(D) Make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support

Grade 4th Grade Reading Assessment
Eligible Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
Texas Education Agency Student Assessment Division Fall 2011
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Same Verb Used at Depth of Knowledge Levels
4.2 B
5.2 B
determine what words mean from how the are used in a sentence either heard or read
use context to determine the relevant meaning of unfamiliar words or multiple meaning words
use context to determine the relevant meaning of unfamiliar words in distinguish among multiple meaning words and
use context of the sentence (e.g., in-sentence example or definition) to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words or
multiple words meaning words.
use context (e.g., in-sentence restatement) to determine or clarify the meaning of unfamiliar or multiple meaning words;
Level 1
Level 2
Using the words from
Using a set of prefixes,
the list, look up the
definition in the
suffixes, and root words
students will create new
“nonsense” words. Students
will select one of their new
words and develop a short
paragraph that provides
context clues to help a
reader understand what the
new word means.
How would you match the
following words to their
Level 3
Level 4
Select words from the word wall
and a create graphic organizers that
demonstrates synonyms and word
phrases that could be used to
describe the words. In pairs create a
madlib (ridiculous story created
when you fill in the blanks with word
or word phrases) leaving strategic
blanks where the original
vocabulary word would be used or
placed. Students will exchange their
madlib with another pair of students
who will fill in the blanks using
synonyms from their brainstorming.
Students will discuss how the
context of their stories changed and
will write a short paragraph
comparing/contrasting how the
stories changed.
From a select group of
words students will
brainstorm possible uses
of the words. They will
create a radio, online,
magazine, newspaper or
television advertisement to
sell one of the words to the
class. Using a rubric
students will evaluate each
other on whether the
context of their ad
supports the use of word
and whether the format
selected supports the
appropriate use of that
Same Verb Used at Depth of Knowledge Levels
K.7A Students are expected to respond to rhythm and rhyme in poetry through identifying a regular beat and similarities in word sounds
1.8A Students are expected to respond to and use rhythm, rhyme, and alliteration in poetry.
2.7A Students are expected to describe how rhyme, rhythm, and repetition interact to create images in poetry
3.6A Students are expected to describe the characteristics of various forms of poetry and how they create imagery (e.g., narrative poetry, lyrical
poetry, humorous poetry, free verse).
4.4A Students are expected to explain how the structural elements of poetry (e.g., rhyme, meter, stanzas, line breaks) relate to form (e.g., lyrical
poetry, free verse).
5.4A Students are expected to analyze how poets use sound effects (e.g., alliteration, internal rhyme, onomatopoeia, rhyme scheme) to reinforce
meaning in poems
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Let’s complete a “quick” analysis of the test design
Examining STAAR
Implications for Teaching
Number of
Non-linguistic Representation charts, pictures,
photos, diagrams, captions, etc.
Information that is italicized, highlighted
bolded, etc. ,
Identify the type of genres tested
Number of 3rd Grade Aligned SEs
Number of 2nd Grade Aligned SEs
Number of 1st Grade Aligned SEs
Number of Kinder Aligned SEs
DOK Levels
“Think Around” the question and capture all thoughts
by jotting down what is being said.
In order for a 4th grade student to be able to master
this question what does the student need to know?
In order for a 4th grade student to be able to master this question what does the student need to know?
Let’s look at Vertical Alignment
2011 5th Grade STARR Mathematics Released Item~Question 1
5th Grade Figure 19 (4,3,2,1K) Reading/Comprehension Skills : Students us a flexible range of metacognitive
reading skills in both assigned and independent reading to understand an author’s message. Students will continue
to apply earlier standards with greater depth in increasingly more complex texts as they become self-directed,
critical readers. The student is expected to:
(D) Make
inferences based
on the cover,
illustrations, and
First Grade.
(D) Make
about text and
use textual
evidence to
Second Grade
(D) Make
about text and
use textual
evidence to
Third Grade
(D) Make
about text and
use textual
evidence to
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
(D) Make
about text and
use textual
evidence to
(D) Make
about text and
use textual
evidence to
CSCOPE Performance Indicators
Please note that Fig. 19 D is assessed through performance
indicators in every unit. Only a few were selected for this activity
2nd Grade CSCOPE Performance Indicators
3rd Grade CSOPE Performance Indicators
4th Grade CSOPE Performance Indicators
Unit 3 Second Nine Weeks.
