Assignment 2 Error Analysis in L2 Writing

Paulina Montoya C.
Sec. 4
November 20th, 2015
“Finn, one of the announcer, states that two UK universities have
calculated how robots are susceptible in jobs that include some key skills;
furthermore, a study of Oxford University has suggested that 35 % of
existing jobs are being automated by machines in the next 20 years”.
• Morphological
• Plurality
• Morphological
• Misuse
• The term
doesn’t fit in this
sentence sine it is
referring to the
robots not the jobs.
Finn, one of the announcers, states
that two UK universities have
calculated how robots are able to
perform in jobs that include some key
skills. Moreover, a study of Oxford
University has suggested that that 35
% of existing jobs are being
automated by machines in the next
20 years”.
“Computers are able to do certain specific jobs faster
and more efficient than humans would do it”
 “Computers are able to
do certain specific jobs
faster and more efficient
than humans would”
• Morphological mistake
• Plurality
• The sentence refers that
computers can do certain
“jobs” in plural and at the
end of the sentence a
singular pronoun “it” is used
to refer to those jobs.
“As a result, both speakers state that a job that involves social
and cognitive skills is more likely to be done that other jobs that
require physical abilities”
• Style/register
• Word choice
• Overusing “that” in a
sentence is not accurate in
formal writing.
“As a result, both speakers
state that a job which involves
social and cognitive skills is
more likely to be done than
other jobs that require physical
“From my point of view, I consider that machines and
computers are necessary nowadays because they
provide us useful tools in order to facilitate our life”.
“From my point of view, I
consider that machines and
computers are necessary
nowadays because they
provide us useful tools in
order to facilitate our lives”.
• Morphological mistake
• Plurality
• Life is singular, but here
we are taking about “our
lives”, meaning more than
one; therefore, we should
use the plural form which
is “lives”.
“Moreover, these robots can perform repetitive jobs like office workers do
() and they are susceptible to automate some key skills that are required to
do other task such as: negotiation, persuasion, caring for others, originality
and manual dexterity, that means being good with your hands”
• Form
• Punctuation mistake
• There should be a comma
between “do” and “and”.
Morphological mistakes
The word “susceptible” does not
fit into the sentence.
It says “task” when it should be
in plural form “tasks”. There are
multiple tasks not just one.
 “Moreover, these robots
can perform repetitive jobs
like office workers do, they
are able to automate some
key skills that are required
to do other tasks such as:
negotiation, persuasion,
caring for others,
originality and manual
“Despite machines are useful in our daily life and make easier and
more effective certain jobs such as white collar jobs or office works, I
strongly disagree with the idea that robot may take jobs that have
been done by humans before.”
• Morphological mistakes
• Plurality: Our daily lives.
• Instead of “that robot”,
it should say “that
• Misuse:
• We cannot say office works,
since work does not take an s
to make it plural; besides,
white collar jobs and office
work are the same, so it is
• I think what the writer meant
to say was office jobs, which
is different types of jobs
done in an office.
“Despite machines are useful in our daily life and make easier
and more effective certain jobs such as white collar jobs or
office works, I strongly disagree with the idea that robot may
take jobs that have been done by humans before.”
“Machines are useful in our daily
lives, they make easier and more
effective certain jobs such as
white collar jobs; however, I
strongly disagree with the idea
that robots may take jobs which
have been done by humans
“I consider that we cannot be replaced by them, because we
have abilities that neither computer nor robot can do; in
addition to this, machines may have mechanical problems that
in some cases are difficult to fix.”
• Morphological mistake
• Plurality
• “Computer” and “robot”
should be in plural form
since we are talking about
“them”, meaning more
than one.
 “I consider that we cannot
be replaced by them,
because we have abilities
that neither computers
nor robots can do; in
addition to this, machines
may have mechanical
problems that in some
cases are difficult to fix.”
“Although technology is important nowadays and we
facilitate our daily life, we should be aware of the
disadvantages that involves living in a technological world”
Morphological mistakes
Here we are talking about technology,
in singular; therefore, we should use a
singular pronoun that in this case
would be it.
• It should say facilitates in plural.
• It should say our daily “lives”.
It should say involve.
“Although technology is
important nowadays
because it facilitates our
daily lives, we should be
aware of the disadvantages
that involve living in a
technological world”
“We ought to adapt our abilities in order to be productive at
the moment of working; otherwise, we are being replaced as
soon as we are needless.”
• Morphological mistake
• Grammatical tense
• We are talking about
something that could
happen in the future if
we do not do something
now; therefore, we have
to use going to.
“We ought to adapt our
abilities in order to be
productive at the
moment of working;
otherwise, we are going
to be replaced as soon as
we are needless.”