MS Health Education Essential Questions: What can I do to achieve personal wellness? How can I make informed decisions to keep myself safe? How do the physical, mental, social, and emotional changes that I experience from childhood through adulthood affect my personal wellness? Standard 1: Comprehend concepts related to personal health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health. MS.1.1 Analyze the relationship between healthy behaviors and personal health. Students will know… Prior Background Knowledge Required: Vocabulary: Communicable and Noncommunicable Diseases: personal enhancing strategies discuss ways to prevent food-borne illnesses. abstinence discuss the cause, communicable disease symptoms, prevention, and specific to : substance treatment of the common abuse, nutrition, exercise, cold, influenza, sexual activity, mononucleosis, hepatitis, injury/disease prevention, strep throat, and West Nile and stress management virus. exercise principles Growth and Development: nutritional guidelines give examples of how the F.I.T.(Frequency, Intensity, female and male body Time) changes during ovaries adolescence. vagina Personal Health/Physical Activity: fallopian tubes compare how healthy uterus behaviors and risk practices testicles impact personal health, e.g., scrotum stress/personal health, penis cultural food practices/health. describe a healthy balance of stress, sleep, exercise, nutrition, recreation and Drafted December 11, 2014 Students will understand that… Students will be able to… how they take care of their 7th : list and define bodies affects their personal 8th: compare and contrast health. o each of the female and male reproductive organs. 7th : explain what occurs during the menstrual cycle 8th: explain the effects of the menstrual cycle related to the reproductive system 7th : discuss 8th: give two o habits that females and males can practice to protect reproductive health. th 7 : describe 8th: differentiate between several o personal health enhancing strategies that encompass substance abuse, nutrition, exercise, sexual activity, injury/disease school. identify personal health enhancing strategies that encompass substance abuse, nutrition, exercise, sexual activity, injury/disease prevention, and stress management. prevention, and stress management. MS.1.2 Describe the interrelationships of emotional, intellectual, physical, and social health in adolescence. Students will know… Prior Background Knowledge Required: Vocabulary: Communicable and Noncommunicable Health: wellness discuss non-communicable health conditions and give ways to manage them. Mental/Emotional Health: identify the interrelationships of emotional and social health in adolescents, e.g., identifying positive relationships. give examples of changes in feelings during adolescence. Personal Health/ Physical Activity: discuss what it means to be a self-directed learner in about health knowledge. Drafted December 11, 2014 Students will understand that… practicing health behaviors will have a significant impact on one’s wellness. Students will be able to… 7th : discuss 8th: connect o chronic health conditions and ways to manage them. 7th : summarize 8th: differentiate between o the interrelationship of emotional, social, and physical health in adolescence, e.g. how a peer group can affect multiple dimensions of health (food choices, participation in unhealthy activities); how family changes(moving, divorce, death) can impact emotional, social and physical health. MS.1.3 Analyze how the environment affects personal health. Prior Background Knowledge Required: Communicable and Noncommunicable Health: outline what happens when a person has an allergic reaction. select ways a person can manage asthma and reduce the risk of an asthma attack. Environmental: examine how environmental dangers impact personal health and wellness. Personal Health/ Physical Activity: identify healthy and unhealthy relationships and their effect on health and wellness. Drafted December 11, 2014 Students will know… Vocabulary: environmental (air, water, living conditions and etc…) Students will understand that… environmental practices have positive or negative health effects. Students will be able to… 7th : identify 8th: investigate o environmental conditions (e.g., physical social, community) that are potentially harmful to personal health. th 7 : explain two examples 8th: explain several examples o of how the environment affects health. MS.1.4 Describe how family history can affect personal health. Prior Background Knowledge Required: Students will be able to… Family/ Social Health: give examples of family practices and beliefs that benefit personal health. identify the different ways that families cope with stress and how it impacts personal health. Growth and Development: identify hereditary factors influencing growth, development, and health. Students will know… Vocabulary: genetics/hereditary Students will understand that… heredity plays a large role in their life-long wellness. Students will be able to… 7th determine 8th evaluate o hereditary diseases, if any, prevalent within the family 7th explain how diseases have affected their lives so far. 8th explain the choices one has knowing their personal hereditary background. MS.1.5 Describe ways to reduce or prevent injuries and other adolescent health problems. Students will know… Prior Background Knowledge Required: Vocabulary: Injury Prevention and Safety; abstinence identify ways to reduce or prevent injuries. unhealthy behaviors Personal Health/Physical