Likely Problems for APC

Uses 1.4 Ghz protected WMTS(Wireless Medical Telemetry Service) freq band
Tele and wireless bedsides can use same infrastructure CWI (common Wireless Infrastructure).
Bidirectional Uses Smart Hopping. Make sure you mark that instead of 802.11
If a frequency is interference occursthe tele signal hops to afreg /time slot for better performance.
ITS Transceivers TRX -- ecg only smaller and lighter ( No SPO2 hanging off the side.
TRX+ -- ECG + SPO2 or ECG upgradable to
Telemetry does all calcs at the PIIC.
SpO2 –
Transceiver sounds:
New device-- hasn’t been configured yet(Repeating double beeps
and all LED’s flashing.
Self test pass one beep fail two beeps
Not connected to PIIC = double beeps every 5 seconds. Single beep
when check button pressed means in contact with PIIC. Doubles
mean not in contact.
Find device-European ambulance tone
Spot check can be initiated at the PIIC or when the sensor is
inserted. Transmitter emits a pulse detection tone during the
The transmitter beeps to indicate if the measurement was successful
or not. One beep means passed. 2 means failed
If Pulse is detected single beep for each beat while measuring SpO2
Insert Batteries
Perform Self-Test
Make “Failed” Sound
Fail=2 Beeps
Make “Not Associated with IIC” sound
Repeating Double Beeps
Did SelfTest Pass?
Can the device
connect to an AP?
Make “Passed” sound
Pass(one beep)
Is the device
assigned to an IIC
Make “New Device” Sound & flash LED’s
Repeating Double Beeps & flash all
Has the “Check”
Button been
Has Device Been
Normal Operation
Make “Passed” sound
Pass(one Beep)
Volume Adjustable?
If “Mute” is selected, will sound be
Can sound Be Stopped at transceiver?
Once sound occurs Transceiver can stop it by pressing
“Check” for 6 seconds
New Device
Self Test
Not Associated with IIC(Out of range)
Find Device
SpO2 Measurement Successful
Pulse Detected
Transceiver Buttons:
Remote Alarm Pause/suspend
Initiated at transceiver by pressing
“transmitter” & Check Buttons at the
same time. Lasts for 3 Minutes.
Terminated by either pressing both
buttons again till the LED turns off or
end it at the PIIC.
Doesn’t work when Telemon
Configuration is done in unit settings and is Patient related (must admit the patient)
Telemetry Button- Nurse Call alarm
and/or recording or No function at all
Leadset Type. EASI shows up with
light on EASI also
Telemetry Button- Nurse Call alarm
and/or recording or No function at all
Telemetry Button- Nurse Call alarm
and/or recording or No function at all
SpO2 Mod- Off, Spot Check or Continuous.
Check ButtonStatus is check with Audio
indicator. Leadset,EASI Mode, Battery
Status. 1 beep- IIC association
2 beeps –not associated
Broadcast to desired transceiver. If
received the transceiver generates
“European Ambulance sound.
Suppresses Inops if an NIBP is being Made.
Enable/Disable pleth wave to the IIC
Enable/Disable Pulse Parameter to the IIC
Enable/Disable SpO2 alarms at IIC
Enable/Disable All Pacer spikes at fixed amplitude
Purchase Option=Device location (access Point) shows at the top of the PIIC screen. Will also show the location history if purchased right here
Standby Duration times are infinite to 10 minuts. Clinicians put the device in standby from the PIIC for however long they believe the patient will be out of range. Appr time till resume
shows in the standby window. Unit uses the most battery juice when coming out of standby looking for an AP.
