09 -27- 11 Agenda HOMEWORK CHECK Place on your desk: *Calculator *Orange homework chart *Free Fall Acceleration WS 1) What is the value of “g”? 9.8 m/s2 2) True or False: What is formula for final free-fall velocity when Vo is given. Vf=Vo+gt 1) Warm-Up 5 min 2) Free-Fall Acceleration Due! 3) Pick-Up Graded Work 4) Org. Green Folder 10 min 5) Purple Formula Sheet 5 min 6) Lab Procedures 10 min 7) Bugso-Copter Lab 45 min 8) Review Sheet Qs 20 min •Lab Partner •Read Procedures & Questions •Use supplies to design experiment/ BugsoCopter •Use notes for assistance •Graph+Qs •LAB DUE TODAY!! Free Fall Why does an object fall to the ground when dropped? GRAVITY Gravity pulls objects towards the Earth at an acceleration 9.8 meters/sec/sec (m/s2). Free Fall: How Fast Elapsed time – the time that has passed since the beginning of the fall. In free fall, an object accelerates at a rate of 10 m per second every second Free Fall: How Fast To calculate velocity in free fall: velocity = acceleration X time or v=gt Remember: g= acceleration due to gravity Free Fall: How Far How fast something falls is different from how far it has fallen Free-Fall: How Far? To calculate distance fallen: distance=1/2g X time or d=1/2gt2 2 Elephant VS Feather With no other resistance, they both fall with the SAME ACCELERATION: 10 m/sec/sec But we all know the elephant would land first. Why? Answer: AIR RESISTANCE Air resistance alters the motion of falling objects by adding additional forces. DUE TODAY: • Free-Fall Notes (KEEP) “In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.” Aristotle DUE NEXT CLASS: • Free Fall Acceleration WS • Test Review Sheet • Bring Calculator! In front of dividers: •Homework chart (orange) •Formula chart (purple) •Syllabus •Lab Safety Rules •Coupon (green) Notes/Handouts •Acceleration notes •Distance & Displacement Notes II •Distance & Displacement Notes I •Physics Vocab. Chart •Sig. Fig Handout •Linear Motion Notes •“About Science” Notes Quizzes •Safety Quiz •Speed/Velocity Quiz Daily Work •Linear motion reading assignment •Writing a hypothesis •All homework assignments Labs •Distance & Displacement Lab •Toy car lab Misc. •Lose papers