19 - Earths Final Warning

Earths Final Warning
Earths final warning is our topic of discussion. In regards to what the information is that we’ve
uncovered so far we started of in the very first lecture on asking is it the end of the world? Does that
idea even exist? Is it a possibility? After that we’ve gone through various gulps of information to try and
absorb and understand what on earth is going on in this war on deception. We started off on the bible
and then we took off and went into uncovering these deceptions which Satan has got laid out for
humanity in various areas from the pagan religions through to the Christian denominations through to
business, politics etc. There is a net of deception waiting to swallow up the whole population. Earths
final warning is a call which comes from heaven and it is built on the three angels messages which we
covered. You remember that these were three heavenly messages which go out into the world in
Revelation and they warn the world about a final judgment that’s about to take place. Do you remember
what those three angels’ messages were? Let’s cover them again. Let’s go through them and make sure
that it is understood. I want you to absorb it or read it, understand it and try to figure out how does this
pertain to me in my?
Revelation 14:6
It was regarding the everlasting gospel. Do you remember this angel that had the everlasting gospel?
What was the everlasting gospel? It was the truth of Jesus Christ being the savior of the world, the Old
Testament sanctuary being fulfilled in the New Testament Christ. Not only that, we recognized that
there were two pillars that were needed. When it comes to Christ we always have this need for the
recognition that when it comes to Christ there are always two pillars needed, not just one. Here are the
patients of the saints; it says, these are the people that will make it to heaven – this figure of a hundred
and forty four thousand which is not a literal figure. They have two characteristics; here are the patients
of the saints, here are they which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus
Christ. Today we see most of Christianity that have the faith or the testimony of Jesus Christ but they
don’t keep the Ten Commandments. This is the problem. It is this idea of righteousness by grace without
any works is what is being propagated into the world. It is being over emphasized that the law has been
removed. It has not been removed. We’ve shown that over and over. In the first angels’ message we
also saw that the hour of His judgment is come. It was something to do with judgment that was
happening. We know that the world hasn’t come to an end yet, so this judgment is not an earthly final
judgment. It has to do with the process that is going on in heaven which we’ll get to a bit later. At the
same time, you’ve got to worship the Creator. The call, ‘worship Him who made heaven and earth and
the sea and all that in them is; the call from heaven, ‘please remove yourself from this idea that you’ve
evolved from something and towards Godhood is not from God. I created you and there you are and I
can switch you off and you’ll be gone. That judgment is about to take place in the whole world. The
second angels’ message was Revelation 14:8. It covered a subject about Babylon that was fallen.
Babylon is fallen, is fallen. This Babylon had two main aspects or foundational beliefs. The first one was
the belief in the superior Sabbath. Do you remember the wrong/incorrect Sabbath? The second one was
the immortality of the soul that opens the door to the New Age movement and evolution. The
immortality of the soul is a lie as we’ve explained, that started in the Garden of Eden.
Mystic Babylon is split up into three segments; the dragon, beast and the false prophet. We went into
the dragon and we showed you the dragon and how he is represented today in media but in signal
pictures silently underneath, under-currents that are taking place. We spoke about the antichrist beast.
We showed you how the antichrist beast has come up and is reigning today, and then how false
prophet, false Protestantism especially from America is taking this experiences and feelings about what
is right and what is wrong in your connection and association with God. It is taking this into the world
and is confusing people to get involved in experiences and they are relying now on their feelings instead
of the word of God. The second angel also warns about all the nations of the world drinking of the wrath
of this woman/church. This is a very hard message. The third angels’ message from Revelation 14:9-12.
If you haven’t read it, read it quickly before you read it with me.
Let’s remember what it was about. This section was about worship specifically. Over and over I have said
through these lecture series that the war in heaven between Michael and his angels and the dragon and
his angels was about worship. He said, ‘I will be like the Most High. I will raise myself above the stars of
God. I want to be worshiped.’ This war continues and today on earth Satan has this idea of wanting to
be worshiped. His way of being worshiped is through sun worship or some elements of sun worship. He
is deceiving people into receiving the seal, the mark of authority of his sun-worship system where God
will seal His people with His Sabbath worship system. Do you remember this? We discussed this in
length in the previous lecture. This third angels’ message warns if you worship the beast and his image
you will receive his mark in your forehead or in your hand whereas the law in the character of God is
written in the forehead and the frontlets between your eyes and in your actions. Remember, here are
they that keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus Christ; then you have both in line
with the will of God, you receive the seal of God. If you have which is either in line with God and one
that’s in line with Satan, you receive the mark of the beast. That is how people will be deceived into
receiving the mark of the beast. All a mark of the beast is, it’s an acknowledgment of the worship by
which you go. In other words if are bowing down to some form of sun worship in any form whatsoever,
even if it’s just relating to the day in which you bow down to Jesus Christ, you’re involved in sun
worship. That is why you either get the seal of God or if you worship the beast or Satan you’ll bet his
seal in your forehead and in your hand. Those that receive the mark of the beast will drink of the wine of
the wrath of God. These are very hard words warning about the future.
Again, here are the patients of the saints. Here are they that keep the commandments of God and have
the testimony of Jesus Christ. These two have to work together. It doesn’t say, ‘here are the patients of
the saints. Here are they that have the testimony of Jesus Christ or here are they that have the faith of
Jesus Christ.’ No. It speaks about keeping the commandments. It is the same as Revelation 22:14 which
is being changed in the new bibles.
Revelation 22:14 Blessed [are] they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree
of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
It now says; blessed are they that wash their robes. I am still trying to find out how. Is it with bleach or
with Omo, or Skip, or what detergent should I use? The theologians today have convinced themselves
that it has to do with referring to washing it in the blood of the lamb. I don’t think you or I have got the
right to fiddle in the bible to change the received text and acknowledge the synoptically text or one of
the other false texts that have come through time.
Revelation 18:1-3 speak about a loud cry that comes from heaven, a scream of the heavenly power
warning mankind, ‘please be careful of the false systems of worship.’ I have said it again over and over
through these lectures, if you find out that some of the information is cutting a little close to the bone,
please realize and understand that the Lord is not rebuking you. He is rebuking the false system of
worship in which you find yourself. He is calling every person to come in unity in truth but out of this
unity in error by which the world currently goes. He’s calling each one of us to come out.
Revelation 18:1 And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great
power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.
18:2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is
become the habitation
[Pt. 2 of 11]
18:2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is
become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and
hateful bird.
18:3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth
have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the
abundance of her delicacies.
In the bible you have this representation of God’s church being His bride – the righteous woman, the
pure woman, the woman that is not defiled by false doctrines. You also have this representation of the
text that we read where it says I am not defiled with women. In other words, other false systems of
worship are the churches. Here comes the scream from heaven, this loud cry that says, Babylon, the
great whore that sits on the mountains, the woman that rides the beast, the Babylon, the church, the
false system of worship has fallen, has fallen; but that false system of worship – listen to what these
words say. It is so loud and hard, and heavy on the heart.
Revelation 18:2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen,
and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean
and hateful bird.
These are hard words. Your system of worship, if it is somehow related to the Roman power, the Roman
Catholic system, what the bible is saying is that the system of worship have filtered out and now
Babylon has fallen at the end of them because it’s become the habitation of every foul spirit and every
foul bird and the habitation of devils. The interesting thing is that the bible writes once this way and
once that way. What was depicted as a dove descending from heaven when Jesus was baptized? It was
the Holy Spirit. Here, the bible is warning that Babylon, the religious systems of the world have become
the habitation of devils, so the experiences that you might have might feel right but not right. Not only
that, these religious systems have become the habitation or the hold of every false spirit. It is another
way of writing it. The writer again says; and the cage of every unclean and hateful bird. These are hard
words. Not only that, it is not this little group here in Europe that have done this, because it continues
and says;
Revelation 18:3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of
the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich
through the abundance of her delicacies.
