Schedule for Touching Spirit Bear

Grade 8 English- Ms. Patterson (room 108)
Reading Schedule for Touching Spirit Bear
Date the reading and notes are DUE:
Wednesday, September 28
Chapters 1-2
Tuesday, October 4
Chapters 3-4
Tuesday, October 11
Chapters 5-6
Monday, October 17
Chapters 7-8
Monday, October 24
Chapter 9-10
Thursday, October 27-PART ONE DUE FOR TERM 1 MARKS
Chapters 11-13
Tuesday, November 1-Read only, no notes due today
Chapters 14-15
Friday, November 4
Chapters 16-18
Thursday, November 10
Chapters 19-20
Tuesday, November 15
Chapters 21-23
Monday, November 21
Chapters 24-25
Thursday, November 24--PART TWO DUE FOR TERM 2 MARKS
Chapters 26-28
*NB: All novel notebooks must be in my hands by Friday, October 28th, the last day of term 1 for your part 1 mark.
You must take notes on each section. Keep all notes together in one Blue Hilroy notebook. Most of the notes should be in bullet form. Only #4
and #5 should be written in sentence form.
Take notes on:
1. Characters: What do you learn about the ones mentioned in this section? Cole should be in each section of notes. Do not
repeat any details. Only comment on what is new about the character in each chapter.
2. Setting Details: How is the setting different in this chapter? How does the setting influence/guide or change the plot?
3. Plot: Five to ten main action points that happen in each section (note: a section is either 2 or 3 chapters long)
4. A Key Quote: Choose one full sentence from the chapter that you feel is important or that summarizes what you have read.
Include a page number. Write a few sentences that explain why you chose the sentence as being important.
5. A title for each chapter. Write a few sentences that explain your chapter title choices.
These notes will be checked in class on the date that the reading is due. It is treated as homework that can be tested unannounced in class on
the day that is due. Please keep in mind that even on days where there is no test, you will be expected to have read the chapter(s) so that you
can fully and completely engage in the discussion about the novel and participate in the activities.