Activity: identify benefits of abstinence from sexual behaviors and other risky behaviors such as tobacco, drug and alcohol use. identify appropriate health care that can prevent premature death and disability. Drafted December 11, 2014 Students will understand that… Students will be able to… abstinence from unhealthy 7th list behaviors promotes mental, 8th explain emotional and physical o ways to practice well-being. abstinence from behaviors that put one at risk, including sexual, drug, tobacco and alcohol use. 7th choose one method to prevent risky behavior and explain why they chose it. 8th explain its effectiveness. MS.1.6 Explain how appropriate health care can promote personal health. Students will know… Prior Background Knowledge Required: Vocabulary: Growth and Development: sign and symptoms give reasons why health care is important during pregnancy. learn about pregnancy and childbirth. outline how a fertilized egg is formed and nourished. Personal Health/Physical Activity: describe the benefits of regular dental visits on oral health. give examples of healthcare products and personal hygiene practices that promote personal health for adolescents. Students will understand that… some signs and symptoms require immediate medical attention. Students will be able to… 7th describe 8th assess o the importance of seeking health care when experiencing a health issue. MS.1.7 Describe the benefits of and barriers to practicing healthy behaviors. Students will know… Prior Background Knowledge Required: Personal Health/Physical Activity: Vocabulary: wellness (sleep, eating, identify the benefits of fitness etc…) practicing healthy behaviors, e.g., describes the benefits of using household products for their intended purpose. Drafted December 11, 2014 Students will understand that… scheduling wellness into daily routine is important to overall health. Students will be able to… 7th compare/contrast 8th critique o barriers to practicing healthy behaviors. identify the barriers to practicing healthy behaviors, e.g., describes the benefits of using household products for their intended purpose. select what changes are needed in daily routines to improve or maintain personal health. MS.1.8 Examine the likelihood of injury or illness if engaging in unhealthy behaviors. Students will know… Prior Background Knowledge Required: Vocabulary: Growth and Development: heart disease identify risks associated with teen pregnancy and diabetes parenthood. obesity Personal Health/Physical Activity: pregnancy give examples of unhealthy STI (Sexually Transmitted behaviors and give Infections) examples of their consequences, e.g., alcohol use, drug use. Drafted December 11, 2014 Students will understand that… healthy behaviors promote mental, physical, emotional and social well-being. Students will be able to… 7th describe 8th give two examples of o possible injuries or illness that can be attributed to substance abuse, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, sexual activity, violence, and inadequate coping skills/stress management. MS.1.9 Examine the potential seriousness of injury or illness if engaging in unhealthy behaviors. Students will know… Prior Background Knowledge Required: Personal Health/Physical Activity Vocabulary: heart disease give examples how possible injuries or illness can be diabetes attributed to substance obesity abuse, poor nutrition, lack pregnancy of exercise, sexual activity, STI (Sexually Transmitted violence, and inadequate Infections) coping skills/stress management. Students will understand that… healthy behaviors promote mental, physical, emotional and social well-being. Students will be able to… 7th explain how 8th predict o possible injuries or illness can be attributed to substance abuse, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, sexual activity, violence, and inadequate coping skills/stress management. Standard 2: Analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors. MS.2.1 Examine how the family and culture influences the health of adolescents. Students will know… Students will understand that… Students will be able to... Prior Background Knowledge Required: exercise comes in a variety 7th describe Vocabulary: Family/Social Health: of different forms. 8th compare/contrast o the importance of list family guidelines and recreational rules in the home that exercise for your leisure enhance health. family and provide organized examples of ways select ways that family fitness the family is habits influence health physically active. choices. Nutrition: give reasons why students eat at fast food restaurants on a weekly basis. brainstorm healthy alternatives to eating at fast food restaurants. Drafted December 11, 2014 MS.2.2 Describe the influence of culture on health beliefs, practices, and behaviors. Students will know… Students will understand that… Prior Background Knowledge Required: current trends, cultures, Consumer and Community Health: Vocabulary: and fads are not always fad compare and contrast reliable and valid health beliefs and practices assessments of healthy in different cultures. behaviors. define culture. MS.2.3 Describe how peers influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors. Students will know… Prior Background Knowledge Required: Vocabulary: Family/Social Health: compare/contrast the influence of a bystander’s actions in a bullying situation. define peer pressure. Personal Health/Physical Activity: compare/contrast activities where peers encourage/discourage physical activity . Students will understand that… positive