The message of the fall of Babylon, as given by the second angel, is repeated, with the additional
mention of the corruptions which have been entering the churches since 1844. The work of this angel
comes in at the right time to join in the last great work of the third angel’s message as it swells to a
loud cry. And the people of God are thus prepared to stand in the hour of temptation, which they are
soon to meet. I saw a great light resting upon them, and they united to fearlessly proclaim the third
angel’s message. {EW 277.1}
Here is this call that we have warning the world about this third angel’s message, this loud cry which
includes in it the additional mention of the corruptions that have entered the church since 1844. Here is
this mystical date of 1844. Where does this date of 1844 come about? I will get to that just now.
Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye
be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
18:5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
This is a cry that goes out; ‘please my people, Israel. Israel in the Old Testament was a typology of the
Israel of the end, where Egypt was a habitation of all these foul spirit and pagan religions, the sun
worship system. Come out of her. Be separate. Send Moses into the world and call Israel to come out of
Egypt. There will be certain plagues that will fall on Egypt to warn Egypt that they are in sin; but they
won’t listen. The door will close and they will receive the plagues. Given the opportunity, go and speak
to the Pharaoh, but warn him that they must come out of Egypt. The Israelites must come out. It is a
typology of the end. Today, this loud cry goes out. The Moses’ message goes into the world and says,
‘come out of Egypt, the foul system of worship. Anything to do with the pagan type sun worship religion,
get away from it. Run for the hills if you have to, but come out and be separate. Guess what! There will
be plagues, a hundred and twenty years. It will be as it was in the days of Noah, that this message of
righteousness by faith will be preached. One will be taken and one will be left. It is a typology, appearing
again and again, the bible warning us about the end time. These truths are being covered up. Rick
Warren says, ‘don’t worry about prophecy. Jesus told us it is none of your business to worry about
what’s happening in the future.’ That is a lie. The Old Testament sanctuary depicts for us what’s
happening in the heavenly sanctuary. This Old Testament tabernacle that was given to Moses is a
perfect representation of not only the fulfillment of the various ceremonies on earth through Jesus
Christ, but also what would happen in the heavenly sanctuary. That is one of the biggest messages of
today; that the world needs to hear the sanctuary message. They think that the only message in the
world has been the old tabernacle message in the Old Testament. No! The Old Testament tabernacle is
pointing towards the heavenly tabernacle. Do you remember Hebrews 4:14?
Hebrews 4:14 Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the
Son of God, let us hold fast [our] profession.
Where is Jesus the High Priest? He was on earth. He wasn’t part of the tabernacle system, the sanctuary
system on earth. He was crucified outside. So, where is the sanctuary?
Hebrews 8:1 … We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty
in the heavens;
8:2 A minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man.
Let me paraphrase it: We have such a high priest, in heaven, a minister of the sanctuary, the true
tabernacle which the Lord pitched and not man.
The one on earth was pitched by man – Moses. The one in heaven wasn’t pitched by man. So, this
earthly tabernacle is pointing towards the heavenly tabernacle and all the feasts and the ceremonies
associated to the earthly tabernacle have a reason for being there. Some of them are fulfilled through
Jesus Christ here on earth and some of them are fulfilled through Jesus Christ in heaven. The Old
Testament sanctuary shows us that the gospel we have on earth today is the same gospel that we have
in the Old Testament. Not only that, it helps us understand God’s plan of salvation. In the Jewish
calendar a year was seen as an entire cycle. In type versus anti-type which I will get to just now, the year
or a full cycle in the Jewish calendar would represent the full cycle of the entire Christian era. You had
the four main festivals which were the Passover, the Unleavened bread, the First Fruits and the Feast of
Weeks. Those were fulfilled in Jesus’ crucifixion, Jesus in the grave, Jesus’ resurrection and the
Pentecost, the harvesting of souls. Those four in the Old Testament sanctuary were fulfilled in the New
Testament through Jesus Christ.
An example of this, as we’ve said in the previous lectures, we’ve explained how Jesus was preparing or
the Sanhidren condemned Him to death four days before His crucifixion. The same way that the
Passover lamb was called into the house four days before the Passover feast and that as the priest was
busy in the old Jewish system killing or about to perform the sacrifice of this lamb, Jesus was being
crucified outside the city. It was the exact typology. Not a bone of the Passover lamb was allowed to be
broken. Not a bone of Jesus’ body was allowed to be broken or was broken. Just the way the lamb was
put on a spear or a squire to be able to roast it, so Jesus Christ had a spear to test Him if He was alive.
These typologies are incredible – type versus anti-type. The lamb was the type. The anti-type was Jesus
Christ. When they met, there was a huge earth quake and the curtain rip from top to bottom, allowing
mankind now to approach the Holy of Holies directly because the sanctuary system had been done away
with. The four Old Testament festivals are a shadow of things to come. They are then fulfilled in Jesus
Christ in the New Testament. There were three other main festivals; the feast of trumpets, the
atonement and the tabernacle. The question we need to ask is how did they get fulfilled? Where is…
[Pt. 3 of 11]
There were three other main festivals; the feast of trumpets, the atonement and the tabernacle. The
question we need to ask is how did they get fulfilled? Where is the fulfillment of those? If the first four
were through Jesus, how do those become fulfilled? In order to do that I need to go back right to lecture
number two – Who is God, we asked. God, who are you? Are you Vishnu, Krishna, are you Shiva, are you
Brahma, are you Buddha, are you Allah, or the Cosmic Christ? Who are you? Jesus Christ came and
showed us who He was. In that lecture we saw the 70 week prophecy of Daniel. I’d like to recap that;
but do you remember it was part of a bigger prophecy? Let’s complete that prophecy now and see how
it goes.
Daniel 8:13 How long [shall be] the vision [concerning] the daily [sacrifice], and the transgression of
desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?
8:14 And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be
Do you remember this prophecy, 2300 days? We didn’t know when it started or when it ends, we just
knew it was there – a period/block of time in history, something would happen.
Daniel 8:17 but he said unto me, Understand, O son of man: for at the time of the end [shall be] the
These 2300 days have something to do with the end of time. Of those 2300 days I want you to take 70
weeks and do something with it.
Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the
transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in
everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.
There we have the seventy weeks out of the 2300 days.
Daniel 9:25 "Know therefore and understand, [That] from the going forth of the command To restore
and build Jerusalem Until Messiah the Prince, [There shall be] seven weeks and sixty-two weeks;
9:26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself:…
9:27 Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall
bring an end to sacrifice and offering.
This was the prophecy that we went through in such detail in the previous lecture. Can you remember
the key to unlocking this where it explains in Ezekiel 4:6 and Numbers 14:34 that we have to take one
day for a year? When speaking prophetic language you have to look at a day and say, ‘2300 days must
be 2300 years.’ If you don’t know what I am speaking about go and get the lecture. You’ll find out
exactly all those texts are in there. It says from the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem is the
starting trigger of this 2300 days prophecy including the seventy weeks. We went into Wikipedia and
saw 457 BC was the decree [0:03:13] the first to re-establish the city government of Jerusalem. So, right
on time, there we have the start of these seventy weeks prophecy. In 27 AD we saw that Jesus was
baptized. Three and half years later we saw that Jesus was crucified. Three and half years later we saw
that Stephen was stoned. We were able to look at the entire seventy week prophecy and realize that
Jesus is showing before the time, many years before, exactly when He’s going to come, where He’ll
come and how He’ll come.
Daniel 8:14 Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.
For many years people wondered what does this mean two thousand and three hundred days; then
shall the sanctuary be cleansed? If you calculate one day equals one year when you’re speaking
prophetically, then 457 BC plus two thousand and three hundred days meaning two thousand and three
hundred years comes to a date of 1844. Remember for a moment that there is no zero year. When
these prophecies were predicted or worked out, they didn’t realize there was no zero year, they came
up with a date of 1843. This idea of 1843 people realized that the sanctuary would be cleansed and
there was this message that went out to the world to worship the creator of heaven and earth where
this message was broadcast, people call it the [0:04:53] movement. There was for the first time in
history recognition of two thousand and three hundred days prophecy where 1843 was the
acknowledgment that the sanctuary would be cleansed in other words the earth would come to an end
in 1843. But that’s in the slight contradiction to the rest of the bible because the bible say no man
knoweth the hour or the day. So, they say, ‘we don’t know the hour or the day, we just know it will be in
that year: But when they recalculated, because Jesus didn’t come and the earth didn’t end, they didn’t
say God changed His mind, they said, ‘maybe we misunderstood. Let’ go back to the bible and check.’
