2012-2013 DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT PLAN HurstEulessBedford Independent School District 2012-2013 District Improvement Plan Goal #1: Student Achievement Description: The district will demonstrate sustained growth in student achievement by ensuring learning for all students through high standards, instructional best practices, and the district-wide aligned curriculum. Quality Indicator 1.1: Achieve Highest Academic Rating for District : Exemplary Rating for District Success Measures: A. 100% of students achieving Level 2 on STAAR B. Increased percentage of students achieving Level 3 on STAAR C. District Performance Objectives Report percentages to be determined beginning in 2014 Evaluation Tools: STAAR data District Performance Objectives Report Key Strategies: Utilize the district’s Curriculum Management Plan to achieve highest academic rating for district. o Monitor, revise, and refine district curriculum to ensure alignment with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and Core Knowledge. o Ensure the curriculum is taught with fidelity across grade levels and campuses to guarantee every child access to a quality education. o Utilize district and state assessments to direct instruction, curriculum and professional development. Implement and refine strategies to educate students, parents, and district personnel on STAAR assessment and accountability. Implement and refine Response to Intervention (RtI) plan. Develop and implement intervention strategies specifically for students who enroll after the first 12 weeks of school. Quality Indicator 1.2: Reading on Grade Level by the End of 2nd Grade Success Measures: A. 100% Pre-K students meeting end-of-year targets as defined by Pre-K early reading assessment B. 100% of K-2 students meeting middle-of-year and end-of-year targets as defined by early reading assessment instrument in English and Spanish C. 100% of students reading on grade level by the end of 2nd grade Evaluation Tools: Performance Objectives Reading 3-D data in English and Spanish ISIP data for Pre-K 1 Key Strategies: Implement and refine PK-2 Language Arts curriculum and STRIPE intervention program, monitoring for fidelity. Review data for students who move in mid-year and after to determine need for specific intervention strategies. Implement and monitor RtI program to provide early intervention (K-2). Quality Indicator 1.3: Meet Adequate Yearly Progress Success Measures: A. 100 % of each accountability group meeting Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) assessment standards for reading and math B. 100 % of each accountability group meeting AYP graduation rate standards C. 100 % of each accountability group meeting AYP participation standards D. No more than 3% of students served through special education will take STAAR-M or STAAR-Alt E. 100 % of Limited English Proficient (LEP) students meeting Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO) Evaluation Tools: Disaggregated AYP report Disaggregated Mock and Local Benchmark Assessment (LBA) data Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) Annual Measurable Achievement Objective Report (AMAO) STAAR-L Performance-Based Monitoring Analysis System (PBMAS) Key Strategies: Develop and implement a plan to address AYP measures. Monitor the progress of all student groups to ensure they demonstrate mastery of AYP requirements. Align the English as a Second Language (ESL) and Bilingual programs to the TELPAS proficiency standards so that the AMAOs are met. Ensure that students taking STAAR-L have access to enrolled grade level curriculum. Monitor the progress of students served through special education to ensure that they demonstrate mastery of AYP requirements on state assessments. Ensure high achievement standards for students served through special education so that no more than 3% take STAAR-M or STAAR-Alt. Ensure that students taking STAAR-M have access to and make progress in enrolled grade level curriculum. Develop and implement intervention strategies for ELL students to assist them in graduating on the Recommended High School Program (RHSP) or Distinguished High School Program (DHSP). Develop and implement a plan to decrease the percentage of students taking STAAR-M and STAAR-Alt. Develop and implement intervention strategies for Special Education students to assist them in graduating on the RHSP. 2 Quality Indicator 1.4: Increased Advanced Academic Performance Success Measures: A. 90% or more of gifted and talented (GT) students scoring at Level 3 on STAAR B. 100% of general education students graduating on the RHSP or DHSP C. 70% or more of the students meeting district criteria scoring 3 or above for each content area on the AP exam D. At least 90% of the students taking the International Baccalaureate (IB) exams scoring 4 or above for each content area E. Percent of IB students earning the IB diploma will meet or exceed the world average as recalculated annually by IB F. At least 20% of juniors and 15% of seniors participating in the IB program G. 90% of general education students taking SAT/ACT exams H. 40% of general education students taking the SAT/ACT scoring at or above the national average Evaluation Tools: Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) annual report Performance Objectives Report Disaggregated AP/IB data Disaggregated SAT/ACT data Key Strategies: Monitor the plan developed to increase the percentage of students who graduate on the RHSP or DHSP. Monitor and improve a plan to increase percentage of LEP students who graduate on the RHSP or DHSP. Monitor and improve a plan to increase percentage of students taking and scoring above the national average on SAT/ACT exams. Monitor and improve a plan to increase the number of students participating in the IB program. Monitor the current plan to ensure that IB diploma candidates earn the IB diploma at or above the world average percentage. Monitor the plan to increase the percentage of students showing success on AP exams. Quality Indicator 1.5: Increased Student Attendance Success Measures: A. 97% student attendance rate for all student groups Evaluation Tool: AEIS Report Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) Reports o Student Enrollment Report (weekly) o Campus Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Report (weekly) o Student attendance report disaggregated by student groups (6 weeks) Key Strategies: Monitor and improve a plan of action to address unexcused and excessive student absences. Ensure that district attendance policies, processes, and procedures are implemented with fidelity on all campuses. 