Transceiver in Range
Transceiver Out of Range
Clinical operator presses “Resume Monitoring at PIIC
Monitoring resumes at PIIC
Standby remains at PIIC
Clinical operator presses Check Button on Trnsceiver
Monitoring Resumes at PIIC
Standby Remains at PIIC
Clinical operator set standby time duration in transceiver
Monitoring Resumes at PIIC
Standby Remains at PIIC
Setup which leads to use at IIC
Telemetry Button
Telemetry Device Volume:
Standby duration
Enable Remote suspend
Battery Gauge
Fixed Pacer Amplitude:
Enable SpO2
SpO2 Mode
Suppress SpO2 Inops with NBP
PIIC response to tele button press. Nurse Call, Record, Both or neither
Default volume for transceiver sounds
Infinite - 10 min
Allows operator from pausing(suspending or resuming alarms at transceiver
Displays battery gauge for each assigned transceiver on PIIC
Pacer spikes at fixed amplitude
Enable/disable measurement of SpO2
Sets transceiver SpO2 mod to off, Spot check or continuous
Enable/ disable SpO2 algorithm in transceiver to suppress inops if NIBP measurement is
Pleth wave
SpO2 alarm
SpO2 Limits
(SpO2)Patient Type:
RF auto Shutoff
Auto Pair
Suspend Duration
Service tools are
Transceiver Sounds
IIC system Validation Tool (always run after making changes to
system)(You can double click on messages for related help)
PIIC status log
Wireless Status log==“Wireless Monitoring Loss—Contact
Service shows if any of following occur
Duplicate IP Address
Loss of APC
No Master APC
Loss of Remote Antenna
Loss of AP
Local Sync Loss
Remote Sync Loss
Insufficient Spectrum: Only 2.4 GHz
The alerts are reported in the Wireless Status Log
The system message clears once the log is accessed and the problem
no longer exists
Categorized by Urgency:
Yellow-Result in Wireles monitoring loss—Call service”
Green –Info Only
And Type: Hardware or performance
Alerts have a “Flag”
Set (alert cond is active
Cleared(Clear when device boots up)
DB containing alerts and stats can’t be cleared.
being made
Enable/disable pleth wave from transceiver, and display on PIIC
Enable/disable Pulse parameter from transceiver, and display on PIIC
Enable/disable SpO2 alarms on the PIIC
Default high and low SpO2 alarm limts
Default alarm type Adult, Peds or Neo
Transceiver will shut down after 10 Min Gives “TRANSMITTER OFF” inop.
Automatically pairs a mon and tele when physical connection is established
Sets alarm suspend time(1,2 or 3 min)
APC web browser interface
Transceiver Service tool
Device LED’s
Likely Problems for the TelePak:
Poor ECG quality when used in showere due to water collecting in connector. Should encourage use of the Pouch
with protective flap. The transceiver won’t be damaged but the leadset will have to be dried out.
Likely Problems for AP:
Check for active connection between AP and APC:
Go into Philips wizard: and go to status tab
If screen is displayed, the AP is communicating with the APC
Note that a lot of info is on this screen:
IP address
Firmware Rev
LED status(available for 1.4 core AP. Not for the standard
AP) Keep pressing F5(refresh) to see if network and Radio
LED’s are OK. Screen doesn’t refresh on its own.
Remote antenna Status
Dip Switch setting
Insufficient spectrum status
Power/Sync flashing green-Loss of remote sync unit
Flashing Red- Loss of sync unit connected to this AP
AP Self-Test Passed but unregistered
Radio LED ON=Amber
Ntwk LED on-Amber
Power/SyncLED on – Amber
Other LED on’s indicate AP failure&need to replace
FDX(Full Duplex) off= Device is operatin in half duplex: DIP switch 4 set improperly
100M OFF AP operating at 10 Mbps again DIP 4 set improperly & connected to a switch configured for 10Mbps/Half
Link OFF=Problem with the network connection.
Act-Activity Off continuously : indicates no communication to or from the AP over wired link.
Likely Problems for APC:
Losing it’s configuration
Caused by how the “Master” APC manages transferring the
configuration files to the “Slave” APCs. If the installation
instructions are not followed precisely, the configuration will not be
transferred to ehe “Slave” and if the “slave” ever becomes the
“Master” the configuration will appear to be “lost”. Always run the
AP/APC upgrader Tool to make certain the configuration is
transferred properly!!!
Remember that the order things are done, does matter
Transceiver Tool Connecting to a Transceiver
Connect the service cable between the service PC
and transceiver.
Start the Application.