Then they saw, ‘oh, of course there are no zero years. So, the end of the year will be next year, in 1844.’
1844 was then issued as the date when the Lord would come and fetch His own and the sanctuary of
earth will be cleansed. When that didn’t happen, can you imagine how bitter these people got? They got
so bitter; some of them left this belief of trying to understand prophecy, but there were few people that
said, ‘hold on a second. We misunderstood the first one when it spoke about 1843. Maybe we
misunderstood the second one as well.’ William Miller and the people that were with him got the date
right, but they got the event wrong. 1844 was the date when the sanctuary would be cleansed but at
that time they didn’t recognize that the sanctuary on earth pointing towards the sanctuary in heaven.
The sanctuary cleansing process that took place was a critical event in this cycle of a single year in the
tabernacle on earth, because all the sins of the people would be penned up inside the sanctuary system.
Then once a year they’d have to cleanse the sanctuary and the high priest would go in and he’d go
through this ceremonies of cleansing the sanctuary and once a year the sanctuary would be cleansed. In
a bigger picture what this is pointing to is once in the entire cycle of earth’s history the sanctuary which
is in heaven would be cleansed. This is explained in the New Testament interestingly enough in Hebrews
9:1-12. I have paraphrased it. If you read the whole thing you’ll see what I mean.
Hebrews 9:1 Then verily the first [covenant] had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly
That is in the Old Testament.
Hebrews 9:2 For there was a tabernacle made; the first, wherein [was] the candlestick, and the table,
and the shewbread; which is called the sanctuary.
That was the one Moses built.
Hebrews 9:3 And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all;
That was the holy of holies. This was all on earth.
Hebrews 9:6 Now when these things were thus ordained, the priests went always into the first
tabernacle, accomplishing the service [of God].
9:7 But into the second [went] the high priest alone once every year, not without blood, which he
offered for himself, and [for] the errors of the people:
Here was the New Testament reference pointing towards the Old Testament ceremony where the priest
was only allowed to go into the holy of holies once a year and if he walked into the holy of holies, if he
went through the curtain, around the curtain and he went into the holy of holies and did not have his
sins cleansed/removed he’d die immediately because he walked into the very presence of God, the
Shekinah glory behind the thick curtain. That was the presence of the Almighty God. Once a year he’d go
into the sanctuary but not without blood. In other words he’d have to have something to atone for his
sins and then he’d put all the sins of the sanctuary on the mercy seat and the ceremony would take
Hebrews 9:8 The Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made
manifest, while as the first tabernacle was yet standing:
Here you’ve got a confirmation that the Holy Spirit had not yet opened the way into the tabernacle’s
holy of holies because the sanctuary was still there. The curtain had not been torn yet. This was in the
Old Testament.
Hebrews 9:11 But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more
perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building;
9:12 Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy
place, having obtained eternal redemption [for us].
Once this 1843 didn’t happen and 1844 didn’t happen, and these scholars went back to study what they
had misunderstood in the word, they realized ‘ah, so the earthly sanctuary is pointing towards the
heavenly sanctuary.
[Pt. 4 of 11]
sanctuary is pointing towards the heavenly sanctuary. So, there is a sanctuary in heaven and of course
that’s where the throne of God is. That’s in the side of the north. This is starting to make so much sense.
You’ve got the Shekinah glory, the presence of God, the throne of God, the mercy seat; you’ve got the
law… So, here the earthly one points towards the heavenly one and the ceremonies on the earthly one
pointed to certain things that were going to happen at specific times in the heavenly sanctuary. So here,
the High Priest in heaven just like the high priest on earth went once a year, once a cycle into the holy of
holies, here the High Priest went once in the cycle of earth’s history into the holy of holies. In Hebrews it
says not by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place.
Here through the blood of Jesus Christ, that’s sacrifice, He enters into the holy place once in the entire
cycle. So, the high priest on earth is pointing towards the high priest in heaven.
Why is all this important? The Day of Atonement was exactly that. Just split up the word atonement and
you’ll see it actually means at one ment. Front that date that the first sin came into the world, man
separated himself from God. Once a year in the sanctuary on earth there was a point where man got
back at one with God and that was the point of the day of at one ment – atonement. This beautiful day
was a ceremony which was held in the Old Testament and on that great day the high priest was the only
minister of the sanctuary that could enter in and do this ceremony. He’d go into the most holy place and
he’d do so through the blood of certain animals that he took with him.
"On the great day of Atonement, the only one that was to minister in the sanctuary on that day was the
high priest. He would enter the MOST HOLY PLACE. He had to do a special work of purifying himself. If he
was impure when he went into that sanctuary, he would die. And so all around the base of his robe the
Lord had directed that he was to put pomegranates, and between the pomegranates, bells so that as he
walked, they could hear those bells tinkling through the sanctuary. As the people out there were not able
to participate, they had to hold on by faith to what was being done by the high priest. They listened to
the tinkling of the bells. If those bells stopped for very long, it would mean that their high priest may
have perished before the Lord. Once the High Priest had done atonement for himself, then the white
linen Ephod, pure and clean, was put on. At this point, with the Ephod on, the priest stands before God as
if he had never sinned." - The Day of Atonement
No body was asked to participate, only the high priest. He would have pomegranates bells on his robe
and as he walked it would jingle. The people outside would listen to what the high priest was doing on
their behalf inside the tabernacle. They would have to have faith of what he was doing. In the same way,
with this process, Jesus is in the sanctuary in the holy place after 1844 and we have to hold on by faith
by faith to what He is doing on our behalf. The Day of Atonement was interesting because;
"There were two goats that had been chosen and were tied just outside the curtain of the sanctuary
waiting through all this for their part in this last final symbol of union between God, and man, and the
end of sin. The High Priest, now in these new white robes, went out and they cast lots over the two goats,
one was chosen to be the Lord's goat, and the other goat was the 'scapegoat', the one chosen to
represent the devil. His name was called Azazel." - The Day of Atonement
So, two goats are brought into the sanctuary and they cast lots. The lot falls on the one goat and he
becomes the Lord’s goat and the other one becomes Azazel. That is where the word ‘scapegoat’ comes
from. It comes from the Old Testament sanctuary – the scapegoat. You also have this in Afrikaans where
you’ve got the word ‘sindobok’, the goat with the sin. It points to the Old Testament sanctuary. Here is
the first representation or the explanation why every time Satan is depicted by the inside initiates he’s
depicted as a goat. Do you remember Baphomet with his fingers up and down represented as the goat
with the light on his head and the goat’s feet? The same representation on the temple of freemasonry
where they had the arch of covenant being covered by the covering cherubs with goat’s feet. We saw
the same with Jehovah’s Witness’ manuals and books where Jesus is depicted with goat’s feet or
pointing towards the goat, Satan himself recognizing that he (devil) is Azazel – the goat. Baphomet is
also called a sabatigoat by some occultpedia for example. To this day, the Hebrews use the name Azazel
to represent the devil and in spiritualism/occultism he is known as Baphomet.
Here you have this Azazel figure, the scapegoat coming in to the ceremony. First he’d take the Lord’s
goat and he’d use the Lord’s goat as a sin offering for himself (high priest) and he’d take that to
represent him, cleansing himself before the Lord. He’d then take the second goat.