3 Quality Indicator 1.6: Increased Completion Rate (Grades 9-12) and Decreased Annual Dropout Rate (Grades 7-8) : Success Measures: A. 95% of 9th grade students within each student group graduating within four years B. Less than 2% of students in grades 7 and 8 dropping out of school Evaluation Tools: AEIS annual report Performance Objectives Report Completion Rate (Grades 9-12) and Annual Grades 7-8) Key Strategies: Monitor and improve the plan to ensure that 9th grade students graduate within four years. Monitor and improve a credit recovery plan for at-risk students. Monitor and improve a plan to decrease the dropout rate for 7th and 8th grade students. 4 Goal #2: Effective and Efficient Operations for all Components Description: The district will align its resources with its mission and establish operational processes that systematically improve individual components, which in turn, improve the district. Quality Indicator 2.1: Continuous Improvement Approach to Performance Excellence Success Measures: A. B. C. D. E. 100% of classrooms will meet the Continuous Improvement (CI) classroom criteria 25% of classrooms will meet Demonstration Classroom criteria 100% of campuses will meet the CI school criteria 100% of departments will meet the CI department criteria 100% of district employees will use a CI model as the framework for doing their work and improving job performance Evaluation Tools: Organizational assessment Demonstration Classroom criteria rubric CI classroom, campus and department rubric Performance appraisal indicators Key Strategies: Update and monitor implementation of the CI deployment plan. Define, develop, and implement criteria for CI classrooms, campuses, and departments. Define and document key processes. Develop a documented process for completing organizational assessment. Evaluate, refine, and improve the quarterly report process at all levels. Implement succession planning to ensure continuation of CI. Align appraisal instruments, including the walkthrough document, and job descriptions to the CI model. Develop and implement a rubric for measuring deployment of CI. Utilize demonstration schools, classrooms, and departments for ‘just-in-time’ professional development. Quality Indicator 2.2: Efficient Use of District Resources Success Measures: A. B. C. D. E. F. Achieve the highest rating on the state financial accountability system 100% of non-General Operating funds are self-sustaining Maintain district level student/teacher ratio greater than 16:1 Maintain district level student/staff ratio greater than 8.5:1 Maintain district level student/administrator ratio greater than 215:1 Maintain minimum 4 months operating expenditures in General Fund fund balance Evaluation Tools: State financial accountability system Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (Annual Audit) Fall PEIMS submission 5 District financial data Key Strategies: Develop and implement a plan to ensure the district achieves the highest rating on the state financial accountability system. Monitor non-General Operating funds to ensure they remain self-sustaining. Develop and document processes to ensure the appropriate student/teacher, student/staff and student/administrator ratios are achieved. Develop and implement a process to ensure use of district resources is aligned with the district goals and quality indicators. Develop and implement a process to identify both local and high performing comparison districts that are reviewed annually, updated as necessary and documented for district use. Analyze financial and other relevant data of comparison districts and identify potential areas for improvement. Monitor and continually improve the process to control utility expense across the district. Monitor movement in the Education Resource Group (ERG) performance versus cost model. 6 Goal #3: Quality Teaching, Administrative, and Support Staff Description: The district will recruit, employ, and retain a quality teaching, administrative, and support staff to attain excellence in student performance. Quality Indicator 3.1: Effective Employee Recruitment Program Success Measures: A. 20% of the professional staff is diverse B. 95% of all allocated classroom teacher positions filled by the first day of new teacher training Evaluation Tools: HEB ISD Human Resources Vacancy Report AEIS Report Applicant Survey New Hire Survey District Cognos Report No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Highly Qualified Report Key Strategies: Develop and implement a plan to increase the district’s percentage of professional staff diversity. Recruit applicants for experience and/or in critical shortage areas. Survey all applicants and all new hires to evaluate the recruitment/hiring process. Quality Indicator 3.2: Increased Retention Rates of Quality Employees Success Measures: A. 95% of district staff surveyed express satisfaction with the district B. 95% of district staff surveyed feel connected at work C. Employee retention rates for employees who are on target, meet, or exceed job performance expectations will be greater than or equal to 95% Evaluation Tools: District Cognos retention report Quality staff criteria to be developed Annual satisfaction survey District exit interview survey Key Strategies: Continue system for honoring outstanding employee performance and attendance. Administer an annual satisfaction survey to all employees and use the data to refine and improve employee systems. Develop process to calculate retention rate. 7 Quality Indicator 3.3: Effective Employee Performance Success Measures: A. 100% of employees will be on target, meet, or exceed HEB ISD criteria for quality employees as defined by the current appraisal instrument B. 100% of staff highly qualified as required by NCLB guidelines C. 97% annual average employee attendance Evaluation Tools: Employee appraisal document(s) Employee