After listening to two stories written by the same
author, complete a story map for each. . With a
partner, compare the story maps and discuss the
literary elements in each story. Individually, select
one character and list distinguishing features (e.g.,
traits, motivations, and feelings) to describe him
or her. . (2.Fig19B, 2.Fig19D, 2.Fig19F; 2.3A,
2.3B; 2.9A, 2.9B)
Unit 1 First Nine Weeks
Write multiple entries including thoughts,
connections, and/or strategies that deepen
understanding of fictional texts and media.
Provide evidence from the text to support
ideas. (3.Fig19A, 3.Fig19B, 3.Fig19C, 3.Fig19D,
3.Fig19E; 3.2A, 3.2B, 3.2C; 3.11A; 3.20C)
Unit 2 First Nine Weeks
After reading a play or script, complete a graphic
organizer that describes the structural elements of
dramatic literature and provide text evidence
including dial (4.Fig19D; 4.5A)
Unit 4 Third Nine Weeks
Write multiple brief notebook entries to record
thoughts, connections, and/or strategies that
deepen understanding of text and media. Provide
textual evidence to support ideas. ( 2.Fig19D,
2.Fig19F; 2.3A, 2.3B, 2.3C; 2.13A; 2.14C;
2.16A; 2.19C)
Unit 5B Fourth Nine Weeks
Write multiple brief notebook entries to record
thoughts, connections, and/or strategies that
deepen understanding of text and media. Provide
textual evidence to support ideas. ( 2.Fig19D,
2.Fig19F; 2.3A, 2.3B, 2.3C; 2.13A; 2.14C;
2.16A; 2.19C)
Unit 3 Second Nine Weeks
Locate and read multiple texts on a topic of
personal interest. Use text features to locate
important information. On a poster, sort and
categorize the information gathered from the
texts. Include 2 or more relevant text features on
the display. (3.Fig19A, 3.Fig19B, 3.Fig19C,
3.Fig19D, 3.Fig19E, 3.Fig19F; 3.2A, 3.2B, 3.2C;
3.4B; 3.12A; 3.13A, 3.13B, 3.13D; 3.25A, 3.25B;
3.26Aii, 3.26A
Unit 4B Third Nine Weeks
After reading and/or viewing an advertisement,
identify the topic and author’s purpose. In a
paragraph, identify what the author is trying to
persuade you to think or do, explain how the
techniques used influence the message and
provide text evidence. Share your paragraph with
a partner or small group. (3.Fig19C, 3.Fig19D;
3.12A; 3.14A; 3.16B; 3.20C) 1E, 1H; 2F; 3E,iii,
3.26B, 3.26C)
Unit 3 Second Nine Weeks
After reading an expository text, select a small
section of the text to read aloud to a small group.
Using appropriate conventions, describe how the
information in the section is related (e.g.,
cause/effect, compare/contrast, sequential order
and/or main idea/detail) and whether the author
was explicit or implicit in showing the
relationship between ideas. (4.1A; 4.Fig19A,
4.Fig19C, 4.Fig19D; 4.11C; 4.28Aogue.
Unit 4 Third Nine Weeks
Gather information about your topic by skimming
and scanning, and taking simple notes on note
cards from the resources listed on your threecolumn chart. Sort the information gathered into
categories to focus (i.e. narrow) your research
topic. Write a topic sentence that establishes the
central idea about your narrowed research
topic.(4.Fig19A, 4.Fig19B, 4.Fig19C; 4.Fig19D,
4.Fig19E, 4.Fig19F; 4.11A, 4.11B, 4.11C, 4.11D;
4.18Ai; 4.24Ai, 4.24Aii, 4.24Aiii, 4.24B, 4.24C,
Taught in
1 , 2 , 3 , and 4th nine weeks
4th Fig.19(D (3, 2, 1, K)
Make inferences about text and use
textual evidence to support
understanding(Literal Nonfiction,
Poetry, Drama)
(Note: 4.7-)Students understand,
make inferences and draw
conclusions about the varied
structural patterns and features of
literary nonfiction and provide
evidence from text to support their
understanding. Students are
expected to identify similarities and
differences between the events and
characters' experiences in a fictional
work and the actual events and
experiences described in an author's
biography or autobiography.
DOK: Level (Evidence)
Level 2-Making inferences and
drawing conclusions from text. For
example, in paragraphs 1-8, it
describes all of Lady Birds’
concerns, but in paragraph 8 “The
Highway Beautification Act” stands
out as one of the main concerns.
What part of the SE is being
Students need to draw conclusions
and make inferences.