"And then he would go out into the court, take the other goat, Azazel, and the priest would place his
hands over the head of that goat, and he would confess all the sins that had come into the sanctuary. It
symbolically represented that the sins had now been removed from their minds, their memories and their
lives, and now were transferred to the mind, the memory and the life of the devil." - The Day of
This is the point where the sanctuary gets the opportunity to be cleansed. The high priest kills the one
goat as an offering in front of the Lord for his own sins. Then he goes to the other goat. He doesn’t kill
him, he puts all the sins in the sanctuary through this process onto this Azazel. What happens then? A
man would then lead this Azazel out into the wilderness. This would be a strong man. He’d walk this
Azazel into the wilderness and he’d left out in the wilderness. Through this process, sins were taken on
the scapegoat out of the sanctuary and the sanctuary would be cleansed. This was done once every
cycle on the Day of Atonement. The sanctuary on earth would be cleansed. They started to realize, ‘hold
on a second; that is why the Lord didn’t come to earth, because it is not the earthly sanctuary that will
be cleansed, it is the heavenly sanctuary. As we pray ‘Lord, please forgive our sins, because now we have
the right to approach the throne of God directly, as we pray forgive our sins Lord and these sins are
placed inside the heavenly sanctuary, from the time of Jesus Christ all the sins are inside the heavenly
sanctuary, the heavenly sanctuary has to be cleansed. The date given by the Lord is 2300 days from 457
BC. There will be a process similar to what I depicted to you on earth that will go on in heaven and the
Day of Atonement would have come. Then Jesus will enter into a holy place not with the blood of goats
but with His own blood to do atonement for us. Isn’t that an absolutely beautiful depiction of the
wonderful, beautiful nature that is Jesus Christ?
From 457, we’ve got 70 weeks up to 34 AD. Then we’ve got another 1810 years from then to 1844, this
mystical date of 1844. Can you imagine, this being predicted in the word of God, how much Satan hates
this prophecy? Can you imagine how much he hates it? Not only does it depict Jesus in the sanctuary of
God but it points to the destruction of all sins on earth as well as Azazel, the Baphomet, the scapegoat
being let out to the wilderness. In earthly service, the priest would only enter once, in heavenly circles
the same the priest would only enter once which is Jesus Christ. Here you have the images I have shown
of the first four as a type and then the fulfillment of those four as the anti-type. In the Old Testament
those four ceremonies and feasts being a shadow of things to come being fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
[0:09:22] one which was the festival of the trumpets, atonement and the tabernacle being fulfilled in the
second advent movement and then the atonement, the pre-advent judgment and tabernacle is the
second of the home coming. Why do I say that? Trumpets… remember the heralding of a loud message
like war or a message going into the world, the message of trumpets? This festival of trumpets was
exactly that. It was the first time in history that a message went into the world ‘be careful the end of the
world is coming.’ When they misunderstood they realized they misunderstood it, they went back and
studied scripture and then they could herald a new message which is the one we are doing at the
moment. 1844 the moment when Jesus enters the holy of holies
[Pt. 5 of 11]
… scripture and then they could herald a new message which is the one we are doing at the moment 1844 the moment when Jesus enters the holy of holies to request the sins to be cleansed out of the
sanctuary. The one we are waiting for is the final feast of festival as depicted in the Old Testament, the
one of the tabernacles. This is the home coming. This is the statue being hit on the feet in Daniel 2. This
is the corner stone coming out of heaven and crashing everything underneath it that doesn’t belong to
him. 1844 is the magnificent date when Jesus enters the holy of holies on our behalf for the first time
and the only time in history. This is the absolutely beautiful type versus anti-type, the depiction of the
salvations as it is today and as it is in heaven.
2 Corinthians 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord…
This calling of come out of the world and be separate goes into the world. Not only that, at the same
time you’ve got the message of come in and be in unity with all of these people that are doing these
horrible things. We saw the oath of induction of the Jesuit order. It said;
"You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities,
provinces and states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with
each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous,
cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the
combatants and to act secretly in concert with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other
side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected; only that the Church might be the
gainer in the end (for) the end justifies the means.
The Jesuit order was this order that was set up to go and destroy Protestantism. When was it set up? It
was set up in 1734, a hundred and ten years prior to this beautiful date of 1844. Look what happens.
"... the Roman Catholic Lafayette warned; 'it is my opinion that if the liberties of this country - the United
States of America - are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they
are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the
wars of Europe"
Not only that, it says in Pope Puseyism and Jesuitism that the Jesuits’ aim for ruling the whole world;
come together. In order to do that, remember what the mystical date is – 1844. Satan understands
prophecy. He studies prophecy. We’ve seen that from the satanic high priest who told us. Here is this
date coming closer and closer and he starts to excite things. When was American acknowledged by
France? It was in 1798. How close are we to 1844? What happened around the same time? Remember it
is said that the Jesuits control and manipulate the world into these revelations. What happened around
the same time? Just look at this graphic and you’ll see.
1776 - American revolution
1789 - French revolution
1823 - Spanish revolution
1831 - Polish revolution
1848 - Italian and German revolution
Isn’t that incredible? Around this mystical date of 1844, right on time comes all these revelations that
the world is starting to be driven to a one world order. Albert Pike wrote a letter in 1871, that is not
even 30 years after this mystical date where Jesus in heaven enters the holy place, about how the First
World War was to overthrow the power of oath in Russia and bring about an atheist communist state.
That happened. He spoke about a Second World War that would originate between Britain and Germany
and it would strengthen the communism as an antithesis to Judaic Christian culture and bring about a
Zionist State is Israel. He also wrote, 30 years after this magical date, a Third World War was to take
place. All of this was to drive mankind towards a one world order.
The French revolution in 1789 comes this new message of the French revolution. Do you know what that
message was? It was the first representation of human rights. Here is the graphic. You can see the
declaration of the French revolution in 1789 and it is laid out as the Ten Commandments - in the same
two tablets. In the middle you've got the symbol of fascism, above it you've got the Yakubim hat and just
above that you've got the serpent eating its own tail. Right above the top you've got the Masonic
triangle with all-seeing eye.
Here, in 1798, 46 years before this mystical date, Satan starts to call the world together under human
rights. What do we hear - God’s law! God’s law, or do we hear on the TV every single ‘Human rights!
Human rights! Satan is calling everybody together under the United Nations, European Union, African
Union, World Council of churches, and under the religious parliament. At the same time in the 1790s
and early 1800s period you see the rise of freemasonry, you see the rise of spiritualism, the rise of
theosophy or the house of theosophical society, you get the false prophet, the Mormon movement, the
Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Christian science movement. This is the demonic attack that is infiltrating
the world since 1844. Not only that, what about Karl Marx?
"He joined 'The league of the Just' in 1842, (later 'league of Communists'). He started writing the
'Communist Manifesto' in 1844 and published it in 1844.
This call to worship God as the creator goes out in this loud cry from heaven. Interestingly in 1844,
smack on the button, Darwin pens together his ideas about the origin of species. It says in his own book;
“After 5 years work, I allowed myself to speculate on the subject and I drew up some short notes. These
are enlarged in 1844”
Around the same time here Darwin is putting together his false system of religion which identifies the
sun. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. I don’t think he willingly and vindictively knew what he was
doing. The bible warns us that at that time the various demonic attacks would start and it happened
right on time. Interestingly, a religion that started up around the similar time was the Baha'i Faith. Here
you see the Abdul Abaha.
“The Baha’i was started in 1844 by Baha u Lah linking the faith with the Baha’i faith founded by the
Baab, meaning gate. He announced that he was the coming one in 1863. (That’s an interesting date. I
will get into it in the second half of this lecture). His son Abdul Baha was his successor.”
Here is another gate to God that is put together on earth, another Baab. Not only that, if you look at the
beautiful temple, you’ll see;
“Halfa, Israel, 13 June 2003, nearly one and a half million people have visited the garden terraces
sorrounding the Shrine of the Baab on Mount Carmel since it was first opened on 4th June 2001."
Isn’t that interesting? Look how beautiful it is how it overlooks the sea. If you look at the board outside
the temple it says;
“The Baha'i faith upholds unity of all religions. The independence investigation of truth, the equality of
woman and man, the elimination of prejudice, universal education, the establishment of an international
auxiliary language, spiritual solutions to economic problems ..."