and negative relationships and environments have effects and impact social wellbeing. MS.2.4 Analyze how the school, tribe, and community can affect personal health practices and behaviors. Students will know… Students will understand that… Prior Background Knowledge Required: healthy choices contribute Vocabulary: Consumer and Community to a healthy well-being. Health: refined carbohydrates identify service activities fats being offered in the school (unsaturated/saturated) and community. proteins name programs offered at calories local businesses that help sugars Drafted December 11, 2014 Students will be able to... 7th discuss 8th give examples of o how peer interaction is influenced by the current culture and fads. Students will be able to… 7th give 8th differentiate o ways peers can positively or negatively influence another’s selfimage/self-esteem. Students will be able to... 7th identify 8th analyze o types of healthy food/drink choices that could be included in a school vending machine. improve personal health. MS.2.5 Analyze how messages from media influence health behaviors. Students will know… Prior Background Knowledge Required: Vocabulary: Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs: give examples of current media messages and determines how the messages influence alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use. Consumer and Community Health: tell what it means to be media literate. discuss messages in advertising and TV programming that are intended to influence teens. Nutrition: discuss the purposes of food ads. outline and interpret hidden messages in multimedia advertisements. Drafted December 11, 2014 nutrients Students will understand that… media messages are not always reliable and valid assessments of healthy behaviors. 7th compare/contrast 8th propose o two items included in a school vending machine and give evidence. Students will be able to... 7th examine 8th defend o the variety and content of advertisements and the messages being sent to adolescents. MS.2.6 Analyze the influence of technology on personal and family health. Students will know… Students will understand that… Prior Background Knowledge Required: various technological tools Vocabulary: Consumer and Community are available for the Health:. enhancement of health. describe how common types of technology (e.g., Internet, TV, social media and radio) provide sources of information to reduce health risks. MS.2.7 Explain how the perceptions of norms influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors. Students will know… Students will understand that… Prior Background Knowledge Required: their perception of norms Vocabulary: Personal Health/Physical are not always valid Activity: norm assessments of healthy define norm. behaviors. identify examples of norms that impact healthy behaviors (e.g., using safety belts, eating heart healthy foods, drinking an adequate amount of water each day). Nutrition: define eating disorder. discuss ways you can recognize and treat eating disorders. e.g anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, ARFID (avoidant restrictive food intake disorder). Drafted December 11, 2014 Students will be able to... 7th identify 8th predict o how technology can be used to improve personal health. th 7 and 8th use o a personal device to explain the influence it has in their personal lives. Students will be able to... 7th give 8th explain o examples of group norms that improve the physical, emotional, and social health of an individual. 7th and 8th give o reasons why and how those norms impact health. MS.2.8 Explain the influence of personal values and beliefs on individual health practices and behaviors. Students will know… Students will understand that… Prior Background Knowledge Required: their social lifestyle has an Vocabulary: Mental/Emotional Health: impact on their wellness define values in relation to choices. health. give examples of personal health-related values and indicate how they influence personal health choices. Students will be able to... 7th and 8th explain o how individual personal beliefs are expressed through personal health decisions. MS.2.9 Describe how some health risk behaviors can influence the likelihood of engaging in unhealthy behaviors. Students will know… Students will understand that… Students will be able to... Prior Background Knowledge Required: gateway drugs will 7th discuss Vocabulary: Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs: increase the likelihood of 8th define substance abuse using more dangerous give examples of how o how alcohol, drugs alcohol can increase the forms of substance abuse. gateway drugs and tobacco use can likelihood of other health increase the risk of risk behaviors. using other drugs. MS.2.10 Explain how school and public health policies can influence health promotion and disease prevention. Students will know… Students will understand that… Students will be able to... Prior Background Knowledge Required: nutrition choices have an 7th cite Vocabulary: Nutrition: impact on individual and 8th explain community wellness. give examples of the o examples of school changes that might occur in and public health the lunch menu as a result policies and how of implementing a School they help keep Wellness Policy. schools and Personal Health/Physical communities Activity: healthy. compare student opinion to school policy regarding amount of minutes per day different age groups should Drafted December 11, 2014 spend in physical activity. Standard 3: Demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products, and services to enhance health. MS.3.1 Analyze the validity of health information, products, and services. Students will know… Students will understand that… Prior Background Knowledge Required: it is important to flush out Vocabulary: Students will be able to… unreliable sources as a Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs: consumer. OTC locate warnings on the label of an OTC drug. Consumer and Community Health: identify local resources for reliable health information. Nutrition: explain how to read a food label. compare nutritional value and the unit price of foods. MS.3.2 Access valid health information from home, school, tribe, and community. Students will know… Students will understand that… Prior Background Knowledge Required: not all forms of internet Vocabulary: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs: information are accurate cessation and reliable. identify smoking cessation programs in the community. Consumer and Community Health: Drafted December 11, 2014 Students will be able to... 7th identify 8th interpret o steps to follow to comprehend health knowledge. (Food labels, HIV transmission, facts/myths of substance abuse.) th 7 provide an example of o a food label to determine the validity of information presented. th 8 analyze o a food label to determine the validity of information presented. Students will be able to… 7th explain 8th show o ways to use technology to access valid health information. lists sources of valid health information. describe ways to stay safe when you access health information online. examine the purpose and responsibilities of the local school wellness committee. Environmental Health: identify valid environmental resources regarding health hazards. e.g. oil, water, air. Nutrition: discuss different healthy eating plans and where you might find information about them. compare information presented about healthy plans to fad diets. Personal Health/Physical Activity: explains why you should keep a personal health record. identify ways to keep a personal record e.g. apps, devices, diary. MS.3.3 Determine the accessibility of products that enhance health. Students will know… Prior Background Knowledge Required: Vocabulary: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs discuss regulations for using prescription and Drafted December 11, 2014 Students will understand that… Students will be able to… not all health care products 7th discuss are safe for each individual 8th give health needs. o the importance of consulting a parent OTC drugs. Personal Health/Physical Activity describe ways to access various health-enhancing products. or health care professional before purchasing a product to enhance health. MS.3.4 Describe situations that may require professional health services. Students will know… Students will understand that… Prior Background Knowledge Required: there are many different Vocabulary: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs: types of organizations that periodontal provides services for discuss how to recognize and get help for someone individual health concerns. who abuses alcohol or other drugs. Communicable and Noncommunicable Diseases: explain the steps in how cavities and periodontal disease develop. Consumer and Community Health: list people and places that can help someone who has been harmed by violence. Family/Social Health: identify people and places that can help with family relationships. Injury Prevention and Safety: demonstrate how to make an emergency phone call. MS.3.5 Locate valid and reliable health products and services. Students will know… Prior Background Knowledge Required: Consumer and Community Health: Vocabulary: Drafted December 11, 2014 Students will understand that… there are many different types of organizations that Students will be able to… 7th identify 8th determine o kinds of health problems families might have and how to get help for them. Students will be able to… 7th explain o reasons to have a identify local health care services. e.g. physical examinations, dentist, hearing Mental/Emotional Health: summarize effective methods to change an unhealthy behavior by identifying products and services. provides services for individual health concerns. 7th physical examination. and 8th give o examples where they might receive a physical examination. Standard 4: Demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risk. MS.4.1 Apply effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills to enhance health. Students will know… Students will understand that… Students will be able to… Prior Background Knowledge Required: not all forms of 7th and 8th apply Vocabulary: Family/Social Health: communication are o specific strategies productive for a healthy give examples of how to for effective use verbal and nonverbal relationship. communication. skills to communicate effectively. Mental/Emotional Health: give examples of healthy ways to express needs, wants, and feelings. discusses when and how to end a friendship. MS.4.2 Demonstrate refusal and negotiation skills that avoid or reduce health risks. Students will know… Students will understand that… Prior Background Knowledge Required: positive and negative Vocabulary: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs relationships and environments will have give examples of how to use refusal skills to effects and impact on their maintain a drug-free social well-being. lifestyle. Communicable and NonDrafted December 11, 2014 Students will be able to… 7th and 8th show o