Republic of the Philippines MARIKINA POLYTERCHNIC COLLEGE 2 Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena, Marikina City COURSE SYLLABUS in ENHLOSH FOR TECHNOLOGY I. II. III. Course Code Course Title Course Description/ Credit Units/ Prerequisites/ Time Allotted : : ENG 111 ENGLISH FOR STUDY AND THINKING SKILLS : English 111 provides the students with thinking skills and language learning strategies necessary for academic studies. It offers learning tasks that will not only make the students learn about the language but also improve their knowledge or intelligence as they use the English language in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. No. of Credit Units: 3 No. of Hours per Week: 3 Total time Allotment: 54 Hours Prerequisites: None IV. Objectives Name the different sections of the library Gain knowledge on how to use the different sections of the library Be able to explain how books are classified Consult biographical dictionaries and atlases to the given questions Locate information for the suggested topics Teaching Content Strategies 1- Using the Library Effectively Multi –Media Approach A. The library Team Teaching B. Kinds of Reading Materials in the Library Values Infused Considering the Library as the heart of the school Showing appreciation and love of libraries by frequently visiting them C. Arrangement of Books D. The Card Catalogue E. Sections of the Library Acknowledging the books as repositories of great men’s thoughts, dreams, and hopes InstructionalDevices and Materials Laptop with speakers LCD Projector Video Clips Handouts Evaluation Instrument Quiz Recitation Objectives Teaching Content Define contextual clues Enumerate and discuss the kinds of contextual clues Identify the kinds of clues used in the given sentences Extract and define unfamiliar terms from the selection 2-Improving Vocabulary Through Contextual Clues State the meaning and importance of reading comprehension Enumerate and explain the different levels of thinking Discuss the significance of critical and creative thinking Point out and explain the different kinds of reading Solve given problems Share viewpoints concerning the speaker’s message on video 3-Improving Reading Comprehension A. The Meaning of Contextual Clues B. Kinds of Contextual clues Strategies Multi-Media Approach Lecture Method Values Infused B. Kinds of Reading C. Pathways to Better Reading Laptop with Speakers LCD Projector Video Clips Handouts Pair work Approach Encouraging constant exposure to different reading materials Multi-Media Approach (Video Presentation) Inculcating the value of making good judgments or decisions Laptop with Speakers LCD Projector Lecture Method Stimulating students’ imagination for them to become creative readers and thinkers Video Clips Handouts C. Selection: “Architectural Scenario: 500,000 Years from Now” A. Importance of Critical and Creative Reading Promoting the idea of having a wide vocabulary as a key to good reading comprehension InstructionalDevices and Materials Evaluation Instrument Quiz Recitation Quiz Recitation Essay Writing Task and Rubric Objectives Teaching Content Relate important information from the selections Give the central themes of given texts Demonstrate in communication activities students’ mastery of nonverbal Symbols 4-Skimming and Scanning Strategies Multi-Media Approach A. Selection 1:” the International Dominance of English B. Selection 2:”Life As Type A” by James Gleick Lecture Method CLT Infer the meaning of unfamiliar terms Watch the film for critical analysis Explain the author’s point of view in his essay 5-Drawing Inferences (Making Predictions) Multi-Media Approach A. Pre-reading Activities B. Selection:”The Dream of Artificial Intelligence” by John Derbyshire Lecture Method Experiential Learning Predict the focal point of the story based on its story Share the orally one’s thoughts concerning socially relevant issues Determine the accuracy of the statements to make inferences 6-Drawing Conclusions Multi-Media Approach Lecture Method Debate Forum Reflective Teaching A. Pre-reading Activities B. Selection:” TV Addiction Cookies or Heroine?” by Marie Winn Values Infused Applying the skills of skimming and scanning in detailing