Meek Jennifer Meek Mrs. Wilson Scholarship English 9

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Jennifer Meek
Mrs. Wilson
Scholarship English 9-6
31 January 2015
Book 1 Summary of the Odyssey
Book One of the Odyssey is titled Athene Visits Telemachus. The book starts
with an invocation to a Muse which continuations questions for the muse for her
guidance in telling the story of a man who has experienced many twists and turns of
fate and has suffered many hardships,Odysseus. He is the only Greek survivor of the
Trojan War who everyone seems to think that he died in battle, the only people that
believe he is still alive is Odysseus wife and son. As you read you find out that he is
being held captive on the island Ogygia by the sea nymph Calypso. Calypso wants
Odysseus to marry her and she will then in return give him immortality.
While fighting in the Trojan war Odysseus makes an immortal enemy, Poseiden.
Poseiden then promises that he will never let Odysseus get back to Ithaca. Meanwhile,
Odysseus' wife, Penelope, is confronted by suitors at his home in Ithaca since everyone
thinks that Odysseus is dead.
Athene is trying to get her father, Zeus, to have pity on him and to let him come
home. When that doesn't work out for her, she then goes to Telemachus to try convince
him to go on a quest to find out information about Odysseus and what happened to him.
Book 1 Outline
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Invocation to Muse- The asking for the help from a muse to tell the story of
II. Explanation of the survivors of the Trojan war and why they are unable to come
home to Ithaca. Odysseus is being held captive by Calypso.
III. Athene taking to her father, Zeus to let Odysseus return.
IV. Athene makes a visit to Telemachus and convinces him to go on a quest in search
for his father.
V. Penelope is confronted by suitors trying to win her heart since they all think that
Odysseus died at war.
Book 1 People
• Muse (mentioned in the invocation)
• Hyperion- the sun-god (invocation)
• Odysseus- war hero, King of Ithaca
• Nymph Calypso- holding Odysseus captive
• Poseidon- god of the sea has a rivalry with Odysseus
• Zeus- Father of men and gods
• Aegisthus- killed by Orestes
• Orestes- Agamemnon's son
• Athene- assists Odysseus and Telemachus
• Telemachus- Odysseus' son
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Book 1 Places
• Ithaca
• Trojan war
• On the road to find Odysseus