Daily Activities: Blackwell Classes Absent students should read the

Daily Activities: Blackwell Classes
Absent students should read the log of activities and should see the teacher before/after school to make
up any missed quizzes, assignments, tests, or activities for grades.
aWeek of Jan. 5-Jan. 8
Tuesday 10th Honors: Review updated syllabus and procedures; take whole-text QAR Quiz on Of Mice
and Men; Review work turn-in procedures, starting class procedures, and discussion participation
procedures. We’ll begin the research process in the next few weeks, so please be prepared to either
continue your controversial issue research started in the beginning of the year or, if you choose, select a
new topic—you’ll confirm your topic tomorrow. HW=visit website, print and sign syllabus sheet and
return it.
Tuesday Journalism: Introduce Journalist of the Month; Police and Journalists—an introduction to
journalism “beats.” HW=prepare for brainstorming tomorrow; section editors need to fill out planning
sheet in advance of tomorrow’s class.
Wednesday 10th Honors: Sign up and confirm controversial research topic; turn in signed syllabus page;
4-corners discussion and position statement generation: is it “right” for George to kill Lennie?; Better
Introductions in papers modeling; HW=Perform TPCASTT (except you don’t have to word-for-word
paraphrase the poem—you can summarize each stanza) and bring this to class tomorrow.
Wednesday Journalism: Section Editor’s Meeting w/ me to Model approving writers’ planning sheets;
brainstorming session with the class; review calendar and due dates for upcoming first round of articles.
HW= articles are due next Monday along with pictures and captions.
Thursday 10th Honors: Reviewing TPCASTT of “To a Mouse,” Group Discussion Questions turned in for a
grade; “unpack” and explain the timed writing prompt (handed out). The timed writing will occur
tomorrow in class (or Monday if there is a snow day). HW= prepare (anything up to typing an actual
draft—an outline is ok, a web is fine, etc.) for the timed writing.
Thursday Journalism: Planning sheets filled out by all staff members; approval from section editors (for
a grade); hand out and review new faculty quote approval form that must be used when a writer
interviews a staff member; articles, photos, and photo captions are due on Monday, so the rest of class
was for setting up interviews and for work-time.
Week of Jan. 11th
Monday 10th Honors: Computer Lab for Timed Writing Performance Assessment on Of Mice and Men;
hand out Controversial Issue Powerpoint Project Assignment; we will discuss this assignment (a
continuation of the research started early in the school year) after a short “researching presentation”
from the folks in the media center tomorrow.
Daily Activities: Blackwell Classes
Absent students should read the log of activities and should see the teacher before/after school to make
up any missed quizzes, assignments, tests, or activities for grades.
Monday Journalism: Work day for three things due tomorrow: 1) rough draft of article, 2) picture, 3)
caption. All of these things must be done and ready before class starts, so the room is available
tomorrow morning and tomorrow lunch.
Tuesday 10th Honors: Library: Introduction to online research databases; look for 2 articles that support
the pro and/or con side of your argument as a way to begin working on the Controversial Issues
Powerpoint Project (due end of Sept.). Class recommendation sheets filled out.
Tuesday Journalism: Group editing of rough draft articles; picture check along with caption. Revisions
to 1st round articles based on today’s editing are due at the end of class tomorrow.
Wednesday 10th Honors: Reminder that the next vocabulary quiz is NEXT Thursday; Computer Lab for
database research on controversial issues powerpoint (presentation due Jan. 27). Handed out source
analysis sheets to be completed for 10 sources used in presentation. Reviewed presentation to highlight
the need for images and the parameters for slide format etc.
Wednesday Journalism: Reviewed article writing checklist, due dates; submit a revised copy of your
round 1 issue 4 article to Google Groups by end of class so that Margaret and Wes can edit this evening.
Thursday 10th Honors: Reminders: vocab quiz next Thurs, powerpoint research due on Jan. 27; PSAT
SOAPSTone reading passage strategy; computer lab research. Tomorrow, bring pocket change to make
text copies in the library for your research.
Thursday Journalism: Cutline/Caption Writing Activity and graded caption correction activity; review
editor-in-chief comments for your 1st round articles. Articles are due in final copy form to me
tomorrow at the end of class.
