And I began to question -650 0 Family violence $x Services for Services for *prevention* is implied by this, right? Or am I overthinking this? ANATOMY OF CATALOG RECORD The Myth of Emptiness and the New American Literature of Place by Wendy Harding Magic Search: Getting the Best Results From Your Catalog and Beyond / Rebecca Kornegay, Heidi Buchanan, and Hidlegard B. Morgan “Effective use of subdivisions in searching is essential in a time when libraries talk constantly about the need to optimize resource discovery for their patrons.” (Kornegay, et al. V) Focuses on subdivisions Inspiration for… DEVELOPING MY OWN COLLECTION My background Special collections Unique items Specialized collections Getting a “feel” for what is useful Deceptively vague topics (Twelve-step programs) Specific audiences/genres (High school students’ writings) Currently...look to at least enhance everything we touch Control headings Add headings THE BIG PICTURE…SEARCH IN THE 21ST CENTURY… More and more piled in Books, Media, Articles, Digital collections, etc. Single search boxes Easy to be imprecise “Although libraries may be inclined to design their home pages around a single search box to give an impression of simplicity, inadequate functionality and resource coverage may frustrate users and hide significant portions of library resources and services” (Lown, Sierra and Boyer 2013) IMPORTANCE FOR USERS Is “discovery” a bad word? Powerful combination of OPAC capabilities and use of subject headings Kornegay suggests reference librarians learn 25 most popular subdivisions SPIDAL AND CUMMINGS (2014) 2005 study by Gross and Taylor 36% of results for a given research question would not be found if just keywords were not found in subject headings 2011 study (Spidal and Cummings) Survey of reference/instruction librarians about instruction 33% rarely or never mentioned subject headings in sessions 29% sometimes mentioned 14.5% always mentioned NEED FOR CONTROL… CONTROLLED VOCABULARIES AND INFORMATION OVERLOAD Discovery systems – limits by facet (geographic, topic, chronologic, etc.) Importance in Music Recital recordings Inherent value...captured in ways that we may not even see yet as catalogs and things like Bibframe evolve Need for description, precision AND ON TO SOME SELECTIONS… ALMOST TOO OBVIOUS… Altered states of consciousness Big Churches Burnout (Psychology) Curiosities and wonders Eccentrics and eccentricities Problem youth Retro (Style) THE UNEXPECTED… African American wit and humor Indians in literature Jewish clothing and dress Mathematics in nature Medicine, magic, mystic, and spagyric IMPRESSIVELY PRECISE… American dream in art Creative ability in science |x Effects of technological innovations on Japanese American baseball players Life change events Privatization in education Reflective teaching Refuse and refuse disposal in motion pictures Sociology of disability Text messaging (cell phone systems) and traffic accidents NeedleHaystack-photo-courtesy-of-Flickr-user-HikingArtist_com A FEW CALL NUMBERS… AC8 (Collections of essays – individual authors) E162-E169 (U.S. description and travel by period) GT2400 (Manners and customs – relative to private life General) GT2868 (Manners and customs – relative to private life - Bread) PN4888.O73 (Journalism – Special - Op-ed) HOW DO I USE THESE? Alphabetical including subdivision Small enough to be a general reference 150 items Form of a heading leads to others of a similar nature Sociology of (Disability) Relations with women Violence in sports From “Tennessee, East” came… NORTH CAROLINA, WESTERN IN CLOSING… We need description more than ever Metadata is part of the foundation for access Presence of metadata is key Filtering Tagging Refining WORKS CITED Kornegay, Rebecca S., Buchanan, Heidi E. Morgan, and Hildegard B. Magic Search: Getting The Best Results From Your Catalog And Beyond. Chicago: American Library Association, 2009. Print. Lewandowski, Dirk. "Search Engine User Behaviour: How Can Users Be Guided To Quality Content?." Information Services & Use 28.3/4 (2008): 261-268. Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts. Web. 24 Apr. 2015. Lown, Cory, Tito Sierra, and Josh Boyer. “How Users Search the Library from a Single Search Box.” College & Research Libraries 74, no. 3 (2013): 227-241. Spidal, Debra, and Lara Ursin Cummings. "Teaching The Use Of Library Of Congress Subject Headings As A Research Strategy For Undergraduate Students." College & Undergraduate Libraries 21.2 (2014): 155-176. Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts. Web. 17 May 2015. Swanson, Troy A., and Jeremy Green. "Why We Are Not Google: Lessons From A Library Web Site Usability Study." Journal Of Academic Librarianship 37.3 (2011): 222-229. Library Literature & Information Science Index (H.W. Wilson). Web. 1 May 2015. THANK YOU! Questions? William (Bill) Schultz, Jr. Eastern Illinois University