MAT 102 - Make Your Own Study Guide – Unit 3 Name _______________________________________ 14.1 Date Turned In ___________ Concept – Explain each definition, rule, or process in this column Roots and Radicals Define perfect square. Show an example of a perfect square. Define square root. Show an example of a square root. What is the difference between the square of a number and the square root of a number? The square of 9 is: Example – Show an example in this column The square root of 9 is: Define radical sign. Show a radical sign: Define radical. Show an example of a radical: Define randicand. What is the radicand of this radical: √3𝑥 Define principal square root. √64 = MAT 102 - Make Your Own Study Guide – Unit 3 14.1 Concept – Explain each definition, rule, or process in this column Roots and Radicals (continued) Define negative square root. Example – Show an example in this column −√64 = Define rational number. Are the following numbers rational or irrational? −4 0 2 1 3 Define irrational number. 0.975 1.333̅ 𝜋 √6 Define cube root. Show an example of a cube root. What is the difference between the cube of a number and the cube root of a number? The cube of 27 is: The cube root of 27 is: 2 MAT 102 - Make Your Own Study Guide – Unit 3 14.1 Concept – Explain each definition, rule, or process in this column Roots and Radicals (continued) Describe how to find the decimal approximation of square root and cube root on the calculator. Example – Show an example in this column Determine the decimal value (rounded to 3 decimal places) for the following: √6 3 √9 3 MAT 102 - Make Your Own Study Guide – Unit 3 14.2 Concept – Explain each definition, rule, or process in this column Simplifying Radicals Define index. Finish these properties of square roots: Example – Show an example in this column What is the index of the following: Simplify: √4𝑥 = √𝑎𝑏 = 𝑎 √ = 𝑏 √ Finish this: 𝑦 = 25 Simplify: √𝑥 2 = √4𝑦 2 = Describe how to simplify square root expressions which have factors with higher powers than 2. Simplify: √𝑦 3 = √𝑥 8 = √8𝑥 2 𝑦 5 = 4 3 √64 MAT 102 - Make Your Own Study Guide – Unit 3 14.2 Concept – Explain each definition, rule, or process in this column Simplifying Radicals (continued) Finish this: Example – Show an example in this column Simplify: 3 3 √8𝑦 3 = √𝑥 3 = Describe how to simplify cube root expressions which have factors with higher powers than 3. Simplify: 3 √𝑥 4 = 3 √𝑦 9 = 3 √8𝑥 5 𝑦 7 = Describe how to simplify a radical expression with a binomial in the numerator (see example). 5 Simplify: 4 + √24 = 2 MAT 102 - Make Your Own Study Guide – Unit 3 14.2 Concept – Explain each definition, rule, or process in this column Simplifying Radicals (continued) What is wrong with this: 4 + √3 = 2 + √3 2 6 Example – Show an example in this column MAT 102 - Make Your Own Study Guide – Unit 3 14.3 Concept – Explain each definition, rule, or process in this column Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication with Radicals Define like radicals. Show example of like radicals: Define unlike radicals. Show example of unlike radicals: Describe how to add/subtract like radicals. Add/subtract: Example – Show an example in this column 2√5 + 6√5 = √3 − 8√3 = If you are given an add/subtract with unlike radicals, what do you do? Simplify: 5√3 + √27 = 3√32 − √2 = 7 MAT 102 - Make Your Own Study Guide – Unit 3 14.3 Concept – Explain each definition, rule, or process in this column Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication with Radicals (continued) Describe how to multiply radicals. Example – Show an example in this column Multiply: √2(√3) = √𝑥(√𝑥 − 4) = (√𝑦 + 7)(√𝑦 − 2) = 8 MAT 102 - Make Your Own Study Guide – Unit 3 14.4 Concept – Explain each definition, rule, or process in this column Rationalizing Denominators Describe how to rationalize fraction with square root monomial in denominator. Example – Show an example in this column Simplify: 2 √𝑥 Describe how to rationalize fraction with cube root monomial in denominator. = Simplify: 2 3 √𝑥 = 2 3 √𝑥 5 9 = MAT 102 - Make Your Own Study Guide – Unit 3 14.4 Concept – Explain each definition, rule, or process in this column Rationalizing Denominators (continued) Define conjugates. Example – Show an example in this column What is the conjugate of each of these? 