Friday 10th Honors: Hand out PSAT scores and review interpreting scores; review SOAPSTone strategy
and its impact on answers on critical reading passages; Library Text Research and copying source
material. Work on Powerpoint portion of research project due Jan. 27.
Friday Journalism: Revise articles and submit/save the final version, due at the end of the period for my
grading. Brainstorming for round 2 articles for the 4th issue; planning sheets filled out next week, but in
the meantime, e-mail for interviews.
Week of January 19, 2010
Tuesday 10th Honors: Reminder of upcoming vocab quiz Thurs; library text research and source
evaluation. Work on Powerpoint project due Jan. 27.
Tuesday J ournalism: Blackwell gives feedback on graded articles; corrections to those due Thurs.
Brainstorming for round 2 of issue 4.
Daily Activities: Blackwell Classes
Absent students should read the log of activities and should see the teacher before/after school to make
up any missed quizzes, assignments, tests, or activities for grades.
Wednesday 10th Honors: Questions and re-cap on powerpoint project (due next Wed.); DGP week 16;
“Read Around the Text” activity for Brave New World; Begin pp. 3-20 tonight in Brave New World (no
annotations necessary—YET!).
Wednesday Journalism: Interviewing activity; Planning sheet approval; work on setting up interviews,
Thursday 10th Honors: Vocab quiz and turn in vocab work; discuss classes of people in BNW; view
propagandacritic.com with partners to define types of propaganda (finish this at another time in class).
Read up to p. 40 in BNW by Monday. HW=go to http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/offthemap/#
and compare two of the backyard paradises on the worksheet you took in class. Finish this comparison
for your homework tonight.
Thursday Journalism: Revise and post to shared drive your final round 1 articles; fill out planning sheet
and have it approved for your round 2 topic. Articles, pictures, and captions due Monday.
Friday 10th Honors: DGP and Book #; operant condition experiment to connect how humans in BNW
(and we???) are conditioned!; Turn in Utopian exploration from last night; hand out performance
assessment project for end of BNW/persuasion unit. HW= read up to p. 40 by Monday in BNW and
work on your powerpoint project.
Friday Journalism: work day—rough drafts, pictures, and captions for round 2 articles of issue 4 are due
on Monday.
Week of January 25-Jan 29
Monday 10th Honors: DGP; select powerpoint research presentation date; annotating for persuasion in
BNW modeling; Discuss Laws of Life Contest Essay that 10th Honors classes are participating in; read to
120 in BNW by next Monday. Powerpoints due Wednesday before class!
Monday Journalism: Work day—revised deadline/due date of tomorrow; tomorrow is peer editing.
Tuesday 10th Honors: DGP; review powerpoint presentation details (please upload your presentation to
the shared drive); brainstorming and topic selection work for “Laws of Life Essay” (due next
Wednesday). Read to p. 120 in BNW for next Monday (annotate!)
Tuesday Journalism: Comment and edit peers’ articles. Make revisions to your articles by end of class
tomorrow. Photo/caption check and draft submission check.
Wednesday 10th Honors: Powerpoint Research Presentations; continue reading to 120 in BNW by Mon
and work on Laws of Life Essay due next Wed.
Wednesday Journalism: revise and submit articles for editor-in-chief grading.
Daily Activities: Blackwell Classes
Absent students should read the log of activities and should see the teacher before/after school to make
up any missed quizzes, assignments, tests, or activities for grades.
Thursday 10th Honors: Wednesday 10th Honors: Powerpoint Research Presentations; continue reading
to 120 in BNW by Mon and work on Laws of Life Essay due next Wed.
Thursday Journalism: Beat contact brainstorming and guidance lesson; revising articles/preparing
Friday 10th Honors: Wednesday 10th Honors: Powerpoint Research Presentations; continue reading to
120 in BNW by Mon and work on Laws of Life Essay due next Wed; handed out annotated bibliography
example (due next Fri.)—will discuss more on Monday for those who are new to this.