how peer pressure influences decisions. communicable Diseases: give examples of how to use refusal skills to prevent infectious diseases. Family/Social Health: identify how to resist negative peer pressure. Personal Health/Physical Activity: explain why refraining from risky behaviors is expected. MS.4.3 Demonstrate effective conflict management or resolution strategies. Students will know… Students will understand that… Prior Background Knowledge Required: positive and negative Vocabulary: Family/Social Health: relationships and give examples of ways to environments will have improve or end a harmful effects and impact on their relationship. social well-being. MS.4.4 Demonstrate how to ask for assistance to enhance the health and safety of self and others. Students will know… Students will understand that… Prior Background Knowledge Required: Consumer and Community Health: Vocabulary: There are school and mental health community resources give reasons to respect authority and obey laws. available when coping with cyber bullying mental health problems. identify who and how to ask for help when being bullied, including cyberbullying. Family/Social Health: Drafted December 11, 2014 Students will be able to… 7th identify 8th pinpoint o some causes of conflict. th 7 and 8th implement o appropriate strategies when confronted with a positive and negative situation. Students will be able to… 7th be aware of when to ask for help with mental and emotional health problems. 8th actively seek help with mental and emotional health problems. give examples of ways to cope with and identify who to get assistance from when dealing with difficult family and social relationships, e.g. abuse and violence. Standard 5: Demonstrate the ability to use decision making skills to enhance health. MS.5.1 Identify circumstances that can help or hinder healthy decision making. Students will know… Students will understand that… Prior Background Knowledge Required: positive and negative Vocabulary: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs: relationships and sedentary environments will have breakdown reasons why teens may choose to use effects and impact on their tobacco. social well-being. Personal Health/Physical Activity: choose how decisions specific to health behavior have consequences for self and others e.g. choosing to be sedentary. Students will be able to… 7th and 8th identify o personal circumstances specific to health behavior that have consequences for self and others. MS.5.2 Determine when health-related situations require the application of a thoughtful decision making process. Students will know… Students will understand that… Students will be able to… Prior Background Knowledge Required: there are steps in the 7th and 8th identify Consumer and Community Health: Vocabulary: decision making process. o personal strengths, decision making process. needs, and health identify when it is necessary to ask for risks before making assistance when making a a health choice. th individual and family 8 brainstorm alternate health choices. strategies to aid in positive decision-making. Drafted December 11, 2014 MS.5.3 Distinguish when individual or collaborative decision making is appropriate. Students will know… Students will understand that… Prior Background Knowledge Required: there are steps in the Vocabulary: Mental/Emotional Health: decision making process. collaborate give examples of healthy ways to express anger and collaboration frustration. collaborative Personal Health/Physical Activity: give various options for health-related issues or problems. list individual and collaborative problem solving processes to health issues. MS.5.4 Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy alternatives to health-related issues or problems. Students will know… Students will understand that… Prior Background Knowledge Required: daily choices affect their Vocabulary: life-long wellness. NA MS.5.5 Predict the potential short-term and long-term impact of each alternative on self and others. Students will know… Students will understand that… Prior Background Knowledge Required: daily choices affect their Vocabulary: Personal Health/Physical life-long wellness. Activity: chronic give examples of personal factors that influence an individual’s health goals. Drafted December 11, 2014 Students will be able to… 7th tell the difference between individual and collaborative problem solving processes for health issues. 8th work with others to make appropriate decisions Students will be able to… 7th and 8th describe o personal factors that influence an individual’s health goals. Students will be able to… 7th and 8th evaluate o the short-term and long-term consequences of physical inactivity on chronic health conditions. 