ENC 1102 Agenda for October 2

ENC 1102 Agenda for October 2
• Daily Objective:
▫ To learn to appreciate the art of reading and writing poems.
• Daily Assignments:
▫ Read “Those Winter Sundays,” “Ask Me,” “Doo Wop,” and
“Monologue for an Onion”
▫ Write a poem about a childhood memory, using only two word
lines, or a serious or humorous monologue
▫ Read “White Lies,” “Comment,” “Making It in Poetry,” “Dulce et
Decorum Est,” “Dog Haiku,” “Silence,” “Grass,” “Jabberwocky”
▫ Write a haiku, poem told in quotations, or a poem with nonsense
▫ If time, read William Blake and Byron poems
▫ If time, write a poem on an injustice or emotion OR a poem about
someone’s (who is known to you personally) inner or outer
ENC 1102 Agenda for October 4
• Daily Objective:
▫ To understand that a song can have literary value in
the same way that a poem can.
• Daily Assignments:
▫ Read “Richard Cory,” “Ballad of Birmingham” and
“The Times They Are a-Changin’,” and “next to of
course god america i”
▫ Assign song presentation—due next class period
▫ Write a poem with no capitalization or punctuation
▫ If time, watch Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s “The Rime of
the Ancient Mariner” and write a poem with the same
rhyme scheme as Coleridge and turn it in.
ENC 1101 Agenda for October 2
• Daily Objective:
▫ To continue to appreciate the majesty of Chaucer’s
writing and understand that if it were not for him
we would probably be speaking French
• Daily Assignments:
▫ Go over Creative Assignments due for The
Canterbury Tales
▫ Play Canterbury Tales BINGO in groups
▫ Work on index in the Media Center (3rd period)
and Rm. 213 (4th period)
ENC 1101 Agenda for October 4
• Daily Objective:
▫ To realize Chaucer is totes awesome.
• Daily Assignments:
▫ Read “Why Don’t We Complain?” and “A Nation
in Need of a Vacation” together from Readings for
Writers; read other articles in syllabus on own
▫ Work on index in Rm. 214(NOTE: THIS IS OUR
AP Agenda for October 1/2
• Daily Objective:
▫ To understand the literary term vocabulary in order to
be successful on the AP exam.
• Daily Assignments:
▫ Literary Term Bee
▫ Work on Douglass Topics of Discussion
▫ Assign Sebring’s Heart and Soul Assignment (p. 160—
due October 11 for A Day and October 12 for B Day)
▫ Begin watching America’s Heart and Soul (and take
notes in Guidebook on p. 156)
▫ Note to A Day: Your quiz on your literary terms will be
next class period.
AP Agenda for October 3 (B Day)
• Daily Objective:
▫ To understand we live in the greatest country in
the history of the world
• Daily Assignments:
▫ Work on Douglass Topics of Discussion
▫ Continue watching America’s Heart and Soul
▫ Remember your Literary Terms Quiz will be next
class period!
AP Agenda for October 4 (A Day)
• Daily Objective:
▫ To understand we live in the greatest country in
the history of the world.
• Daily Assignments:
▫ Literary Term Quiz
▫ Finish watching America’s Heart and Soul
▫ Remember your first Walden index on Economy is
due tomorrow night to www.turnitin.com
AP Agenda for October 5 (B Day)
• Daily Objective:
▫ To understand the literary term vocabulary to be
successful on the AP exam.
• Daily Assignment:
▫ Literary Term Quiz
▫ Finish watching America’s Heart and Soul
▫ Remember your first Walden index on Economy is
due tonight to www.turnitin.com