3 − √𝑥 −4 + √𝑥 Describe how to rationalize fraction with binominal (containing square root radical) in denominator. Simplify: 7 5 − √𝑥 10 = MAT 102 - Make Your Own Study Guide – Unit 3 14.5 Concept – Explain each definition, rule, or process in this column Equations with Radicals Finish out this Property of Real Numbers: Example – Show an example in this column Use this property to solve this equation (by squaring both sides of the equation): If 𝑎 = 𝑏, then 𝑎2 = √2𝑥 − 3 = 5 Describe how to solve equation with radical expression. Solve: 𝑎 = 3 + √3𝑎 − 9 Define extraneous solution. Why you must check your solutions when you have an equation with a radical? 11 MAT 102 - Make Your Own Study Guide – Unit 3 14.5 Concept – Explain each definition, rule, or process in this column Equations with Radicals (continued) Example of problem with extraneous solution: Example – Show an example in this column Solve the equation. Check all of your solutions. Are any of them extraneous? √18 − 𝑥 + 6 = 𝑥 Describe how to solve an equation with a cube root radical in it? Solve: 3 √3𝑥 + 4 + 2 = 4 12 MAT 102 - Make Your Own Study Guide – Unit 3 14.5 Concept – Explain each definition, rule, or process in this column Equations with Radicals (continued) Describe how to solve an equation with 2 radicals in it (and no other terms). Describe how to solve an equation with 3 terms, two of which are radicals. 13 Example – Show an example in this column Solve: √−2𝑦 + 2 = √2𝑦 + 6 Solve: √𝑥 + 1 + √𝑥 − 19 = 10 MAT 102 - Make Your Own Study Guide – Unit 3 14.6 Concept – Explain each definition, rule, or process in this column Rational Exponents What does 𝑥 1⁄ 𝑛 Example – Show an example in this column Simplify: mean? 27 What does 𝑥 𝑚⁄ 𝑛 1⁄ 3 Simplify: mean? 64 Finish this summary of exponent rules: 2⁄ 3 𝑎1 = 𝑥1 = Exponent of 0: 𝑎0 = 𝑥0 = Product Rule: 𝑎𝑚 ∙ 𝑎𝑛 = 𝑎𝑚 𝑎𝑛 Negative Exponents: Power Rule: 𝑥3 ∙ 𝑥7 = 𝑥 11 = 𝑥6 = 1 𝑎−𝑛 𝑎−𝑛 = = 𝑥 −3 = (𝑎𝑚 )𝑛 = Power Rule for Products: Power Rule for Fractions: (𝑎𝑏)𝑛 = Simplify: Exponent of 1: Quotient Rule: = 1 = 𝑥 −5 = 𝑎 𝑛 (𝑥 3 )4 = (𝑏 ) = (2𝑥)4 = 𝑥 3 ( ) = 5 14 MAT 102 - Make Your Own Study Guide – Unit 3 14.6 Concept – Explain each definition, rule, or process Example – Show an example in this column in this column Rational Exponents (continued) Simplify these expressions using exponent rules. Leave your answer in exponential form. 𝑥 1⁄ 3 𝑥 1⁄ 6 2 𝑥 ⁄3 ∙𝑥 = = 1⁄ 5 𝑥− 1 2⁄ 3 𝑥− 2⁄ 5 = = 1⁄ 2⁄ 4 5 (𝑥 ) = 3⁄ 1⁄ 4 3 (2𝑥 ) = 𝑥 1⁄2 ( ) = 8 15 MAT 102 - Make Your Own Study Guide – Unit 3 14.6 Concept – Explain each definition, rule, or process Example – Show an example in this column in this column Rational Exponents (continued) Simplify by changing first to exponential form. Then simplify and express your answer in radical form. 5 √ 3√𝑥 = 16 MAT 102 - Make Your Own Study Guide – Unit 3 14.7 Concept – Explain each definition, rule, or process in this column Functions with Radicals Define radical function. Show an example of a radical function. Define relation. Show an example of a relation. Define domain. What is the domain of this relation: {(2,1), (4,5), (6,1)} Define function. Are the following relations functions? Explain. Example – Show an example in this column {(2,1), (4,5), (6,1)} {(−1,2), (2,5), (−1,4)} Define vertical line test. Is this relation a function? Explain. 17 MAT 102 - Make Your Own Study Guide – Unit 3 14.7 Concept – Explain each definition, rule, or process in this column Functions with Radicals (continued) Describe how to find the domain for a radical function with square root. Example – Show an example in this column What is the domain of the following radical function? 𝑓(𝑥) = √3𝑥 − 1 Describe how to find the domain for a radical function with cube root. What is the domain of the following radical function? 3 𝑔(𝑥) = √𝑥 + 1 Describe how to graph radical function with a square root. Graph the following radical function: 𝑓(𝑥) = √𝑥 − 1 18 MAT 102 - Make Your Own Study Guide – Unit 3 14.7 Concept – Explain each definition, rule, or process in this column Functions with Radicals (continued) Describe how to graph radical function with a cube root. 19 Example – Show an example in this column Graph the following radical function: 3 𝑔(𝑥) = √𝑥 + 1