Friday Journalism: Turn in check-off sheet and rubric for me to grade articles over the weekend. Layout
Week of Feb. 1- Feb. 5
Monday 10th Honors: MORE powerpoint project presentations; view my blog for a precursor activity on
analyzing commercials for persuasion. Hand out QAR quiz to be completed tonight along with graded
QAR quizzes over Of Mice and Men. Reminders: Laws of Life due Wed., Annotated bib due Friday.
Monday Journalism: Finish revising article and save on the shared drive. Layout prep. Brainstorming
tomorrow along with the start of layout.
Tuesday 10th Honors: Finish powerpoint presentations (we’re done!); discuss revised due date of
annotated bibliography (now due Monday); you’ll have some work time on Friday. Tomorrow the laws
of life essay is due.
Tuesday Journalism: Layout prep.
Wednesday 10th Honors: Turn in laws of life essay; planning for propaganda commercial project;
reading time (to 200 by Monday). Vocab quiz tomorrow.
Wednesday Journalism: Begin layout and begin brainstorming for those not on layout.
Thursday 10th Honors: Turn in vocabulary work; take vocabulary quiz 9 and grade; analysis of modern
commercials for persuasion techniques; post paragraph with your summarized analysis to your blog
for homework.
Thursday Journalism: Planning sheets completed and text/headline check for layout.
Friday 10th Honors: Discuss power (and persuasion) as seen in powerpoint projects, commercial analysis
from last night, and then in the text. This is the foundation for a discussion on Monday of how much
power is appropriate and over which “things?” Computer lab time for typing annotated bibliographies
Daily Activities: Blackwell Classes
Absent students should read the log of activities and should see the teacher before/after school to make
up any missed quizzes, assignments, tests, or activities for grades.
(due Monday). If you did not complete your blog posting from last night, you can do so over the
weekend so long as you also comment on a peer’s post since you didn’t complete it last night.
Friday Journalism: Interviewing for articles and photos/graphic check for layout.
Week of February 8-11
Monday 10th Honors: DGP—finish week 17 and begin week 18; turn in annotated bibliographies and
rubric; group work: how much control is too much—deciphering between Brave New World and reality.
Read to end of text by next Tuesday.
Monday Journalism: Layout—photo checks, last two days to complete layout; Writers—articles are due
on Wednesday, so today is an interview day.
Tuesday 10th Honors: DGP Week 18; logical fallacies notes (practice tomorrow); time to finish planning
propaganda commercial project (filming time Thurs). read to end of text by Tuesday.
Tuesday Journalism: Completing layout; writers have articles due tomorrow.
Wednesday 10th Honors: Finish DGP Week 18; review persuasive positions on issues in Brave New
World; in groups, view another group’s argument and search for logical fallacies (from yesterday’s
notes); write a response, noting the logical fallacies and how it impacted the argument in the eyes of the
beholder. Reflect on this process and what it takes to craft a well-reasoned, acceptable argument.
Wednesday Journalism: Articles due; layout continues.
Week of Feb. 16-19
Tuesday 10th Honors: Group Discussion questions and CHECK of ticket-in-the-door response to the end
of BNW; filming time for propaganda video project due by next Monday prior to class. Reminders:
vocab on Thursday, film due on Monday, and Outline due next Wednesday (see website for an
electronic model of the outline that you can delete and add your own text to).
Tuesday Journalism: Finishing layout; small tasks and/or editor meetings to plan brainstorming and job
Wednesday 10th Honors: DGP Week 19; submit choices for spring outside reading text; being working
on thesis selection for non-3-prong thesis for Brave New World (showed examples of non-3-prong thesis
statements). Work on creating a thesis statement for 1 of 4 prompts this evening so that I can guide
Daily Activities: Blackwell Classes
Absent students should read the log of activities and should see the teacher before/after school to make
up any missed quizzes, assignments, tests, or activities for grades.
Wednesday Journalism: Brainstorming; planning and discussion about Friday’s distribution: be here by
8:15 to help stuff flyers and distribute; also, have Chik-Fil-A.
Thursday 10th Honors: Vocabulary quiz 10 and vocab work due; work on thesis creation and approval for
writing tomorrow; finishing propaganda video work (due Monday)
Thursday Journalism: Creation of Outlines for round 2 of articles and turn in prior to leaving.
