Cube Disaggregation over a Blue Sky - educ-5396-special

Career and Technical
EDUC 5396 - Administration of Special
Programs and Community Relations
Ambreen Ali Anawaz
Tristan Bragg
Pablo Londono
Nestor Londono
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The Career and Technical
Education Pathway
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School District
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Career and Technical
Education in the United States
What is CTE?
Areas covered by CTE.
Where and How CTE is
Numbers, funding and
opportunities related to
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What is CTE?
Career and Technical Education
(CTE) is education that prepares
both youth and adults for a wide
range of careers. These careers
may require varying levels of
education from high school and
post-secondary certificates to
two to four-year college degrees.
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CTE became popular in Europe after the
Industrial Revolution by the decline of handwork
This situation resulted in the need of manual
training, involving general instruction in the
use of hand tools. This concept of Education
It became popular in the elementary schools of
the United States after 1880.
Major Progress was made by the armed
services during World War II.
In recent years, many of the public high
schools offer vocational training with a lot of
programs designed according to the needs
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Areas covered by CTE.
* Farmers
* Animal scientists
* Turf grass
Trade &
* Automotive
* Technicians
* Carpenters
* Electricians
Public Safety
& Security
Business and
* Entrepreneurs
* Financial officers
* Arts/graphics
Family &
* Management &
life skills
* Executive chefs
* Hotel managers
* EMTs
* Nurses,
* 3D animator
* Physical therapists,
* Emergency Mngt * Computer engineer
* Biotechnical engineer
* Biomedical engineers * Response
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Where and How CTE is offered
CTE is offered in
high schools, twoyear
colleges and other
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Where and How CTE is offered
High school programs are offered either within
a "comprehensive" high school or in separate
"area career and technical schools."
In some states, such as Delaware, both
academic and technical courses are offered in
full-time career and technical high schools.
Usually career and technical programs are
offered as a sequence of courses that are
supplemented by work-based experiences,
such as internships or apprenticeships.
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Funding Opportunities for CTE
There are over 15 million secondary and postsecondary career and technical education
students in the United States (Education
Statistics, 2002) .
comprehensive high schools, several hundred
career and technical high schools and about
1,400 area career tech centers, which serve
students from several "sending" high schools.
About 9,400 post-secondary institutions offer
technical programs, including community
colleges, technical institutes, skill centers and
other public and private two- and four-year
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Numbers, funding and
opportunities related to CTE.
Programs receive about $1.3 billion annually
from the federal government through the Carl
D. Perkins Career and Technical Education
That represents about 8-10 percent of
budgets for these programs, which receive
most of their funding from local and state
Other laws, such as the Elementary and
Education Act and the Workforce Investment
Act, also fund programs.
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TEA Perspective
Career and technical programs are dedicated to preparing young people to
manage the dual roles of family member and wage earner. Career and
technical programs enable students to gain entry-level employment in a highskill, high-wage job and/or to continue their education.
TEA offers programs in areas from agriculture to arts that enable students to
connect their education with the real world. Therefore, the State Board of
Education commissioned the writing of TEKS objectives to address this goal.
Schools across Texas are following those objectives to fulfill the needs of their
Each one of the chapters that the legislation of Texas approved on CTE has TEKS
developed to be followed by the public education system. Now, we need to
keep in mind that those TEKS were adopted on 2009. Therefore, data is being
collected to define the effectiveness of those programs on the State of Texas.
This connects with the national inquiry about the success of public education. The
main issue is the relevance of k-12 education on the professional outcome of
our students. The process of globalization has great impact on the way we
perceive education. This trend changed the landscape of education in our
country. Now we have to compete with brilliant students that come from
countries with huge populations. Their number of G/T students surpass our
total number of students. Therefore their capacity to compete in this new world
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Animal Nutritionist
Biotechnology Technician
Branch Financial Manager
Farm Manager
Floral Designer
Green Technology
Heavy Equipment
Marine Biologist
Meat Producing
Metal Fabricator
Natural Conservation Worker
Water Treatment Operations
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Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Architecture and Construction
Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications
Business Management and Administration
Education and Training
Government and Public Administration
Health Science
Hospitality and Tourism
Human Services
Information Technology
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics
Career Development and Middle School
TEA Subchapters
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Career and Technical Training in HISD ( CTE )
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Empowering Students To
Compete In A Global
 The mission of the Career and
Technical Education
Department (CTE) is to
empower students with the
academic and technical skills
needed to strengthen the
economic and social
foundation of the city of
Houston and beyond.
CTE –Rosena Garcia on FOX NEWS
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CTE / TEA Evaluation
June 14, 2010
This evaluation was conducted by Education Service Center 6, for the Texas Education
Agency. The study focused on the quality and effectiveness of career and technology
education programs in Texas. .