8th create a short term goal. MS.5.6 Choose healthy alternatives over unhealthy alternatives when making a decision. Students will know… Students will understand that… Prior Background Knowledge Required: there are steps in the Vocabulary: Nutrition: decision making process. examine excerpts from a restaurant menu and decide which choices are healthiest. Personal Health/Physical Activity: identify healthy exercise choices when planning a physical activity program. MS.5.7 Analyze the outcomes of a health-related decision. Students will know… Prior Background Knowledge Required: Vocabulary: Injury Prevention and Safety: Family/Social Health: give examples of the negative consequences of unhealthy friendships. Students will understand that… daily choices affect their life-long wellness. Standard 6: Demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health. MS.6.1 Assess personal health practices. Students will know… Students will understand that… Prior Background Knowledge Required: long and short term goal Vocabulary: setting impacts their NA wellness. Drafted December 11, 2014 Students will be able to… 7th demonstrate 8th assess o decision making skills that value healthy choices. Students will be able to… 7th analyze 8th connect o potential consequences of harmful and healthy behaviors. Students will be able to… 7th and 8th distinguish o between the areas of health. th 7 and 8th describe o different eating styles. MS.6.2 Develop a goal to adopt, maintain, or improve a personal health practice. Students will know… Students will understand that… Prior Background Knowledge Required: long and short term goal Vocabulary: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs: setting impacts their composition wellness. identify reasons for a drugfree lifestyle. cardiorespiratory Family/Social Health: endurance identifies practices that agility lead to health and helpful flexibilty family relationships. Nutrition: describe ways healthful eating habits reduce the risk of disease. Personal Health/Physical Activities: determine individual body composition and set a goal to achieve/maintain that composition. explain how to achieve and measure the five kinds of health-related fitness discuss the six fitness skills explains how to achieve the five kinds of health-related fitness (i.e., flexibility, cardiorespiratory Drafted December 11, 2014 7th explain 8th develop o how to plan, shop for, and prepare healthy meals and snacks. Students will be able to… 7th identify 8th correlate between o the three kinds of health-related fitness. (cardio, strength, flexibility) th 7 identify 8th compare the different o apps or devices to monitor one’s health behaviors and that help to set goals. endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition). identifies tests to measure health-related fitness. discusses the six fitness skills (i.e., agility, balance, coordination, reaction time, speed, power). describes resources to consider when making a physical fitness plan. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs: identifies reasons for a drug-free lifestyle. MS.6.3 Apply strategies and skills needed to attain a personal health goal. Students will know… Students will understand that… Prior Background Knowledge Required: there are exercise principles Vocabulary: Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs;. and methods to achieve cliques their goals. list personal strategies to maintain a drug-free lifestyle,. Communicable and Noncommunicable Diseases: discuss ways to choose behaviors that reduce the risk of communicable and non-communicable diseases Family/Social Health: explain how commitments are handled in relationships. Drafted December 11, 2014 Students will be able to… 7th identify 8th explain o strategies for healthy weight management. 7th discuss 8th determine o ways physical activity improves health. identify reasons why it is important to be selfsufficient prior to marriage and parenthood . Injury Prevention and Safety: discuss ways to stay away from negative social groups. (i.e. gangs, cliques) inform a responsible adult if someone at school has a weapon. Personal Health/Physical Activity: explain the importance of setting limits and sticking to them. MS.6.4 Describe how personal health goals can vary with changing abilities, priorities, and responsibilities. Students will know… Students will understand that… Prior Background Knowledge Required: their choices will have an Vocabulary: Mental/Emotional Health: effect and impact on their overall well-being. describe the benefits of making responsible decisions. explain how to take responsibility for wrong decisions. Nutrition: discuss ways to follow the “Dietary Recommendations” when eating out. Drafted December 11, 2014 Students will be able to… 7th and 8th differentiate o between a responsible and an irresponsible decision. (e.g. Social media, peer pressure, food choices in a variety of settings.) th 8 give an example of a responsible and irresponsible decision. Standard 7: Demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks. MS.7.1 Explain the importance of assuming responsibility for personal health behaviors. Students will know… Students will understand that… Students will be able to… Prior Background Knowledge Required: abstinence from unhealthy 7th and 8th explain Vocabulary: Communicable and Nonbehaviors promotes mental, o ways to take communicable Diseases: communicable emotional and physical responsibility for describe how to keep well-being. health. non-communicable th yourself and others safe 7 and 8th differentiate recreational from communicable o between risk intolerance diseases. e.g. HIV, AIDS, behaviors and macro nutrients mono healthful behaviors. micro nutrients th describe how to keep 7 describe yourself from developing 8th apply non-communicable o how to use the diseases. e.g. dietary guidelines. cardiovascular, diabetes, 7th and 8th list cancer o risk factors for HIV Family/Social Health: infection. explain how to resist negative peer pressure. e.g. drinking, being sexually active Growth and Development: discuss ways to care for their body systems. e.g. reproductive Injury Prevention and Safety: describe ways to keep yourself safe. (recreational activities, weather situations) Mental/Emotional Health: discuss responsible ways to manage anger. Nutrition: discuss causes of food Drafted