Schwartz Ethics Approval Application Form (Revision 1).


Research Ethics Committee

Application for Ethics Approval

Schwartz Research Ethics Committee (REC)

All undergraduate students pursuing their Majors Project at the Schwartz School of Business and who wish to carry out a study involving human participants, whether on campus or elsewhere, must provide the Schwartz Research Ethics Committee (REC) with:

One complete paper application with original signature(s) of this completed form and copies of supporting documents. Please deliver the paper copy of the application to the departmental administrative assistant, Rachel Fraser (Schwartz 381).

One electronic copy, along with supporting documents, sent to the committee chair,

Dr. Bhasker Mukerji ,

, specifying the purpose in the subject email.

Instructions o Please ensure that all parts of your application are included in a single document and that all pages are numbered consecutively . o Type your responses in non-boldface type.

o The hard copy of the application must bear the original signature of the applicant.

Applications that have not been signed by the applicant will be returned with a request for a signature. o Incomplete applications will not be considered. o The committee endeavours to review applications in a timely fashion; however, researchers realistically should allow 3-5 business days for the review process to be completed. o The committee operates within the Tri-Council Policy Statement Guidelines ; please consult these for detailed discussions of the various ethical issues raised below. o Details suggestions about the preparation of “ Invitations to Participate ” and of

Consent/Assent Forms

” are provided in a separate document titled

What to Include in

“Invitations to Participate” and “Consent and Assent Forms” with Suggested Samples for Each . This document may be found on the website of the University’s Research

Grants Office.

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Schwartz School of Business


Major’s Project Title


Type of Research

(Tick all that apply)

Research Ethics Committee

[ ] Interview

[ ] Experiment

[ ] Focus Group

[ ] Observation

[ ] Survey

[ ] Other (please specify): ___________________


Project Timeline


Name of the


Anticipated start date:

Anticipated end date:

1. _________________________2._________________________

3._________________________ 4.__________________________


1._________________________ 2.__________________________

3._________________________ 4._________________________



Supervisor Review



Has the applicant(s) supervisor reviewed and approved the project?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No


Name of Supervisor















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Schwartz School of Business Research Ethics Committee


Please leave all Research Ethics Committee comments/questions in their boxes, and use regular font in your response in the appropriate boxes.


Please include a brief (maximum of 1-2 page) description outlining the research questions you intend to address and the methods you plan to use to gather your data. (Attach copies of instruments including tests, questionnaires, interview guides and/or observational forms.

Please be sure to include a copy of the Informed Consent* form if you plan to use one.)


It is well documented that when feedback is provided in an appropriate manner, motor skill acquisition improves significantly. Consequently, feedback is a major factor in the improvement of sport skill performance.The Soccer Development App will allow coaches to track player performance, attendance, and progress on any smartphone or tablet and our research will help us come to a conclusion as to what kind of market there is for this app, how big the market is, and what channels the App should be marketed through.

We will be distributing an electronic survey to a list of contacts we have compiled from all of the provincial soccer websites in Canada (Predominantly coaches and Presidents). We will ask personal questions pertaining to their gender, age, years coaching etc to gain specific information as to what demographic this App will be most attractive.The bulk of the survey will be questions to gain an understanding as to what tracking methods they are currently using, if any, and whether or not they would consider using an app such as ours to track their players. We will be using a great deal of questions that will allow subjects the choice to strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree on a number of the Apps feratures to gain further understanding as to whether or not this is an app that will be beneficial for coaches in soccer.

As mentioned above, the ultimate goal is to discover the market for which this app will be most successful, and whether or not the app is something coaches feel could prove beneficial to the tracking/ scouting of players. After the data has been received and interpreted it will be destroyed and not usable for future research.

After the data is collected and interpreted we truly believe that we will have the required information to make an educated decision on a profitable market for this product

10. Who are the participants and how will they be selected?


11. How will the nature/purpose of the study be explained to them?


12. How will (non-coercive) consent be obtained?


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Schwartz School of Business Research Ethics Committee

13. How will provision be made for exercising the right to opt out at anytime?


14. How will confidentiality and anonymity be maintained? If not, why? (Explain when and how data will be disposed of at the end of the project.)


15. Is deception or risk involved in the project? If yes, explain how this deception and/or risk is necessary for the research and how the interests of the participants are protected? For instance, will you de-brief the participants? If so, how?


22. List of Appendices and Attachments

• Include with your application copies of all letters of invitation to participate and of consent/assent forms.

• Note: We recommend that in preparing an Invitation to Participate and a Consent/Assent

Form you consult the document titled What to Include in “Invitations to Participate” and

“Consent and Assent Forms” with suggested samples for each which may be found on the website of the University’s Research Grants Office. This document provides a detailed listing of the topics that should be included in such documents. You will note that the REC recommends that all the background information be supplied in the Letter of Invitation and that the actual Consent/Assent Form be very brief.

• If you are using an anonymous survey, there is no need to have a consent form; voluntary submission of the survey shall be viewed as implied consent.

• The REC recommends that you use headings within the body of the Letter of Invitation as an aid to clarity of communication. A list of possible headings is provided in the “Models” document mentioned above.





List of Appendices

Be sure to include these at the end of this document




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