Gatsby Chapter Four Worksheet

The Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald
5. What are some details that Gatsby tells Nick
about his life? List two.
Chapter Four
1. Within the first several paragraphs of Ch. 4,
Nick lists some of the people who attended
Gatsby’s parties. List three of the names. (p.
65-66 in Scribner)
2. Nick admits to being disappointed in Gatsby.
Why? (p. 69 in Scribner) Give a full sentence
at least and quote the text.
6. What country gave Gatsby the war medal that
he shows to Nick?
7. Why does he admit that he is telling Nick
these things? (p. 71-72)
8. A police officer pulls Gatsby over while he is
driving. In a full sentence tell what happens
with the officer.
3. Fill in the blank:
“I’ll tell you _________ truth.” His right hand
suddenly ordered divine retribution to stand
by. “I am the _______ of some wealthy
________ in the middle-west—all dead now.
I was brought up in ____________ but
educated at _______________ because all my
ancestors have been educated there for many
years. It is a ______________ tradition.”
9. Nick has lunch with Gatsby and Mr.
Wolfshiem. What does Mr. Wolfshiem have
for cuff buttons?
10. What famous thing does Gatsby say that
Wolfshiem did in 1919?
4. Look up “Oxford.” It is a school. Where is it
and what is its reputation?
11. While sitting at the Plaza Hotel, Jordan Baker
tells Nick that Daisy had met Gatsby before.
Where had they met and when (what year?)?
More on Back!
12. Why is there reason to think that Daisy was
not happy about marrying Tom Buchannan?
Write at least four full sentences and quote
the text.
16. In the last portion of Chapter Four, Nick
has the following phrase “beat” in his
ears: “There are only the pursued, the
pursuing, the busy and the tired.”
In at least four sentences, identify whom
Gatsby is “pursuing” and explain the plan
which he is executing to get her. Quote
the text at least once.
13. According to Jordan, why did Gatsby buy his
particular house?
14. Fill in the Blank:
Then it had not been merely the ___________
to which he had aspired on the __________
night. He came alive to ___________,
delivered suddenly from the __________of
his purposeless _______________.
15. What did Gatsby ask Jordan to ask Nick?