Vector components

Vector components
1. What is the key difference between vector and scalar quantities?
2. For each quantity below, circle the correct type of variable: vector or scalar.
a) time
vector scalar
e) acceleration
vector scalar
b) force
vector scalar
f) velocity
vector scalar
c) distance
vector scalar
g) mass
vector scalar
d) temperature
vector scalar
3. What is the net force acting on the particle in each example shown below?
a) Fnet = ___________
b) Fnet = ___________
4. Two forces act on an object: F1 = 4 N, due east
F2 = 3 N, due north
a) Add these two vectors graphically using the head to tail method and draw the resultant.
b) Calculate the resultant using the Pythagorean theorem: FR2 = F12 + F22
FR = F1 + F2
5. Two forces act on an object: F1 = 8 N, due south F2 = 5 N, due west
a) Add these two vectors graphically using the head to tail method and draw the resultant.
b) Calculate the resultant using the Pythagorean theorem: FR2 = F12 + F22
FR = F1 + F2
6. Sketch and calculate the x and y components for each vector listed below. Do record the sign (+,-)
of each component. Make sure your calculator is in degree mode.
a) F = 10 N, +45°
b) F = 15 N, -30°
Fx = ________
Fy = ________
Fx = ________
Fy = ________
d) F = 8 N, +180°
b) F = 10 N, 135°
Fx = ________
Fy = ________
Fx = ________
Fy = ________
c) F = 5.0 N, +240°
Fx = ________
Fy = ________
c) F = 5.0 N, +270°
Fx = ________
Fy = ________
7. Add each set of vectors together using the component method. Then sketch the resultant vector.
a) F1 = (4, 0) N
F2 = (0, 3) N
FR = F1 + F2 = ( ___, ___ ) N
b) F1 = (-6, 0) N
F2 = (0, 8) N
FR = F1 + F2 = ( ___, ___ ) N
c) F1 = (+5, +12) N
F2 = (+3, -20) N
FR = F1 + F2 = ( ___, ___ ) N