In 1844, this new religion – Baha’i Faith goes into the world. Not only that, in their own documents,
you’ll see they speak about this Wronged One ever since the days of his life cherished no other desire
but this. This is about unity underneath the Wronged One. Do you remember this ‘One’ that we’ve seen
over and over? This is Lucifer. They say in their own documents - Abdul Baha;
"Whoever acts completely in accordance with the teachings of Christ is a Baha'i. The purpose is the
essential meaning of Christian, not the mere word. The purpose is the sun itself and not the dawning
points. For though the sun is one sun, its dawning points are many. We must not adore the dawning
points but worship the sun. We must adore the reality of religion and not blindly cling to the appellation
How we have to release ourselves from the bonds of this fundamentalism. The same time 1844, the
Sinaitic text is found on Mount Sinai in the waste paper basket and that is the foundational documents
which we now find in all the modern texts of the bibles especially in the Doury-Rheins online bible which
is a good example of the difference of them. Just take for example the RSV and read Genesis 3:15. It
Genesis 3:15 I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; he
shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel." [RSV]
That is the way I understand it. What is the Doury-Rheim’s bible say?
Genesis 3:15 I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed; and she shall
crush thy head and thou then wait for her heel
Do you see the problem here? They are turning Christ into Mary – into the male-female. Also at the
same time this mystical 1844 come these experiences of the Fox Sisters where they start having these
wrappings and the spiritualism starts up…
[Pt. 6 of 11]
… spiritualism starts up, March 31, 1848 there is this recognition and finally they can speak to the dead.
Robert Muller, who was involved in the United Nations at the top level says;
"What the world needs today is a convergence of the different religions in the search for and definition of
the cosmic or divine laws which ought to regulate our behavior on this planet."
Today the United Nations use the sun symbol with the wreath and the sun – the Baal Hadad – as their
"All Together Now: We Are the World - 50 years, from 1945-1995
There is this image of Jesus Christ knocking on the United Nations trying to say ‘please, let me in. what
you are doing is now right.’ Robert Muller knew about this image. He writes:
"There is a famous poster which shows Christ knocking at the tall United Nations building, wanting to
enter it. I often visualize in my mind another even more accurate painting; that of a United Nations
which would be body of Christ."
It is not set up by Christ.
"My great personal dream is to get a tremendous alliance between al the major religions and the UN." Robert Muller
"Peace will be impossible without the taming of fundamentalism through a United Religion that
professes faithfulness only to the global spirituality and to the health of this planet." – Robert Muller
Remember, inside the United Nations there was a prayer room. If you look at this prayer room you’ll see
that it is in the form of a pyramid without the cap. We’ve been through this. This is satanic, not godly.
"The meditation Room faces north north-east. To enter the room one must proceed from darkness to
"Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan, refers to an occult principle known as the 'law of the
That is the form in which this room takes – the Trapezoid. Today, the United Nations bases all its
teachings on Alice A. Bailey. She says;
"I am preparing for the Coming One. I have no other life intention."
Robert Muller explained that it wasn’t humans that built the United Nations. It wasn’t built by a human
force. In other words it was a supernatural force.
We are coming to momentous times in this world. This call goes out from heaven and the warning of the
date of 1844 becomes clearer and clearer.
We’ll be continuing on this and I will show you video clips of how all of these are coming together, but
we’ll do that …
God’s final call to the world otherwise known as Earth’s Final Warning – the loud cry that comes from
heaven. Isn’t it amazing, this prophecy again lifts its head and we can see how you can according to
God’s word look into the future and be able to understand things that are not recognizable at the time?
I love these prophecies. I love being able to study the word and understand that certain things are still
to take place but how many things have already gone before us? We are living in amazing times,
absolutely incredible times. Here we can recognize 1844 as a date when Satan is going to start in and
around that period his final attack to unify the world. What happens exactly on time, certain things
happen. The Baha’i faith, evolution and all these things start to lift themselves up in the world.
Before I start the second half of this lecture, I just need to pause and apologize to my Australian
colleagues and friends because they have corrected me again. They’ve told me it’s not Azazel it is
Azaizel. I don’t know if I’ll use Azaizel’s name anymore in the lecture, so, if you rewind and find Azazel
and you don’t know who that is just refer to Azaizel if you don’t mind please. Let’s continue.
Here, we’re looking now into the future and we see what is going to take place from here on. We know
that certain things have happened but now look at these video clips that I will show you and just figure
out for yourself how close we really are to the end. Here, in 1844, Christ goes into the holy of holies in
the heavenly sanctuary to go and minister on our behalf, to go and do the ceremony of atonement
where we can once again become at one with God. When He leaves the sanctuary, there will be
momentous things that will happen on this earth. Before we get there, Satan still has to unify the earth
under this idea of unity in error and unity in compromise. You cannot stand on any fundamental
principles, you cannot believe anything that puts you out in the open; the same as what psychology
takes an average or the mean of everybody and works out what the average is and you have to
somehow fit into the middle. This is the idea that is filtering through the New World Order and this one
world system where everybody has to fit in to sort of average. You don’t have the legal right anymore.
Shortly we won’t have the legal right anymore to be able to say, ‘I can’t bow down to any other god
except Jesus Christ in its entirety, not with any relationship towards sun worship. I cannot do that
because if sun worship infiltrates my religion, I will receive the mark of the beast’ and yet in their
millions people are being drawn into recognizing the papacy as the head of all churches, not only of the
Christian churches but of all the world’s religions. This is a fulfillment of prophecy. We say in 1986 in the
previous lecture, I showed you the clip from 1986 where all religious leaders of the world came together
in a [0:06:46]. In 1999, 3 years later the same thing happened except this time it was even bigger and
some profound things were said at this occasion.
"As reported in the Associated Press, with the Dalai Lama, sitting by his right side, this October [1999] in
Rome the Pope presided at a special council of some 2000 religious leaders of various faiths, sects, and
cults. The Pontiff told the assembled Buddhist, monks, Zoroastrian priests, Catholic cardinals, Hindu
gurus, American Indian shamen, Jewish rabbis, and ecumenical clergy that all must join in condemning
the Christian fundamentalists who 'abuse speech' and whose efforts at converting others 'incite hatred
and violence.' " - Dr. Cathy Burns
By acknowledging Jesus Christ as your only savior you’ll be seen as inciting hatred and violence and
you’ll be seen as a Christian fundamentalist that abuse speech. Isn’t that incredible? Where standing on
the word was the thing to be recognized as standing on the truth, the truth is now made error and the
Christian fundamentalists will be blamed for inciting hatred and invoking terrorism.
The bible believers denounced at the papal conference power of the prophecy in March 2000 says the
"All present were in accord on two key points; (1) Pope John Paul II was endorsed by consensus as the
planet's chief spiritual guide and overseer; and (2) Religious fundamentalists who refuse to go along with
the global ecumenical movement are to be silenced. They must be denounced as 'dangerous extremists
full of hate'."
Not only are they recognizing that there is this element of Christianity that refuses to go along, but they
call myself and people that stand with me and others, all these people that are believing in the bible and
the bible alone, dangerous extremists that are full of hate.
Have a look for a moment at this video clip and ask yourself, ‘did I ask for the Pope to be made the chief
spiritual overseer of the whole planet?’ I know I certainly didn’t. Why then are all these religious leaders
doing this on your behalf and bowing down to the pope?
[Video playing]
[Pt. 7 of 11]
[Video playing]
Did you ask for that to take place? I didn’t. certain things are being done on our behalf. This one was at
the Vatican. The previous one was at the [0:01:16]. This was at the Vatican under the symbol of the sun,
the obelisk which is being put on bright lights so that you could see it brightly and they are all carrying
little candles. Where the candle is lit there are three candles in one – the false trinity that we’ve
explained over and over. This was done in 1999. Can you see how close we are? All these world religions
are recognizing that they are the same thing. That is excluding the true fundamental Christians of
course. We believe that Jesus Christ is the only God and that there is no other name under heaven by
which man can be saved except the man Jesus Christ. This is a big problem in the world because today
where the people that are identified as God’s children are going to be almost exposed. They’ll stand out
like a soar thumb.
