Homework Fri. 12/4 Math: Puchalsky: LS Algebra 1A 12/4- p. 110 #1-21 (Mid-Chapter Open Book Test Assignment) *Due Monday 12/7 12/8- 2.5 Practice Worksheet #1-14 LS Algebra 1B 12/4- p. 352 #19-23, 30-31 12/7- p. 361 #1-13, 16-17, 19 (Mid-Chapter Open Book Test Assignment) *Due Wednesday 12/9 Lamb: Geo- Complete worksheets 2-6 to 2-8, Online Self-Checks 2-6, 2-7, and 2-8 (submit to jlamb@acschools.org); Study for Quiz 2-6 to 2-8! Alg1B - HW: Problem Set 1: p. 336 #1-8 Klein: Math Applications- Gym Layout project Keystone Algebra- Substitution system of equations worksheet Atkins: QUIZ 3.1-3.3 Gingrich: Alg. 1 Strauser: Computation worksheet #s 1-20 Weidman Rothstein Science: Metzger * Working on project that’s due 12/14 *Anchors Due: Fri. 12/4 Challenged based learning project. Assigned 11/23 and they have 3 weeks to complete it!!! DUE: 12/14 It’s on his website (Calendar) click on the CBL WOOOOO! Gettle Introduction To Agricultural Science has a new assignment. "Speeches & Creed" Due: Dec 14 Instructions: This week we will be presenting them in class. Get started: http://classroom.google.com/c/OTI5NTcxNDla/a/NTIyNTQ4MTgy/details -----------------------------If you don't want to receive emails from Classroom, you can unsubscribe: http://classroom.google.com/s Good: Chemistry Friday 12/4 - Complete Electron Configuration Practice Quiz Take Electron Configuration Quiz Monday 12/7 - none Tuesday 12/8 - Complete Exam review worksheets Take Exam CSI Friday - Finish and turn in Hair Analysis Lab Monday - Hair Analysis Quiz Tuesday - none Physics Friday - none Monday - Static Equilibrium Exploration Lab Report Concept Developments 2-1 and 2-2 Reading Assignment Ch. 2 and #'s 1, 2, 7, 9-11, 13, 16, 18-20, 28-30 Tuesday – none Mohn: BIO II: Chapter 32 Vocab DUE today 12/4. 32-1 and 32-2 Text Outlines should be finished by Today (they had class time to do this). Chapter 31 QUIZ corrections DUE by Monday if they wish to get extra credit. (the quiz corrections are not required) CP BIO: Prefix, Suffix, Rootword Quiz- tomorrow on page 3 material. Cells and Their Organelles- questions and color coding DUE Monday (they had some class time to work on this) Helock: CP BIO: cell discovery + visual ---- New Cell Discovery Assignment -Students research an article, answer 6 questions and present (must have a visual)due Fri. 12/4 Monday (12/7) – Unit 1 Test (Chapters 1-2) Heller: Keystone Bio: Anchor 6 Test today, Evolution Packet will be due Monday, 12/7 Bio 2: Section 32.1-2 Outline and Chapter 32 Vocab due today Environmental: In class notes, no assignments for the rest of the week English: Coleman: CP ENG 10: The Critical Theme Analysis Essay (that is being assigned today in class) is due at the start of class on December 11. The double-entry journal and vocabulary assignments for The Contender are both due December 11. Dimick: Eng 11 CP: nothing listed on the calendar AP Eng 11: nothing listed on the calendar BC Eng 11: :. nothing listed on the calendar Twaddel-Feger: Brown: Bonfanti: Tech/BA Eng: Eng 12 CP: History: Raudensky: Current Event due Friday (on google classroom). Career Interview projects due 12/7 Heckard: Osteen: Govt Safstrom: Modern America: * Kreider: Zerman: Plan, List, Shop project assigned 11/18/15 due 1/5/16. *Make A Meal Project menu and table setting due Thursday, December 3rd. I will then make suggestions in the margins that they need to correct for a better grade. Then they need to go home and cook for the family. Parent or guardian evaluates the project and a signature is required. Final project due January 5 th. (Same day as the the Plan, List, Shop project. This menu could be one of the meals for the Plan, List, Shop) Languages: Yost: Fr 3 and 4 have theirs on the calendar, and on the off chance you have someone in that class, let me know. Fr. 2 is doing quiz corrections, due by the end of class. They need to be done in front of me. Fr. 1 is starting Unit 3 lesson 6, and should turn in the 3 times each by the end of class today. Lingle: Enders: Spanish II: chapter 10 vocabulary, preterite tense dialogues, and object pronouns. Heads up: next week they will have a test on object pronouns. Spanish III: affirmative and negative commands in the tú form. Also, keep studying chapter 6 vocabulary. Heads up: they will have a chapter 6 test sometime before Christmas break. Spanish IV: keep studying their Mexico culture and chapter 5 vocabulary. Next Thursday, December 10 will be their CBL project due date. Finally, they will be having a chapter 5 test sometime before Christmas break.