Interactive Video Script Template Lesson Objective Course Semester Unit Lesson SS7 A 5 7 Students will compare and contrast the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. CLIP A (Introduction) Visual Image: Audio Under the Articles of Confederation, states were still sovereign but united. It became clear that more power was needed in the central government. AArticles_of_Confederation_13c_1977_iss ue.JPG Image: AArticles_page2.jpg Some states preferred the independence they gained under the Articles, but others preferred a more centralized power. Image: James Madison of Virginia and Alexander Hamilton of New York were among those calling for reform. AJames_Madison.jpg Image: In the summer of 1787, states sent delegates to a convention in Philadelphia to discuss reform strategies. Delegates ranged from lawyers and politicians to farmers and merchants. AAlexander_Hamilton_(359047222).jpg Image: n_of_the_United_States,_page_4.jpg Minority groups such as Africans, Native Americans, and women were not present at the convention. Image: There were many heated debates during the convention as delegates voiced their concerns about their current form of government, as well as potential alternatives. ALand_Office_Treasury_Warrant_George _Rogers_Clark_1780.jpg Question A Stem: What was the purpose of the convention in 1787? Answer Choices: A. To discuss increasing the power of the central government. B. To discuss the ongoing war with France. C. To allow women and minorities a right to vote. Correct Response (A) (Video progresses to clip B) Incorrect Response (other responses) (Video progresses to clip E) CLIP B (DOK1) Visual Image: Audio At the convention, George Washington oversaw the delegates in a closed meeting. ene_at_the_Signing_of_the_Constitution_ of_the_United_States.jpg Image: During the convention, Edmund Randolph drafted the Virginia Plan, which proposed legislative representation based on population. Rand.jpg Image: A1780_Raynal_and_Bonne_Map_of_Loui siana%2C_Florida_and_Carolina__Geographicus_-_Louisiane-bonne1780.jpg Under this plan, states would send more delegates to Congress based on size and population and hence gave more voting power to these states. Image: The Virginia Plan also gave the national government more power to regulate trade and collect taxes. The Plan also gave the executive branch the power to veto legislation. ACharlestownSC1780.jpg Question B Stem: What does proportional representation mean? Answer Choices: A. B. C. D. Each state is given the same number of delegates regardless of population. Each state is given a proportional number of delegates based on population. Each state has no say in government. All of the above. Correct Response (B) (Video progresses to clip C) Incorrect Response (other responses) (Video progresses to clip F) CLIP C (Increased DOK2) Visual Image: Audio Fearing that larger states like Virginia would dominate in politics, William Paterson of New Jersey came up with a contrary plan. erson_NJ_1880.jpg Image: The New Jersey Plan argued for a single house, or a unicameral legislature, with each state having one vote similar to that under the Articles of Confederation. A1863_Mitchell_Map_of_Pennsylvania%2 C_New_Jersey%2C_Delaware_and_Mary land_-_Geographicus_-_PNNJMDmitchell-1863.jpg Image: AWhite_ensign_Battle_martinique_1779_i mg_9388.jpg Under this plan, the role and power of the central government was increased to regulate trade and collect taxes, thus solving the problems the nation faced at the time. Image: One unique aspect of the New Jersey Plan was the establishment of a Supreme Court appointed for life by the executive branch. AObamacourt.jpg Question C Stem: Compared to the Virginia Plan, identify the correct role of the legislative branch in the New Jersey Plan. Answer Choices: A. One house (unicameral) with equal representation from all states. B. Two house (bicameral) with proportional representation from all states. C. Three houses (tri-cameral) with proportional representation from all states. Correct Response (A) (Video progresses to clip D) Incorrect Response (other responses) (Video progresses to clip G) CLIP D (Increased DOK3): Comparison Visual Image: Audio Both the Virginia and New Jersey Plans gave more power to the central government. ANoah_Webster's_prospectus_for_his_En glish_language_dictionary.jpg Image: Both agreed to a three-branch structure so there would be a legislative, executive, and judicial branch. (Gilbert_Stuart_portrait).jpg Image: ginia_map_1606.jpg Under the Virginia Plan, however, the legislative branch was a bicameral (two house) model with representation proportional to a state’s population. Image: Some felt this model more accurately reflected the needs of a democracy, since more citizens would be represented in the government. AFounders_Memorial%2C_Boston_Comm on.jpg Question D Stem: Why do you think the delegates wanted the central government to have more power? Answer Choices: A. It was the only option Congress had to choose from. B. It met the needs of the small and large states with a more democratic two-house structure. C. The central government was too weak under the Articles of