Friday 10th Honors: Analyzing Brave New World writing. Outline for research paper due Wed.
Propaganda Video due Monday during class (not before class).
Friday Journalism: Paper distribution and work on article writing.
Week of Feb. 22-26
Monday 10th Honors: Week 19 and beginning of week 20 DGP (quiz upcoming next week); turn in
propaganda videos/check DVD’s to ensure they work; compose paragraph to introduce your video;
check grades; see lit circles assignments. Order lit circles books online NOW (amazon, half.com, etc.)
to get them cheaply, procure from Barnes and Noble, or let me know if you need a loaner copy.
Monday Journalism: turn back outlines of round 2 Issue 5 articles and conference one-on-one; send
mailers to advertisers; editorial board plans paper critiquing for tomorrow. Revisions to round 1 and
rough drafts of round 2 due Wed.
Tuesday 10th Honors: DGP week 20; watch and record information about propaganda videos. Order
your lit circle books NOW; outline is due tomorrow (template on the website).
Tuesday Journalism: Critiquing 4th issue of paper; group critique and whole-class share.
Wednesday 10th Honors: finish propaganda videos; turned in outlines; file writings in portfolio and fill
out (and file) analysis/reflection sheet; order lit circle books TODAY.
Wednesday Journalism: Finish critique of 4th issue; articles due this evening.
Thursday 10th Honors: Finish DGP 20; analyze two of your peers’ propaganda commercial projects and
post an analysis on your blog for HW. Get your lit circle books by Wed.! DGP Quiz Monday.
Thursday Journalism: Article work.
Friday 10th Honors: DGP Quiz review game; reading “Us and Them,” non-fiction piece, leading up to a
discussion on Monday. Remember DGP Quiz on Monday.
Daily Activities: Blackwell Classes
Absent students should read the log of activities and should see the teacher before/after school to make
up any missed quizzes, assignments, tests, or activities for grades.
Friday Journalism: Individual tasks, editorial board job definitions/discussions/re-visits, writing/posting
for writers.
Week of March 1-5
Monday 10th grade honors: DGP Quiz 4 w/ bonus diagramming & grade; finish “Us and Them” nonfiction discussion; bring in your lit circle book tomorrow.
Monday Journalism: revisions for writers who posted on time; article work for others; layout of p. 10/11
and one feature page; ed board meets to plan March calendar.
Tuesday 10th honors: DGP week 21; poetry terms—word throw and review; “Jabberwocky” and
narrative poetry along with rhyme scheme, end-rhyme, internal rhyme, alliteration, consonance,
assonance, and meter; HW= read p. 235-245 of “Consider the Lobster” non-fiction.
Tuesday Journalism: writing; take a photo to cut out associated with your article.
Wednesday 10th Honors: Model lit circles and choosing lit circle reading and role for Friday.
Wednesday Journalism: finish writing and revising; preparing for layout.
Thursday 10th honors: vocab quiz 11 and vocabulary work due; review of lit circles for tomorrow;
continue reading “Consider the Lobster” in preparation for our discussion and our own “Consider the
______” arguments. HW- prepare your lit circle role (on the sheet provided) and read your lit circle
Thursday Journalism: 7 days until deadline on Thursday, March 11th at 1:30pm. Begin the layout
process while revisions finish up.
Friday 10th Honors: Lit circles and turned in lit circle role sheets; finish “consider the _____” notecards
(which means, of course, having finished “Consider the Lobster” non-fiction piece for discussion on
Friday Journalism: Layout, surveys for back page, and revisions to articles.
Week of March 8 – March 12
Monday 10th Honors: Week 21 DGP; reflection on “Consider the Lobster” and discussion of the text’s
purpose—consider more and work out your own belief system without blindly following. Continue
reading lit circle text in preparation for next Wednesday’s lit circle meetings.
Monday Journalism: Brainstorming (part 1 of 2); layout (due Thursday); surveying for back page.
Daily Activities: Blackwell Classes
Absent students should read the log of activities and should see the teacher before/after school to make
up any missed quizzes, assignments, tests, or activities for grades.
