Geography Skills World Map Arctic Ocean North America Pacific Ocean Europe Atlantic Ocean Asia Pacific Ocean Africa Indian Ocean South America Australia Antartica Mediterranean Sea Red Sea Black Sea Eurasia Mediterranean Sea Black Sea Huang He Tigris Euphrates Egypt Nile China Indus Persian Gulf Italy Greece Ganges India Mesopotamia Understanding Maps Compass Rose Compass Rose is a marker that indicates directions. The four cardinal directions are North, South, East, and West. They are usually indicated with arrows or points of a star. Studying Maps Cartographers use a variety of symbols to represent map information. Map Key A map key helps you understand information on the map. A map key or legend is included with a map to unlock it. It gives you the information needed for the map to make sense. Maps often use symbols or colors to represent things, and the map key explains what they mean. Scale Scale bar shows the relationship between map measurements and actual distance. On political maps of large areas, boundary lines highlight the borders between different countries, states, or countries. Latitude Lines of latitude, or parallels, circle the earth parallel to the equator and measure the distance north or south of the Equator in degrees. The equator is at 0 degrees latitude, while the poles lie at latitude 90 degrees North and 90 degrees South. Lines of longitude, or meridians, circle the earth from Pole to Pole. These lines measure distances east or west of the starting line, which is at 0 degrees longitude and is called the Prime Meridian. The Prime Meridian runs through Greenwich, England. Directly on the opposite side of the earth from the Prime Meridian is located the 180° meridian. This is the highest longitude possible. Relative Location People use relative direction to indicate location.You may be told, for example, to look for a street that is “two blocks north” of another street. Relative location is the location of one location in relation to another location. Absolute Location Absolute Location indicates the exact position of a place on the earth’s surface. We use longitude and latitude to find exact position. Physical Geography Physical maps show the location and the shape of the earth’s physical features. They use colors or patterns to indicate the differences in elevation or landforms. Political Geography Political maps show the boundaries between countries and smaller divisions, such as states or countries. Political maps usually feature capitals and other cities. Latitude and Longitude Latitude comes first. It is North/South. Longitude comes second. It is East/West. Example: 40°S, 60° E 60°N, 120°E 45°N, 105°W 60°N, 0° 45°N, 30°E 60°N, 180° 30°N, 90°W 15°N, 15°W 0°, 120°E 0°, 0° 15°S, 60°W 30°S, 30°E 30°S, 150°E