wave notes

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Waves carry energy from one place to
Electromagnetic Waves
 Speed
in Vacuum
 300,000 km/sec
 186,000 mi/sec
 Speed in Other Materials
 Slower in Air, Water, Glass
© 2000 Microsoft Clip Gallery
Electromagnetic Spectrum
© 2000 Microsoft Clip Gallery
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Spectrum – Light we can see
 Roy G. Biv – Acronym for Red,
Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, &
 Largest to Smallest Wavelength.
 Visible
Electromagnetic Spectrum
 Invisible
 Radio Waves
Def. – Longest wavelength &
lowest frequency.
Uses – Radio & T.V.
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Modulating Radio Waves
© 2000 Microsoft Clip Gallery
Modulation - variation of amplitude or
frequency when waves are broadcast
 AM – amplitude modulation
 Carries audio for T.V. Broadcasts
Longer wavelength so can bend
around hills
 FM – frequency modulation
Carries video for T.V. Broadcasts
Microwaves are produced artificially and naturally.
The stars produce the waves by releasing
energy(natural), and various types of transmitters and
As Microwaves enter water, they transform into heat.
Cell phones and TV uses them to connect
They are used to make microwave ovens
They are used in space and industrial communication.
By: Matthew Hallac and Habakkuk Nabutete
Short Wavelength Microwave
 Invisible
Spectrum (Cont.)
 Infrared Rays
Def – Light rays with longer
wavelength than red light.
Uses: Cooking, Medicine, T.V.
remote controls
Electromagnetic Spectrum
 Invisible
spectrum (cont.).
 Ultraviolet rays.
Def. – EM waves with frequencies
slightly higher than visible light
Uses: food processing & hospitals
to kill germs’ cells
Helps your body use vitamin D.
Electromagnetic Spectrum
 Invisible
Spectrum (Cont.)
 X-Rays
Def. - EM waves that are shorter than UV rays.
 Uses: Medicine – Bones absorb x-rays; soft tissue
does not.
 Lead absorbs X-rays(so it is used to protect you in
the dentist when you get x-rays of your pearly
Electromagnetic Spectrum
 Invisible
spectrum (cont.)
 Gamma rays
Def. Highest frequency EM
waves; Shortest wavelength.
They come from outer space.
Uses: cancer treatment.
LIGHT: Refraction of Light
Refraction – Bending of light due to a
change in speed.
 Index of Refraction – Amount by which a
material refracts light.
 Prisms – Glass that bends light. Different
frequencies are bent different amounts &
light is broken out into different colors.
LIGHT & ITS USES - Reflection
 Reflection
– Bouncing back of light
 Regular reflection – mirrors smooth
surfaces scatter light very little.
Images are clear & exact.
 Diffuse reflection – reflected light is
scattered due to an irregular surface.
 Reflection
& Mirrors (Cont.)
 Convex Mirror
Curves outward
Enlarges images.
 Use: Rear view mirrors, store
CAUTION! Objects are closer than they appear!
© 2000 Microsoft Clip Gallery
 Convex
 Thicker in the center than edges.
 Lens that converges (brings together)
light rays.
 Forms real images and virtual images
depending on position of the object
© 2000 D. L. Power
Lenses –
 Lens that is thicker at the edges and
thinner in the center.
 Diverges light rays
 All images are erect and reduced.
 Concave
How You See
Near Sighted –
Eyeball is too long
and image focuses in
front of the retina
 Far Sighted –
Eyeball is too short
so image is focused
behind the retina.
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© 2000 Microsoft Clip Gallery
LIGHT & USES: Lenses
Lenses –
 Vision – Eye is a convex lens.
Nearsightedness – Concave lenses
expand focal lengths
Farsightedness – Convex lenses
shortens the focal length.
 Concave
LIGHT & USES: Diffraction
Diffraction – Bending of waves around
the edge of a barrier. New waves are
formed from the original. breaks images
into bands of light & dark and colors.
 Refraction – Bending of waves due to a
change in speed through an object.
Doppler Effect: As a fast moving sound source, is moving
closer to you, (such as a motorcycle with a loud engine) it
produces sound waves that seem to get louder as it nears you.
As a result, the sound waves are becoming more compressed,
have a shorter wavelength and high frequency which results in a
high pitched noise.
By the time the motorcycle is in line with you, it seems to be at
its highest noise level and pitch.
As the motorcycle is travelling away from you, the waves are
becoming more spread out and the sound becomes lower, along
with the pitch.
By: Ryan Lopez and Noah Rich
Sonar: s sonar starts and comes
from a machine the electrical
energy starts but then transforms
into a sound wave when it hits the
water and locates an underwater
target and transforms into a
reflected wave.
By Sofia Machado and Luke Mears
Animal echolocation works in the
same way!
An ultrasound wave is longitudinal, like most sound
A transducer makes high frequency sound, which
cannot be heard by the human ear, records echoes and
it bounces back to create images.
Doctors and ultrasound technicians, also called
sonographers, use this to produce images on a screen.
By: Daniela Agudelo + Isabella Bobitka
EVALUATION: State Standards
Identify the characteristic properties of
 Interference
 Diffraction
 Refraction