"The day is dawning when all religions will be regarded as emanating from one great spiritual source; all
will be seen as unitedly providing the one root out of which the universal world religion will inevitably
emerge. Then there will be neither Christian nor heathen, neither Jew nor Gentile, but simply one great
body of believers, gathered out of all the current religions..." – Alice A. Bailey
That is Alice A. Bailey that writes that, the woman that says that she has no other life intentions except
for waiting for the Coming One who in the previous lecture we identified as Lucifer. She continues when
she says even more on the subject about this one world religion where you have to compromise Jesus
Christ to come down onto the same level as all others. She says;
"Thus the expressed aims and efforts of the United Nations will be eventually brought to fruition and a
new church of God, gathered out of all religions and spiritual groups, will unitedly bring to an end the
great heresy of separateness..."
The world is coming together and there are these people that are standing separate and are saying, ‘No.
sorry I can’t do that. I will compromise my principles.’ The United Nations will become one of the
leading proponents of removing those who stand as heretics in their separateness. That is what she is
"The world's major religions must speed up dramatically their ecumenical movement and recognize the
unity of their objectives in the diversity of their cults... 'My religion, right or wrong,' and 'my nation, right
or wrong' must be abandoned forever in the planetary age." - Robert Muller
This idea of standing separate must be removed – the coming together. Everything is coming together.
"A former New Ager, Randall Baer, states that those who refuse the mark of the beast will be targeted
'for extermination in what would euphemistically be called re-education centers of love and relocation,
that is, death camps in disguise." - Exposing the New Age
All I want to do now is I want to warn you about what we are going to be showing from now on. Not
visually, but exposing you to thing which will happen in future. The bible warns of about times that have
never been before and in history we can see that there have been some pretty shocking things. It warns
in the bible about all the nations will bow down to the beast and wander after what this Roman beast is
speaking about. Not only that, we can see how all the religions are coming together, the world
economics etc. The people out must be removed it says. How will they be removed? Is the idea of death
camps an option? Unfortunately it is. the people who stand separate in the world, stand on the bible
and the bible alone will become more and more exposed. That is why I said I don’t know how long I will
be able to do these lectures for. Once the Lord has used me up then He’ll use whatever means He has
to. He can use a donkey or stones. He’ll use you to get this message out; but understand that by taking
this message out, you are going to be standing separate and outside of the unity of this world religion
that they’re speaking about. Satan is busy putting together plans to unite this entire earthly kingdom
under his power.
When Alice A. Bailey quotes about the same thing, about this one world religion and this New World
Order, the world coming together in unity, speaks about a Templeton Price winner who says that ‘man
must change or perish.’ Am I making up this idea of death camps? No. Let me show you.
Here is a graphic of a document which is being put together at the congress of the United States, the
House of Representatives March 24th 1997. You’ll see it is signed by Bell H. the member of congress. It
“Enclosed is the information you requested pertaining to the armies policy and guidance for establishing
civilian inmate labor program and civilian prison camps on army installations. This information has not
yet been published. However it has been funded, staffed and does reflect our current army policy.”
This camp exists. They already exist. They say there are over six hundred of them – the people that are
watching this. There are people that are going around and taking photographs of these places. Here is a
couple of them. Notice for a moment that the fully staffed and fully armed and fully guarded
institutions. They all have their fences facing inwards to keep people in not outwards to keep people
out. Here are two graphics. You can see the watch tower and the camps at the bottom. There is another
one at the bottom. These places are all over not only in America but all over the world, standing empty
but fully guarded waiting for people to arrive. Something is about to take place. The tribulation is
coming as never been seen in the world before.
"Dr. Adler, chairman of the Board of Editors of the Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., director of the Institute
for Philosophical Research in Chicago, chairman of the Paidela Project, and honorary trustee of the
Aspen Institute, has the following to say; 'Simply stated, Adler argues that we will not be able to attain
world peace until we attain cultural unity. But, Adler argues that there is only one obstacle to this unity Christianity... Adler's point is simple - Christianity claims 'supernatural knowledge' and 'divine revelation'
that is divisive and not open to rational debate, should not be tolerated." - A New Inquisition
Here it is, the same problem. Those Christians, those people that are fundamental and standing - as Billy
Graham said – and won’t let go of it must be removed because ‘I have come to love all religions’ he says.
"The Christian churches,' writes Rothschild in 'Reality and Illusion,' must also kill out all separativeness
and learn to cooperate with all the other faiths... whose scriptures are of equal value and beauty as the
New Testament'." - The Problems of Humanity
All the faiths have to come together and that all their documents are as beautiful as the New Testament.
I disagree, profoundly disagree because quite frankly they are not. My New Testament speaks about the
only God that can save me and that is Jesus Christ.
"Dr. Christopher Hyatt refers to Christianity fundamentalists as 'The Shadow emerging in Society.' He
predicted, however, that the fundamentalist forces will be overcome. There will be a 'changing of the
guards.' Hyatt went on to reveal just how this 'changing of the guards' will take place. 'I see,' he stressed,
'that the earth still requires some blood before it is ready to move into new and different areas...I see
[the New Age] required... a lot of blood, disruption, chaos, and pain for a mass change to occur.'"
Here is one of the high ups saying something about these fundamentalists standing in the way. This is
the shadow creeping into mankind and society. For this big change to take place which is the final New
World Order, …
[Pt. 8 of 11]
mankind and society. For this big change to take place which is the final New World Order and the
coming together of these world religions a lot of blood still have to flow.
"There must be no... distress over the disappearance of the old order. 'The good, the true and the
beautiful' is on its way, and for it mankind is responsible, and not some outer divine intervention." - Alice
A. Bailey, The Reappearance of the Christ.
My bible says the opposite though.
John 16:2 warns about the coming [0:00:37] when mankind will be so confused that they will be doing
what seems right but they will be falling into the hands of the antichrist, not only by worshiping and
doing things which are not according to God’s will but they will be killing other people and they’ll be
thinking that they are doing God a service. Can you imagine now confused you have to be to get to the
point where you are killing other people?
John 16:2 They shall put you out of the synagogues; yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you
will think that he doeth God service.
That is confusion, utter confusion. There will be so many lies in the world that they’ll be convinced that
these Christian fundamentalists need to be removed and they’ll be doing God a service because they’re
standing in the way of this unity and there will be a day chosen on which we have to worship as an
entire world wide community. These people we then say, ‘I am sorry, I can’t do that.’ I will get into that
in the next lecture.
John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall
have tribulation; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
It is through Jesus Christ that we find salvation not through some One World Unified God.
"A period of extreme tribulation and unprecedented misery is soon to cover the entire world... All events
coming to light are pointing directly towards the end... Such wholesale destruction of the undesirable
elements from the surface of the earth comes into effect at different places through different causes. It
may be through storms and flood, through famine and diseases, through wars, through massacres or
through heavenly calamities like volcanic upheavals, etc... There should be enormous bloodshed all over
the world and the loss of life through various causes shall be so great that the world population shall be
considerably reduced... The older order shall be changed and a new [order] shall be born."
Plans are underway like it is explained in Daniel 12:1 that there will be times of trouble as have never
been seen on the earth before.
There are even plans to reduce the population. How many people have to die if you are going to reduce
the population? Do see how important this New Age agenda is? Because the people right at the top of
the New Age system are the ones planning all these stuff. Where I got involved in this New Age thinking
I was thought I was creating affluence, influence, wealth and success for myself and I got sucked into
something that I had no idea what it was part of. Then New Agers are the ones who are responsible for
setting up this one world system whereby they can maintain the population to a certain level.
"Author John Randolph Price, author of The Superbeings, plainly identifies Christians in this statement:
'There are some groups who continue to cling to the absurd idea that man is a miserable sinner and
worm of the dust." He also notifies us that two and one half billion people will be killed.' New Ager and
Humanist, John Dumpy, refers to Christianity as a 'totting corpse."
It is us fundamentalists which they are going to be targeting. It is the people that say, ‘excuse me. The
bible warns me about prophecy. It warns me to read prophecy and understand what will happen and I
don’t agree with what you are doing.’ They say one and a half billion people! That is a lot of people. It
gets even bigger because Wonder Mass explains;
"Ted Turner, chairman of the Better World Society, called Christians 'bozos' and 'losers.' He also said; 'A
total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."
