Hepatic Portal Circulation

Hepatic Portal Circulation
Purpose: to bring blood to and from the liver
1) Hepatic artery – branches off of aorta and
supplies high oxygen blood to hepatocytes (liver
2) Hepatic portal veins – carry blood from GI
tract to liver for nutrient processing
3) Hepatic veins – carry blood from liver to vena
Fetal Circulation
Key terms:
a) placenta – found in uterine wall , place of
exchange by diffusion between fetal/maternal
b) umbilical vein – carries nutrient/oxygen
rich blood from the placenta back into the fetus
(quantity = 1)
c) Umbilical arteries – branch off of fetal iliac
arteries and carry fetal blood back to the
placenta (quantity = 2)
Other fetal structures:
a) ductus venosus – joins umbilical vein to
vena cava to bypass fetal liver
b) foramen ovale – opening in septum
between atria in fetal heart. Allows some blood
to pass from the right atrium directly to the left
atrium to bypass fetal lungs.
c) Ductus arteriosus – joins pulmonary artery to
aorta to route some blood past fetal lungs.
Final facts – fetal circulation
*maternal/fetal blood DO NOT normally mix or
come into contact
*maternal/fetal blood is NOT SHARED
*fetal blood travels the umbilical cord
*diffusion occurs in the placenta between
maternal/fetal blood
*fetus is vulnerable to components in maternal