AP Government Study Guide Ch. 1-5 Ch. 1 Introduction -Youth Participation in the U.S -Political Theories of Michael Delli Carpine and Scott Keeter -Forms of Political Participation -Linkage Institutions -Public Policies -Policy Agenda -Democratic and Constitutional Principles: Majority Rule, Minority Rights, Popular Sovereignty, egalitarianism, individual freedom, Separation of Powers, Social Contract, etc. -Hyperpluralist Theory -Balance of power theory -pluralist theory -bureaucratic theory -policy gridlock -political culture -liberalism -politics -populism -lassiez-faire -Wayne Baker culture war theory -GDP -public goods -Budget of United States -challenges to democracy Ch. 2 History -Thomas Jefferson -French and Indian War and resulting shift of British government -Declaration of Independence -Locke’s Philosophy’s -Articles of Confederation- Weaknesses -Annapolis Meeting -Philadelphia Constitutional Convention -New Jersey Plan -Virginia Plan -Connecticut Compromise -Madisonian System -Federalist and Anti-Federalist -Federalist Papers -John Marshall Decision Marbury v Madison Ch. 3 Federalism -Federalism -Supremacy Clause -Unitary governments -10 amendment -McCulloch v. Maryland -Enumerated powers -Implied Powers -Full faith and credit clause -Fiscal Federalism -Types of Grants -Cooperative Federalism -Dual Federalism -Intergovernmental relations -Republican and Democrats approach to Federalism (1990s) -Confederation -Unitary Systems -Devolution -Defense against Marriage Act -No Child left behind Ch. 4: Civil Liberties and Public Policy -Civil Liberties -Bill of Rights (memorized) -Barron v Baltimore - Establishment Clause -Free-excise clause -Symbolic Speech -Libel -Slander -Know the Court Cases Associated With Bill of Rights Ch. 5 Civil Rights and Public Policy -Supreme Court Cases classifications on Race, Gender, and Age -Dred Scott v Sanford -13 amendment; 14 Amendment; 15 amendment; 24 amendment; equal protection amendment -Grandfather clause -White Minorities -Defense Against Marriage Act; -Brown v Topeka Board of Education -Civil Rights Amendments -Civil Rights Acts and Voters Right Acts; Suffrage -Equal Employment and Opportunity Commission -Hernandez v Texas -Title IX of Education Act 1972 -American with Disabilities Act 1990 -Adarand Constructors v Pena -Parents Involved in Community Schools v Seattle School District No.