Ted Turner, the founder, owner of CNN and all these big companies is speaking about 95% reduction in
world population. How many people are they planning to get rid of? You first Ted! If you want to reduce
the population, I tell you what! Let’s start with you. This is not just some airy fairy story where people
are getting together and saying, ‘it will be nice to have a population of such and such.’ Even though I
have shown you in the previous lectures that over population is a fallacy. It is not that they are coming
up with an idea of controlling it, this is written is stone. If you don’t know about it, have a look at this
image. These are Georgia GuideStones. On there you see the Georgia Guide Stones center cluster
erected March 22, 1980: Let these be guide stones to an age of reason. An age of reason was a book
that was written by Thomas Pain. Its intent was to destroy the Judaic Christian beliefs upon which the
United States republic was founded. These Georgia Guidestones are referring specifically to the age of
reason. This is the removal of the Christian fundamentalist principle of America and in backing the rest
of the world. On these guide stones chopped in stones, what ten rules do we have in the world at the
moment that were given by God that were chopped in stones? It is the Ten Commandments. Here is
another set of ten rules/guidelines that have been chopped in stones on these Georgia Guidelines.
"On one of the highest hilltops in Elbert Country, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in
eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or
commandments. That monument is alternatively referred to as The Georgia Guidstones, or the American
Stone henge.
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature
Does this sound familiar now that there is one world order coming and that there are plans inside the
New Age people and other people as well to remove from the population in the billions of people?
Daniel 2:44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never
be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, [but] it shall break in pieces and
consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.
Oh, that we might see the needs of these cities as God sees them! At such a time as this every hand is
to be employed. The Lord is coming; the end is near, yea, it hasteth greatly! In a little while we shall
be unable to work with the freedom that we now enjoy. Terrible scenes are before us, and what we
do we must do quickly. {9T 101.1}
Impending Destruction—The time is near when large cities will be swept away, and all should be
warned of these coming judgments.7 {AH 136.5}
Do you see why this is a loud cry? It comes from heaven about Babylon that’s fallen, it’s fallen. There is a
warning in the time of Israel and Egypt where the Israelites were [0:08:31]. There was a warning that
went out, ‘please, Pharaoh, let the people go. You will not let my people Sabbath. You will not let my
people let. Let them go. Let them come out of Israel.’ What happened when he said no? He received
some plagues. I will get to that now – the Typology of the End.
Daniel 7:18 But the saints of the most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever,
even for ever and ever.
Here is the acknowledgment of one world order. The Lord comes and says, ‘no. you might do it for a
while but here comes the destruction. In line with that, the pope is seen as the leader of this
ecclesiastical community. He is seen as the leader of all world religions, even so that they sing hymns to
him all nations will bow and worship before you oh, Lord. That is what they say. You don’t believe me?
Watch this clip.
[Video Playing]
[Pt. 9 of 11]
[Video Playing]
‘Let all the world and every corner bow before you oh, Lord.’
Do you see the prophecy being fulfilled? The bible warns over and over again about worshiping the
beast and by doing so following or worshiping the dragon. You don’t have to worship the pope like these
people are doing. All you have to do is acknowledge his authority and by doing so you are bowing down
to the authority of the Roman Catholic system.
Revelation 13:12 And he… causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast,
whose deadly wound was healed.
13:15 … the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the
image of the beast should be killed.
14:9 …If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive [his] mark in his forehead, or in his
14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor
night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
Worship is the problem. It is not about power and money. It is about worship. It is about bowing down
to authority. What is the final confrontation going to be all about? How will they be able to determine
exactly who is the exclusive group and who are the inclusive group? How will they be able to know that
these people have to be removed and to be detained and are heretics of separateness as they say?
Worship is the problem. The worship of Satan through the sun system that is placed on earth which the
head of it is the pope.
Revelation 13:3 and all the world wondered after the beast.
13:4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the
There are momentous times lying ahead. We’ve come from way in history and we’ve brought it up to
where we are today. We are looking into the future and we can see that things are being developed and
plans are being developed which are scary. Not only that, we looked right currently in the news to see
whether what is going on can actually be true and the more we hear the more we hear noises about the
pope taking on this role of the leader of the world. Not only is he acknowledging himself as the leader,
he says on CNN:
The Vatican says non-Catholics are wounded by not recognizing the pope. He said;
"The Vatican text, which restates the controversial document 'Dominus Yesus' issued by the then
Cardinal Joseph Ratsinger in 2000, said the Church wanted to stress this point because some Catholic
theologians continue to misunderstand it. The document... stressed only Catholicism had all the elements
to be Christ's Church fully."
That is the noise that is being made over and over. In 2000, Cardinal Ratsinger said ‘this is the only
church.’ In 2007 pope Benedict said ‘this is the only church.’ On 10th July, 2007 he said the following;
"Christians Not True Churches: Pope Benedict has reasserted the universal primacy of the Roman
Catholic Church. A proving document released Tuesday that says Orthodox Churches were defective and
other Christian denominations were not true churches."
You are not a true church if you don’t have your own DNA source inside your system. If you were to do a
paternity test on your religious system inside Christianity could you find any links between what you
currently use as your system of worship and Rome? Would you be able to find any links? The whole of
Christianity bows down on the day of the sun. Rome says, ‘I changed the day. It is my day, my mark of
authority.’ So, we would have to look at that as well. At the same time, as the pope is making these
noises about becoming the world’s supreme spiritual leader and that Christian churches have to
acknowledge him as the primacy at the same time he reboots the Latin mass. He wakes it up, a dormant
mass. It has never been taken out of the way; but this Latin mass is founded in the principles of the
1500-1600 centuries in opposition to the reformation. The Latin mass, as we’ve seen through these
lectures is the Language and the ceremony that was put in place in opposition of the reformation. Now
after Vatican II was made to go to sort of quiet submission he reboots it in all earnestness as it was
before. He says;
"After months of intense speculation, Pope Benedict XVI has eased restrictions on the Catholic Church's
traditional Latin Mass... The decree, called a motu proprio, or personal initiative of the Pontiff, was made
public Saturday. Benedict's ruling authorizes parish priests to celebrate the Tridentine rite... without
needing their bishop's permission. His explanatory letter states; 'What earlier generations held as sacred,
remains sacred and great for us too..."
What was held sacred to the people of the inquisition of the 1500s, 1600s, and 1700s and later, the
inquisition, the people that were fighting and removing the heretics, the people that were burnt at the
stake because they believed in the bible and now that same ritual, the Tridentine rite is raised to the
fore and then Benedict says, ‘what was sacred to previous generations is sacred to us.’ In other words,
this beast hasn’t changed. A leopard can’t change its spots. This beast doesn’t change. Throughout
history it’s done the same and now, we’ve just gone into different marketing ways. Now, it’s going
underneath and these slimy legs are encircling the globe. We are coming back. There will be a group
that will stand up and say, ‘I am sorry. I can’t be part of that.’ The inquisition/persecution will be done
again on the backing of the Latin mass. Unbelievable!
These are historic times. If we had done these presentations 10 years ago, I would have to predict that
these things would take place. 20 years ago I would have been called a lunatic. Today I say, ‘look, it is
history. It is just in the news. Just look around you.’ Remember George Bush said;
“The best way to honor Pope Paul II, truly one of the great men is to take his teachings, to listen to his
words and put his words and teachings into actions here in America. This is a challenge we must accept.”
The persecution which will come from the inquisition for these heretics that stand outside of the unified
church, the persecution that takes place on them is going to be fulfilled through America. That is just a
fulfillment of prophecy. It is incredible how these things are coming together.
Ephesians 4:13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto
a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;
4:15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ.
There is only one God. There is only one place where we are safe. There is only one savior, not some
conglomerate compromised whatever of religion, there is one God. If you believe that and you don’t
compromise on that fact, you are in trouble. God wants unity as He explains in Ephesians 4:13. He wants
unity but it’s unity in truth not unity in error. That is why He says in 2 Peter He is longsuffering. He is not
slack concerning His promises. He’s longsuffering so that everyone would come to repentance and that
all may be saved.