Tuesday 10th Honors: Week 21 DGP; Share and post your “consider the ______” notecards (grade);
discuss SAT Writing Procedures, Tips, and Expectations for upcoming SAT Writing practices; meet with lit
circle groups to decide on reading load and role for next Wed. (the role sheets are on the website for
you to print as needed).
Tuesday Journalism: Layout; work on surveying.
Wednesday 10th Honors: Discuss SAT Writing Rubric and take notes; score and review real SAT essays
while discussing scoring practices; Analyze “Ode on Solitude” poem using AP Strategy called TPCASTT,
focusing on the connotation which pulls in poetry terms we’ve talked about (finish for HW).
Wednesday Journalism: Layout!
Thursday 10th Honors: SAT Timed Writing (25 minutes) Practice #1 (of 3); turn in TPCASTT analysis of
“Ode on Solitude”; hand back research outlines and review comments/ask questions of me. Research
paper rough drafts along with source analysis sheets and printed/copied sources are due on the 26th
when we will do a source check using your rough draft.
*Notes: lit circle next Wednesday; vocab quiz Thursday; Work on Research Drafting until 3/26
Thursday Journalism: Finish layout and send paper to press for Wednesday distribution.
Week of 3/15-3/19
Monday 10th Honors: DGP 22; characteristics of a sonnet; “Sonnet 18” poetry terminology analysis and
begin decoding language. Lit circles Wednesday (role sheets online for printing); vocab Thurs.
Monday Journalism: Brainstorming: All writers confirm a topic today for outlining tomorrow in class;
begin survey generation for issue 6.
Tuesday 10th Honors: DGP 22; Shakespeare’s Life, His Works, and Macbeth Powerpoint with notes;
handed out research paper rubric to aid in composing the rough drafts, due 3/26. Lit circles tomorrow.
Vocab on Thursday.
Tuesday Journalism: Cut-out Project group #1 work time; outlining (due) for writers.
Wednesday 10th Honors: Lit Circle Meetings #2 and turn in lit circle role sheets.
Wednesday Journalism: Distribute papers; set up interviews for next articles due Monday.
Thursday 10th Honors: Vocab quiz 12 and turn in vocab 12 work; finish decoding “sonnet 18”; read
preface pages xv-xxiv in Macbeth. Rough draft of research along with source analysis sheets and
printed copies of research due 3/26.
Daily Activities: Blackwell Classes
Absent students should read the log of activities and should see the teacher before/after school to make
up any missed quizzes, assignments, tests, or activities for grades.
Thursday Journalism: Editorial board critiquing of issue 5; mailings to advertisers.
Friday 10th Honors: DGP 22—finish; Writing to Learn: Summarize the characteristics of Shakespeare’s
writing from the preface and synthesize that information by applying those characteristics to “Sonnet
18.” What are the impacts of this style of writing? Macbeth Act I, I and ii. Read Act I scene 3 at home;
lit circles next Friday; rough drafts on Friday along with sources.
Friday Journalism: Editorial board—prepare activity for Monday; finish mailings; cut-out project
continues; Drafts of articles will be due on Tuesday, not Monday; Tuesday will also be our next
Week of Mar. 22-26
Monday 10th Honors: DGP 23; handed out rough draft research paper rubric and changed the due date
to Monday, March 29 (draft of paper, bibliography, source analysis sheets, and copied/printed
sources); reviewed The Witches’ prophecy, and read Act I, sc. Iv, v, and part of vi. HW= find powerpoint
presentation on the website and take notes on the last few slides that we didn’t finish in class last
Monday Journalism: hand back and conference about outlines—article angles and resources; work on
drafts of writing (due tomorrow); last round of cut-out project. Brainstorming tomorrow!
Tuesday 10th Honors: DGP 23; finish scene 6 of Act 1 Macbeth; notes on soliloquy and aside; read Act 1
Scene 7; board talk/analysis (and add to notes) of Macbeth’s first soliloquy that opens scene 7. Lit Circle
Friday; research paper draft due Monday.
Tuesday Journalism: Brainstorming!
Wednesday 10th Honors: SAT timed writing practice #2 (25 minutes) (needs to be made up if students
are absent); Lit Circle Friday; research paper draft due Monday.