Click on :Connect
Insert batteries into the transceiver
The tool updates with status information
Coverage Assessment Tool:
Transceiver can be programmed to use the LED’s on it
to report received signal strength and it will start beeping
when the signal strength drops below the “Weak signal”
limit of -75dBm
Any IIT wireless bedside will report the received
signal strength in service mode, in the instrument
Telemetry Diagnostic screen.
Any MRx defibrillator will report the received
signal strength in the “Network Settings” screen
Note: the access point and the transceiver both
broadcast at the same signal strength so the
received signal strength reported by the
transceiver will accurately reflect the signal
strength received by the access point.
The body will impact strength(transmitted and
received) so it should be worn the way a patient
wears it. Use a pouch and adjust so you can see
the LED’s.
If you hold it, hold close to the body and away
from ECG leadset. Your hand will cause a lot of
RF Absorption and result in a poor
2 operating modes; Philips recommends the average.
RSSI(Received Signal Strength Indicator) mode. Can be
changed by pressing the “Telemetry button”.
Average RSSI mode
EASI LED is “on”
Provides the average RSSI over the last
3 seconds
Point RSSI Mode
EASI LED is off
Samples and reports RSSI every 25 ms
Battery on Telepak shows how strong signal is. There is
no audio feedback unless there is no signal which is the
double beep.
All LED’s on = >49dBm good signal
Botom 3 on = -50 to -69 dBM Good Signal
Bottom 2 on = -70 to -75 dBM Marginal to weak
Bottom 1 = <-75 dBm Weak signal
No lights = No connection to AP and Double beep.
At the bedside monitor, go into service Mode
Navigate from Main setup to Instr. Telemetry:
MAC Instr. Tele.: MAC address of the IT radio Module
RF access Code
IP Address: current IP address
Server IP: Bootp Server IP address (APC)
Subnet Mask: Subnet Mask of wireless network
RSSI: Insturement Telemetry Radios RSSI(Value updates whil window is open
Connection status: Active or Inactive.
Navigate from Menu to Other to Network Settings:
Connection: Displays current Connection status(wired, wireless, or inactive)
MAC address: MRx MAC address
MAC Instr Tele. : Instrument Telemetry radio module MAC address
RF Access Code
IP address: Current IP address
Server IP: IP address of associated Information center
Subnet Mask: subnet mask of wired or wirelesss network
RSSI Insturment Telemetry Radio’s Received Signal Strength Indicator ( Value updates shile window is open)
Wireless Bedsides and Defibrillators
Network connectivity Priorities
Wired and wireless connections cant be active at
the same time
When both are available the wired takes priority
If the wired is lost, the wireless will kick in within 1
Turn on device, Check connectivity messages at
the device for information
If no icons present, check network option is
installed properly and enabled
Make certain monitor label in device matches what
is on the DBS/IIC
Connect monitor to wired network and get that
working first, them move to wireless link
SPo2-Beep when starts and beeps when done
No Beep if initiated@ the PIIC.
Buttons are on page 25
Sounds Page 19
Sounds from PIIC 21
Tele Setup Page 34
Tele uses most battery life when seeking page 38
All Controls unit Settings Telemetry
J is Highest Rev on Monitor
N is Highest Rev on PIIC
Monitor always alarms Real-time(May hear before you see)
Alarms are Patient Related so you must discharge and admit
Smart keys are in config mode or smart key
ITS compatible with C and above only
Nee to know haw many AP’s
Length of Cable
Toga UTP cable length Sync to POE < 100 Meters or less than 328 Feet
Troubleshooting-AP just go into
All controls Status Logs
Label Assignment All Controls label assignments
SPo2 must be turned on—Don’t forget.
Smart Hopping with Remote Antennas (same number of devices even with the Remote Antenna
Less expensive
Device Location each core APand antenna is unique
Access Points can Handle up to 18 wireless clients even if you have Remotes.
Syck Network Design
If the wireless networkneedsmorethan onesync Unit a Synck network design isrequired.
In these situations ther is a singleMaster sync uit and one or more to talk to.
4 synces can be daisy chained together or configured in star topology.