Syllabus - Napa Valley College

Class: Intermediate Algebra (Math-94-1284)
Time/Room: On-line, although there will be times when you have to come to campus.
Mid-term Exam: 3/31-4/3, campus testing center (New library)
Final Exam: 5/19-5/22, campus testing center (New library)
If you cannot attend the exams, then you are expected to contact the instructor in advance to schedule an
alternate exam time (at the instructor’s convenience) to either take the exams in the college testing
center or find a proctor for the exams.
Instructor: Michael T. Gianvecchio
Phone: (707) 253-4522
Office: 1030p
Office Hours: Monday, 8:00 AM – 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Tuesday, 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM
Wednesday, 8:00 AM – 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Thursday, 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM
Book: Elementary and Intermediate Algebra by Bittinger, Ellenbogen, and Johnson, 5th Edition. The
book itself is optional, but you must have the MyMathLab online access code. This comes with the
book or can be purchased separately for a smaller fee. MyMathLab is the online portal that will be used
for homework and online exams.
Description/Content: Math 94 is the second course in the Math 90-94 sequence. This course provides a
math basis for business and science courses. It is also a prerequisite for further mathematics study for
statistics, finite math and applied calculus, precalculus: elementary functions and precalculus:
trigonometry. Content includes complex numbers, graphing a variety of functions including exponential
and logarithmic, word problem applications, and the Binomial Theorem.
Student Learning Outcomes:
1. Solve quadratic, logarithmic, exponential, absolute value, radical, and systems of equations.
2. Graph quadratic and exponential functions.
Calculator: A non-graphing calculator will be allowed for exams.
Important dates:
Last day to add a class: Feb 5
Last day to receive a refund of fees: Feb 7
Last day to drop without a “W”: Feb 7
Last day to drop with a “W”: Apr 11
Structure: The class will be structured in a manner that is as similar as possible to a face-to-face class.
There will still be a lecture. Instead of showing up to see the lecture, a lecture has been typed up for you
to look over. There will still be homework assignments. Homework assignments will be done on-line
using MyMathLab. There will still be exams. There will be online exams taken using MyMathLab.
There will also be a mid-term exam and a final exam. The mid-term and final exams will be taken faceto-face at Napa Valley College on one of the dates listed at the top of the first page.
Lectures will be provided to help you learn the material. There is a section on the webpage where the
lectures are listed. The lectures are in PowerPoint. If you do not have PowerPoint, then you may need
to download a PowerPoint viewer (try without first). If you do need a PowerPoint viewer, you can find
the Microsoft webpage containing PowerPoint viewers by typing “powerpoint viewer” or “powerpoint
viewer for mac” into an internet search engine such as Google.
The recommendation is that you utilize the lectures as you would a face-to-face lecture. Take notes. At
minimum, you should write down the steps that are in the yellow boxes. For the examples, try the
problem first, then reveal the solution to check whether you understand the steps. If you have any
questions concerning instructions or the steps used to solve a problem, contact the instructor.
Homework assignments are due on Tuesdays. The homework assignments will be done on MyMathLab
( Once in MyMathLab, the homework assignments will be available in the
“Homework” section. Homework problems will be answered by fill in the blank or multiple-choice.
For each problem, you are given three attempts to get the correct answer. After the third attempt, you
will get a new version of the same problem and you will be allowed three attempts to get the new
version correct. You may try as many different versions of the problem as you wish until you get one
correct. As such, you should be able to get full credit on all assignments.
If you have trouble with a homework problem, then MyMathLab provides two types of assistance. First,
there is an option to “View an Example” of this problem where it will show you a similar problem being
completed with explanations. Second, there is an option to “Help Me Solve This” that will help you
solve the displayed problem in a step-by-step format. If you use this option, then a new version of the
problem will be given after you see the solution to the displayed problem. If you still have questions
about the homework, then contact me.
On-line Exams:
Two on-line exams will be assigned during the semester. In each case, the exam will be due on
Tuesday. Each exam will be done on-line using MyMathLab. Once in MyMathLab, the exams are
available in the “Quizzes & Tests” section. The exam problems will be structured exactly like the
homework problems, except without the “View an Example” or “Help Me Solve This” assistance.
When you take the exam, you will not be notified if you received a problem wrong on the exam until
you complete the exam and specify to “Submit Test”. As such, unlike the homework, you will not be
allowed to attempt each problem as many times as you wish to get the problem correct. However, I
have setup MyMathLab to allow you to attempt each exam as many times as you wish. So, if you are
not satisfied with your grade after the first attempt at the entire exam, then you may repeatedly try the
entire exam from the beginning until you are satisfied. If you believe that MyMathLab has mistakenly
marked one of your solutions as incorrect, feel free to let me know and I can examine the situation and
change the score. If you have any questions about the exam problems, then contact me.
Mid-term Exam and Final Exam:
The Mid-term Exam and Final Exam will be given face-to-face on the dates listed at the top of the front
page. There will be an announcement on the webpage a week or so before the exam as a reminder. The
exam questions will be similar to homework/on-line exam questions in structure and difficulty and will
be answered by showing all steps/work. Exams will not be fill in the blank. Unlike the homework/online exams, you will not be allowed any additional chances to improve your performance on the midterm/final exam.
The mid-term exam will cover the first half of the material in the course, while the final exam will cover
the material from the second half of the course. If you are unable to be present for either exam, then you
are expected to inform the instructor in advance and schedule an alternate exam time (at the instructor’s
convenience) to take the exam in the campus testing center or with a proctor. There will be no makeup
exams. You will be allowed to use the front (front only) of a 8.5”x11” sized sheet of paper as a cheat
sheet for each exam. You can also use a non-graphing calculator.
Grading: Your performance in the class will be determined by homework, on-line exams, a mid-term
exam and a final exam.
Mid-term Exam
Final Exam
On-line Exams
350 (35%)
350 (35%)
100 (10%)
200 (20%)
90% or greater
Less than 60%
Cheating will not be tolerated in any form. Any student caught cheating will receive a zero on that
Student Conduct:
Students are expected to adhere to the Napa Valley College Student Code of Conduct. In addition,
please treat other students and faculty as you wish to be treated.
Accommodations are available to students with disabilities.
If you have a documented learning disability or would like to be tested for a learning disability, please
contact Learning Services in the campus library, room 1766, or by phone at (707) 256-7442. If you
have a physical or other type of disability, please contact DSPS counselor Sheryl Fernandez in the
Counseling Department in the 1300 building or by phone at (707) 256-7220.
In both cases, a specialist will determine your needs, then either provide you with a form to give to your
instructor or contact the instructor directly with your accommodation. If you have any questions, please
feel free to contact me for a private meeting. All information is confidential.
Any student that decides they do not wish to remain in the class should take the necessary steps to
remove themselves from the class. Do not depend upon the instructor to remove you from the class.
Subject to Change:
This is a living document. I restrict the right to change the syllabus as necessary.