Wednesday Journalism: Section Editors comment on and revise student articles; photo check.
Tomorrow—outlining of articles due at the end of the period; Friday = paper critique
Week of March 29, 2010
Monday 10th honors: DGP 24; hand in research paper rough drafts along with printed sources and
source analysis sheets; group work analyzing 2 Macbeth soliloquies, the porter scene, and then reading
Act II scene 4; student conferences re: research paper drafts. Vocabulary Quiz this Thursday.
Monday Journalism: Writing (drafts due Wednesday); critiquing day tomorrow.
Daily Activities: Blackwell Classes
Absent students should read the log of activities and should see the teacher before/after school to make
up any missed quizzes, assignments, tests, or activities for grades.
Tuesday 10th Honors: DGP 24; research rough draft conferences continue; read Act 3 scenes 1, 2, 3 and
listen to “Macbeth: Insider’s Guide” podcast by the Folger library; continue filling out activity sheet
while reading. Vocabulary quiz Thursday
Tuesday Journalism: critiquing activity; writing for tomorrow’s due date.
Wednesday 10th Honors: finish week 24 DGP; hand in Macbeth activity sheet from the past two days;
read Act 3 scenes 4, 5, 6 as rough draft conferences continue; for tomorrow, create two types of
annotations (analysis and synthesis) for any portion of Act 1, 2, or 3; vocab quiz tomorrow.
Wednesday Journalism: turn in rough drafts; editing; writing for those working behind a due date for
late work; crossword checking.
Thursday 10th Honors: Turn in vocab work; vocab quiz 13 (last vocab quiz week of 4/22; vocab test on
4/29); conferences on papers. Hand out and work on spring break Macbeth reading/preparation for
feminist theory work.
Thursday journalism: photos due tomorrow in color and gray-scale form; writing and revision.
Friday 10th Honors: Banquo’s ghost film clips and analysis (turn in); finish research conferences and pass
back all research drafts; if you didn’t finish your spring break reading already, please do so over break.
Friday Journalism: revising, picture check.
Week of April 12-16
Monday 10th Honors: Feminist Literary Theory Lecture/notes; checked spring break assignment for a
grade; practiced applying feminist critique in groups to passages from spring break assignment.
Monday Journalism: writing, revising for round 2.
Tuesday 10th Honors: Review Feminist Literary Theory based on two examples read aloud and
discussed; Act I Word Web—notes and modeling—writing in notebooks. Analysis group activity of the 3
apparitions in Macbeth Act 4 scene 1; Read aloud Act 5 scenes 1-2. HW=Act 2 Word Web on “Sleep.”
Handed out Macbeth Test Study Guide for Test Next Tuesday.
Tuesday Journalism: Completed, saved, ready to go round 1 articles check; writing/revising for round 2.
Wednesday 10th Honors: Review Feminist Literary Theory again; Macbeth Act 5 Synthesis Activity:
“Lady Macbeth Now and Then”; annotation checks (for those who didn’t pass annotation checks last
week). HW= Act3 word web on hand or night; study for Tues. test
Wednesday Journalism: Round 2 check-off sheets/rubrics due.
Daily Activities: Blackwell Classes
Absent students should read the log of activities and should see the teacher before/after school to make
up any missed quizzes, assignments, tests, or activities for grades.
Thursday 10th Honors: Jigsaw group share of “Now and Then”; read Act 5 scenes 3-4; discuss word webs
from last night; research paper front page formatting tips. HW= act 4 word web on hand or night; study
for tues test
Thursday Journalism: Brainstorming for senior superlatives; revising round 2 graded articles; layout
preparations; completing surveying.
Friday 10th Honors: Share act 4 word webs and discuss; Act 5 scenes 5-8 (end-of-text); handed back
Brave New World essays along with review of writing deficiencies; study for Tuesday test.
Friday Journalism: Layout begins; revising round 2 articles; brainstorming Monday for last issue.
Week of April 19-23
Monday 10th Honors: Weekly update: Macbeth Test tomorrow; vocabulary quiz (last one) Thursday;
research paper due on Friday (electronic version); Review for Macbeth Test tomorrow—plot preview
sentences synthesis activity.