Confederation. Correct Response (C) (Video progresses to Success Alert) Incorrect Response (other responses) (Video progresses to clip H) CLIP E (Remedial 1) Visual Image: Audio Some states argued that, under the Articles of Confederation, the central government should be given more power for taxation, trade regulation, and the like. A1867_Mitchell_Map_of_the_United_Stat es_-_Geographicus_-_UnitedStatesmitchell-1867.jpg Image: A new plan for structuring the government was needed—so a constitutional convention was held. ACharlottetown_Conference_Delegates% 2C_September_1864.JPG Image: AUS-Colonial_(GA-124)-Georgia4_May_1778_OBV.jpg Two plans for the structure of the new government emerged as frontrunners: the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. Image: These plans presented different viewpoints towards representation in Congress. g_of_the_United_States_House_of_Repre sentatives.svg Question E Stem: Which plans were debated during the Constitutional Convention? Answer Choices: A. B. C. D. The Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan The New York Plan and the Virginia Plan The Pennsylvania Plan and the Delaware Plan None of the above Correct Response (A) (Video progresses to clip B) Incorrect Response (other responses) (Video progresses to clip F) CLIP F (Remedial 2) Visual Image: Audio The Virginia Plan was presented to Congress with one major controversial topic—that of proportional representation in Congress. Ajam es_Wilson_by_Sir_John_WatsonGordon.jpg Image: ARufus_King__National_Portrait_Gallery.JPG Many delegates argued for this new structure so that larger states with more land and people would be more represented with votes. Image: As a result, each voting member under this plan represented a portion of the country or region, and not really a state. mes_Madison.png Image: Smaller states felt that this went against the idea that the colonies were a union and it would compromise the liberty they shared. AEastman_Johnson__A_Ride_for_Liberty_-_The_Fugitive_Slaves__Google_Art_Project.jpg Question F Stem: Which type of state would benefit from proportional representation in government? Answer Choices: A. B. C. D. Smaller states like New Jersey and Rhode Island. Larger states like Virginia and Pennsylvania. The proportional plan does not favor small or large states. None of the above. Correct Response (B) (Video progresses to clip C) Incorrect Response (other responses) (Video progresses to Intervention Alert, bringing students back to clip B) CLIP G (Remedial 3) Visual Image: Audio Delegates from smaller states objected to the Virginia Plan and its call for proportional representation in Congress. A1780_Raynal_and_Bonne_Map_of_Nort hern_United_States_-_Geographicus__NordAmerique-bonne-1780.jpg Image: They argued that all states should have equal representation in Congress the way it had been intended under the Articles of Confederation. AIsle-of-hope-1780-map-ga1.jpg Image: AWilliam_Paterson_copy.jpg William Paterson of New Jersey and others wanted to keep a unicameral congress with one house of representatives. He was opposed to the nation being represented by the people. Image: The New Jersey Plan raised a number of issues regarding representation and the power of larger states. ATomb_of_the_Unknown_Revolutionary_ War_Soldier-27527.jpg Question G Stem: How would you summarize the New Jersey Plan’s stance on proportional representation? Answer Choices: A. The New Jersey Plan made proportional representation part of its structure of the legislative branch. B. The New Jersey Plan rejected the idea of proportional representation and favored equal representation in the legislative branch. C. The New Jersey Plan did not address proportional representation at all. D. All of the above. Correct Response (B) (Video progresses to clip D) Incorrect Response (other responses) (Video progresses to clip F) CLIP H (Remedial 4) Visual Image: Audio Under the Virginia and New Jersey Plans, the government would be separated into three branches: the legislative, executive, and judicial branch. .jpg Image: Both plans gave more power to the central government to fix the problems facing the nation: mainly taxation, trade disputes, and war financing. S_Constitution_Departs.jpg Image: AOld_map-Austin-1873.jpg Remember that the Virginia Plan provided for proportional representation in at least one house of Congress. Image: The New Jersey Plan countered with a proposal that each state would have equal representation. This would create a balance of power between larger and smaller states. A1864_Mitchell_Map_of_Massachusetts% 2C_Connecticut_and_Rhode_Island__Geographicus_-_MACTRI-mitchell1864.jpg Question H Stem: How would the legislature be structured under the New Jersey Plan? Answer Choices: A. A bicameral (two house) structure with proportional representation in Congress. B. A unicameral (one house) structure with proportional representation in Congress. C. A unicameral (one house) structure with equal representation in Congress (one vote per state). D. None of the above. Correct Response (C) (Video progresses to Success Alert) Incorrect Response (other responses) (Video progresses to clip G)