英語課堂中的閱讀教學與策略運用 新竹市國小英語輔導團 (103.12.17) 1 英語課堂中的閱讀教學與策略運用 Part 1. Super Six Reading Comprehension Strategies Part 2. Super Six Reading Class Example 2 Super Six Reading Comprehension Strategies Making connections Predicting Questioning 3 Super Six Reading Comprehension Strategies Monitoring Visualizing Summarizing 4 1. Making connections text Me 5 1. Making connections e.g. This makes me think about… 6 2. Predicting 1. Use graphics, text and experiences to anticipate what will happen next. 2. Adjust comprehension while reading. e.g. 7 2. Predicting e.g. Speech bubbles 8 2. Predicting 9 3. Questioning • Questions can be generated by the teacher or the learner. • Learners ask or answer questions to clarify meaning and promote deeper understanding. e.g. 10 4. Monitoring (1) Stop and think about the text. I understand I don’t understand. I fixed it up. (2) Fix-up strategies: re-read, keep reading, picture and text clues 11 4. Monitoring (2) e.g. 12 5. Visualizing • Learners create a mental image from a text read/heard. • The image changes as learners read, like a movie playing in learners’ brain. 13 5. Visualizing 14 6. Summarizing • Learners use their own words to retell the main idea. • E.g. 15 6. Summarizing Making Connections Predicting Predicting Questioning Making Connections Questioning 16 6. Summarizing Monitoring Visualizing Summarizing Visualizing Summarizing Monitoring 17 Super Six Reading Class Example • G3/G4 students • Goals: Students are able to (1) comprehend the reading by using the super-six strategies. (2) point out the main idea and details of the reading. • Materials: Hess ebook Go to the Dentist 18 1. Preparation- Making Connections • Ask students their experiences of going to a dentist. 19 2. Presentation-Predicting (1) Class Predicting • Show story pics 1~3 and stimulate logical predictions. 20 2. Presentation-Predicting • What do you see? How do they feel? Why? 21 2. Presentation-Predicting • Where is Max going? 22 2. Presentation-Predicting (2) Pair predicting(I) • Pair discussion (in English or Chinese) Beginning Middle End ˇ ﹖ ﹖ Middle: Max is _______ because__________. End: Max is _______ because____________. • Prediction sharing (English) 23 2. Presentation-Predicting (3) Pair predicting (II): picture sequencing • Give out worksheets. 24 2. Presentation-Predicting (3) Pair predicting (II): picture sequencing •Discuss in pairs. •Share predictions. •Watch E-book and adjust predictions. 25 2. Presentation-Predicting Scaffolded / more controlled instruction. (1) (2) Beginning Middle End ˇ ﹖ ﹖ 26 3. Practice-Monitoring • Self-read and mark (ˇ/?). • Pair Ss (明星 & 教練) and explain scoring systems. • Pair-read and solve problems. • Reading relay. Students’ limitless potential. 27 3. Practice-QAR Questioning Question-Answer Relationship In the Book In My Head Right There Author and You The answer is easily found in the text. The exact words for the questions and answers are located in the same sentence. The answer is not in the text. The reader combines previous knowledge with text information to create a response. Think and Search On My Own The answer is in the text, but requires gathering information from different places in the selection. The answer is not in the text. The reader uses previous experience to respond. 28 Questioning QAR Are you afraid of going to see the dentist? What time is Max’s appointment? What is Max’s feeling from the beginning to the end? Right there Think and Search Author and me On my own If you were Max, would you think the doctor is a monster? 29 3. Practice (3) Summarizing • Pair work discussion. Class: No: – Book title – Character – Setting – Plot: beginning, middle & end. 30 clinic scared Max happy dentist nervous nurse Go to the Dentist Max, nurse, dentist Clinic scared nervous happy terrific 31 3. Practice (4) Follow-up activities – Story worksheet – Read and circle the correct words (pair work) (5) HW: write down and draw your favorite sentence. 32 Go To the Dentist Nurse: Hello, I am Jan. What’s your name? Max: My name is Max. Nurse: Sit down, Max. Girl: Look! Boy: Listen! Nurse: Go on, Max! Dentist: Sit down, Max. How are you? Max: N…N… Not bad, th… th… thank you. Dentist: How old are you? Max: I… I… I am ten. Dentist: O.K., be quiet, Max. Let’s start. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. You are fine, Max. Stand up. Max: Thank you. Dentist: Goodbye, Max. Boy and Girl: How are you? Max: I’m terrific! 33 3. Practice Go to the Dentist Max goes to visit the _________ (dentist, nurse). People are __________ (sitting, dancing) in the waiting _________ (school, room). The _________ (nurse, teacher) says “hello” to him, but Max is very scared. Now, it’s Max’s turn. He climbs onto the _________ (chair, desk). The dentist wears a __________ (hat, mask) over his face. He looks into Max’s mouth. Max opens his ____________(eyes, mouth) as wide(張大) as he can. The doctor checks his __________(teeth, tooth) carefully(小心地). Max is very___________ (scared, happy). He tries (試著)not to ________ (cry, sleep). He thinks the dentist is a ___________ (monkey, monster). “You are fine.” “Remember(記 得 ) to brush ____________(your, my) teeth.” Max is ________(happy, sad) now. He smiles at everyone! Group work or pair work 1.輪流依顏色寫出答 案。 #1回答 問題 #2回答 問題 #3回答 問題 #4回答 問題 2.分組唸 、組內輪流 唸、組內一起唸 3.S1唸,S2 finger reading,唸完交換角 色。 34 3. Practice What’s your favorite part of the story? Write down the sentence and draw a picture. 你最喜歡故事的哪一部分?請寫出句子並 畫出來 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 35 3. Practice 36 結論與建議 1.增進學習動機 •貼近生活經驗、題材廣泛、喜歡小組討論 2.延伸基礎課程 •學生能力A+1,跳出課本的單調。 3.善用現有資源 •課文改寫、ebook故事書、聽力練習文本、 網路。 37 結論與建議 4.提早訓練學生 •訓練學生閱讀習慣與技巧,習慣純文字閱讀。 5.需要長期經營 •讓學生習慣活動的型態與閱讀策略的運用。 6.依學生能力調整 •調整閱讀活動設計與架構。 38 39