Date, Messrs. CONSTRUCTORA CONCONCRETO S.A. Medellin Reference: PROXY STATEMENT __________________________________ with Colombian I.D. card No. ________________ issued in ______________, acting as the legal representative of ________________________ with Tax I.D. No. ____________________, hereby confer a special proxy to ____________________________, with Colombian I.D. card No. _______________ issued in _____________, to represent this corporation during the Special Meeting of Shareholders of CONSTRUCTORA CONCONCRETO S.A., called for January 25, 2016, at 09:00 A.M., at the Luciano Restrepo Hall of Club Campestre, at Calle 16A Sur No. 34 - 950, Medellin, to consider and vote upon the following items of the Agenda: 1) To verify the quorum and read the notice about legal restriction; 2) To read and approve the Agenda; 3) To appoint a committee to review and approve the Minutes of the meeting; 4) To discuss and approve amendments to the Bylaws of Constructora Conconcreto S.A.; 5) Partial appointment of the Board of Directors The proxy is fully authorized to exercise all powers which my representative is entitled to as a shareholder of CONSTRUCTORA CONCONCRETO S.A. and shall keep in mind the following instructions to cast votes: AGENDA To verify the quorum and read the notice about legal restriction: To approve the quorum necessary to consider and vote during the Special Meeting of Shareholders of Constructora Conconcreto S.A. held on January 25, 2016. To read and approve the Agenda: To approve the following Agenda proposed for the Special Meeting of Shareholders of Constructora Conconcreto S.A. held on January 25, 2016: 1) To verify the quorum and read the notice about legal restriction; 2) To read and approve the Agenda; 3) To appoint a commission to review and approve the Minutes of the meeting; 4) To discuss and approve amendments to the Bylaws of Constructora Conconcreto S.A.; 5) Partial appointment of the Board of Directors. To appoint a committee to review and approve the Minutes of the meeting: To appoint two shareholders as a committee to review and approve the Minutes of the Special Meeting of Shareholders of Constructora Conconcreto S.A. held on January 25, 2016. To discuss and approve amendments to the Bylaws of Constructora Conconcreto S.A.: (i) To approve the amendments of the following articles of the bylaws of Constructora Conconcreto S.A.: Article 3: Duration of the Corporation CONSENT DISSENT Article 14: Arbitration Clause Articles 26, 31 paragraph 1 and 2, and 37 items a, f, o and p: Pertaining to the General Meeting of Shareholders, its notices and duties, respectively. Articles 39, 41 and 42 items 1, 8, 10 and from 11 to 55: Pertaining to the Board of Directors, its meetings and duties, respectively. Articles 45 – title and paragraph, and 48 first paragraph and items f, g and h: Pertaining to the appointment and duties of the President and specific powers, respectively. (ii) To approve the inclusion of the following articles in the Bylaws of Constructora Conconcreto S.A.: Articles 64, 65, 66, 67 and 68: Pertaining to the Corporate Governance Committee, its chairman, meetings, operation and duties, respectively. Articles 69, 70, 71, 72 and 73: Pertaining to the Appointments and Compensations Committee, its chairman, meetings, operation and duties, respectively. Partial Appointment of the Board of Directors: Keeping in mind the amendment of article 39 of the Bylaws which refers to the makeup of the Board of Directors, the proposal is to appoint the Board members required in accordance with the lists submitted by the Shareholders. Sincerely, ___________________ Legal Representative __________________ I Accept: ___________________ Colombian I.D. Card No. ___________ issued in ______ Note: This proxy does not require authentication before a notary. Please fill out legibly. A copy of the Certificate of Existence and Legal Representation of the corporation providing the proxy must be presented. This document must be issued by the Chamber of Commerce within a period of three (3) months before the date of the general meeting.