Monday Journalism: Brainstorming for final issue; finish senior superlative recommendations
Tuesday 10th Honors: Macbeth Test
Tuesday Journalism: Finish brainstorming and article approval; layout; finish senior superlative
Wednesday 10th Honors: DGP week 25 (total); hand out synthesis project and discuss along with
accompanying text and annotating responsibilities. Vocab quiz tomorrow as well as last SAT writing.
Handed out calendar through the end of the year.
Wednesday Journalism: Meet with senior superlative peoples and set up photo for this week; begin
outlining satire article; layout.
Thursday 10th Honors: Vocabulary quiz 14 and vocabulary work turned in; final (3 of 3) SAT Timed
Writing; tomorrow, bring final draft of research paper along with graded: rough draft, outline, and
annotated bibliography.
Thursday Journalism: (senior games); layout!
Friday 10th Honors: Research paper printing; compiling research project; hand in!
Friday Journalism: senior superlatives, layout; satire articles due for Tuesday’s class along with senior
Daily Activities: Blackwell Classes
Absent students should read the log of activities and should see the teacher before/after school to make
up any missed quizzes, assignments, tests, or activities for grades.
Week of April 26
Monday-Wednesday 10th Honors: During our 2-hour period, we’ll make models of the two types of
annotations for the synthesis text (Anthem or One Day…); then, we’ll read and annotate for a period.
We’ll pass back vocabulary in preparation for Thursday’s cumulative test; you’ll decide on and submit
which is the best of your 3 SAT timed writings; last, we’ll finish with a bit more reading/annotating so
that students can finish the texts and annotations for Friday.
Monday-Wednesday Journalism: finishing layout and copy editing; due dates for satire piece and senior
farewells moved to Wednesday’s class. On that day, we’ll edit and revise those articles so that your
editor-in-chief can review them.
Thursday 10th Honors: Cumulative Vocabulary Test; HW=annotations for synthesis text due Friday.
Thursday Journalism: editing articles, posting senior farewells.
Friday 10th honors: Annotation checks; computer lab for group work on synthesis project elements (due
Wednesday). HW=any work necessary on synthesis project elements.
Friday Journalism: revising satire articles from my comments; senior superlatives; college map work.
Week of May 3, 2010
Monday 10th Honors: Annotation checks; computer lab for group work on synthesis project elements
(due Wednesday). HW=any work necessary on synthesis project elements. DGP Test Friday
Monday Journalism: revising satire articles from my comments; senior superlatives; college map work.
Tuesday 10th Honors: Computer lab: final day to work on group synthesis project
Tuesday Journalism: Layout of final issue
Wednesday 10th Honors: turn in synthesis group projects; swap texts for last reading novella of the
year; (annotations due Tuesday—5 of each); practice DGP quiz for bonus points applied to DGP Test
Wednesday Journalism: Layout and finishing senior superlatives/farewells.
Thursday 10th Honors: DGP Test Review for test tomorrow; reading/annotating for last novella.
Thursday Journalism: Layout!
Daily Activities: Blackwell Classes
Absent students should read the log of activities and should see the teacher before/after school to make
up any missed quizzes, assignments, tests, or activities for grades.
Week of May 10
Monday 10th Honors: Reading and annotating last novella; discuss pre-ap assignment that we’ll do
throughout the course of this week.
Monday Journalism: layout
Tuesday 10th Honors: check annotations in synthesis text; synthesis text test assessment
Tuesday Journalism: Layout.
Wednesday 10th Honors: Lecture and discussion re: Georgia High School Graduation Writing Test
practice and techniques. Looked at sample introductory and body paragraphs with refutations. Filed
papers in writing portfolios.
Wednesday Journalism: Finished layout.
Thursday 10th Honors: Pre-AP Text analysis assignment (due Monday at the end of class).
Thursday Journalism: cleaning out folders, scoring 6th issue, returning materials.
Friday 10th Honors: Georgia High School Graduation Writing Test practice in-class writing. Pre-ap
assignment due at the end of class Monday.
Friday Journalism: End-of-year plans; staff photo.