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) if it is stated and (I) if it
is implied
How is it being tested?\
Drawing Conclusions (I)
Contextual Vocabulary
What do the students need to
know in order to answer the
Students must have good
comprehension skills and be able to
draw conclusions
The reader can tell
(Students need to distinguish the
good reasons from the best reasons
given from the text).
Taught in
1 , 2 , 3 , and 4th nine weeks
4th Fig.19(D (3, 2, 1, K)
Make inferences about text and use
textual evidence to support
understanding(Literal Nonfiction,
Poetry, Drama)
(Note: 4.7-)Students understand,
make inferences and draw
conclusions about the varied
structural patterns and features of
literary nonfiction and provide
evidence from text to support their
understanding. Students are
expected to identify similarities and
differences between the events and
characters' experiences in a fictional
work and the actual events and
experiences described in an author's
biography or autobiography.
DOK: Level (Evidence)
Level 2-Making inferences and
drawing conclusions about the
information. For example,,
reading paragraphs 1-9 it gives
the student an overview of what
the rest of the passage will be
about, but in paragraph 10, it
highlights one of the most
important points of inspiring
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) if it is stated and (I) if it
is implied
Contextual Vocabulary
What part of the SE is being
Students need to make inferences
and draw conclusions about text.
How is it being tested?
Which sentence shows
What do the students need to
know in order to answer the
Students need to use their
comprehension skills and draw
conclusions in order to answer
this type of question.
Taught in
4th Fig.19D (3, 2, 1, K)
Make inferences about text and use
textual evidence to support
understanding(Literal Nonfiction,
Poetry, Drama)
(Note: 4.7-)Students understand,
make inferences and draw
conclusions about the varied
structural patterns and features of
literary nonfiction and provide
evidence from text to support their
understanding. Students are
expected to identify similarities and
differences between the events and
characters' experiences in a fictional
work and the actual events and
experiences described in an author's
biography or autobiography.
DOK: Level (Evidence)
What part of the SE is being
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) if it is stated and (I) if
it is implied
How is it being tested?
Contextual Vocabulary
What do the students need to
know in order to answer the
Taught in
4th Fig.19E (3, 2, 1, K)
Summarize information in text,
maintaining meaning and logical
order(Literary Nonfiction, Poetry
and Drama)
DOK: Level (Evidence)
What part of the SE is being tested?
(Note: 4.7-)Students understand,
make inferences and draw
conclusions about the varied
structural patterns and features of
literary nonfiction and provide
evidence from text to support their
understanding. Students are
expected to identify similarities and
differences between the events and
characters' experiences in a fictional
work and the actual events and
experiences described in an author's
biography or autobiography.
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) if it is stated and
(I) if it is implied
How is it being tested?
Contextual Vocabulary
What do the students need to know in
order to answer the question?
Taught in
4th Fig.19D (3, 2, 1, K)
Make inferences about text and use
textual evidence to support
understanding(Literal Nonfiction,
Poetry, Drama
of Literary Text/Sensory Language.
Students understand, make
inferences and draw conclusions
about how an author's sensory
language creates imagery in literary
text and provide evidence from text
to support their understanding.
Students are expected to identify the
author's use of similes and
metaphors to produce imagery
DOK: Level (Evidence)
What part of the SE is being
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) if it is stated and (I) if it
is implied
How is it being tested?
Contextual Vocabulary
What do the students need to
know in order to answer the
Taught in
4th Fig.19D (3, 2, 1, K)
Make inferences about text and use
textual evidence to support
understanding(Literal Nonfiction,
Poetry, Drama
(Note: 4.7) Reading/Media Literacy.
Students use comprehension skills to
analyze how words, images,
graphics, and sounds work together
in various forms to impact meaning.
Students continue to apply earlier
standards with greater depth in
increasingly more complex texts.
DOK: Level (Evidence)
What part of the SE is being
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) if it is stated and (I) if it
is implied
How is it being tested?
Contextual Vocabulary
What do the students need to
know in order to answer the
Taught in
1 and 3rd nine weeks
4.4 A (3.4A, 2.5A)
Reading/Comprehension of
Literary Text/Poetry. Students
understand, make inferences and
draw conclusions about the
structure and elements of poetry
and provide evidence from text
to support their understanding.
Students are expected to explain
how the structural elements of
poetry (e.g., rhyme, meter,
stanzas, line breaks) relate to
form (e.g., lyrical poetry, free
DOK: Level (Evidence)
What part of the SE is being
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) if it is stated and (I) if
it is implied
How is it being tested?