attendance reports Highly Qualified Report Eduphoria PDAS Report Key Strategies: Develop appraisal instruments that are 100% aligned with HEB ISD criteria for quality employees, district goals, and continuous improvement criteria. Continue to ensure that all instructional staff is Highly Qualified under the No Child Left Behind guidelines and are fully certified under state guidelines for their specific assignments. Develop a plan to consistently improve employee attendance. Make employees aware of resources available to promote wellness. Quality Indicator 3.4: Focused Professional Development Program Success Measures: A. 100% of professional development plans align to district goals and current assessment results B. 90% of survey respondents indicate positive correlation between district professional development and improved student achievement C. 100% of district departments will publish and utilize a professional development framework to improve employee performance D. 100% of professionals new to the district or new to a position will begin the district job aligned onboarding process prior to assuming their duties Evaluation Tools: Online professional development evaluations Campus and Department Professional Development Plans Professional development attendance audit and transcripts Summative annual appraisal Key Strategies: Align professional development to district goals and current assessments results. Refine and improve a professional development framework for all positions within departments that includes a timeline for employee completion and process for documenting progress on the framework. Integrate cultural diversity training as a component of District Professional Development Framework. Refine and improve a method to obtain feedback on the effectiveness of professional development. Develop and implement an onboarding process. Sustain and expand the program to develop leadership skills for current and potential administrators at district and campus levels. Create a program to develop leadership skills for current and potential teacher leaders. 8 Develop and implement a process for training to ensure substitutes are adequately prepared for long term assignments Sustain the current two-year mentor program to support, train, and retain teachers new to the profession. Develop and/or refine an induction plan for teachers new to the district. 9 Goal #4: Safe, Healthy, and Nurturing Schools Description: The district will provide and maintain safe, healthy, and nurturing environments conducive to learning, which will enable students to think critically and act responsibly. Quality Indicator 4.1: Safe, Orderly, and Healthy Learning Environments Success Measures: A. Operate within 5% of John Peter Smith (JPS) child health care center identified capacity as defined by JPS B. Maintain Worker’s Compensation Claims at 2% or less C. 90% of parents, staff, and students report on the annual survey that campuses implement a discipline management plan that supports a safe and orderly learning environment Evaluation Tools: Report of children seen at the JPS/HEB child health care centers Annual Worker’s Compensation report District Alternative Education Program (DAEP) semester and end of year reports PEIMS discipline reports Annual Survey Key Strategies: Increase awareness of services offered by the JPS child health care center. Continue support of partnership with the JPS child health care center. Continue to work with Community in Schools (CIS), adding social workers as resources allow. Update and communicate the district’s Crisis Management Manual annually. Ensure that campus discipline plans are consistent with the HEB ISD Student Code of Conduct. Develop and implement an RtI plan for behavior/discipline which includes on-going professional development and data collection. Review, update, communicate, and implement safety programs. Develop district survey question to align with Success Measure 4.1C. Quality Indicator 4.2: Focus on the Whole Child … Success Measures: A. Increase the percentage of students involved in co-curricular or extra-curricular activities B. Increase the percentage of students who demonstrate ownership of their learning as evidenced by personal learning goals, personal learning data, personal improvement plans, and student led conferences Evaluation Tools: Survey results Enrollment data Participation data Demonstration school and classroom rubric data 10 Key Strategies: Align district student survey to indicators of student engagement. Develop and implement process to measure student engagement outside of a student survey. Utilize Demonstration Classroom rubric to measure, monitor, and report student ownership of learning. 11 Goal #5: Enduring Relationships with Stakeholders Description: The district will build and maintain enduring positive relationships with its stakeholders to create common interests in support of the district’s mission. Quality Indicator 5.1: Increased Stakeholder Awareness of HEB ISD Success Measures: A. 15 % or more parent participation in the annual district survey B. Documented contacts with at least 1,000 non-parent stakeholders Evaluation Tools: Annual district survey Key Strategies: Refine and improve survey content and process. Survey internally and externally to identify new issues or gauge awareness of existing issues and communicate results. Develop and implement public relations plan to promote awareness of HEB ISD and report progress. Research and implement additional stakeholder tools for listening and building awareness. Develop and implement a post Board meeting report. Develop and implement a process to report survey results to stakeholders. Quality Indicator 5.2: Increased Stakeholder Engagement and Satisfaction Success Measures: A. Maintain a minimum of 5,200 volunteers per quarter B. Maintain a minimum of 250 adopters per year C. 90% or more of survey respondents will assign the district a grade of A or B on the annual district survey D. Successful passage of district elections Evaluation Tools: Volunteer and adopter reports Annual district survey Election results Key Strategies: Develop and implement a plan for recruitment and retention of volunteers, adopters, key communicators, and district ambassadors. 12