
Grade 9
902 only – Introductory Journal
Mon week-end
 Students were asked to write a paragraph detailing a minimum of 5
things they DID over the weekend.
 Students were to pick 5 verbs from the Dr & MRS VANDERTRAMP
list ( Irregular Past Tense Verbs conjugated with the auxiliary verb
ETRE) and use these to write about their weekend activities
Journal Entry #1 Ma Journee ( My day)
• Students were to use a balanced mix of Regular
(avoir as the auxiliary verb) Past Tense Verbs
and Irregular ( ETRE as the auxiliary verb) Past
Tense verbs to write about their actions from
wake-up to bedtime in one day.
• This was to be a minimum of 10 complete
sentences with at least ten verbs written in the
past tense.
Journal Entry #2 Lettre:
Cher Père Noël
Students were to write a letter to Santa Claus.
Start with a greeting.
5 complete sentences of pleasantries and
asking questions.
Create Xmas list for Santa
(include a minimum of things you will ask Santa
• Closing Statements, remarks, pleasantries ( a
few sentences)
Closing and Signed Name
Journal #3: Ma Vacance et Mes
Résolutions pour 2016
This journal entry has two parts.
PART 1: Ma Vacance
 A minimum of ten sentences
 Use ten past tense verbs to describe things you did over your winter break/Christmas
vacation. Be sure to use sufficient details. Watch your spelling, grammar ( masculine
vs feminine, singular vs plural, etc.)
 PART 2: Mes Résolutions pour 2016
 Write a paragraph of 5 -6 sentences minimum detailing your goals and resolutions for
2016. In addition to the goals and resolutions, provide details. *Hint – Qui/Who?
 Quoi/What? ( example – What will you do to achieve this goal?)
 Quand/When?(When will you work on this?)
 Où/Where? ( Where do you plan to do this ?)
 Pourquoi/Why?( Why is this your goal or resolution ?)
 Comment/How? (How do you lpan to do this or achieve this ?)
*See resource notes on next page to help you with the future format ( you can also look
at the PowerPoint you referred to for your 2016 flip-chart resolutions) Your journal
entry is the same idea, with more details and extended writing and use of vocabulary.
Journal #3: PART 2
Mes Résolutions pour 2016
Format Notes
Sentence structure when writing in the near future ( Futur Proche) tense is a follows:
Je vais + infinitif ( verbe) + details
tu vas + infinitif ( verbe) + details
il va + infinitif ( verbe) + details
elle va + infinitif ( verbe) + details
nous allons + infinitif ( verbe) + details
vous allez + infinitif ( verbe) + details
ils vont + infinitif ( verbe) + details
elles vont + infinitif ( verbe) + details
Je vais faire tous mes devoirs. Je veux être plus responsable et améliorer mes
notes et d'améliorer mes notes avant d'aller à avant l'école secondaire
(Dartmouth High). Ma mère m'a dit qu'elle me récompenser avec dîner spécial
et du shopping si je fais tous mes devoirs.
Je ne vais pas manger autant de sucre et des bonbons. Ces aliments ne sont pas
bon pour moi et je veux être en bonne santé. Aussi, j'entraine pour mon équipe
de natation et je veux être en bonne forme.