Threshold Ministry of Decatur Presbyterian Church

Threshold Ministry of
Decatur Presbyterian Church
“Am I my brother’s keeper? The answer to that question is
no, I’m my brother’s brother.”
-- Rev. William Sloane Coffin, via Ken Hughes
Decatur Presbyterian Church
Every Child of God Belonging, Engaging, and Being Transformed
Threshold Ministry, DPC
Welcome visitors to a safe and supportive place
Listen, attentatively
As best we are able, help
Offer empathy, prayer, involvement in DPC
activities (Threshold Prayer Cards)
Allow the members of DPC to experience new
dimensions of God’s grace: Wow!
Decatur Presbyterian Church
Every Child of God Belonging, Engaging, and Being Transformed
Did you Know (T/F)?
Most clients of Threshold Center are residents of zip code
30030. (False)
Most clients of Threshold Center are men. (False)
The percentages of couples and families with children
needing assistance have increased recently. (True)
Special skills are needed to help with Threshold Ministry.
Decatur Presbyterian Church
Every Child of God Belonging, Engaging, and Being Transformed
Percentage Males below Poverty Level
Decatur Presbyterian Church
Every Child of God Belonging, Engaging, and Being Transformed
Percentage Females below Poverty Level
Decatur Presbyterian Church
Every Child of God Belonging, Engaging, and Being Transformed
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King
In 1967, in Atlanta, King proposed “Civil Disobedience”
in response to characteristics and causes of racial
tension, including unemployment, general discriminatory
practices, and “features peculiar to big cities: crime,
family problems, and intensive migration.”
Decatur Presbyterian Church
Every Child of God Belonging, Engaging, and Being Transformed
Development of Threshold Ministry
DPC Location
DPC Door Ministry
2012 - Rev. Dr. Ken Hughes: “The persistence of
poverty stands as a constant challenge to the
Christian Church. Unlike any other institution in
society, the Church is called by its foundational
scripture and theological convictions to be brother
and sister to those in need.”
Decatur Presbyterian Church
Every Child of God Belonging, Engaging, and Being Transformed
Operations of Threshold
2 ¾ years in operation
Began with 3 mornings per week, now 2
Staffed by volunteers with help from congregation
and neighborhood
Ty, aged 7
Decatur Presbyterian Church
Every Child of God Belonging, Engaging, and Being Transformed
4320 Encounters!
Year 1: 1025
Year 2: 1119
Year 3: 2176 (to date – ¾ of year)
3743 clients served
Decatur Presbyterian Church
Every Child of God Belonging, Engaging, and Being Transformed
Requests, by category
Decatur Presbyterian Church
Every Child of God Belonging, Engaging, and Being Transformed
Registered Referral Site, Furniture Bank of
Decatur Presbyterian Church
Every Child of God Belonging, Engaging, and Being Transformed
We Love our Threshold Volunteers!
Decatur Presbyterian Church
Every Child of God Belonging, Engaging, and Being Transformed
Threshold Hopes and Dreams
Database for evaluation,
grant application
DPC Hospitality Ministry
Internships: ASC, CTS
Collaboration with FBCD
Decatur Presbyterian Church
Every Child of God Belonging, Engaging, and Being Transformed
Want to Help?
Come visit, observe (Mon, Thurs 9-11:45 am)
Join us (see sign-up form available from Threshold page
of DPC website)
Organize a Break Bread Group, Sunday School Class,
school or neighborhood gathering to collect items for
hygiene kits, lunches, winter kits
Include children in the discussion/activity!
Pray for us, our clients, and particularly those people who
never make it over our threshold!
Decatur Presbyterian Church
Every Child of God Belonging, Engaging, and Being Transformed
The Poor make the Church Faithful to its
vocation…. The Poor are given to the Church so
that the Church, as the body of Christ, can be an
remain a place of mutual concern, love, and
-- Henri Nouwen
Decatur Presbyterian Church
Every Child of God Belonging, Engaging, and Being Transformed
Threshold Prayer -1
We hold in our hearts all those who have lost
homes and have no shelter from the storms of life.
We hold in our hearts all those who do not have
enough food to feed loved ones.
We hold in our hearts the increasing number of
children coming to soup kitchens and shelters.
Decatur Presbyterian Church
Every Child of God Belonging, Engaging, and Being Transformed
Threshold Prayer-2
We hold in our hearts all those who have no medical
insurance and are at the mercy of illness and dread.
We hold in our hearts all those making hard choices
about which bills to pay in a constant battle against
financial disaster.
We hold in our hearts all those forced into
bankruptcy and engulfed in feelings of
failure and shame.
Decatur Presbyterian Church
Every Child of God Belonging, Engaging, and Being Transformed
Threshold Prayer-3
We hold in our hearts those who have lost jobs and
feel useless and depressed.
We hold in our hearts all low income families that,
due to circumstances beyond their control, are one
step away from life on the streets.
Decatur Presbyterian Church
Every Child of God Belonging, Engaging, and Being Transformed
Threshold Prayer-4
We hold in our hearts with esteem all those who
defend the poor, stand by them, and plead their
cause in the name of justice, freedom, peace, and
Decatur Presbyterian Church
Every Child of God Belonging, Engaging, and Being Transformed