Design and Analysis of Fractal Antennas Jaymin J. Modi1, Trushit K. Upadhyaya2, Vaidehi M. Patel3 1 M.Tech. Student of CSPIT, Changa, Gujarat - India. Email: Assistant Professor. of CSPIT, Changa, Gujarat - India. Email: 3 M.E. Student of SVIT, Vasad, Gujarat - India. Email: 2 Abstract: In this work, the design of Sierpinski Model, Koch dipole model and Minkowski fractal geometry, which are different well-known types of fractal antenna to be used in wireless communications, is presented. For optimization of antenna's shape and dimensions, we can use properties of fractal shapes at the radiating slots. Here, analysis and design of these all model’s antenna used for wireless communication systems between 1 to 8 GHz are presented. Keyword: Fractal antenna; Sierpinski Model; Koch dipole model; Minkowski fractal geometry. 1. INTRODUCTION In recent communication system need small sized and high performance antennas which can be operated on different frequency bands. After study of Fractal geometry it is observed that it can be able to fulfill these requirements. Mathematically, fractal is a highly complex and irregular geometry. As its name implies, it consists of similar-shaped pieces of different scales, which is very difficult to represent with a continuous function. Fractal-shaped antenna is highly dependent upon the geometry. It allows smaller, multiband and broadband antenna design. Multiband and miniaturization of a fractal antenna are possible because of its geometrical characteristics of self-similarity and space-filling, respectively. Selfsimilarity means that the pattern becomes similar if a portion is expanded infinitely, while space filling means that, the effective length increases while keeping the same area as the number of iteration increases. The type of fractal antenna is Koch model, Sierpinski model, Minkowski model and other types. It has many advantages such as reduced antenna size; multiband and wideband functionally, improved antenna performance and better input impedance matching. 2. Figure1: Scheme of three stages Sierpinski gasket antenna The design of Sierpinski starts with an equilateral triangle with operating frequency in between 2 GHz to 5 GHz at various iteration, Four different iterations of triangular patch are compared in terms of their radiation pattern, return loss and gain bandwidths. Usually, it is inverse triangle configuration when its zero Proceedings stage and dug out a 1/2 side triangle of 2√3 cm of its length of side of triangle, when it’s one stage. Figure1 shows a three stages Sierpinski gasket antenna which is decrease by degrees. In theory fractal antenna can be infinite stages, but the stages must be finite in practice. The material used for this synthesis is FR-epoxy with permittivity (4.4) and dielectric loss tangent (0.02). SIERPINSKI MODEL Fractals have self-similarity in their geometry, which is a feature where a section of the fractal appears the same regardless of how many times the section is zoomed in upon. Self-similarity in the geometry creates effective antennas of different scales. This can lead to multiband characteristic antennas, which is displayed when an antenna operates with a similar performance at various frequencies. The generation of the fractal is shown in Figure 1. Figure2: Sierpinski triangle The initial estimation of the fractal geometry is obtained by, fn k c cos 2 n h x W1 y 1 2 0 1 x 2 W2 y 0 1 x 3 W3 y 0 1 4 3 x 2 y 3 1 1 4 3 x 2 2 y 0 3 0 x 1 6 1 y 2 3 3 For the iteration 3 the length of side of each triangle is √3/4 cm, €r = 4.4, the result BW for VSWR<2 (i.e. 1.0485) is 140 MHz (5.4%) at the center frequency of 2.6GHz and return loss is 32.5dB. 3. KOCH DIPOLE MODEL A Koch curve is generated by replacing the middle third of each straight section with a bent section of wire that spans the original third. Each iterations adds length to the total curve which results in a total length that is 4/3 the original geometry In this example, we take h2= 2/3 h1. We begin by calculating the similarity factor, δ, from the ratio of the resonant frequencies desired: f2 = 2.4 GHz and f3 = 5.0 GHz. We obtain δ = 2.08 ≈ 2, which will allow for a very simple and symmetric fractal pattern. Each triangular structure of the Sierpinski is twice as large as its sub-structure. Since the height of the triangular structure resonating at f2 is h2 = λ2/2 = 3.05 cm, the height of the monopole is calculated to be h = 2h2 = 6.1 cm. The number of iterations needed to generate the required fractal is η max = 4. It should be noted that although the complete fractal structure will resonate at two other frequencies, f1 and f4, they are simply included in the pattern to provide continuity. Because of this, it’s f1 ≈ f2/3.5. Table 1: Design parameter for Sierpinski monopole Design Parameter value Similarity factor δ 2 Height h 6.1cm Flare angle α 60˚ Max. Iterations η max 4 Figure 4: Geometry of Koch monopole 4 Lkoch h 3 n 1 x' s 0 x W1 y ' 0 1 y s 1 1 x' s cos s sin x 1 W2 s y ' 1 sin 1 cos y 0 s s 1 x' s cos W3 y' 1 sin s 1 x' s W4 y' 0 1 sin x 1 2 s 1 1 cos y s sin s 0 x s 1 s 1 y 0 s S = 2(1+ Cos θ) The similarity dimension