Short Answer Lesson

Short Answer Lesson:
• What do you know about writing short answers?
• You will have to write several short answers on the English I
End of Course Exam in the Spring.
• What do you think should be included in a short answer?
Discuss with the person sitting next to you.
• Please take out something to write with, and your
springboard book.
Short Answer
Cross Over
Passage One
Passage Two
Single passage
Passage One
Structure of the Short Answer –
1 passage Response
• C- Circle important key words in the question
• A – Answer to the question
• P – Proof that includes textual evidence from the passage in
quotation marks
• E – Explanation of how the answer and proof connect (one
to two sentences)
Structure of the Short Answer –
Cross Overīƒ  2 passage Response
• C- Circle important key words in the question
• A – Answer to the question
• P – Proof that includes textual evidence from the passage in
quotation marks (2 pieces of evidence)
• E – Explanation of how the answer and proof connect (one
to two sentences)
Practice Short Answer: Single Selection
• How does the author of “Cask of Amontillado”
develop the theme that pride can motivate
people into foolish actions?
Circle. Answer. Prove. Explain.
• The author develops the theme of pride motivating
characters into foolish decisions through the actions and
thoughts of Montresor. It is Montresor’s pride that motivates
him to take revenge on Fortunatdo; Montresor confesses his
plans, “I must not only punish, but punish with impunity.”
Montresor confesses that he will punish Fortunado, without
fear of any consequence. Poe develops Montresor into a
character who seeks revenge without prior thought of his
foolish actions.
Practice Short Answer prompts (Single passage)…
In class:
• How does the imagery used in 'Cask of
Amontillado' affect your understanding of the
story? Support your response with evidence from
the text.
On your own- (this is for a grade)
• What is the purpose of the verbal irony in
“Cask of Amontillado”? Support your response
with evidence from the text.
In Class Single Selection Practice:
• The imagery used in Cask of Amontillado affects the
reader’s understanding by providing sensory details
which establish an eerie scene. Montresor
narrates his descent, “We passed through a
range of low arches…the foulness of the air
caused our flambeaux to glow…its walls had
been lined with human remains.” Through
Montresor’s description of the human
remains as well as the foul air illustrate a grim
atmosphere in the reader’s mind.
In Class- Crossover Question
• In Class:
• What is one character trait that the speaker in “A Poison Tree”
and Montresor in “The Cask of Amontillado” share? Support
your answer with evidence from BOTH passages.
• On your own:
• What motivates the main character from each selection to
action? Support your answer with text evidence from BOTH
Cross-Over: In Class Practice:
• What is one character trait that the speaker in “A Poison Tree” and
Montresor in “The Cask of Amontillado” share? Support your
answer with evidence from BOTH passages.
• One character trait that the speaker in “A Poison Tree” and
Montresor in “The Cask of Amontillado” share is that they are both
corrupt. In “Poison Tree” , the speaker is “glad” to see his “foe
outstretched beneath the tree.” Similarly, in “Cask of Amontillado”
Montresor “smiles at the thought of (Fortunado’s) immolation.” In
both “A Poison Tree” and “Cask of Amontillado” the main character’s
mindset towards the death of their enemies are the same. Each
character ultimately carries out their corruption through the
murder of their foe.
Short Answer Handout Due Tomorrow!
For Homework:
• Cross Over Question:
• What motivates the main character
from each selection to action?
Support your answer with text
evidence from BOTH selections.
For More Resources:
• Visit Mrs. Rund’s EOC Smore!