December 11, 2014 allergies and intolerances and how to manage them. discuss why they need macro and micro nutrients. Personal Health/Physical Activity: discuss ways to take responsibility for their health. e.g. flossing, grooming, skin care, sleep. MS.7.2 Demonstrate healthy practices and behaviors that will maintain or improve the health of self and others. Students will know… Students will understand that… Students will be able to… Prior Background Knowledge Required: their choices will have an 7th identify Vocabulary: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs: effect and impact on their 8th explain specific overall well-being. o life skills to practice explain how you could avoid abusing drugs. for health. th Communicable and Non 7 give examples of communicable Diseases: healthy practices. explain how you could 8th decide what strategies lower your risk of are most effective for contracting or developing healthy practices. disease. Injury Prevention and Safety: discuss protective factors you could use to reduce the risk of violence in the school and community. Mental/Emotional Health: identify suicide prevention strategies. Personal Health/Physical Activity: identify life skills to practice for health. Drafted December 11, 2014 MS.7.3 Demonstrate behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks to self and others. Students will know… Students will understand that… Students will be able to… Prior Background Knowledge Required: abstinence from unhealthy 7th discuss Vocabulary: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs: behaviors promotes mental, 8th assess emotional and physical o short-term and give reasons to avoid illegal drugs. well-being. long-term effects of drinking on the give reasons why not to mind and body. abuse legal drugs. Mental/Emotional Health: 7th examine the effects of risky behaviors related to discuss why people might your lifestyle. harm themselves or others. list warning signs that 8th give an example of a show that a person might risky behaviors related to be harming themselves. your lifestyle Standard 8: Demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health. MS.8.1 State a health-enhancing position on a topic and support it with accurate information. Students will know… Students will understand that… Students will be able to… Prior Background Knowledge Required: abstinence from unhealthy 7th and 8th discuss Vocabulary: Consumer and Community Health: behaviors promotes mental, o the health risks emotional and physical associated with discuss quackery. well-being. performance explain your rights as a enhancing drugs in consumer. sports. Environmental Health: th 7 and 8th support describe a healthy o position by citing environment e.g. clean air, information on the water, noise, waste. Injury Prevention and Safety: topic. describe how and when to perform first aid procedures. e.g. universal precautions, handling bodily fluids, choking, Drafted December 11, 2014 shock, skeletal and muscular problems. MS.8.2 Demonstrate how to influence and support others to make positive health choices. Students will know… Students will understand that… Prior Background Knowledge Required: developing a positive Vocabulary: Communicable and Nonattitude can promote a communicable Diseases: productive, healthy tell behaviors that reduce environment. the risk of contracting or developing disease e.g., skin cancer. Environmental Health: explain ways to improve the social-emotional environment. Family/Social Health lists coping strategies for dealing with a negative family/social environment. Injury Prevention and Safety: explain how to be safe when watching or playing sports. Mental/Emotional Health: discuss ways you can comfort someone who is hurting. Personal Health/Physical Activity: describe reasons to choose a health career. Environmental Health: describes how air pollution changes air quality. explains how a pleasant Drafted December 11, 2014 Students will be able to… 7th list 8th show o ways one would promote a positive social-emotional environment. visual environment might affect health. assess ways that the socialemotional environment affects health. explains ways to improve the social-emotional environment. Family/Social Health lists coping strategies for dealing with a negative social-emotional environment. MS.8.3 Work cooperatively to advocate for healthy individuals, families, and schools. Students will know… Students will understand that… Prior Background Knowledge Required: their individual health has Consumer and Community Health: Vocabulary: an impact on over all community health. list ways to help provide responsible care for and children. advocate for sportsmanship as either a spectator or participant in sports. describes ways to volunteer. Drafted December 11, 2014 Students will be able to… 7th tell 8th develop o why adolescents should advocate for sportsmanship. MS.8.4 Identify ways in which health messages and communication techniques can be altered for different audiences. Students will know… Students will understand that… Students will be able to… Prior Background Knowledge Required: not all consumer health 7th and 8th name Consumer and Community Health: Vocabulary: information is reliable o the different ways list places in your and/or valid. that media targets community and nation specific audiences. where people enjoy healthy activities. Personal Health/Physical Activity: list activities that people enjoy outdoors. Environmental Health: lists agencies that help protect the environment. Drafted December 11, 2014