Standard 19-World War II Notes

SSUSH19 The student will identify the origins, major developments, and the domestic impact of World War II, especially the
growth of the federal government.
a. Explain A. Philip Randolph’s proposed march on Washington, D.C., and President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s response.
b. Explain the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the internment of Japanese- Americans, German-Americans, and ItalianAmericans.
c. Explain major events; include the lend-lease program, the Battle of Midway, D-Day, and the fall of Berlin.
d. Describe war mobilization, as indicated by rationing, war-time conversion, and the role of women in war industries.
e. Describe the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos and the scientific, economic, and military implications of developing the atomic
f. Compare the geographic locations of the European Theater and the Pacific Theater and the difficulties the U.S. faced in delivering
weapons, food, and medical supplies to troops.
Persons of Interest:
Adolf Hitler
Benito Mussolini
Los Alamos
Manhattan Project
Which countries made up the Axis Powers? 1.
Which countries made up the Allied Powers? 1.
What was the nickname of the Allied Power leaders? __________________________________
The United States would __________________ or _______________________ to the ____________________ nations
munitions, _________________________ , industrial services and _______________________________ in order to
fight the Axis powers. (see chart)
Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor
On December 7, 1941, The Japanese attacked _____________________ ______________________. This event
cumulated the Japanese attempt to _____________________ in the Pacific Region. This event led to US entry into
_________________ ____________________ II.
As a result of the bombing at Pearl Harbor, FDR passed Executive Order _________________ which led to the
interment of ___________________ Americans. Why were they interned?
German and Italians were not usually interned? Why?_________________________________
In what ways did the US become ready to fight World War II?
What did Rosie the River symbolize?
Did African Americans and Mexican Americans benefit from World War II and in what ways?
A.Phillip Randolph wanted to lead a ______________________ on Washington D.C in order to protest the unfair wage
and labor practices against African Americans. FDR convinced him _________ ______________ _____________ but
also appointed more African Americas to government oversight groups. This led to the passage of the Fair Employment
_____________________ ____________________ was the battle strategy in the Pacific Theater.
Attacking the _____________________ ____________________ of Europe was the battle strategy in Europe. It
began by attacking __________________ Africa and then _________________. The Invasion of Italy was called
Operation ___________________.
Battle of Midway was the battle that repelled the farthest ______________________ advance in the Pacific Theater.
The D-Day invasion aka Operation ____________________________ led the liberation of ____________________.
Berlin fell in April of 1945 with the Soviets liberating the region.
FDR died on April ________________ 1945.
V-E day is called _________________ and V-J day is called ___________________
The Manhattan Project Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in an effort to do what?
______________________________________ . The project met in ______________ _____________, New Mexico.
The ____________________ _____________________________ accepted the surrender of the Germans.
Study Questions
Read the list below, and answer the following question.
 war bonds
 victory gardens
 rationing
 “Rosie the Riveter”
1. What does the above list refer to?
A. ways citizens helped the U.S. war effort at home
B. ways the country celebrated V-E Day
C. steps taken by Germany to try to avoid losing the war
D. failed domestic policies that had been intended to provide extra money for the war effort
"We had to be careful not to use things up too quick. You couldn’t
get more without enough points; and once your points were gone,
that was it. You learned to make do with less because you had to."
2. The above quote LIKELY comes from which of the following:
A. a U.S. soldier in Europe waiting on supplies
B. a U.S. citizen during the war talking about rationing
C. a U.S. citizen during the war referring to propaganda
D. a Japanese American talking about internment
3. The U.S. economy and industry during the war years can BEST be described as
A. slow because there was not much production.
B. hurting because jobs were scarce.
C. improved because men finally made enough for women to stay home.
D. booming because production increased and jobs were abundant.
1. Who was the totalitarian dictator who rose to power in Germany and aggressively seized foreign territory
that set the stage for another world war?
A. Benito Mussolini
B. Axis Powers
C. Adolf Hitler
D. A.P. Randolph
2. Which country aggressively conquered parts of China and other areas in the South Pacific in the 1920s and
A. Germany
B. Italy
C. Japan
D. Ethiopia
3. Who established a "Third Reich" that was to last a thousand years?
A. Mussolini
B. Adolf Hitler
C. Joseph Stalin
D. Winston Churchill
4. An African American who benefited from the Fair Employment Act would be MOST thankful for the efforts
A. Winston Churchill
B. Dwight Eisenhower.
C. A. Philip Randolph.
D. Douglas MacArthur.
1. A scientist assigned to a project in Los Alamos, New Mexico in 1945 was MOST LIKELY busy working on
A. the War Production Board.
B. the Manhattan Project.
C. Operation Overlord.
D. the V-E Project.
2. What effect did the Battle of Midway have?
A. It prompted Hitler to commit suicide.
B. It enabled the Allies to finally open a second front in Western Europe.
C. It turned the tide of the war in the Pacific in the United States' favor.
D. It gave Japan the upper hand, but only briefly.
3. Which event was a direct result of the Manhattan Project?
A. D-Day
B. Stalin’s’ decision to try and force Western nations out of Berlin
C. Hitler’s decision to persecute the Jewish people
D. dropping the atomic bomb
4. Which of the following lists events of World War II in the correct chronological order?
A. Pearl Harbor, Germany’s invasion of France, V-E Day, D-Day
B. Germany invades the USSR, D-Day, Pearl Harbor, the atomic bomb
C. the USSR conquers Berlin, the atomic bomb, D-Day, President Roosevelt dies
D. Lend-Lease, Pearl Harbor, D-Day, the atomic bomb