I. Vocabulary question
In context
Context clues: Examples, synonyms,
antonyms, general sense of the
As teenagers grow up, they face many
adversities, including loneliness and
unknown future. ‘Adversities’ means:
a. challenges b. hardships c. decision
Peter must have innate musical talent;
playing violin so well at his age requires
an inborn gift.
The teacher would have achieved if she
had been so quick to commend
students for their successes as she was
to criticize them for their failures.
‘commend’ means:
a. blame b. grade c. praise
General sense of the
Ask a question from the sentence:
One argument against capital
punishment is that if an innocent person
is executed, the mistake cannot be
(What cannot be done about a mistake
if an innocent person is executed?)
a. remembered b. predicted c. corrected
II. Main ideas
In para 1, the writer
Which sentence
best expresses the
main idea in Para 2?
Topic ( general subject)
A main idea ( the primary
point being made about the
Specific ideas ( supports and
develop the main idea)
Something that is not too
broad nor too narrow to be
the main idea
Is this statement supported
by all or most of the other
materials in the paragraph?
In later adulthood, we begin to come to
terms with our own mortality.
Stages of human development
Adolescence is typically a time of
identity crisis.
According to psychologists, we pass
through various stages of human
development throughout our lives.
III. Supporting details
Reasons/examples/ steps/ factual evidence
Major details ( explain and develop the main
Minor details ( help fill out and make clear the
major details
Prepare outlines/ map/ diagram
Look for list words: several kinds of, four
steps, a few reasons…
Look for works that introduce major details:
one, first, first of all, moreover, next…
Look for transition words
IV. Summarising
Pick up a point or example
Condense ( make the sentence shorter)
V. Implied main idea
Selection of supporting ideas- suggest
the main point
‘who or what is this paragraph about?’
‘what is the main point the author is
trying to make about that topic?’
‘does all or most of the material in the
paragraph support this idea?’
Won’t be too narrow not too broad.
VI. Title/ Central points
List outline of the passage
Look at the main idea of the paragraphs
VII. Patterns of
Transition words : words that show
addition, words that show time, words
that involve illustration, words that
involve illustration, words that involve
cause & effect
Words that show
In addition
First(of all)
For one thing
Last(of all)
words that show time
First, second, third
Next, last,
Then, now, immediately
Later, after
Eventually, finally
While, during, as, when
Since, often, frequently
words that involve
For example, for instance, such as
Including, one
Specifically, to illustrate
Once, as an illustration
To be specific
words that involve
But, instead, still, even though
Yet, in contrast, are opposed, different(ly)
However, on the other hand, in spite of,
differs from
Although, on the contrary, despite, unlike
Nevertheless, conversely, rather than, while
Difference, opposite
Words that involve
cause and effect
Therefore, so, result,
because(of), thus, as a result,
effect, reason, consequence, results in ,
explanation, consequently, leads to,
if..then, accordingly,
due to,since, affect, owing to
VIII Fact and opinion
Fact: information that can be proved true through
objective evidence
Opinion: belief, judgement, or conclusion that cannot
be objectively proved true. ‘value words’
Statement of fact may be found to be untrue
Opinions may be masked as facts
Value words often represent opinions(best, worst,
better, worse, great, terrible, lovely, disgusting,
beautiful, bad, good, wonderful)
‘should’ ’ought to’ – signal opinions
Opinions 9 realistic, meaningful support) – solid
support – made up of facts base on direct
observation, expert opinion and research.
IX. Inferences(drawing
- Reading between the
Pick up ideas that are no indirectly stated
You used your experience and general
knowledge of events and people’s behaviourclues provided by the writer + our own
experience + logic
You made informal guesses based on the
facts you observed- facts- supports,
background information
X. Purpose and tone
The reason why the author
To inform? – give information
about a subject ( facts –
explain or illustrate a
situation, topic)
To persuade? – convince the
reader to agree with the
author’s point of view on a
subject, may include
numerous facts, but only
those who support his/her
point of view – should, ought
To entertain – to amuse and
delight? To appeal to the
reader’s senses and
Expression of author’s
attitude and feeling
Reveals the attitude
he/she has towards a
Expresses through the
words and details the
writer selects
Irony – ironic tone
means it says one thing
but means the opposite
Some words that
describe tone
Admiring, affectionate,
cruel, grateful,
respectful, amused,
curious, hopeful,
humorous,, sorrowful,
calming encouraging
joyous, sympathetic,
caring , enthusiastic,
loving, threatening,
cheerful, excited, playful,
fair-minded, positive,
warm, forgiving ,
critical, frightened,
regretful, self-pitying,
angry, doubtful, serious,
ashamed, egotistical,
insulting, tragic,
conceited ,confused,
More words that
describe tone – with
Ambivalent – uncertain about a choice
Arrogant – full of self-importance; conceited
Bewildered – confused, puzzled
Bitter – angry; full of hate
Compassionate – deeply sympathetic
Depressed – very sad or discouraged
Detached – emotionally uninvolved
Disbelieving – unbelieving
Distressed – suffering sorrow, misery, or pain
Humble – showing no arrogance; modest
Hypocritical – false
Impassioned – filled with strong feeling
Indignant– angry about something unfair or mean
Instructive – teaching
More words that
describe tone – with
Lighthearted – happy and carefree
matter-of-fact – sticking to facts; unemotional
Mocking – making fun of or looking down upon something
Nostalgic – longing for something or someone in the past
objective – not influenced by feelings or personal prejudices
Optimistic- looking on the bright side of things
Pessimistic- looking on the gloomy, unfavorable side of things
Pleading – begging
Prideful – full of pride or exaggerated self-esteem
Remorseful – guilty over a wrong one has done
Revengeful – wanting to hurt someone or something
More words that
describe tone – with
Sarcastic – sharply critical and often ironic; mocking
Scheming- tricky
Scornful – looking down on someone or something
Self-mocking- making fun of or looking down on
Sentimental – showing tender feelings;
romantic;overly emotional
Solemn- involved with serious concerns
Straightforward – direct and honest
Superior – looking down on others
Tolerant – respectful of other views and behaviour;
patient about problems
XI. Arguments
Look for phrases to identify whether it’s
the writer’s argument or just a /CA/
Identify arguments from supporting
Quick tips
Read the title, 1st, last paragraph, understand
the standpoint and structure of the passage.
Then read the first and lst sentence of every
paragraph. (*)
Number the paragraphs
Label the question no. next to the passage
Change the statement into a question
Look for transition words