is obtained as D log 4 log[ 2(1 cos )] Figure 3: Reflection coefficient for a 4-iteration Sierpinski monopole (Z0 =50Ω) Figure 5: Design of Koch monopole Where; (a) (b) h, is the monopole antenna’s height, l, the effective length, n, its iteration number, s, scaling factor. Considering the stated equations for 2.45 GHz, the calculated h and l is 30.6 mm. After optimization, l is equal to 44 mm, which is slightly larger compared to proposed conventional design equation. Figure 7: The initial generator model for creating fractal patch antenna. (a) 0 iteration, (b) 1st iteration 1 c f 4 L1 L2 c = free space velocity of light, 3 × 108 m/s f = frequency of operation (L1 + L2) = x; where x = total length x c 3 108 32.6mm 4 f 4 2.3 109 So, (L1 + L2) = 32.6 mm L1≈ L2≈ 16.3mm Figure 6: S11 and bandwidth with the variation of the Koch monopole’s substrate length (Ls) The miniaturization of the fractal antenna is exhibited by scaling each iterations to be resonant at the same frequency. The miniaturization of the antennas shows a greater degree of effectiveness for the first several iterations. The amount of scaling that is required for each iterations is reduced as the number of iterations increase. The total length of the fractals at resonance is increasing, while the height reduction is reaching an asymptote. Therefore, it can be concluded that increased complexity of the higher iterations are not advantageous. The miniaturization benefits are achieved in the first several iterations. 4. After optimization: L1 = L2 = 24.6 mm This equation is being used to determine all necessary dimension of the microstrip patch antenna. The most important parameters required for the design of this antenna are the width and length (L1 and L2) and the size to reduce each of the side of the patch antenna. Figure 8 shows schematic diagram of the patch monopole antenna on the top and bottom layer, with modified ground plane to improve the impedance bandwidth and radiation performances at high frequency. MINKOWSKI FRACTAL GEOMETRY The Minkowski fractal antenna was designed using Roger RO4003c substrate (εr = 3.38) with a thickness (h) of 0.813 mm. This substrate was been chosen as it provides better performance in high frequency operation. The shape of patch which is generated the initial generator model at each side of patch antenna are shown for without iteration (zero), first, and second iteration. The width and the length, L1 and L2 of the patch can then be calculated as: Figure 8: Schematic diagram of the patch monopole antenna with a modified Minkowski fractal geometry and a modified ground plane. A. First Iteration The first iteration structure was designed by reducing each side of the antenna. Figure 8 shows the generator model for creating fractal start from zero to first iteration. As mentioned above, the values of both L1 and L2 are 24.6 mm. hence, the value of LP2 is 8.2 which is one-third from the value of L1 and L2. After optimization, value of LP2 was found to be 8 mm. Figure 10: Simulated return losses for various LP3 = 3.45 mm and 3.1 mm. C. Radiation pattern for different frequency Figure 9: Simulated return losses for modified ground plane and full ground plane of Minkowski fractal antenna. Figure 9 shows that the antenna resonated at two different frequencies. For the first resonant frequency, it is cover frequency from 1.780 GHz – 2.735 GHz, which covers for 3G, WLAN and WiMAX frequency. The second resonant frequency covers for UWB application, which resonated from 5.66 GHz to 8.127 GHz. In Figure 9 shown the result for S11 when the antenna is designed with full ground plane and modified ground. It shows that, wide bandwidth can be achieved with modified ground plane. B. Second Iteration The second iteration structure was designed by reducing each side of LP1. Figure 8 (top layer) shows the initial shape of Minkowski fractal geometry antenna, transforming up to the second iteration. The size of LP3 was calculated to observe the variation of the operating frequency for each band. First, the length of LP3 is reduced to 3.45 mm. Then in second attempt, the length of LP3 is decreased by 0.35 mm and made LP3 3.1 mm. The result for both parameters is shown in Figure 10. Gain in horizontal plane (simulated) Radiation efficiency (simulated) - 5.0 dBi 4.394 dB - 98.8 % 90% Fractals have space-filling geometries that can be used as antennas to effectively fit long electrical lengths into small areas. This concept has been applied to patch antennas. Through characterizing the fractal geometries and the performance of the antennas, it can be observed that increasing the fractal dimension of the antenna leads to a higher degree of miniaturization. 6. REFERENCES [1] Douglas H. Werner and Suman Gangguly, “An [2] Table 2: Comparison Performance for Different Parameters 1st Iteration and 2nd Iteration. Parameter Operating Frequency 1st Full Ground 6.921-6.642 GHz Iteration Plane Modified 1.780-2.735 GHz Ground Plane 5.66-8.127 GHz 2nd LP3 =3.45mm 2.006-2.582 GHz Iteration 4.971-5.488 GHz LP3 =3.1mm 1.662-2.615 GHZ 5.77-5.669 GHZ 5. 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