Major Findings:
CTSOs are effective in developing student leadership skills. FFA was considered the most
Survey results indicated that administrators and teachers lack sufficient knowledge
regarding Project Lead the Way and Special Projects Resource Center Programs.
The number of teachers attending respective professional development conferences is
dwindling each year.
Non-CTE students outperformed CTE students on both the Texas Assessment of Knowledge
and Skills (TAKS) and Higher Education Readiness Component (HERC), although the gap is
decreasing over time in reading/ELA. Regression analysis showed that being enrolled in a
CTE program was not associated with higher TAKS scores.
The more structured the CTE course, the better the student scored on reading/ELA and
HERC. Even in more structured CTE classes, CTE students lagged behind non-CTE students.
CTE students who plan to go to college lagged behind non-CTE students who planned to go
to college in meeting the HERC components in reading and math.
CTE students were more likely to remain in school and graduate than non-CTE students.
This was even more pronounced among students who enrolled in a more structured CTE
program, such as Tech Prep.
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Do They Know Where They Are Going?
Do they know where they’re going?
Kuder Career Planning System
November 20, 2008
Bryant Young (Madison High School),
does reach on careers in GIS for the
GIS Day Contest Nov 21st.
Consistent with the District’s key
focus areas on dropout prevention
and intervention, community and
parent engagement, as well as
strengthening relevance in the
classroom, Houston ISD has invested
in the future of our students by
purchasing the Kuder® Career
Planning System. In order to broaden
career exploration programs, career
assessment services are being
provided at no charge to schools.
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HISD defines Career and Technical Education (CTE) as a
framework and curriculum that “provides students with the
academic and technical skills they need to compete in the
global workforce and/or to continue their education at the
By enrolling in CTE courses and participating in CTE
program components, students are empowered to
strengthen the economic and social foundation of the local
community and beyond.
◦ According to Ferguson, Schwartz & Symonds (2011),
“There are already pockets of excellence in career and technical education
in many American states and communities. Cutting-edge career and
technical education (CTE) bears little relationship to the old vocational
education programs that were often little more than dumping grounds for
students who couldn’t cut it in college-prep. Today’s best CTE programs
do a better job of preparing many students for college and career than
traditional academics-only programs.” (pg. 25)
Career and Technical Education in
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What CTE looks like in HISD
◦ The Career and Technical Education program (CTE) in the
Houston Independent School District(HISD) has a
mission to equip students with the marketable academic
and technical skills needed to compete in the global
workforce and/or to continue their education at the postsecondary level after graduation. Consequently, the goals
of the CTE program are:
 to provide students with relevant and up-to-date
instruction within their career pathway (s) of interest,
 to offer an advanced curriculum that can lead to industry
 to expose students to out-of-classroom and real-world
work experiences, and
 to implement professional development that focuses on
best practices in career and technical education.
Career and Technical
Education(CTE) in HISD
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What CTE looks like in HISD
◦ Sixth-grade through twelfth-grade students can enroll in elective courses that
match their career interests. High school students can develop a career
concentration and take multiple CTE courses that correspond with their interests.
The development of a career pathway concentration that is planned from a strong
coherent sequence of courses allows students the opportunity to identify career
options that lead to transferable skills and knowledge.
◦ One hundred and sixty-five different CTE courses were offered at 67 schools in 29
high schools and 38 middle schools throughout the district. These courses cover
the career concentrations identified by the TEA. The CTE program provides
students opportunities to learn about their career pathways within the classroom
setting and through internships in work-based learning environments.
◦ According to HISD’s Research Educational Program Report (2010) , the most
popular career concentrations in the district for 2008−2009 were (1) Information
Technology, (2) Health Science, (3) Human Services, (4) Marketing, Sales, and
Services, and (5) Manufacturing.
◦ In a departmental memo, HISD Superintendant Terry Grier notes , “When
analyzing the longitudinal graduation rates, the percentages of CTE students
graduating from high school in a four-year period were higher than those of the
district in the class of 2006(79.9 percent versus 67.1 percent), in the class of
2007 (79.4 percent versus 64.3 percent), and in the class of 2008 (84.7 percent
versus 68.2 percent).”
Career and Technical
Education(CTE) in HISD
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Houston Independent School District.(2010).
Career and Technical Education
Report 2008-2009. Houston,
TX: Department
Research and
Ferguson, R. B., Schwartz, R. B. &
Symonds, W. C. (2011). Pathways to
Prosperity: Meeting the Challenge of
Preparing Young Americans
for the 21st
Century. Report issued by the Pathways to
Prosperity Project, Harvard
School of Education.
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Sources - what_is_cte
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