Contextual Vocabulary
What do the students need to
know in order to answer the
Taught in
1 and 3rd nine weeks
4.4 A (3.4A, 2.5A)
Reading/Comprehension of
Literary Text/Poetry. Students
understand, make inferences and
draw conclusions about the
structure and elements of poetry
and provide evidence from text to
support their understanding.
Students are expected to explain
how the structural elements of
poetry (e.g., rhyme, meter,
stanzas, line breaks) relate to form
(e.g., lyrical poetry, free verse)
DOK: Level (Evidence)
What part of the SE is being
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) if it is stated and (I) if it
is implied
How is it being tested?
Contextual Vocabulary
What do the students need to
know in order to answer the
What do the students need to
know in order to answer the
Taught in
1 nine weeks
4th Fig.19D (3, 2, 1, K)
Make inferences about text and use
textual evidence to support
understanding(Literal Nonfiction,
Poetry, Drama
(Note 4.4) Reading/Comprehension
of Literary Text/Poetry. Students
understand, make inferences and
draw conclusions about the structure
and elements of poetry and provide
evidence from text to support their
understanding. Students are
expected to explain how the
structural elements of poetry (e.g.,
rhyme, meter, stanzas, line breaks)
relate to form (e.g., lyrical poetry,
free verse)
DOK: Level (Evidence)
What part of the SE is being
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) if it is stated and (I) if it
is implied
How is it being tested?
Contextual Vocabulary
What do the students need to
know in order to answer the
Taught in
1 , 2 , 3 , and 4th nine weeks
4.2B (3.4B, 2.5B, 1.6C)
Development. Students
understand new vocabulary and
use it when reading and writing.
Students are expected to:
(B) use the context of the sentence
(e.g., in-sentence example or
definition) to determine the
meaning of unfamiliar words or
multiple meaning words;
DOK: Level (Evidence)
What part of the SE is being
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) if it is stated and (I) if it
is implied
How is it being tested?
Contextual Vocabulary
What do the students need to
know in order to answer the
Taught in
2 , 3 , 4th nine weeks
4.11 A (3.13A, 2.14A, 1.14A,
Reading/Comprehension of
Informational Text/Expository
Text. Students analyze, make
inferences and draw conclusions
about expository text and
provide evidence from text to
support their understanding.
Students are expected to:
DOK: Level (Evidence).
What part of the SE is being
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) if it is stated and (I) if
it is implied
How is it being tested?
(A) summarize the main idea
and supporting details in text in
ways that maintain meaning;
Contextual Vocabulary
What do the students need to
know in order to answer the
Taught in
4th Fig.19D (3, 2, 1, K)
Make inferences about text and use
textual evidence to support
understanding(Literal Nonfiction,
Poetry, Drama
(Note: 4.11)
Reading/Comprehension of
Informational Text/Expository Text.
Students analyze, make inferences
and draw conclusions about
expository text and provide
evidence from text to support their
DOK: Level (Evidence)
What part of the SE is being
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) if it is stated and (I) if
it is implied
How is it being tested?
Contextual Vocabulary
What do the students need to
know in order to answer the
Taught in
4th Fig. 19F (3, 2, 1, K)
Writing/Persuasive Texts.
Students write persuasive texts
to influence the attitudes or
actions of a specific audience
on specific issues. Students are
expected to write persuasive
essays for appropriate
audiences that establish a
position and use supporting
DOK: Level (Evidence)
What part of the SE is being
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) if it is stated and (I)
if it is implied
How is it being tested?
Contextual Vocabulary
What do the students need to
know in order to answer the
Taught in
4th Fig. 19F (3, 2, 1, K)
Writing/Persuasive Texts.
Students write persuasive texts
to influence the attitudes or
actions of a specific audience on
specific issues. Students are
expected to write persuasive
essays for appropriate audiences
that establish a position and use
supporting details.
DOK: Level (Evidence)
What part of the SE is being
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) if it is stated and (I) if
it is implied
How is it being tested?
Contextual Vocabulary
What do the students need to
know in order to answer the
Taught in
4th Fig. 19F (3, 2, 1, K)
Writing/Persuasive Texts.
Students write persuasive texts to
influence the attitudes or actions
of a specific audience on specific
issues. Students are expected to
write persuasive essays for
appropriate audiences that
establish a position and use
supporting details.
DOK: Level (Evidence)
What part of the SE is being
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) if it is stated and (I) if
it is implied
How is it being tested?
Contextual Vocabulary
What do the students need to
know in order to answer the