with various reading material. Instructional Devices and Materials Laptop with Speakers LCD Projector Video Clips Handouts Realizing the uniqueness of human personality Laptop with Speakers LCD Projector Acknowledging the spiritual truth about man’s origin Film Handouts Being conscious about the importance of factual evidence over assumptions Realizing the adverse effects off television and promoting its positive value messages Laptop with Speakers LCD Projector Pictures Video Clips Handouts Evaluation Instrument Quiz Recitation Essay Writing Task and Rubric Quiz Film Review Rubric Debate Guidelines and Rubric Rubric-based Speaking skills Assessment Instrument Reflective Paper Task and Rubric Objectives Teaching Content Strategies Values Infused Instructional Devices and Materials Define the terms using contextual clues Defend one’s stand concerning body tattoos and body piercings Provide information or details asked for comprehension purposes 7- Reading for Information Details Multi-Media Approach Laptop with Speakers Lecture Method LCD Projector CLT Pictures Panel Discussion Video Clips Handouts Identify the author’s way of giving similarities and differences Make comparison and contrast on issues concerning management 8-Making Comparison and Contrast Role play a firefighting related situation Gather data about people’s reactions/ comments/ suggestion on firefighting Make posters on fire prevention Exchange ideas on firefighting Create commercials about firefighting 9-Distinguishing Fact from Opinion A. Pre-reading Activities B. Selection 1: “ On Teenagers and Tattoos” by Andres Martin C. Selection 2:” What Drives Your Life?” A. Pre-reading Activities B. Selection :” How to Become An Executive?” by Executive Life Fortune A. Pre-reading Activities B. Selection:” Fight the Fire with Fire” by Jean Z. Faust Multi-Media Approach (Video Presentation) Lecture Method Cooperative Learning Approach Multi-Media Approach (Video Presentation) Lecture Method Cooperative Learning Approach Role Playing Realizing the health risks associated with tattoos and body Piercings Inculcating the benefits of purpose driven life Instilling value and art of logical reasoning and applying it in real life situations Promoting the idea of good relations as a sign of good management Laptop with Speakers LCD Projector Video Clips Handouts Becoming conscious of importance of knowing the difference between fact and opinion in order to form intelligent judgment Laptop with Speakers LCD Projector Video Clips Handouts Fostering the value of health consciousness Evaluation Instrument Quiz Speech / Oral Presentation Guidelines and Rubric Reaction paper Task and Rubric Quiz Recitation Presentation Skills Task and Rubric Quiz Recitation Presentation Skills Task and Rubric Objectives Explain the connections of the text with the pictures Write a letter explaining one’s understanding of the selection Dramatize a situation in relation to the main idea of the text. Identify the main issue in the text, and then adopt two sides of the issue affirmative and negative. Teaching Content 10- Determining the Author’s Purpose, Mood, and Point of View A. Pre-reading Activities B. Selection:” Not Two” by Jose Marie de Leon Strategies Multi-Media Approach (Video Presentation) Lecture Method Debate Forum Values Infused Understanding the role and importance of Mother Nature in our lives Instructional Devices And Materials Laptop with Speakers LCD Projector Video Clips Handouts Evaluation Instrument Quiz Recitation Debate Guidelines and Rubric V. Grading System/ Criteria: a. b. c. d. e. f. Quizzes Midterm / Final Exam Seatwork Recitation Attitude Attendance - 20% 25% 25% 20% 5% 5% TOTAL - 100% (Note: One-third of the Midterm Computed Grade will be included in the computation of Final Grade) VI. References: Avila, Dorcas M. at al. (2008) Essentials of English: Communication Arts I (Study and Thinking Skills). Mutya Publishing House, Inc. Malabon City. Baceros, Esther L. (2009) Communication Skills I: Improving Study and Thinking Skills. Rex Printing Company, Inc. Quezon City. Cabrera, Lucila DM. and Belen de Asis. (2008) Improving Study, Thinking, Reading and Writing Skills for College freshmen. Booklore Publishing Corporation, Manila