Political Redistricting - Adi Ben

Political Redistricting
By Saad Padela
The American Political System
Legislative bicameralism
Number of seats in lower house is proportional to
Single-member districts
First-past-the-post (or plurality) voting
“One man, one vote”
The Case for Redistricting
New Census data every 10 years
# of Representatives = α * Population
# of Representatives = # of Districts
Population rises => More seats
Districts must be redrawn
Types of Gerrymandering
Incumbents vs. Challengers
Racial and ethnic
Democrats vs. Republicans
Majority vs. Minority groups
In favor of minority groups
Gerrymandering Strategies
Different election objectives
To win a single district
To win a majority of many districts
Own votes
Win districts by the smallest margin possible
Minimize wasted votes in losing districts
Opponent's votes
Fragment them into different districts
Concentrate them into a single district
Gerrymandering Strategies
Racial and ethnic
Maximize number of “safe” districts
Fragment supporters of minority candidates
Maximize chances of minority representation by
concentrating them into single districts
A Linear Programming Formulation?
Easy to see
Small scholarly literature
Those who are involved in it like to keep their work
Detection of Gerrymandering
A rich literature
Hess, S.W. 1965. “Nonpartisan Political
Redistricting by Computer.” Operations
Research, 13 (6), 998-1006.
Good Districts are...
Equally populous
Equal population
Easy to write as a constraint
Highly intuitive
Sometimes tedious to code
Difficult to measure
Niemi et al. 1990. “Measuring Compactness
and the Role of a Compactness Standard in a
Test for Partisan and Racial Gerrymandering.”
The Journal of Politics, 52 (4), 1155-1181.
“A Typology of Compactness Measures” (Table 1)
A Typology of Compactness
Measures: Dispersion
District Area Compared with Area of Compact
Dis7 = ratio of the district area to the area of the
minimum circumscribing circle
Dis8 = ratio of the district area to the area of the
minimum circumscribing regular hexagon
Dis9 = ratio of the district area to the area of the
minimum convex figure that completely contains the
Dis10 = ratio of the district area to the area of the
circle with diameter equal to the district's longest
A Typology of Compactness
Measures: Dispersion
District Area Compared with Area of Compact
Dis7 = ratio of the district area to the area of the
minimum circumscribing circle
Dis8 = ratio of the district area to the area of the
minimum circumscribing regular hexagon
Dis9 = ratio of the district area to the area of the
minimum convex figure that completely contains the
Dis10 = ratio of the district area to the area of the
circle with diameter equal to the district's longest
A Typology of Compactness
Measures: Dispersion
Dis11 = the variance of the distances from all points
in the district to the district's areal center for gravity,
adjusted to range from 0 to 1
Dis12 = average distance from the district's areal
center to the point on the district perimeter reached
by a set of equally spaced radial lines
A Typology of Compactness
Measures: Perimeter
Per1 = sum of the district perimeters
Perimeter-Area Comparisons
Per2 = ratio of the district area to the area of a circle
with the same perimeter
Per4 = ratio of the perimeter of the district to the
perimeter of a circle with an equal area
Per5 = perimeter of a district as a percentage of the
minimum perimeter enclosing that area
A Typology of Compactness
Measures: Population
District Population Compared with Population of
Compact Figure
Pop1 = ratio of the district population to the
population of the minimum convex figure that
completely contains the district
Pop2 = ratio of the district population to the
population in the minimum circumscribing circle
Pop3 = population moment of inertia, normalized
from 0 to 1
Warehouse Location model
Hess, S.W. 1965. “Nonpartisan Political
Redistricting by Computer.” Operations
Research, 13 (6), 998-1006.
Garfinkel, R.S. And G.L. Nemhauser. 1970.
“Optimal Political Districting By Implicit
Enumeration techniques.” Management
Science, 16 (8).
Hojati, Mehran. 1996. “Optimal Political
Districting.” Computers and Operations
Research, 23 (12), 1147-1161.
All these formulations have class NP
Heuristic Methods
Hess, S.W. 1965.
Garfinkel, R.S. And G.L. Nemhauser. 1970.
Hojati, Mehran. 1996.
Bozkaya, B., Erkut, E., and G. Laporte. 2003. “A
tabu search heuristic and adaptive memory
procedure for political districting.” European
Journal of Operational Research, 144, 12-26.
Statistical physics?
Chou, C. and S.P. Li. 2006. “Taming the
Gerrymander – Statistical physics approach to
Political Districting Problem.”
Criticisms of Compactness
Altman, Micah. 1998. “Modeling the effect of
mandatory district compactness on partisan
gerrymanders.” Political Geography, 17 (8),
Nonlinear effects – “electoral manipulation is much
more severely constrained by high compactness
than by moderate compactness”
Context-dependent, and purely relative
Asymmetrical effects on different political groups
Compactness can also disadvantage
geographically concentrated minorities
More Sophisticated Measures
Niemi, R. and J. Deegan. 1978. “A Theory of Political
Districting.” American Political Science Review, 72 (4),
Range of Responsiveness
% range of the total popular vote over which seats
change from one party to the other
Constant Swing Ratio
v% of the popular vote results in s% of the seats
rate at which a party gains seats per increment in votes
% of districts in which the “normal” vote is close to 50%
Balinksi, Michel. 2008. “Fair Majority Voting (or
How to Eliminate Gerrymandering).” The
American Mathematical Monthly, 115 (2), 97114.