Revelation 18:9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with
her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning.
18:10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that
mighty city! For in one hour is thy judgment come.
There are times coming ahead… this is all leading up to the final events of the world where the rapture
says you won’t have to go through this. You will be taken away. The bible says, no, that is not true. You
will have to go through this, but God will be with you.
Thus the substance of the second angel's message is again given to the world by that other angel who
lightens the earth with his glory…
[Pt. 10 of 11]
Thus the substance of the second angel's message is again given to the world by that other angel who
lightens the earth with his glory. These messages all blend in one, to come before the people in the
closing days of this earth's history. All the world will be tested and all that have been in the darkness
of error in regard to the Sabbath of the fourth commandment will understand the last message of
mercy that is to be given to men. - Ellen white
The Final Events
I want to run through the final events that will take place, but not all of them – just the anti-type of the
type as it was in the days of Israel coming out of Egypt.
Revelation 15:1 And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvelous, seven angels having the seven
last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God.
Here right at the end of time comes the same outpouring of plagues as was at time of Egypt except it is
not the same plagues. This is different aspects. We’ll get to that just now. The bible always gives you an
example and then shows you what will happen. It speaks about the plagues in Egypt because he wants
you to come out and be separate. The Israelites had to come out and be separate. At the end of time
there are some plagues that will hit this false worship system and the entire world. Come out of her my
people and be separate.
Revelation 16:1 And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, go your ways,
and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.
What are these Plagues?
1. First Plague
Revelation 16:2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome
and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped
his image.
The first plague to hit mankind at the end will be sores, boils – some terribly painful sores. Hospitals will
be full of these people, not knowing where this comes from. ‘I don’t know why this is going on. Why is
this happening?’ because they haven’t heard or been able to receive the truth in its entirety because it’s
been covered up. There is a warning going into the world, ‘be careful. The plagues are coming.
2. Second Plague
Revelation 16:3 And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of
a dead man; and every living soul died in the sea.
Can you imagine that? Imagine going to the coast and looking out; there is just read, blood bath in front
of you, no fish, no animals in the sea. Everything is dead.
3. Third Plague
Revelation 16:4 And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and
they became blood.
Even drinking water becomes blood. There is nothing for people to drink. Do you know how thirsty we’ll
get? We’ll have to drink blood. Babylon is the one that took the blood of the saints and she is the one
with the cup of the wrath of their indignation and now it is given back. They then say, wanted to drink of
the blood. Now, drink of the blood.
Revelation 16:5 ... thou art righteous, O Lord... because thou hast judged thus. For they have shed the
blood of saints and prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink...
Isaiah 33:16 ... bread shall be given him; his waters shall be sure.
There will be people that won’t have anything to drink but God’s people will have food and something
to drink. If you stand on the right side, God will be with you. He will protect you as He did in the plagues
in Egypt. He will protect you as the plagues come to earth in the end time.
4. Fourth Plague
Revelation 16:8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him
to scorch men with fire.
16:9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power
over these plagues; and they repented not to give him glory.
The sun will get hot and start to burn people up.
5. Fifth Plague
Notice where the fifth plague hits. It is very important.
Revelation 16:10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom
was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain.
16:11 And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores and repented not of
their deeds.
If you notice here that these plagues specifically hits the seat of the dragon, in other words the Vatican,
the Roman system, the seat of Romanism. These plagues are not universal. They are targeted into
specific areas, mostly in the cities. It is not a universal plague and that is why there is a call, ‘come out of
her and be separate, that you receive not of her plagues.’ Come out and be separate.
6. Sixth Plague
Revelation 16:12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water
thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.
16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the
mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
16:14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles which go forth unto the kings of the earth
and of the whole world to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
16:16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
Is Armageddon supposed to be the Third World War? No. Armageddon forms part of the six plagues. It is
not some Third World War. It might still happen, we are not sure; but Armageddon specifically has to do
with the six plagues being poured out.
7. Seventh Plague
Revelation 16:17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice
out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, 'It is don.'
16:18 And there were voices, and thunders, and lightning’s; and there was a great earthquake...
16:20 And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.
16:21 And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent;
and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding
The seventh plague is hail coming down from heaven in huge blocks that destroy absolutely everything.
Not only that, you get earthquakes and islands flee away. In the evolution lecture I showed you how
islands were fleeing away just from one storm. Here, islands and mountains disappear. This earthquake
turns the mountain rangers like the alps and the massive mountain rangers turn it to liquid. Can you
imagine the times? It will be amazing. What did the Israelites have to do to be secured from the
plagues? They put the blood of the lamb over their door posts. What do we have to do in the time of the
ends to be secured from the plagues? We have to put the blood of the Lamb over the door post of your
soul. Do you see the type and the anti-type? We have to each one of us put our sins inside the sanctuary
that since 1844 the process of cleansing of the sanctuary can be fulfilled, that our sins are removed and
put on Azaizel. Not only that, we have to take the blood of the Lamb and put it over the door post of our
soul that we can be identified as those that stand separate and in unity of truth in opposition to the
masses that stand in unity of error.
Psalm 91:1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the
91:4 He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust; His truth shall be thy
shield and buckler.
91:5 Thou shalt not be afraid for he terror by night; nor or the arrow that flieth by day. Nor for the
pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
91:7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh
91:8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
91:9 Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation.
91:10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
91:11 For He shall give His angels charge over thee...
Isn’t that beautiful? That passage explains exactly what will happen. Right at the end of time when the
plagues fall and mankind is in turmoil the Lord says, ‘You will see what is going on. Don’t think you will
be raptured away from it. Please don’t be fooled by that. You are going to see what is going on but I will
protect you under my wings because you found habitation inside me, the Rock of ages. I will protect you
through these things; but it will be shaking, times that will shake us to the core.
Jude 1:14 ... Behold, the Lord came with ten thousands of his holy ones,
1:15 to execute judgment upon all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their works of ungodliness
which they have ungodly wrought, and of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken
against him.
Isaiah 26:20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee; hide
thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.
[Pt. 11 of 11]
Those are the plagues and the turmoil.
Isaiah 26:21 For, behold, the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for
their iniquity; the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.
The people on earth will be destroyed by the brightness of His coming. Why will the earth disclose her
blood and shall no more cover her slain? Why will the earth not be able to cover her slain? It is because
there won’t be anybody to burry anybody. This is the problem. There is no a second chance gospel. You
get your chance and you’ve got to use it. Some people will only get one chance in their lives to hear this
truth and it might be in your hands they find that or get that opportunity. This is a very serious calling.
The Lord is calling you to acknowledge and understand that there is a final confrontation coming to a
head here; but if you stand on the side of Christ you’ll be part of the hundred and forty four thousand.
There is nothing secret about that day as it explains in Matthew 24:27;
Matthew 24:27 For as lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so will be the coming of
the Son of Man
There will be a day that will never be forgotten in the history of the universe.
Psalm 110:5 The Lord is at Your right hand; he shall execute kings in the day of his wrath.
110:6 He shall judge among the nations, He shall fill the places with dead bodies; he shall execute the
heads of many countries.
Can you imagine sitting in the sit of parliament as a head of a country, the responsibility that you have?
God is calling you, if you are one of these high ups in one of these political systems or in business. He
says, ‘please be careful. Wherever you are understand that this is all about worship. This is about
worshiping the dragon even if you are not worshiping him directly, bowing down somehow. Somehow
he’s got you. The only way to be secure and safe is to come out and be separate and stand with this
group that will take the persecution at the end time.
Revelation 18 is a book that I recommend that you read. Take the time; open your bible at Revelation
18. Keep the new bible next to the King James Version and read both of them so that you understand in
depth what will happen.
Babylon, the world has become a habitation of every foul spirit and a cage of every foul bird. The Lord is
calling us to be unified in truth. The world is calling us to be unified in error. This will all come to a head
in the next lecture.