he State of CTE PowerPoint

The State of CTE
in Arizona
Dep u ty Associ at e Su p erintendent
Care e r an d Te c h n ic al E d u c ation St at e Di re c tor
What’s Going on at ADE?
CTE section is part of High Academic Standards for
Students (HASS) Division
Carol Lippert, Associate Superintendent
Career and
The Facts
- CTE Programs
In over 215 high schools and charter schools
14 JTEDs with addition of STEDY this fall
19 Community Colleges-over 123,000 students
148,000 students on 100th day
Approximately 98,000 participants (unduplicated)
Over 40,000 federal concentrators left school
CTE Program Size
Over 2400 CTE programs
Top 5 programs – number of sites: Culinary, Nursing,
Auto Tech, Film and TV, Early Childhood
Top 5 programs – by enrollment: Culinary Arts, ECE,
BMAS, Engineering, Graphic/Web Design
JTED Report-2288 CTE Programs/6678 Courses
CTE Program List
Added two new programs for FY16
Health Information Technology
Veterinary Assistant
Local Proposed Occupational Program
CTE End of Program
58 of 71 Technical Assessments (2 new to be added in
Fall, 2015: Animation and Music & Audio Production)
22,779 took as final
17,658 passed or 78%
Highest number assessed/pass rate
Culinary 3227/80%
Sports Medicine/88%
BMAS 1281/78%
Nursing 1038/87%
Other Milestones
CTE or Fine Arts Credit to meet university entrance
Bill passed to expand use of tax credits to include
career and technical industry certification assessments.
20 of 72 CTE programs SBE approved as eligible for
embedded academic credit
◦ 9 for 4th year credit in math
◦ 4 for .5 credit in economics
◦ 7 for 1 or 2 science credits depending on course
Industry Recognized
Credentials (IRC)
60 of the 72 programs have identified IRC
81 schools reported placements with 3rd party
963 students reported with certifications in 34
programs (790 reported in FY14) through placements
IRCs supported through POS Innovative projects
◦ NAVIT: 13 ASE, 37 CAN Nursing, 9 Cosmetology, 16
FireFighting I & II and Hazmat, 2 Hazmat, 2 LPN Nursing,
7 RN Nursing
JTED IRC Support
JTEDs reported 3836 students received certifications
(and still counting)
47 different certifications
◦ AZ Board of Cosmetology-653
◦ EMT Cert-204
◦ SBN CNA Cert-260
◦ NCCER Cert-200
◦ ASE Student Cert-258
IT Academy
Microsoft-255 licenses distributed/217 in CTE schools
◦ MOS Certifcations-758
◦ MTA Certifications-176
◦ MOS Master Certifications-7
◦ Adobe, Autodesk and Quickbooks-no results yet
MOS State Champions
2015 MOS Arizona State Champions:
Colin Massingill, Vail Academy and High School, Word 2013 (Kingman 2nd & 3rd)
Nicolas Williams, Kingman HS, Excel 2013 (Kingman 2nd & 3rd)
Zachary Sweeney, Kingman HS, PowerPoint 2013 (Kingman 2nd & 3rd)
Oscar Villasana, Sunnyside HS, Word 2010 (Desert View 2nd & Fountain Hills 3rd)
Tyler Wharton, Red Mountain HS, Excel 2010 (Sunnyside 2nd & Red Mountain, 3rd)
Tyron Rieckmann, $ed Mountain HS, PowerPoint 2010 (Fountain Hills 2ndd & 3rd)
Career and Technical Student
Organization Accomplishments
Over 54,000 students involved statewide
National officers:
DECA 14-15 National Western Region VP
DECA 15-16 National President
FBLA 14-15 National Western Region VP
HOSA 14-15 Post-Secondary Collegiate VP
HOSA 14-15 Post-Secondary/Collegiate Board Red
HOSA 15-16 National President Elect (2 year term)
Skills USA 14-15 National Parliamentarian
Skills USA 15-16 National Officer At-Large
Other Recognitions
Educators Rising Arizona State President (formerly
FEA) participated in Celebrating Innovations in CTE at
White House June 30th
President Obama signed Executive Order to expand US
Presidential Scholars program to include 20
outstanding Scholars in CTE
Program Recognitions
Desert View HS in Sunnyside
◦ Manufacturers Institute M List
Coconino HS in Flagstaff
◦ Automotive program granted NATEF Accreditation
Vision Elements for the Arizona
2023 Strategic Plan for CTE
12 Vision Elements-Champion identified for each
Reviewing Bridging Strategies
Developing a tactical plan for each bridging strategy
Move forward to implementation
Goal to share next steps at upcoming CTE
Administrators meeting
Arizona Career and
Technical Education
Quality Commission
Business and
Career Ready
Arizona CTE Quality Commission
Advocates for accountability and excellence in CTE in
Continue to engage Arizona business and industry
employers and work with existing community, state
and national organizations in support of high-quality,
relevant CTE programs
To validate students’ skill attainment through end-of
program assessments and/or state licensure and other
documentation essential to student’s education and
career success
Key Duties/Responsibilities-AZ CTE QC
Career Ready Education
35-40 members/3 members serve as representatives
to AZ CTE Quality Commission
Rotating membership: secondary, postsecondary,
small and large, rural and urban, JTED Supt., CTE
Nonrotating membership: ACTEAZ, ACOVA, ATIEA,
AOAC, WIOA, AZ Curriculum Consortium
Provide input/feedback on CTE initiatives
Inform constituent groups
Business and Industry Sector meetings
◦ Manufacturing Partnership
Goals for 15-16
◦ Expand model to IT and Health careers
Other Initiatives/CTE
Global Pathways Institute-Southwest Pathways
Center for the Future of Arizona
◦ Pathways to Prosperity-Jobs for the Future
◦ Players: ADE/CTE, Intel, Maricopa CCD, West-MEC, Maricopa
County Workforce Development, Office of the Governor
Rework America-Markel Foundation/LinkedIn
WIOA-possible resources
CTE Funding for 15-16
Perkins $25.4 million
◦ 85% to secondary and postsecondary districts $21.6m
◦ $16.5m Secondary
◦ $3.2m Postsecondary
◦ $1.8m Reserve –POS Consortia, Innovative
◦ 10% State Leadership $2.5 State institutions, Nontrad,
Statewide admin and Statewide assistance
◦ 5% administrative $1.3
Priority $11.5 million
◦ $9.2 to secondary districts
JTED-$92m 2011
$69m 2015
If FY17 Budget Stays
2017 to $43m
Looking ahead
Increase opportunities for students to obtain industry
recognized credentials
Increase opportunities for students to concentrate in a
program of study
Increase work-based learning opportunities
Market CTE
Use data and hard facts to emphasize impact of CTE
Examples of
with ESS
Revise Snapshot
Data reporting
Capturing end-of program results (IRCs)
Resources for IRCs
Growing work-based learning opportunities and
capturing data
CTE-A Revolution in Education
Where do we go from here
◦ Capitalize on CTE successes of other states and what is being
done at the national level
◦ Continue to collaborate and communicate
◦ Deliver a uniform message
◦ Share positive outcomes and explain challenges
◦ Unite all efforts to move CTE forward in Arizona
◦ Communicate regularly with DAS
Contact Information
Jeanne Roberts
◦ 602-364-2211
◦ 480-365-9654 (cell)
◦ Jeanne.roberts@azed.gov
If you can’t reach me, contact
◦ Kathy Bowersock
◦ 602-542-5805
◦ Kathy.bowersock@azed.gov
Thank you!